Author Archives: Fred

Upgrading the Windows build chain

Since the very first Windows version of PureBasic (23 years ago), we decided to stick with the built-in MSVCRT.dll to avoid to ship others DLLs along the created PureBasic executables. It allowed to have very small executables (as small as 10 KB) without any dependencies (PureBasic programs never had to enjoy the famous DLL hell which plagued many other programming language at time). Unfortunately, overtime the MSVCRT.dll was becoming older and older because it wasn’t updated by Microsoft which was pushing for using specific DLL from VisualStudio. The side effect of sticking to the old MSVCRT.dll is the added complexity to integrate new third party libraries (like libcurl, sqlite, scintilla and so on) into PureBasic because we can’t access new C functions, or new C++ features. So we had to patch the libs to have them linking properly, was very time consuming to try to emulate new functions with a mix of old functions. We still did this (painful) extra work while we were supporting Windows XP but it’s now going to an end with the PureBasic 6.10 version.

Once XP support was dropped, we could use Visual C++ 2022 (which doesn’t support XP anymore) and started to update the whole build chain. It took a lot of time to update the libraries and to be able to link the MS runtime statically, but it’s finally working ! The good news is we can now use an up-to-date C++ compiler which make our work much more easier and faster (the first new library we are integrating for 6.10 is the WebView one, which requires C++17). The drawback to link statically the MSVC runtime is bigger executables, so smaller one starts in the 150 KB range (still very small anyway by nowadays standards). But there is no DLL dependency, and we could even reduce one DLL dependency by statically linking Scintilla (which wasn’t possible with the old MSVCRT.dll).

So far, so good, we’re all set for the future on Windows and you should enjoy soon faster PureBasic executables (the whole command-set is now recompiled with a better C compiler) and more modern commands, like WebView, coming up faster !

PureBasic Non-Regression Suite

When writing massive software like PureBasic, you need to have automated tests to validate it and ensures there is no regression when publishing a new version. We will try to explain how we achieve this for PureBasic and why it is essential for the product robustness.

First, let’s recap the main PureBasic components and their size:

  • The compiler, which is about 250k lines of C, generating x86 asm, x64 asm and C
  • The IDE, written in PureBasic which is about 130k lines of code
  • The libraries, written for 3 platforms (Linux, Windows, OS X) in ASM, C, C++ or Objective C which are about 1.200k lines of code

Each time a compiler bug is squashed, we add a new test in the test suite to ensures it won’t happen again. For now, there is more than 2500 unit tests covering all public features of the PureBasic language, validating the syntax and ensuring the results are corrects. Theses tests are run in different context (Threaded mode ON/OFF, debugger ON/OFF, Optimizer ON/OFF) and if one of these tests fail, the build script is aborted. These tests are just written in standard PureBasic files, compiled into a single executable and run all at once. Each platform runs these tests. Here is a small example of how it looks from the AritmeticFloat.pb file:

; Float promotion
Check(Round(Val("2") * 1.2, #PB_Round_Nearest) = 2)

Integer.i = Round(Val("3") * 1.2, #PB_Round_Nearest)
Check(Integer = 4)

Integer = 1
Integer = Integer + Round(Val("2") * 1.5, #PB_Round_Nearest)
Check(Integer = 4)

Integer = 1
Integer = Integer - Round(Val("2") * 1.5, #PB_Round_Nearest)
Check(Integer = -2)

Integer = 2
Integer = Integer * Round(Val("2") * 1.5, #PB_Round_Nearest)
Check(Integer = 6)

Integer = 9
Integer = Integer / Round(Val("2") * 1.5, #PB_Round_Nearest)
Check(Integer = 3)

; Constant rounding
Integer.i = 0.6 * 2 ; rounded to 1
Check(Integer = 1)

Integer = 0.9 * 2 ; rounded to 2
Check(Integer = 2)

Integer = 0.6 ; rounded to 1
Check(Integer * 2 = 2) 

When we work on the libraries, it’s a bit different, as we use the PureUnit tool (which can be found freely in the SDK) which is similar to NUnit or JUnit if you know those tools. It is very good at writing single commands tests, and provide a solid way to run the tests randomly, in different modes (Threaded, with different Subsystems, etc.). When a bug is fixed in a library we add a test when it’s possible (testing UI, Sprites, 3D engine is complicated as you can’t really check the graphical output). The Syntax is very easy to use as you can see from this example taken from the String library unit test file:

ProcedureUnit InsertStringTest()
  Hello$ = "Hello"
  World$ = "World"
  AssertString(InsertString("Hello !", World$, 7), "Hello World!")
  AssertString(InsertString("Hello !", World$, 8), "Hello !World")
  AssertString(InsertString("Hello !", World$, 1), "WorldHello !")
  AssertString(InsertString("Hello !", World$, -1), "WorldHello !") ; Test with out of bounds value
  AssertString(InsertString(Null$, Null$, 1), "") ; Null values should be accepted as well
  AssertString(InsertString("", "Hello", 1), "Hello") ; Inserting empty string shouldn't touch the string
  AssertString(InsertString(Null$, "Hello", 1), "Hello") ; Inserting null string shouldn't touch the string
  AssertString(InsertString(Hello$+Hello$, World$+World$, 6), "HelloWorldWorldHello") ; Test with internal buffer use

ProcedureUnit LeftTest()
  Test$ = "Test"
  AssertString(Left(Test$, 1)      , "T")
  AssertString(Left(Test$, 0)     , "")
  AssertString(Left(Test$, -1)     , "")
  AssertString(Left(Test$, 10)     , "Test")
  AssertString(Left(Test$, 3)      , "Tes")
  AssertString(Left(Test$, 4)      , "Test")
  AssertString(Left(Null$, 0)      , "")
  Result$ = Left(Test$, 1)

ProcedureUnit LenTest()
  Test$ = "Test"
  Assert(Len(Test$) = 4)
  Assert(Len(Null$) = 0)

The test procedure are declared with ProcedureUnit and EndProcedureUnit, there is some Assert commands available to control the checks. You can declare some common setup or clear procedure to run before and after each test with ProcedureUnitBefore and ProcedureUnitAfter. There is much more, feel free to check the PureUnit documentation to get the most of it. I strongly recommand to give it a try if you need to write some unit tests for your own PureBasic application.

The next tests we have are ‘linker’ tests. We put all commands of a single library in a file, and compile it to ensures it links properly. Then we put all the commands of PureBasic in a single file and we link it as well.

Then we test if all the examples found the in PureBasic/Examples directory compiles properly with the new PureBasic version.

Once all these tests are run and successful, the final package can created and published.

Linux and PureBasic

Since 20 years, PureBasic runs natively on Linux, using seamlessly specific libraries like GTK, QT, SDL and more. However, as PureBasic is a closed source software, we can only ship a binary package and it can be sometimes difficult to find the right distro to run your PureBasic programs. Every distro can have slightly different binary versions of GTK, QT, libc, zlib etc. and it could prevent PureBasic binaries to run at all.

Up to know, the Linux build servers were upgraded in somewhat chaotic manner, without real rules. For example, the current Linux build servers are running on Ubuntu 17.10 for both x64 and x86 because it was the last Ubuntu version handling x86. The problem is Ubuntu 17.10 was basically only supported for 6 months and then was in support mode for a few more months. Executable created on it are no more compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 or some other recent distros.

To address this, we decided to change way we will support Linux distros. Starting with PureBasic 6.00, we using the following scheme:

– PureBasic for Linux x64 will be available on the 2 last Ubuntu LTS versions (at the time of writing, it means Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
– PureBasic for Linux x86 will be available on the latest Debian (at the time of writing, Debian 10). As it is a lot of work, we only support one Debian at once because x86 is loosing traction on Linux distro side (for example, Ubuntu x86 is no more).

What does it means for you, PureBasic programmer ? It should be be easier to choose your dev environment (basically stick to Ubuntu LTS and upgrade it when a new version is released) and the produced executable should run on a wide range of Linux distros (you can even choose to build 2 versions, one on 18.04 LTS, and one on 20.04 LTS if you want to support even more Linux distros).

These 3 new build servers are already up and running, we hope it will solve some of the issues related to the Linux version of PureBasic !

PureBasic on Apple M1 processors

Last week, I bought a new Mac Mini to be able to port PureBasic on the new Apple M1 chip. First boot looks very familiar, you can’t really tell there is a new processor here. A quick look at the Task Monitor and we can see all the programs running on an ‘Apple’ CPU. Great. All seems smooth so far, a very quiet computer in a small form factor.

After a few minutes toying with the prefs to plugin my PC keyboard and Monitor on a KVM switch, I was ready to start to dev, and downloaded XCode. It was the longest installation I never experienced, at a point I though the Mini was broken. It tooks over 4 (four !) hours to install (after downloading). Seems to be known issue if I believe all the posts found on Reddit. Needed to install homebrew for subversion (I know, I know) and I finally started hacking the compiler.

This promised to be exciting, as the C toolchain isn’t based on gcc but on clang/LLVM. I expected some adjustements to do here and here, but there were actually zero. Everything compiled out of the box and the first running executable was created after half day. Two more days and the whole compiler test suits was working which was amazing ! There is indeed some more work to do to build the full package, as some libraries needs to be tuned (missing headers due to new Cocoa SDK mainly), build scripts adjusted and so on, but it does looks very bright.

This will be the first version of PureBasic shipped without an assembly back-end. It does feel a bit weird for me, but I know it will do the job just fine to build your cool apps on new Macs !

Sneak peak into new CPU support for C back-end

I just finished the x86 (32-bit) support for the C Back-end on Windows and it barely took a week to do. Most of the time was spent on upgrading the build chain (linker, windows static libs, packaging the 32-bit version of gcc etc.), it was very very fast. Next step is to work on a ‘real’ new architecture, probably ARM M1 for OS X, looks interesting !

The IDE is finally working with the C back-end !

This is the milestone we waited to validate the C back-end. It tooks quite a lot of iteration with the alpha testers (and thanks to all of you all btw) to iron major issues, but here we are: the IDE is mostly working when compiled with the C back-end. This is a big deal: the IDE is a very large software of about 130 000 lines of PureBasic code and using a lot of different features of the language. So what’s the functional changes ? Well, nothing. And that’s on purpose. The plan is to be able to switch seemlessly from ASM to C back-end and be able to compile the IDE on new platform, like Raspberry or OS X M1.

The only noticeable change is the compilation time, which jumps from 5 secs on the ASM back-end to a whooping 24 secs on the C back-end (based on GCC) with the debugger on and optimisation disabled. Keep in mind I got a very old CPU (Core i7 860 from 2009) and as discussed previously, just swapping the C compiler could lead to dramatic improvements.

All in all, it’s very good news, and we are looking forward to fix the last remaining showstoppers and creating a beta version for all the OS, including may be some new like Raspberry !

Quick look to PureBasic C back-end performance

PureBasic is currently using raw assembly code generation, which means the code is translated line by line to its corresponding assembly counterpart. This way to generate code has pros and cons: it’s easy to do but we loose the code context, so doing advanced optimizations (like variables to registers, loop unrolling, function inlining, code vectorization, variable removing etc.) are off the table. The only optimization PureBasic can perform is once the full assembly code is generated: a pass to detect patterns which can be optimized and replaced by more efficient one. For example:

          MOV ebx,dword [v_Gadget_ImagePool]
          INC ebx
          MOV dword [v_Gadget_ImagePool],ebx

is transformed to:

          INC    dword [v_Gadget_ImagePool]

PureBasic x86 can detect 16 different patterns and optimize them. It’s not much, but it still improves the final code quality. This kind of optimization is called peephole optimizer. It works on final code generation and can’t do much regarding high level optimization. The good point is the speed of it, the additional pass barely add any time to the compilation time. So you may ask why PureBasic can’t generated more complex optimizations ? Well, because we just don’t have the time (and let be honest, the skills) to do it our-self. It takes a lot of efforts which requires large programmer teams and academic researches.

Entering the C language, the world most used low-level language and probably the one which best optimizing compilers. PureBasic is now able to leverage the power of its optimizations, so let’s take a real world look at it. We are using the 3D example ‘MeshManualParametrics’ found in the PureBasic package. This is a mix of 3D rendering (through OGRE) and 3D calculations done in PureBasic. Here are the results:

PureBasic x64 – assembly back-end : 192 FPS

PureBasic x64 – C Back-end with optimizer enabled (-02) : 298 FPS

That’s basically a 50% increase in frame-rate just by switching the compiler. It’s really a lot. Another interesting point is the speed of the executable of C back-end without optimization (-O0) was 192 FPS as well, like PureBasic assembly back-end. Not that bad for small team compiler !

Sneak peek to C generated code

Next major PureBasic version will feature a brand new C backend, which will allow to support virtually any CPU, current and future. The generated file is a big flat file, with no include directive to allow the fastest compilation speed as possible. In the meantime, we decided to create a C output as clean as possible to allow easy modification or even direct reuse into a C project. Let’s take a look to it by comparing a PureBasic snippet and its generated C code counterpart:

Procedure Test()
  Counter = Counter + 5
  If Counter = 5
    MessageRequester("Hello world", "Hello")
  ProcedureReturn 6


And the generated C code (omitting all boilerplate) :

static unsigned short _S1[]={72,101,108,108,111,32,119,111,114,108,100,0};
static unsigned short _S2[]={72,101,108,108,111,0};

static integer f_test() 
  integer r=0;
  integer v_counter=0;
  if (v_counter==5) 
    integer rr0=PB_MessageRequester(_S1,_S2);

  goto end;
  return r;

int __stdcall WinMain(void *instance, void *prevInstance, void *cmdLine, int cmdShow) 
  PB_Instance = GetModuleHandleW(0);
  PB_MemoryBase = HeapCreate(0,4096,0);

  integer rr1=f_test();

As we can see, the code is pretty close to PureBasic one, and easy to read. Inline C will be supported, and all the objects like variables, arrays, lists etc. could be accessed by following the generated token name pattern (example: ‘v_’ prefix for variables followed with the PureBasic name in lowercase).

What about compilation speed ? We are using GCC 8.1.0 with no optimization (-O0) on Windows 10 x64 on a first gen Core i7 to perform the tests. We compile a 13.000 lines program, DocMaker, with debugger ON:

  • GCC backend: about 3 seconds to create the executable
  • FASM backend: about 1 second to create the executable

So that’s about 3 times slower but still an OK time to develop. Next test is a big program, the PureBasic IDE, with about 125.000 lines of codes with debugger ON. We also includes Microsoft VisualC++ 2015 in the tests:

  • GCC backend: about 24 seconds to create the executable
  • VC++ backend: about 9 seconds to create the executable
  • FASM backend: about 4 seconds to create the executable

GCC is a lot slower, about 6 times, than the current FASM backend. The VC++ backend is about 2 times slower, which is much better but not that great. All in all, the FASM backend will still be better to use for quick development cycle. Keep in mind than it is very early tests and as we just seen, just switching the C compiler could dramatically increase compile time. That’s it for now, next time we will focus about runtime performance between C and FASM backends !

PureBasic and increased varieties of CPU

Early versions of PureBasic started on Amiga, with the support of the Motorola 680×0 CPU series. PureBasic has been designed from start to generate raw assembly code, and the first working CPU assembly back-end was the one for 680×0. As the audience on Amiga was quickly falling, we decided to move on PC. In 1998, there was only one PC CPU architecture, the x86, and it was decided to add a new assembly back-end for it. It is a very time consuming task and requires a lot of learning to be able to handle a new assembly. 680×0 and x86 architectures are quite opposite but it fitted in the PureBasic architecture and PureBasic for x86 was a reality.

Shortly after, we decided to go really cross-platform and support OS X, which was running on PowerPC processors. A new assembly back-end was needed and we did it again, during almost a full year to get something working. Shortly after, Apple announced they will drop support for PowerPC and choose x86 instead ! That was a huge blow for us, and a lot of time wasted. In the meantime, x86-64 was released and slowly gaining traction and we knew we should support it as well. Unlike the name suggests it, x86 and x86-64 are two different beasts, and a lot of work was needed to make it happen. Once done, we though we could finally focus on functionalities for a while, but computer science is evolving at quick rate and a new CPU architecture appeared and took the world by storm, first on mobiles, then on tiny computers and now on desktop: ARM and ARM-64.

So here we are, to support these new platforms, we face the same issue again: we need new assembly back-ends. As a small company, we can’t dedicate a whole year every time a new assembly emerge, so we need to find a future proof solution. Meanwhile, a fork of the PureBasic compiler has been created to generate high-level language instead of raw assembly. This allowed to create SpiderBasic, a PureBasic-like language which can run on the browser by generating JavaScript code.

When Apple announced their new computers will be running on ARM, we knew we needed to change our way to handle new processors architecture and we decided to leverage the work already done of SpiderBasic and port it back for PureBasic. We experimented a lot with LLVM for quite a time now, but it is an headache to find it on all architectures. Also it’s a kind of mix between assembly code and high-level language so it didn’t fit either PureBasic or SpiderBasic back-end architecture. For the past 8 months, we decided to focus on a new high-level back-end for PureBasic: the C language.

The good news is the whole PureBasic compiler test suit is successfully running on the C back-end, so we are very confident we could have a compiler ready to test quickly. Stay tuned, more details to come soon !

20th Anniversary

It’s already the end of 2017 and no post has appeared this year on the blog. Syed Ibrahim (@TI-994A) brings up the idea and the post to fill the gap ! Have a nice reading and see you in 2018, the 20th year of PureBasic existance (I can’t really believe it) !

1998 to 2018

The coming new year is a very special one for PureBasic, as it marks twenty years since the language first appeared, in 1998. So, it seems fitting that the last blog entry of 2017 be dedicated to this glorious history, and its advancements to date.

PureBasic was first commercially available in 1998, for the Commodore Amiga, and shortly after that, in 2000, for the PC. It uses a predominantly BASIC-like syntax, with some similarities to C and other mainstream languages. Built upon of an assembly language compiler, it has the unique ability to include inline assembly code right alongside its own PureBasic code. Needless to say, this also results in very small compiled binaries, and blazing-fast execution of the compiled executables.

From Amiga, to Windows, to Linux, to MacOS, and Beyond

In 2001, a Linux version was added to the line, and a few years after that, in 2005, a version for Apple’s PowerPC. The PureBasic Suite, as it stands today, was completed in 2008, when another version for Apple’s x86 operating system was added, making it the only non-RAD independent programming language in the world to support all the major desktop platforms.

The language has no real parallel as it is not a rapid application development tool (RAD). It is a true platform-native compiler that produces independent, standalone applications that do not require any additional supporting libraries, frameworks, or virtual machines. The compiled binaries remain very small and tight as no such dependencies are bundled within the final packages either. PureBasic compiled programs would run on the intended platforms right out of the box. Simply copy the compiled executable and drop it into any Windows, MacOS, or Linux PC, and it will run, and run fast.

A true, native, multi-platform compiler

Besides old-school powerhouses like Assembly and C, all other popular programming languages today fall victim to burdensome dependencies. Java applications will not run on machines that do not have their corresponding JVMs (Java virtual machines) pre-installed, and .NET programs require compatible versions of the framework in order for their applications to work. Ruby and Python are interpreted scripting languages, and Swift and Objective-C are purpose-built for the MacOS. RAD tools like Xamarin and Xojo have no place in this arena as they tend to bundle massive libraries within the final binaries, resulting in bloated and sometimes slow executables.

This leaves PureBasic as the sole forerunner in its class, as a truly multi-platform compiler, that produces native executable binaries which are small and fast, without requiring any additional resources whatsoever.
Over the years, the language has undergone many modifications, as the developers attempt to keep it updated and relevant with the latest trends and technologies. It has introduced a plethora of tools and libraries to aid the programmer in simplifying development tasks, without sacrificing performance. While some upgrades have come at the price of legacy-compatibility, the end-product leaves nothing to be desired. PureBasic gets better with every new iteration, and the diligence and dedication of the development team to bug-fixes and feature implementations are highly commendable.

PureBasic also conforms to the industry’s strictest policies, with its dual-release model. The compilers are released in beta and stable LTS (long-term support) versions, which allow for legacy developments to continue unabated. Furthermore, every version of PureBasic, from publication year 2000, is still available for download from the site’s unique “museum” page. That’s pure dedication.

The team has recently started development on a web-platform tool, known as SpiderBasic, which is syntax-compatible with PureBasic, and also as easy to use. That will definitely hold many new promises for the future as well.

Platforms, Syntax, Toolkits, Designers, and true 64-bit

– simple, readable, terse syntax
– purely procedural paradigm with true multithreading
– supports both 32-bit and true 64-bit environments
– true cross-platform compilation of unmodified code on Windows, MacOS, Linux
– includes comprehensive libraries usable on all platforms
– includes 2D & 3D game and multimedia engines for all platforms
– implements native UI of each OS without any external libraries
– includes visual form designer that automatically generates UI code
– OS API functions, constants, structures accessible without import
– able to import and utilise external third-party libraries
– able to utilise inline assembly for speed-critical code
– compiles to very small, very fast binary executables
– executables require absolutely no dependencies, frameworks, or VMs
– executables can be run out of the box without any installation
– lifetime license on single purchase that includes all three platforms

A Lifetime of Power Performance

Last, but not least, is the unbelievable cherry on this cake. The entire PureBasic Suite, which includes the compilers for Windows, MacOS, and Linux, costs just €79.00, and comes with LIFETIME upgrades! That’s right. Even the first licensee of the very first PureBasic version in 1998 is still eligible for upgrades to the latest current versions today, absolutely free-of-charge.

Now, that’s one feature that no other commercially licensed language has ever offered.

Thank you, TEAM PureBasic, and specifically its commander-in-chief, Mr Frédéric Laboureur, for your diligence and generosity through the years.