OpenGL : Radial Blur, venant du site de en C++ pour Purebasic

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Messages : 397
Inscription : dim. 01/juil./2018 22:38

OpenGL : Radial Blur, venant du site de en C++ pour Purebasic

Message par threedslider »


J'ai des problèmes pour l'adapter en C++ en OpenGL Radial Blur pour Purebasic, est ce que parmi vous pourriez m'aider à comment mieux s'adapter ces codes ? Il est WIP donc très brouillon comme travail et je suis un peu bloqué aussi ^^

Voici le code :

Code : Tout sélectionner

; Author                 : Jeff Molofee's Basecode Example in VC
; Website                :
; Date                   : 2001
; Version                : 1.0
; Description            : Radial Blur
; Adapted To Purebasic    : threedslider 2021-12-28

; It is a work in progress to port the code in Purebasic

angle = 0

Procedure EmptyTexture()
  ;txtnumber = 0
  ;result = 0
  Dim pdata(128*128*4)
  glGenTextures_(1, @txtnumber)                         ; Create 1 Texture
  glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, txtnumber)             ; Bind The Texture
  glTexImage2D_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, 128, 128, 0, #GL_RGBA, #GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pdata())
  result  = txtnumber
  ProcedureReturn result   

Procedure ReduceToUnit(Array vector(1))	      ; Reduces A Normal Vector (3 Coordinates)
                											        ; To A Unit Normal Vector With A Length Of One.
	length = 0.0												        ; Holds Unit Length
	; Calculates The Length Of The Vector
	length = Sqr( (vector(0)*vector(0)) + (vector(1)*vector(1)) + (vector(2)*vector(2)) )

	If length = 0.0										          ; Prevents Divide By 0 Error By Providing
	  length = 1.0                              ; An Acceptable Value For Vectors To Close To 0.

	vector(0) = vector(0) / length							; Dividing Each Element By
	vector(1) = vector(1) / length  						; The Length Results In A
	vector(2) = vector(2) / length							; Unit Normal Vector.

Procedure calcNormal(Array v(2), Array out(1))					; Calculates Normal For A Quad Using 3 Points

  Dim v1(3)               ; Vector 1 (x,y,z)
  Dim v2(3)							  ; Vector 2 (x,y,z)
	x = 0										; Define X Coord
	y = 1										; Define Y Coord
	z = 2										; Define Z Coord

	; Finds The Vector Between 2 Points By Subtracting
	; The x,y,z Coordinates From One Point To Another.

	; Calculate The Vector From Point 1 To Point 0
	v1(x) = v(0,x) - v(1,x)									; Vector 1.x=Vertex[0].x-Vertex[1].x
	v1(y) = v(0,y) - v(1,y)									; Vector 1.y=Vertex[0].y-Vertex[1].y
	v1(z) = v(0,z) - v(1,z)									; Vector 1.z=Vertex[0].y-Vertex[1].z
	; Calculate The Vector From Point 2 To Point 1
	v2(x) = v(1,x) - v(2,x)									; Vector 2.x=Vertex[0].x-Vertex[1].x
	v2(y) = v(1,y) - v(2,y)									; Vector 2.y=Vertex[0].y-Vertex[1].y
	v2(z) = v(1,z) - v(2,z)									; Vector 2.z=Vertex[0].z-Vertex[1].z
	; Compute The Cross Product To Give Us A Surface Normal
	out(x) = v1(y)*v2(z) - v1(z)*v2(y)							; Cross Product For Y - Z
	out(y) = v1(z)*v2(x) - v1(x)*v2(z)							; Cross Product For X - Z
	out(z) = v1(x)*v2(y) - v1(y)*v2(x)							; Cross Product For X - Y

	ReduceToUnit(out());											// Normalize The Vectors

Procedure ProcessHelix()							; Draws A Helix
  Shared angle 
  Dim vertexes(4,3)
  Dim normal(3)

  x = 0.0													; Helix x Coordinate
	y = 0.0													; Helix y Coordinate
	z	= 0.0												  ; Helix z Coordinate
	phi = 0												  ; Angle
	theta = 0											  ; Angle
	v = 0                           ; Angles v and u
	u = 0							          	
	r	= 0.0												  ; Radius Of Twist
	twists = 5											; 5 Twists

	Dim glMaterialColor(4)		; Set The Material Color
	glMaterialColor(0) = 0.4
	glMaterialColor(1) = 0.2
	glMaterialColor(2) = 0.8
	glMaterialColor(3) = 1.0	
	Dim specular(4)          ; Sets Up Specular Lighting
	specular(0) = 1.0
	specular(1) = 1.0
	specular(2) = 1.0
	specular(3) = 1.0

	glLoadIdentity_()											; Reset The Modelview Matrix
	gluLookAt_(0, 5, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)						; Eye Position (0,5,50) Center Of Scene (0,0,0), Up On Y Axis

	glPushMatrix_()												; Push The Modelview Matrix

	glTranslatef_(0,0,-50);										; Translate 50 Units Into The Screen
	;glRotatef_(angle/2.0,1,0,0)							; Rotate By angle/2 On The X-Axis
	;glRotatef_(angle/3.0,0,1,0)							; Rotate By angle/3 On The Y-Axis

	r=1.5														; Radius

	glBegin_(#GL_QUADS);											; Begin Drawing Quads
	For phi=0 To 360 Step 20						; 360 Degrees In Steps Of 20
		For theta=0 To 360*twists  Step 20			; 360 Degrees * Number Of Twists In Steps Of 20
			v=(phi/180.0*3.142)								; Calculate Angle Of First Point	(  0 )
			u=(theta/180.0*3.142)							; Calculate Angle Of First Point	(  0 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate x Position (1st Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate y Position (1st Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)		; Calculate z Position (1st Point)

			vertexes(0,0)=x									; Set x Value Of First Vertex
			vertexes(0,1)=y									; Set y Value Of First Vertex
			vertexes(0,2)=z									; Set z Value Of First Vertex

			v=(phi/180.0*3.142)								; Calculate Angle Of Second Point	(  0 )
			u=((theta+20)/180.0*3.142)						; Calculate Angle Of Second Point	( 20 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate x Position (2nd Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate y Position (2nd Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)		; Calculate z Position (2nd Point)

			vertexes(1,0)=x									; Set x Value Of Second Vertex
			vertexes(1,1)=y									; Set y Value Of Second Vertex
			vertexes(1,2)=z									; Set z Value Of Second Vertex

			v=((phi+20)/180.0*3.142);							; Calculate Angle Of Third Point	( 20 )
			u=((theta+20)/180.0*3.142);						; Calculate Angle Of Third Point	( 20 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate x Position (3rd Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate y Position (3rd Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)		; Calculate z Position (3rd Point)

			vertexes(2,0)=x									; Set x Value Of Third Vertex
			vertexes(2,1)=y									; Set y Value Of Third Vertex
			vertexes(2,2)=z									; Set z Value Of Third Vertex

			v=((phi+20)/180.0*3.142)						; Calculate Angle Of Fourth Point	( 20 )
			u=((theta)/180.0*3.142)							; Calculate Angle Of Fourth Point	(  0 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate x Position (4th Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate y Position (4th Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)		; Calculate z Position (4th Point)

			vertexes(3,0)=x									; Set x Value Of Fourth Vertex
			vertexes(3,1)=y									; Set y Value Of Fourth Vertex
			vertexes(3,2)=z									; Set z Value Of Fourth Vertex

			calcNormal(vertexes(),normal())						; Calculate The Quad Normal

			glNormal3f_(normal(0),normal(1),normal(2))			; Set The Normal

			; Render The Quad
		Next theta
	Next phi
	glEnd_()													; Done Rendering Quads
	glPopMatrix_()									; Pop The Matrix

Procedure ViewOrtho()												  ; Set Up An Ortho View
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_PROJECTION)								; Select Projection
	glPushMatrix_()												      ; Push The Matrix
	glLoadIdentity_()											      ; Reset The Matrix
	glOrtho_( 0, 640 , 480 , 0, -1, 1 )					; Select Ortho Mode (640x480)
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_MODELVIEW)								; Select Modelview Matrix
	glPushMatrix_()												      ; Push The Matrix
	glLoadIdentity_()											      ; Reset The Matrix

Global BlurTexture 

Procedure ViewPerspective()											; Set Up A Perspective View
	glMatrixMode_( #GL_PROJECTION )								; Select Projection
	glPopMatrix_()												        ; Pop The Matrix
	glMatrixMode_( #GL_MODELVIEW )								; Select Modelview
	glPopMatrix_()												        ; Pop The Matrix

Procedure RenderToTexture()											; Renders To A Texture
  Shared Blurtexture
	glViewport_(0,0,128,128);									    ; Set Our Viewport (Match Texture Size)

	;ProcessHelix();												        ; Render The Helix

	glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D,BlurTexture)		; Bind To The Blur Texture

	; Copy Our ViewPort To The Blur Texture (From 0,0 To 128,128... No Border)
	glCopyTexImage2D_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, #GL_LUMINANCE, 0, 0, 128, 128, 0);

	;glClearColor_(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5)						  ; Set The Clear Color To Medium Blue
	;glClear_(#GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | #GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)			; Clear The Screen And Depth Buffer

	glViewport_(0 , 0,640 ,480)									  ; Set Viewport (0,0 To 640x480)

Procedure Initialize ()					; Any GL Init Code & User Initialiazation Goes Here

  Shared BlurTexture
	BlurTexture = EmptyTexture()								; Create Our Empty Texture

	glEnable_(#GL_DEPTH_TEST);									// Enable Depth Testing

  Dim global_ambient(4)		; Set Ambient Lighting To Fairly Dark Light (No Color)
	global_ambient(0) = 0.2
	global_ambient(1) = 0.2
	global_ambient(2) = 0.2
	global_ambient(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0pos(4)     		; Set The Light Position
	light0pos(0) = 0.0
	light0pos(1) = 5.0
	light0pos(2) = 10.0
	light0pos(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0ambient(4)  		; More Ambient Light
	light0ambient(0) = 0.2
	light0ambient(1) = 0.2
	light0ambient(2) = 0.2
	light0ambient(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0diffuse(4) 		  ; Set The Diffuse Light A Bit Brighter
	light0diffuse(0) = 0.3
	light0diffuse(1) = 0.3
	light0diffuse(2) = 0.3
	light0diffuse(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0specular(4)	 ; Fairly Bright Specular Lighting
	light0specular(0) = 0.8
	light0specular(1) = 0.8
	light0specular(2) = 0.8
	light0specular(3) = 1.0

	Dim lmodel_ambient(4)   			; And More Ambient Light
	lmodel_ambient(0) = 0.2
	lmodel_ambient(1) = 0.2
	lmodel_ambient(2) = 0.2
	lmodel_ambient(3) = 1.0
	glLightModelfv_(#GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT,lmodel_ambient());		// Set The Ambient Light Model

	glLightModelfv_(#GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, global_ambient());		// Set The Global Ambient Light Model
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_POSITION, light0pos());				// Set The Lights Position
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_AMBIENT, light0ambient());			// Set The Ambient Light
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_DIFFUSE, light0diffuse());			// Set The Diffuse Light
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_SPECULAR, light0specular());			// Set Up Specular Lighting
	glEnable_(#GL_LIGHTING);										// Enable Lighting
	glEnable_(#GL_LIGHT0);										// Enable Light0

	glShadeModel_(#GL_SMOOTH);									// Select Smooth Shading

	glMateriali_(#GL_FRONT, #GL_SHININESS, 128)
	;glClearColor_(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);						// Set The Clear Color To Black


Procedure DrawBlur(times, inc)								; Draw The Blurred Image
  spost = 0.0											            ; Starting Texture Coordinate Offset
	alphainc = 0.9 / times						          ; Fade Speed For Alpha Blending
	alpha = 0.2                                 ; Starting Alpha Value
	Shared BlurTexture
	;BlurTexture = EmptyTexture()

	; Disable AutoTexture Coordinates

	glEnable_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D)									  ; Enable 2D Texture Mapping
	glDisable_(#GL_DEPTH_TEST)									; Disable Depth Testing
	glBlendFunc_(#GL_SRC_ALPHA,#GL_ONE)					; Set Blending Mode
	glEnable_(#GL_BLEND);											  ; Enable Blending
	glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D,BlurTexture)	; Bind To The Blur Texture
	;ViewOrtho()												          ; Switch To An Ortho View

	alphainc = alpha / times									  ; alphainc=0.2f / Times To Render Blur

	glBegin_(#GL_QUADS)											    ; Begin Drawing Quads
		For num = 0 To times						          ; Number Of Times To Render Blur
			glColor4f_(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha)				; Set The Alpha Value (Starts At 0.2)
			glTexCoord2f_(0+spost,1-spost)					; Texture Coordinate	( 0, 1 )
			glVertex2f_(0,0)									      ; First Vertex		(   0,   0 )

			glTexCoord2f_(0+spost,0+spost)					; Texture Coordinate	( 0, 0 )
			glVertex2f_(0,480)									    ; Second Vertex	(   0, 480 )

			glTexCoord2f_(1-spost,0+spost)					; Texture Coordinate	( 1, 0 )
			glVertex2f_(640,480)								    ; Third Vertex		( 640, 480 )

			glTexCoord2f_(1-spost,1-spost)					; Texture Coordinate	( 1, 1 )
			glVertex2f_(640,0)									    ; Fourth Vertex	( 640,   0 )

			spost = spost + inc										  ; Gradually Increase spost (Zooming Closer To Texture Center)
			alpha = alpha - alphainc							  ; Gradually Decrease Alpha (Gradually Fading Image Out)
		Next num
	glEnd_()													          ; Done Drawing Quads

	;ViewPerspective()											      ; Switch To A Perspective View

	glEnable_(#GL_DEPTH_TEST)								  	; Enable Depth Testing
	glDisable_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D)									; Disable 2D Texture Mapping
	glDisable_(#GL_BLEND)										    ; Disable Blending
	glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D,0)						; Unbind The Blur Texture

Procedure Draw()												                ; Draw The Scene
	glClearColor_(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5)						      ; Set The Clear Color To Black
	glClear_(#GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | #GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)	; Clear Screen And Depth Buffer
	glLoadIdentity_()                                     ; Reset The View	
	ProcessHelix()                                        ; Draw Our Helix
	RenderToTexture()											                ; Render To A Texture
	DrawBlur(25,0.02)									                	; Draw The Blur Effect
	glFlush_()													                  ; Flush The GL Rendering Pipeline

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS = #PB_OS_Windows
  CompilerIf Subsystem("OpenGL") = #False
    MessageRequester("Error", "Please set the subsystem to OpenGL")


OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 640, 480, "OpenGL : Radial Blur", #PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
OpenWindowedScreen(WindowID(0), 0, 0, 640, 480)

gluPerspective_(45.0, 640/480, 1.0, 60.0)
;glTranslatef_(-40, -9, -9)
glViewport_(0, 0, 640, 480)


;glClearColor_(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0) ; background color
    event = WindowEvent()
    Select Event
      Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
        quit = 1
   Until event = 0
Until KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape) Or quit = 1

Le site que je me suis inspiré et venant sur cela : ... ure/18004/

Il marche, il y a de resultat mais c'est noir le Helix et fais pas la rotation correctement non plus ...

Si vous pouvez m'aider ce sera vraiment utile pour moi.
Merci encore à vous.
Messages : 3627
Inscription : dim. 10/janv./2010 5:29

Re: OpenGL : Radial Blur, venant du site de en C++ pour Purebasic

Message par G-Rom »

Faire du copié coller n'est jamais très bon. ton code ne marche absolument pas.
Est ce que ton processeur supporte le type float ? si oui , adapte le sur ton code PB pour mettre les bon type la ou il faut ( partout ) , ton helix sera moins "carré" , si tu veut qu'elle bouge, change la valeur "angle" , c'est pas un random translatef() dans ta boucle principale qui va faire quoi que ce soit. (le mouvement est géré dans ProcessHelix() & pas ailleurs.)
Quand tu auras adapté cela correctement tu auras un surement un problème avec DrawBlur(), certaine CG ne supporte plus GL_QUADS il faudra que tu construise des triangles à la place. ou peut être choisir un contexte opengl en mode compatible.( c'est à partir de là que tu vas stoppé net l'opengl à papa :) )

Je me souviens très bien de ce code, l'ayant moi même adapté à mes débuts sur PB, j'étais bluffé à l'époque.
tu as le code complet ici : ... sson36.cpp
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Messages : 397
Inscription : dim. 01/juil./2018 22:38

Re: OpenGL : Radial Blur, venant du site de en C++ pour Purebasic

Message par threedslider »

bah je fais pas du copier coller mais je me suis rapproché plus C++ pour le code en Purebasic ^^

C'est vrai qu'on aura pas le même effet donc faut s'adapter un peu ces codes, pour mon helix "carré" je trouve étrange il y a pas moyen de faire plus "lisse"... :/
Sinon j'ai fixé le mouvement de la rotation pour helix :)... Par contre le DrawBlur() je comprends pas bien, je crois que cela vient d'EmptyTexture() et je ne sais pas si c'est bien initialisé au BlurTexture en global donc maintenant ça rend blanc comme rendu lol ... Comment le fixer en mode Blur transparent ?

Ah bon, pourrais tu partager ton code sur PB en OpenGL, ça m’intéresse beaucoup.

Voici un autre wip de mon code en version 1.0 beta 1 :

Code : Tout sélectionner

; Author                 : Jeff Molofee's Basecode Example in VC
; Website                :
; Date                   : 2001
; Version                : 1.0 beta 1
; Description            : Radial Blur
; Adapted To Purebasic    : threedslider 2021-12-30

; It is a work in progress to port the code in Purebasic


Global  BlurTexture 

Procedure EmptyTexture()
  ;txtnumber = 0
  ;result = 0
  Dim pdata(128*128*4)
  glGenTextures_(1, @txtnumber)                         ; Create 1 Texture
  glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, txtnumber)             ; Bind The Texture
  glTexImage2D_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, 128, 128, 0, #GL_RGBA, #GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pdata())
  ;Debug txtnumber
  result  = txtnumber
  ProcedureReturn result   

Procedure ReduceToUnit(Array vector.f(1))	      ; Reduces A Normal Vector (3 Coordinates)
	; Calculates The Length Of The Vector
	length.f = Sqr( (vector(0)*vector(0)) + (vector(1)*vector(1)) + (vector(2)*vector(2)) )
	;Debug "length " + length
	If length = 0										            ; Prevents Divide By 0 Error By Providing
	  length = 1.0                              ; An Acceptable Value For Vectors To Close To 0.

	vector(0) = vector(0) / length							; Dividing Each Element By
	vector(1) = vector(1) / length  						; The Length Results In A
	vector(2) = vector(2) / length              ; Unit Normal Vector.	

Procedure calcNormal(Array v.f(2), Array out.f(1))					; Calculates Normal For A Quad Using 3 Points

  Dim v1.f(3)               ; Vector 1 (x,y,z)
  Dim v2.f(3)							  ; Vector 2 (x,y,z)
	x = 0										; Define X Coord
	y = 1										; Define Y Coord
	z = 2										; Define Z Coord

	; Finds The Vector Between 2 Points By Subtracting
	; The x,y,z Coordinates From One Point To Another.

	; Calculate The Vector From Point 1 To Point 0
	v1(x) = v.f(0,x) - v.f(1,x)									; Vector 1.x=Vertex[0].x-Vertex[1].x
	v1(y) = v.f(0,y) - v.f(1,y)									; Vector 1.y=Vertex[0].y-Vertex[1].y
	v1(z) = v.f(0,z) - v.f(1,z)									; Vector 1.z=Vertex[0].y-Vertex[1].z
	; Calculate The Vector From Point 2 To Point 1
	v2(x) = v.f(1,x) - v.f(2,x)									; Vector 2.x=Vertex[0].x-Vertex[1].x
	v2(y) = v.f(1,y) - v.f(2,y)									; Vector 2.y=Vertex[0].y-Vertex[1].y
	v2(z) = v.f(1,z) - v.f(2,z)									; Vector 2.z=Vertex[0].z-Vertex[1].z
	; Compute The Cross Product To Give Us A Surface Normal
	out(x) = v1(y)*v2(z) - v1(z)*v2(y)							; Cross Product For Y - Z
	out(y) = v1(z)*v2(x) - v1(x)*v2(z)							; Cross Product For X - Z
	out(z) = v1(x)*v2(y) - v1(y)*v2(x)							; Cross Product For X - Y

	ReduceToUnit(out());											// Normalize The Vectors

Procedure ProcessHelix()							; Draws A Helix
  Shared angle 
  Dim vertexes.f(4,3)
  Dim normal.f(3)

  x = 0.0													; Helix x Coordinate
	y = 0.0													; Helix y Coordinate
	z	= 0.0												  ; Helix z Coordinate
	phi = 0												  ; Angle
	theta = 0											  ; Angle
	v = 0                           ; Angles v and u
	u = 0							          	
	r	= 0.0												  ; Radius Of Twist
	twists = 5											; 5 Twists

	Dim glMaterialColor(4)		; Set The Material Color
	glMaterialColor(0) = 0.4
	glMaterialColor(1) = 0.2
	glMaterialColor(2) = 0.8
	glMaterialColor(3) = 1.0	
	Dim specular(4)          ; Sets Up Specular Lighting
	specular(0) = 1.0
	specular(1) = 1.0
	specular(2) = 1.0
	specular(3) = 1.0

	glLoadIdentity_()											; Reset The Modelview Matrix
	gluLookAt_(0, 5, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)						; Eye Position (0,5,50) Center Of Scene (0,0,0), Up On Y Axis

	glPushMatrix_()												; Push The Modelview Matrix

	glTranslatef_(0,0,-50);										; Translate 50 Units Into The Screen
	glRotatef_(angle/2.0,1,0,0)							; Rotate By angle/2 On The X-Axis
	glRotatef_(angle/3.0,0,1,0)							; Rotate By angle/3 On The Y-Axis

	r=1.5														; Radius

	glBegin_(#GL_QUADS);											; Begin Drawing Quads
	For phi=0 To 360 Step 20						; 360 Degrees In Steps Of 20
		For theta=0 To 360*twists Step 20			; 360 Degrees * Number Of Twists In Steps Of 20
			v=(phi/180.0*3.142)								; Calculate Angle Of First Point	(  0 )
			u=(theta/180.0*3.142)							; Calculate Angle Of First Point	(  0 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate x Position (1st Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate y Position (1st Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)		; Calculate z Position (1st Point)

			vertexes(0,0)=x									; Set x Value Of First Vertex
			vertexes(0,1)=y									; Set y Value Of First Vertex
			vertexes(0,2)=z									; Set z Value Of First Vertex

			v=(phi/180.0*3.142)								; Calculate Angle Of Second Point	(  0 )
			u=((theta+20)/180.0*3.142)						; Calculate Angle Of Second Point	( 20 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate x Position (2nd Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate y Position (2nd Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)		; Calculate z Position (2nd Point)

			vertexes(1,0)=x									; Set x Value Of Second Vertex
			vertexes(1,1)=y									; Set y Value Of Second Vertex
			vertexes(1,2)=z									; Set z Value Of Second Vertex

			v=((phi+20)/180.0*3.142);							; Calculate Angle Of Third Point	( 20 )
			u=((theta+20)/180.0*3.142);						; Calculate Angle Of Third Point	( 20 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate x Position (3rd Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate y Position (3rd Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)		; Calculate z Position (3rd Point)

			vertexes(2,0)=x									; Set x Value Of Third Vertex
			vertexes(2,1)=y									; Set y Value Of Third Vertex
			vertexes(2,2)=z									; Set z Value Of Third Vertex

			v=((phi+20)/180.0*3.142)						; Calculate Angle Of Fourth Point	( 20 )
			u=((theta)/180.0*3.142)							; Calculate Angle Of Fourth Point	(  0 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate x Position (4th Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					; Calculate y Position (4th Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)		; Calculate z Position (4th Point)

			vertexes(3,0)=x									; Set x Value Of Fourth Vertex
			vertexes(3,1)=y									; Set y Value Of Fourth Vertex
			vertexes(3,2)=z									; Set z Value Of Fourth Vertex

			calcNormal(vertexes(),normal())						; Calculate The Quad Normal

			glNormal3f_(normal(0),normal(1),normal(2))			; Set The Normal

			; Render The Quad
		Next theta 
	Next phi 
	glEnd_()													; Done Rendering Quads
	glPopMatrix_()									; Pop The Matrix

Procedure ViewOrtho()												  ; Set Up An Ortho View
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_PROJECTION)								; Select Projection
	glPushMatrix_()												      ; Push The Matrix
	glLoadIdentity_()											      ; Reset The Matrix
	glOrtho_( 0, 640 , 480 , 0, -1, 1 )					; Select Ortho Mode (640x480)
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_MODELVIEW)								; Select Modelview Matrix
	glPushMatrix_()												      ; Push The Matrix
	glLoadIdentity_()											      ; Reset The Matrix

Procedure ViewPerspective()											; Set Up A Perspective View
	glMatrixMode_( #GL_PROJECTION )								; Select Projection
	glPopMatrix_()												        ; Pop The Matrix
	glMatrixMode_( #GL_MODELVIEW )								; Select Modelview
	glPopMatrix_()												        ; Pop The Matrix

Procedure Initialize ()					; Any GL Init Code & User Initialiazation Goes Here

  Shared BlurTexture
  BlurTexture = EmptyTexture()								; Create Our Empty Texture
  glViewport_(0 , 0,640 ,480);	// Set Up A Viewport
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_PROJECTION);								// Select The Projection Matrix
	glLoadIdentity_();											// Reset The Projection Matrix
	gluPerspective_(50, 640/480, 5,  2000); // Set Our Perspective
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_MODELVIEW);									// Select The Modelview Matrix

	glEnable_(#GL_DEPTH_TEST);									// Enable Depth Testing

  Dim global_ambient.f(4)		; Set Ambient Lighting To Fairly Dark Light (No Color)
	global_ambient(0) = 0.2
	global_ambient(1) = 0.2
	global_ambient(2) = 0.2
	global_ambient(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0pos.f(4)     		; Set The Light Position
	light0pos(0) = 0.0
	light0pos(1) = 5.0
	light0pos(2) = 10.0
	light0pos(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0ambient.f(4)  		; More Ambient Light
	light0ambient(0) = 0.2
	light0ambient(1) = 0.2
	light0ambient(2) = 0.2
	light0ambient(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0diffuse.f(4) 		  ; Set The Diffuse Light A Bit Brighter
	light0diffuse(0) = 0.3
	light0diffuse(1) = 0.3
	light0diffuse(2) = 0.3
	light0diffuse(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0specular.f(4)	 ; Fairly Bright Specular Lighting
	light0specular(0) = 0.8
	light0specular(1) = 0.8
	light0specular(2) = 0.8
	light0specular(3) = 1.0

	Dim lmodel_ambient.f(4)   			; And More Ambient Light
	lmodel_ambient(0) = 0.2
	lmodel_ambient(1) = 0.2
	lmodel_ambient(2) = 0.2
	lmodel_ambient(3) = 1.0
	glLightModelfv_(#GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT,lmodel_ambient());		// Set The Ambient Light Model

	glLightModelfv_(#GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, global_ambient());		// Set The Global Ambient Light Model
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_POSITION, light0pos());				// Set The Lights Position
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_AMBIENT, light0ambient());			// Set The Ambient Light
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_DIFFUSE, light0diffuse());			// Set The Diffuse Light
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_SPECULAR, light0specular());			// Set Up Specular Lighting
	glEnable_(#GL_LIGHTING);										// Enable Lighting
	glEnable_(#GL_LIGHT0);										// Enable Light0

	glShadeModel_(#GL_SMOOTH);									// Select Smooth Shading

	glMateriali_(#GL_FRONT, #GL_SHININESS, 128)
	glClearColor_(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);						// Set The Clear Color To Black


Procedure RenderToTexture()											; Renders To A Texture
  ;Shared Blurtexture
  ;BlurTexture = EmptyTexture()
	glViewport_(0,0,128,128);									    ; Set Our Viewport (Match Texture Size)

	ProcessHelix()												        ; Render The Helix

	glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D,BlurTexture)		; Bind To The Blur Texture

	; Copy Our ViewPort To The Blur Texture (From 0,0 To 128,128... No Border)
	glCopyTexImage2D_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, #GL_LUMINANCE, 0, 0, 128, 128, 0);

	glClearColor_(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5)						  ; Set The Clear Color To Medium Blue
	glClear_(#GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | #GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)			; Clear The Screen And Depth Buffer

	glViewport_(0 , 0,640 ,480)									  ; Set Viewport (0,0 To 640x480)

Procedure Deinitialize()										; Any User DeInitialization Goes Here

	glDeleteTextures_(1,@BlurTexture)					; Delete The Blur Texture

Procedure DrawBlur(times, inc)								; Draw The Blurred Image
  spost.f = 0.0											            ; Starting Texture Coordinate Offset
	alphainc.f = 0.9 / times						          ; Fade Speed For Alpha Blending
	alpha.f = 0.2                                 ; Starting Alpha Value
	;Shared BlurTexture
	;BlurTexture = EmptyTexture()

	; Disable AutoTexture Coordinates

	glEnable_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D)									  ; Enable 2D Texture Mapping
	glDisable_(#GL_DEPTH_TEST)									; Disable Depth Testing
	glBlendFunc_(#GL_SRC_ALPHA,#GL_ONE)					; Set Blending Mode
	glEnable_(#GL_BLEND);											  ; Enable Blending
	glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D,BlurTexture)	; Bind To The Blur Texture
	ViewOrtho()												          ; Switch To An Ortho View

	alphainc = alpha / times									  ; alphainc=0.2f / Times To Render Blur

	glBegin_(#GL_QUADS)											    ; Begin Drawing Quads
		For num = 0 To times	Step 1					          ; Number Of Times To Render Blur
			glColor4f_(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha)				; Set The Alpha Value (Starts At 0.2)
			glTexCoord2f_(0+spost,1-spost)					; Texture Coordinate	( 0, 1 )
			glVertex2f_(0,0)									      ; First Vertex		(   0,   0 )

			glTexCoord2f_(0+spost,0+spost)					; Texture Coordinate	( 0, 0 )
			glVertex2f_(0,480)									    ; Second Vertex	(   0, 480 )

			glTexCoord2f_(1-spost,0+spost)					; Texture Coordinate	( 1, 0 )
			glVertex2f_(640,480)								    ; Third Vertex		( 640, 480 )

			glTexCoord2f_(1-spost,1-spost)					; Texture Coordinate	( 1, 1 )
			glVertex2f_(640,0)									    ; Fourth Vertex	( 640,   0 )

			spost = spost + inc										  ; Gradually Increase spost (Zooming Closer To Texture Center)
			alpha = alpha - alphainc							  ; Gradually Decrease Alpha (Gradually Fading Image Out)
		Next num
	glEnd_()													          ; Done Drawing Quads

	ViewPerspective()											      ; Switch To A Perspective View

	glEnable_(#GL_DEPTH_TEST)								  	; Enable Depth Testing
	glDisable_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D)									; Disable 2D Texture Mapping
	glDisable_(#GL_BLEND)										    ; Disable Blending
	glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D,0)						; Unbind The Blur Texture

Procedure Draw()												                ; Draw The Scene
	glClearColor_(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)						          ; Set The Clear Color To Black
	glClear_(#GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | #GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)	; Clear Screen And Depth Buffer
    	RenderToTexture()								; Render To A Texture  
	ProcessHelix()                                        ; Draw Our Helix	
	DrawBlur(20,0.002)									                	  ; Draw The Blur Effect	
	glFlush_()													                  ; Flush The GL Rendering Pipeline

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS = #PB_OS_Windows
  CompilerIf Subsystem("OpenGL") = #False
    MessageRequester("Error", "Please set the subsystem to OpenGL")


OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 640, 480, "OpenGL : Radial Blur", #PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
OpenWindowedScreen(WindowID(0), 0, 0, 640, 480)


    event = WindowEvent()
    Select Event
      Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
        quit = 1
   Until event = 0
   angle = angle + 1
   If angle = 360
     angle = 0
     angle = angle + 1  
Until KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape) Or quit = 1
Messages : 3627
Inscription : dim. 10/janv./2010 5:29

Re: OpenGL : Radial Blur, venant du site de en C++ pour Purebasic

Message par G-Rom »

threedslider a écrit : jeu. 30/déc./2021 15:24 bah je fais pas du copier coller mais je me suis rapproché plus C++ pour le code en Purebasic ^^
glTranslatef_(0,0,-50);<- fin de ligne d'un code C/C++
j'ai regardé vite fait, oublie pas tes tableaux aussi de matériaux & autre à passé en float.
DrawBlur prend aussi un float en paramètre ( le 2eme )
vire ton gl_quads & passe en triangle ( rend 2 triangles à la place ) et cela devrais être bon. si tu ne le fait pas , ca ne marchera pas.
vire les shared angle & cie du moment que c'est global , pas besoin.

pour mon helix "carré" je trouve étrange il y a pas moyen de faire plus "lisse"... :/
Si , toujours tes problèmes de float , regarde bien dans ProcessHelix() y a un truc qui ne va pas.

Ah bon, pourrais tu partager ton code sur PB en OpenGL, ça m’intéresse beaucoup.
le code que j'avais fait, je ne l'ai plus , y a 10 ou 15 ans que j'ai fait cela. ca remonte... :)
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Messages : 397
Inscription : dim. 01/juil./2018 22:38

Re: OpenGL : Radial Blur, venant du site de en C++ pour Purebasic

Message par threedslider »

G-Rom a écrit : jeu. 30/déc./2021 18:01 j'ai regardé vite fait, oublie pas tes tableaux aussi de matériaux & autre à passé en float.
Ben justement je ne sais pas si bien fait pour les tableaux, est ce c'est bien initialisé comme ça ? Et le matériau ça marche ou pas ?
G-Rom a écrit : jeu. 30/déc./2021 18:01 DrawBlur prend aussi un float en paramètre ( le 2eme )
Fixé mais sans résultat c'est le même rendu...
G-Rom a écrit : jeu. 30/déc./2021 18:01 vire ton gl_quads & passe en triangle ( rend 2 triangles à la place ) et cela devrais être bon. si tu ne le fait pas , ca ne marchera pas.
vire les shared angle & cie du moment que c'est global , pas besoin.
Pourquoi en triangles ? Pour les quads ça devrait marcher je crois sinon comment on fait pour les triangles ? Car c'est plus compliqué en triangles...
G-Rom a écrit : jeu. 30/déc./2021 18:01 Si , toujours tes problèmes de float , regarde bien dans ProcessHelix() y a un truc qui ne va pas.
Fixé par contre le GL_Smooth marche pas pour rendre le shading plus lisse encore... :/
G-Rom a écrit : jeu. 30/déc./2021 18:01 le code que j'avais fait, je ne l'ai plus , y a 10 ou 15 ans que j'ai fait cela. ca remonte... :)
Ah dommage, oué quand même ça date beaucoup :)

En version 1.0 beta 2, j'ai désactivé les 2 rendus(texture et blur) donc en mode normal sans effet :

Code : Tout sélectionner

; Author                 : Jeff Molofee's Basecode Example in VC
; Website                :
; Date                   : 2001
; Version                : 1.0 beta 2
; Description            : Radial Blur
; Adapted To Purebasic    : threedslider 2021-12-31

; It is a work in progress to port the code in Purebasic

Global angle.f 

Global BlurTexture 

Procedure EmptyTexture()
  ;txtnumber = 0
  ;result = 0
  Dim pdata(128*128*4)
  glGenTextures_(1, @txtnumber)                         		; Create 1 Texture
  glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, txtnumber)        		; Bind The Texture
  glTexImage2D_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, 128, 128, 0, #GL_RGBA, #GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pdata())
  ;Debug txtnumber
  result  = txtnumber
  ProcedureReturn result   

Procedure ReduceToUnit(Array vector.f(1))	    			 ; Reduces A Normal Vector (3 Coordinates)
	; Calculates The Length Of The Vector
	length.f = Sqr( (vector(0)*vector(0)) + (vector(1)*vector(1)) + (vector(2)*vector(2)) )
	;Debug "length " + length
	If length = 0								  ; Prevents Divide By 0 Error By Providing
	  length = 1.0                            				  ; An Acceptable Value For Vectors To Close To 0.

	vector(0) = vector(0) / length					  ; Dividing Each Element By
	vector(1) = vector(1) / length  					  ; The Length Results In A
	vector(2) = vector(2) / length              			  ; Unit Normal Vector.	

Procedure calcNormal(Array v.f(2), Array out.f(1))		   ; Calculates Normal For A Quad Using 3 Points

  Dim v1.f(3)              							   ; Vector 1 (x,y,z)
  Dim v2.f(3)									   ; Vector 2 (x,y,z)
	x = 0									   ; Define X Coord
	y = 1										   ; Define Y Coord
	z = 2										   ; Define Z Coord

	; Finds The Vector Between 2 Points By Subtracting
	; The x,y,z Coordinates From One Point To Another.

	; Calculate The Vector From Point 1 To Point 0
	v1(x) = v.f(0,x) - v.f(1,x)									; Vector 1.x=Vertex[0].x-Vertex[1].x
	v1(y) = v.f(0,y) - v.f(1,y)									; Vector 1.y=Vertex[0].y-Vertex[1].y
	v1(z) = v.f(0,z) - v.f(1,z)									; Vector 1.z=Vertex[0].y-Vertex[1].z
	; Calculate The Vector From Point 2 To Point 1
	v2(x) = v.f(1,x) - v.f(2,x)									; Vector 2.x=Vertex[0].x-Vertex[1].x
	v2(y) = v.f(1,y) - v.f(2,y)									; Vector 2.y=Vertex[0].y-Vertex[1].y
	v2(z) = v.f(1,z) - v.f(2,z)									; Vector 2.z=Vertex[0].z-Vertex[1].z
	; Compute The Cross Product To Give Us A Surface Normal
	out(x) = v1(y)*v2(z) - v1(z)*v2(y)							; Cross Product For Y - Z
	out(y) = v1(z)*v2(x) - v1(x)*v2(z)							; Cross Product For X - Z
	out(z) = v1(x)*v2(y) - v1(y)*v2(x)							; Cross Product For X - Y

	ReduceToUnit(out())										; Normalize The Vectors

Procedure ProcessHelix()										; Draws A Helix    
  Dim vertexes.f(4,3)
  Dim normal.f(3)

  x.f = 0.0													; Helix x Coordinate
	y.f = 0.0												; Helix y Coordinate
	z.f	= 0.0											; Helix z Coordinate
	phi = 0												; Angle
	theta = 0											        ; Angle
	v.f = 0                           									; Angles v and u
	u.f = 0							          	
	r	= 0.0											; Radius Of Twist
	twists = 5											  	; 5 Twists

	Dim glMaterialColor(4)									; Set The Material Color
	glMaterialColor(0) = 0.4
	glMaterialColor(1) = 0.2
	glMaterialColor(2) = 0.8
	glMaterialColor(3) = 1.0	
	Dim specular(4)         									 ; Sets Up Specular Lighting
	specular(0) = 1.0
	specular(1) = 1.0
	specular(2) = 1.0
	specular(3) = 1.0

	glLoadIdentity_()										 ; Reset The Modelview Matrix
	gluLookAt_(0, 5, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)							 ; Eye Position (0,5,50) Center Of Scene (0,0,0), Up On Y Axis

	glPushMatrix_()										         ; Push The Modelview Matrix

	glTranslatef_(0,0,-50);									 ; Translate 50 Units Into The Screen
	glRotatef_(angle/2.0,1,0,0)						  		 ; Rotate By angle/2 On The X-Axis
	glRotatef_(angle/3.0,0,1,0)						  	         ; Rotate By angle/3 On The Y-Axis

	r=1.5												  ; Radius

	glBegin_(#GL_QUADS);								          ; Begin Drawing Quads
	For phi=0 To 360 Step 20						     			  ; 360 Degrees In Steps Of 20
		For theta=0 To 360*twists Step 20						  ; 360 Degrees * Number Of Twists In Steps Of 20
			v=(phi/180.0*3.142)								  ; Calculate Angle Of First Point	(  0 )
			u=(theta/180.0*3.142)							  ; Calculate Angle Of First Point	(  0 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r				   			  ; Calculate x Position (1st Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r				  	                  ; Calculate y Position (1st Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)					  ; Calculate z Position (1st Point)

			vertexes(0,0)=x							     	  ; Set x Value Of First Vertex
			vertexes(0,1)=y								  ; Set y Value Of First Vertex
			vertexes(0,2)=z								  ; Set z Value Of First Vertex

			v=(phi/180.0*3.142)							    	  ; Calculate Angle Of Second Point	(  0 )
			u=((theta+20)/180.0*3.142)						  ; Calculate Angle Of Second Point	( 20 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r				   			  ; Calculate x Position (2nd Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					 		  ; Calculate y Position (2nd Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)					  ; Calculate z Position (2nd Point)

			vertexes(1,0)=x							          ; Set x Value Of Second Vertex
			vertexes(1,1)=y								  ; Set y Value Of Second Vertex
			vertexes(1,2)=z								  ; Set z Value Of Second Vertex

			v=((phi+20)/180.0*3.142);							  ; Calculate Angle Of Third Point	( 20 )
			u=((theta+20)/180.0*3.142);						  ; Calculate Angle Of Third Point	( 20 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r				  			  ; Calculate x Position (3rd Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r				  	 		  ; Calculate y Position (3rd Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)					  ; Calculate z Position (3rd Point)

			vertexes(2,0)=x								  ; Set x Value Of Third Vertex
			vertexes(2,1)=y								  ; Set y Value Of Third Vertex
			vertexes(2,2)=z							          ; Set z Value Of Third Vertex

			v=((phi+20)/180.0*3.142)					  		  ; Calculate Angle Of Fourth Point	( 20 )
			u=((theta)/180.0*3.142)						  	  ; Calculate Angle Of Fourth Point	(  0 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r				  	                  ; Calculate x Position (4th Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					 		  ; Calculate y Position (4th Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)	 				  ; Calculate z Position (4th Point)

			vertexes(3,0)=x								  ; Set x Value Of Fourth Vertex
			vertexes(3,1)=y								  ; Set y Value Of Fourth Vertex
			vertexes(3,2)=z								  ; Set z Value Of Fourth Vertex

			calcNormal(vertexes(),normal())					  ; Calculate The Quad Normal

			glNormal3f_(normal(0),normal(1),normal(2))			  ; Set The Normal

			; Render The Quad
		Next theta 
	Next phi 
	glEnd_()											           ; Done Rendering Quads
	glPopMatrix_()									             	   ; Pop The Matrix

Procedure ViewOrtho()										   ; Set Up An Ortho View
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_PROJECTION)							   ; Select Projection
	glPushMatrix_()										           ; Push The Matrix
	glLoadIdentity_()									           ; Reset The Matrix
	glOrtho_( 0, 640 , 480 , 0, -1, 1 )							   ; Select Ortho Mode (640x480)
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_MODELVIEW)							   ; Select Modelview Matrix
	glPushMatrix_()										           ; Push The Matrix
	glLoadIdentity_()										   ; Reset The Matrix

Procedure ViewPerspective()								           ; Set Up A Perspective View
	glMatrixMode_( #GL_PROJECTION )							   ; Select Projection
	glPopMatrix_()											   ; Pop The Matrix
	glMatrixMode_( #GL_MODELVIEW )							   ; Select Modelview
	glPopMatrix_()											   ; Pop The Matrix

Procedure Initialize ()					               				   ; Any GL Init Code & User Initialiazation Goes Here
  BlurTexture = EmptyTexture()								 	   ; Create Our Empty Texture
  glViewport_(0 , 0,640 ,480) 	              							   ; Set Up A Viewport
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_PROJECTION)	 						   ; Select The Projection Matrix
	glLoadIdentity_();									           ; Reset The Projection Matrix
	gluPerspective_(50, 640/480, 5,  2000)        					   ; Set Our Perspective
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_MODELVIEW);							   ; Select The Modelview Matrix

	glEnable_(#GL_DEPTH_TEST)   								   ; Enable Depth Testing

  Dim global_ambient.f(4)		                  						   ; Set Ambient Lighting To Fairly Dark Light (No Color)
	global_ambient(0) = 0.2
	global_ambient(1) = 0.2
	global_ambient(2) = 0.2
	global_ambient(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0pos.f(4)     		              						   ; Set The Light Position
	light0pos(0) = 0.0
	light0pos(1) = 5.0
	light0pos(2) = 10.0
	light0pos(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0ambient.f(4)  		                					   ; More Ambient Light
	light0ambient(0) = 0.2
	light0ambient(1) = 0.2
	light0ambient(2) = 0.2
	light0ambient(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0diffuse.f(4) 		                   					   ; Set The Diffuse Light A Bit Brighter
	light0diffuse(0) = 0.3
	light0diffuse(1) = 0.3
	light0diffuse(2) = 0.3
	light0diffuse(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0specular.f(4)	                    						  ; Fairly Bright Specular Lighting
	light0specular(0) = 0.8
	light0specular(1) = 0.8
	light0specular(2) = 0.8
	light0specular(3) = 1.0

	Dim lmodel_ambient.f(4)   			          				   ; And More Ambient Light
	lmodel_ambient(0) = 0.2
	lmodel_ambient(1) = 0.2
	lmodel_ambient(2) = 0.2
	lmodel_ambient(3) = 1.0
	glLightModelfv_(#GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT,lmodel_ambient())	   ; Set The Ambient Light Model

	glLightModelfv_(#GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, global_ambient())	   ; Set The Global Ambient Light Model
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_POSITION, light0pos())				   ; Set The Lights Position
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_AMBIENT, light0ambient())			   ; Set The Ambient Light
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_DIFFUSE, light0diffuse())			   ; Set The Diffuse Light
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_SPECULAR, light0specular())		   	   ; Set Up Specular Lighting
	glEnable_(#GL_LIGHTING)									   ; Enable Lighting
	glEnable_(#GL_LIGHT0)									   ; Enable Light0

	glShadeModel_(#GL_SMOOTH)								   ; Select Smooth Shading

	glMateriali_(#GL_FRONT, #GL_SHININESS, 128)
	glClearColor_(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)               						   ; Set The Clear Color To Black


Procedure RenderToTexture()									    ; Renders To A Texture
  ;Shared Blurtexture
  ;BlurTexture = EmptyTexture()
	glViewport_(0,0,128,128);									    ; Set Our Viewport (Match Texture Size)

	ProcessHelix()											    ; Render The Helix

	glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D,BlurTexture)		  			    ; Bind To The Blur Texture

	; Copy Our ViewPort To The Blur Texture (From 0,0 To 128,128... No Border)
	glCopyTexImage2D_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, #GL_LUMINANCE, 0, 0, 128, 128, 0);

	glClearColor_(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5)						 	     ; Set The Clear Color To Medium Blue
	glClear_(#GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | #GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)		     ; Clear The Screen And Depth Buffer

	glViewport_(0 , 0,640 ,480)								     ; Set Viewport (0,0 To 640x480)

Procedure Deinitialize()										     ; Any User DeInitialization Goes Here

	glDeleteTextures_(1,@BlurTexture)				    			     ; Delete The Blur Texture

Procedure DrawBlur(times, inc.f)								     ; Draw The Blurred Image
  spost.f = 0.0											             ; Starting Texture Coordinate Offset
	alphainc.f = 0.9 / times						          		     ; Fade Speed For Alpha Blending
	alpha.f = 0.2                                							     ; Starting Alpha Value
	;Shared BlurTexture
	;BlurTexture = EmptyTexture()

	; Disable AutoTexture Coordinates

	glEnable_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D)								      ; Enable 2D Texture Mapping
	glDisable_(#GL_DEPTH_TEST)								      ; Disable Depth Testing
	glBlendFunc_(#GL_SRC_ALPHA,#GL_ONE)						      ; Set Blending Mode
	glEnable_(#GL_BLEND);									      ; Enable Blending
	glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D,BlurTexture)	; Bind To The Blur Texture
	ViewOrtho()											      ; Switch To An Ortho View

	alphainc = alpha / times									      ; alphainc=0.2f / Times To Render Blur

	glBegin_(#GL_QUADS)									      ; Begin Drawing Quads
		For num = 0 To times	Step 1					          	      ; Number Of Times To Render Blur
			glColor4f_(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha)						      ; Set The Alpha Value (Starts At 0.2)
			glTexCoord2f_(0+spost,1-spost)						      ; Texture Coordinate	( 0, 1 )
			glVertex2f_(0,0)								        ; First Vertex		(   0,   0 )

			glTexCoord2f_(0+spost,0+spost)							; Texture Coordinate	( 0, 0 )
			glVertex2f_(0,480)									; Second Vertex	(   0, 480 )

			glTexCoord2f_(1-spost,0+spost)							; Texture Coordinate	( 1, 0 )
			glVertex2f_(640,480)									; Third Vertex		( 640, 480 )

			glTexCoord2f_(1-spost,1-spost)							; Texture Coordinate	( 1, 1 )
			glVertex2f_(640,0)									; Fourth Vertex	( 640,   0 )

			spost = spost + inc									; Gradually Increase spost (Zooming Closer To Texture Center)
			alpha = alpha - alphainc							 	; Gradually Decrease Alpha (Gradually Fading Image Out)
		Next num
	glEnd_()													; Done Drawing Quads

	ViewPerspective()											; Switch To A Perspective View

	glEnable_(#GL_DEPTH_TEST)								  	; Enable Depth Testing
	glDisable_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D)									; Disable 2D Texture Mapping
	glDisable_(#GL_BLEND)										; Disable Blending
	glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D,0)								; Unbind The Blur Texture

Procedure Draw()												; Draw The Scene
	glClearColor_(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)						          	; Set The Clear Color To Black
	glClear_(#GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | #GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)			; Clear Screen And Depth Buffer
  ;RenderToTexture()											        ; Render To A Texture                          
	ProcessHelix()                                        							; Draw Our Helix	
	;DrawBlur(20,0.02)											; Draw The Blur Effect	
	glFlush_()													; Flush The GL Rendering Pipeline

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS = #PB_OS_Windows
  CompilerIf Subsystem("OpenGL") = #False
    MessageRequester("Error", "Please set the subsystem to OpenGL")


OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 640, 480, "OpenGL : Radial Blur", #PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
OpenWindowedScreen(WindowID(0), 0, 0, 640, 480)


    event = WindowEvent()
    Select Event
      Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
        quit = 1
   Until event = 0
   angle = angle + 1
   If angle = 360
     angle = 0
     angle = angle + 1    
Until KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape) Or quit = 1

Messages : 3627
Inscription : dim. 10/janv./2010 5:29

Re: OpenGL : Radial Blur, venant du site de en C++ pour Purebasic

Message par G-Rom »

Pourquoi en triangles ? Pour les quads ça devrait marcher je crois sinon comment on fait pour les triangles ? Car c'est plus compliqué en triangles...
Tu ne lis pas ce que j'ai mis plus haut.

- GL_QUADS est déprécié depuis opengl 3.1 si je ne dit pas de bêtises.
- Une carte graphique utilise des triangles pour "modélisé" le rendu

Solution :

- Utilise 2 triangles à la place. je te laisse cherché sur le net comment faire ( sachant que tu as déjà les coordonnées , pas bien compliqué )
- Utilise un contexte OpenGL de compatibilité ( sous windows en PB , tu vas morflé )

Sinon :

- rien ne marchera.
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Messages : 397
Inscription : dim. 01/juil./2018 22:38

Re: OpenGL : Radial Blur, venant du site de en C++ pour Purebasic

Message par threedslider »

Oui ok pour les Quads pour l’incompatibilité à partir de 3.1... Je me demande c'est quelle version OpenGL pour Purebasic 5.73 ?

Sinon j'ai fixé en tout pour GL_triangles... mais marche toujours pas... ni le blur ni la texture et ni le smooth shading... :(

Voilà, je crois ça va pas plus loin...

Bref t'as des idées pour le blur sur comment faire en OpenGL ? Si oui, souviens tu les techniques sur tes anciens codes ?

Merci de ton aide ça m'a débloqué une partie des mes codes pour Radial Blur.
Messages : 3627
Inscription : dim. 10/janv./2010 5:29

Re: OpenGL : Radial Blur, venant du site de en C++ pour Purebasic

Message par G-Rom »

threedslider a écrit : ven. 31/déc./2021 18:41 Oui ok pour les Quads pour l’incompatibilité à partir de 3.1... Je me demande c'est quelle version OpenGL pour Purebasic 5.73 ?
C'est tes pilotes de carte graphique qui fixe cela en conjoncture avec la création de fenêtre / contexte ( transparent pour toi , pb le fait à ta place )
mais marche toujours pas... ni le blur ni la texture et ni le smooth shading...
Y a pas de blur, juste une texture de 128x128 agrandie plusieurs fois en bilinear. et le smooth , surement encore un problème de tableau ou variable pas en float.
Bref t'as des idées pour le blur sur comment faire en OpenGL ?
Avec un shader.

Les tutos de nehe sont obsolète pour la plupart , même si les codes restent intéressant , ils ne tirent pas parti de la carte graphique d'aujourd'hui. les codes sont vieux. apprend l'opengl "moderne" ici :

après y a vulkan, mais tu vas te pendre avant d'afficher un pauvre triangle. ;)
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Messages : 397
Inscription : dim. 01/juil./2018 22:38

Re: OpenGL : Radial Blur, venant du site de en C++ pour Purebasic

Message par threedslider »

Merci pour tes réponses ;)
G-Rom a écrit : dim. 02/janv./2022 10:52 ... apprend l'opengl "moderne" ici :
Oui je vais tester l'OpenGL moderne pour Purebasic ^^
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Messages : 397
Inscription : dim. 01/juil./2018 22:38

Re: OpenGL : Radial Blur, venant du site de en C++ pour Purebasic

Message par threedslider »

Très cool, un gars dont son pseudo "mpz" (dans le forum anglais) a fixé mon code avec quelque modification, le voici :

Code : Tout sélectionner

;NeHe's Radial Blur & Rendering To A Texture Tutorial (Lesson 36) 
;Credits:  Nico Gruener, Dreglor, traumatic, hagibaba
;Author: threedslider 2021-12-31
;customization: MPz
;Date: 12 April 2022
;Note: up-to-date with PB v5.73 (Windows)

Global angle.f 
Global BlurTexture 

Declare.i ViewOrtho()
Declare.i ViewPerspective()
Declare.i EmptyTexture()

Procedure ReSizeGLScene(width.l,height.l) ;Resize And Initialize The GL Window

 If height=0 : height=1 : EndIf ;Prevent A Divide By Zero Error
 ResizeGadget(0, 0, 0, width, height)
 glViewport_(0,0,width,height) ;Reset The Current Viewport
 glMatrixMode_(#GL_PROJECTION) ;Select The Projection Matrix
 glLoadIdentity_() ;Reset The Projection Matrix
 gluPerspective_(45.0,Abs(width/height),0.1,100.0) ;Calculate The Aspect Ratio Of The Window
 glMatrixMode_(#GL_MODELVIEW) ;Select The Modelview Matrix
 glLoadIdentity_() ;Reset The Modelview Matrix

Procedure InitGL() ;All Setup For OpenGL Goes Here

  BlurTexture = EmptyTexture()								 	   ; Create Our Empty Texture
  glViewport_(0 , 0,640 ,480) 	              							   ; Set Up A Viewport
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_PROJECTION)	 						   ; Select The Projection Matrix
	glLoadIdentity_();									           ; Reset The Projection Matrix
	gluPerspective_(50, 640/480, 5,  2000)        					   ; Set Our Perspective
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_MODELVIEW);							   ; Select The Modelview Matrix

	glEnable_(#GL_DEPTH_TEST)   								   ; Enable Depth Testing
  Dim global_ambient.f(4)		                  						   ; Set Ambient Lighting To Fairly Dark Light (No Color)
	global_ambient(0) = 0.2
	global_ambient(1) = 0.2
	global_ambient(2) = 0.2
	global_ambient(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0pos.f(4)     		              						   ; Set The Light Position
	light0pos(0) = 0.0
	light0pos(1) = 5.0
	light0pos(2) = 10.0
	light0pos(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0ambient.f(4)  		                					   ; More Ambient Light
	light0ambient(0) = 0.2
	light0ambient(1) = 0.2
	light0ambient(2) = 0.2
	light0ambient(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0diffuse.f(4) 		                   					   ; Set The Diffuse Light A Bit Brighter
	light0diffuse(0) = 0.3
	light0diffuse(1) = 0.3
	light0diffuse(2) = 0.3
	light0diffuse(3) = 1.0
	Dim light0specular.f(4)	                    						  ; Fairly Bright Specular Lighting
	light0specular(0) = 0.8
	light0specular(1) = 0.8
	light0specular(2) = 0.8
	light0specular(3) = 1.0

	Dim lmodel_ambient.f(4)   			          				   ; And More Ambient Light
	lmodel_ambient(0) = 0.2
	lmodel_ambient(1) = 0.2
	lmodel_ambient(2) = 0.2
	lmodel_ambient(3) = 1.0
	glLightModelfv_(#GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT,lmodel_ambient())	   ; Set The Ambient Light Model

	glLightModelfv_(#GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, global_ambient())	   ; Set The Global Ambient Light Model
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_POSITION, light0pos())				   ; Set The Lights Position
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_AMBIENT, light0ambient())			   ; Set The Ambient Light
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_DIFFUSE, light0diffuse())			   ; Set The Diffuse Light
	glLightfv_(#GL_LIGHT0, #GL_SPECULAR, light0specular())		   	   ; Set Up Specular Lighting
	glEnable_(#GL_LIGHTING)									   ; Enable Lighting
	glEnable_(#GL_LIGHT0)									   ; Enable Light0

	glShadeModel_(#GL_SMOOTH)								   ; Select Smooth Shading

	glMateriali_(#GL_FRONT, #GL_SHININESS, 128)
	glClearColor_(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)               						   ; Set The Clear Color To Black

 ProcedureReturn #True ;Initialization Went OK


Procedure EmptyTexture()
  ;txtnumber = 0
  ;result = 0
  Dim pdata(128*128*4)
  glGenTextures_(1, @txtnumber)                         		; Create 1 Texture
  glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, txtnumber)        		; Bind The Texture
  glTexImage2D_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, 128, 128, 0, #GL_RGBA, #GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pdata())
  ;Debug txtnumber
  result  = txtnumber
  ProcedureReturn result   

Procedure ReduceToUnit(Array vector.f(1))	    			 ; Reduces A Normal Vector (3 Coordinates)
	; Calculates The Length Of The Vector
	length.f = Sqr( (vector(0)*vector(0)) + (vector(1)*vector(1)) + (vector(2)*vector(2)) )
	;Debug "length " + length
	If length = 0								  ; Prevents Divide By 0 Error By Providing
	  length = 1.0                            				  ; An Acceptable Value For Vectors To Close To 0.

	vector(0) = vector(0) / length					  ; Dividing Each Element By
	vector(1) = vector(1) / length  					  ; The Length Results In A
	vector(2) = vector(2) / length              			  ; Unit Normal Vector.	

Procedure calcNormal(Array v.f(2), Array OUT.f(1))		   ; Calculates Normal For A Quad Using 3 Points

  Dim v1.f(3)              							   ; Vector 1 (x,y,z)
  Dim v2.f(3)									   ; Vector 2 (x,y,z)
	x = 0									   ; Define X Coord
	y = 1										   ; Define Y Coord
	z = 2										   ; Define Z Coord

	; Finds The Vector Between 2 Points By Subtracting
	; The x,y,z Coordinates From One Point To Another.

	; Calculate The Vector From Point 1 To Point 0
	v1(x) = v.f(0,x) - v.f(1,x)									; Vector 1.x=Vertex[0].x-Vertex[1].x
	v1(y) = v.f(0,y) - v.f(1,y)									; Vector 1.y=Vertex[0].y-Vertex[1].y
	v1(z) = v.f(0,z) - v.f(1,z)									; Vector 1.z=Vertex[0].y-Vertex[1].z
	; Calculate The Vector From Point 2 To Point 1
	v2(x) = v.f(1,x) - v.f(2,x)									; Vector 2.x=Vertex[0].x-Vertex[1].x
	v2(y) = v.f(1,y) - v.f(2,y)									; Vector 2.y=Vertex[0].y-Vertex[1].y
	v2(z) = v.f(1,z) - v.f(2,z)									; Vector 2.z=Vertex[0].z-Vertex[1].z
	; Compute The Cross Product To Give Us A Surface Normal
	out(x) = v1(y)*v2(z) - v1(z)*v2(y)							; Cross Product For Y - Z
	out(y) = v1(z)*v2(x) - v1(x)*v2(z)							; Cross Product For X - Z
	out(z) = v1(x)*v2(y) - v1(y)*v2(x)							; Cross Product For X - Y

	ReduceToUnit(out())										; Normalize The Vectors

Procedure ProcessHelix()										; Draws A Helix    
  Dim vertexes.f(4,3)
  Dim normal.f(3)

  x.f = 0.0											; Helix x Coordinate
	y.f = 0.0											; Helix y Coordinate
	z.f	= 0.0											; Helix z Coordinate
	phi = 0	  			 						  ; Angle
	theta = 0	  									; Angle
	v.f = 0                       ; Angles v And u
	u.f = 0							          	
	r.f	= 0.0											; Radius Of Twist
	twists = 5											  	; 5 Twists

	Dim glMaterialColor.f(4)									; Set The Material Color
	glMaterialColor(0) = 0.4
	glMaterialColor(1) = 0.2
	glMaterialColor(2) = 0.8
	glMaterialColor(3) = 1.0	
	Dim specular.f(4)         									 ; Sets Up Specular Lighting
	specular(0) = 1.0
	specular(1) = 1.0
	specular(2) = 1.0
	specular(3) = 1.0

	glLoadIdentity_()										 ; Reset The Modelview Matrix
	gluLookAt_(0, 5, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)							 ; Eye Position (0,5,50) Center Of Scene (0,0,0), Up On Y Axis

	glPushMatrix_()										         ; Push The Modelview Matrix

	glTranslatef_(0,0,-50);									 ; Translate 50 Units Into The Screen
	glRotatef_(angle/2.0,1,0,0)						  		 ; Rotate By angle/2 On The X-Axis
	glRotatef_(angle/3.0,0,1,0)						  	         ; Rotate By angle/3 On The Y-Axis

	r=1.5												  ; Radius

	glBegin_(#GL_QUADS);								          ; Begin Drawing Quads
	For phi=0 To 360 Step 20						     			  ; 360 Degrees In Steps Of 20
		For theta=0 To 360*twists Step 20						  ; 360 Degrees * Number Of Twists In Steps Of 20
			v=(phi/180.0*3.142)								  ; Calculate Angle Of First Point	(  0 )
			u=(theta/180.0*3.142)							  ; Calculate Angle Of First Point	(  0 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r				   			  ; Calculate x Position (1st Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r				  	                  ; Calculate y Position (1st Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)					  ; Calculate z Position (1st Point)

			vertexes(0,0)=x							     	  ; Set x Value Of First Vertex
			vertexes(0,1)=y								  ; Set y Value Of First Vertex
			vertexes(0,2)=z								  ; Set z Value Of First Vertex

			v=(phi/180.0*3.142)							    	  ; Calculate Angle Of Second Point	(  0 )
			u=((theta+20)/180.0*3.142)						  ; Calculate Angle Of Second Point	( 20 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r				   			  ; Calculate x Position (2nd Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					 		  ; Calculate y Position (2nd Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)					  ; Calculate z Position (2nd Point)

			vertexes(1,0)=x							          ; Set x Value Of Second Vertex
			vertexes(1,1)=y								  ; Set y Value Of Second Vertex
			vertexes(1,2)=z								  ; Set z Value Of Second Vertex

			v=((phi+20)/180.0*3.142);							  ; Calculate Angle Of Third Point	( 20 )
			u=((theta+20)/180.0*3.142);						  ; Calculate Angle Of Third Point	( 20 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r				  			  ; Calculate x Position (3rd Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r				  	 		  ; Calculate y Position (3rd Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)					  ; Calculate z Position (3rd Point)

			vertexes(2,0)=x								  ; Set x Value Of Third Vertex
			vertexes(2,1)=y								  ; Set y Value Of Third Vertex
			vertexes(2,2)=z							          ; Set z Value Of Third Vertex

			v=((phi+20)/180.0*3.142)					  		  ; Calculate Angle Of Fourth Point	( 20 )
			u=((theta)/180.0*3.142)						  	  ; Calculate Angle Of Fourth Point	(  0 )

			x=(Cos(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r				  	                  ; Calculate x Position (4th Point)
			y=(Sin(u)*(2.0+Cos(v) ))*r					 		  ; Calculate y Position (4th Point)
			z=((( u-(2.0*3.142)) + Sin(v) ) * r)	 				  ; Calculate z Position (4th Point)

			vertexes(3,0)=x								  ; Set x Value Of Fourth Vertex
			vertexes(3,1)=y								  ; Set y Value Of Fourth Vertex
			vertexes(3,2)=z								  ; Set z Value Of Fourth Vertex

			calcNormal(vertexes(),normal())					  ; Calculate The Quad Normal

			glNormal3f_(normal(0),normal(1),normal(2))			  ; Set The Normal

			; Render The Quad
		Next theta 
	Next phi 
	glEnd_()											           ; Done Rendering Quads
	glPopMatrix_()									             	   ; Pop The Matrix

Procedure DrawBlur(times, Incsp.f)								     ; Draw The Blurred Image
  spost.f = 0.0											             ; Starting Texture Coordinate Offset
	alphainc.f = 0.9 / times						          		     ; Fade Speed For Alpha Blending
	alpha.f = 0.2                                							     ; Starting Alpha Value
	;Shared BlurTexture

	; Disable AutoTexture Coordinates

	glEnable_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D)								      ; Enable 2D Texture Mapping
	glDisable_(#GL_DEPTH_TEST)								      ; Disable Depth Testing
	glBlendFunc_(#GL_SRC_ALPHA,#GL_ONE)						      ; Set Blending Mode
	glEnable_(#GL_BLEND);									      ; Enable Blending
	glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D,BlurTexture)	; Bind To The Blur Texture
	ViewOrtho()											      ; Switch To An Ortho View

	alphainc = alpha / times									      ; alphainc=0.2f / Times To Render Blur

	glBegin_(#GL_QUADS)									      ; Begin Drawing Quads
		For num = 0 To times-1	Step 1					          	      ; Number Of Times To Render Blur
			glColor4f_(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha)						      ; Set The Alpha Value (Starts At 0.2)
			glTexCoord2f_(0+spost,1-spost)						      ; Texture Coordinate	( 0, 1 )
			glVertex2f_(0,0)								        ; First Vertex		(   0,   0 )

			glTexCoord2f_(0+spost,0+spost)							; Texture Coordinate	( 0, 0 )
			glVertex2f_(0,480)									; Second Vertex	(   0, 480 )

			glTexCoord2f_(1-spost,0+spost)							; Texture Coordinate	( 1, 0 )
			glVertex2f_(640,480)									; Third Vertex		( 640, 480 )

			glTexCoord2f_(1-spost,1-spost)							; Texture Coordinate	( 1, 1 )
			glVertex2f_(640,0)									; Fourth Vertex	( 640,   0 )

			spost = spost + Incsp									; Gradually Increase spost (Zooming Closer To Texture Center)
			alpha = alpha - alphainc							 	; Gradually Decrease Alpha (Gradually Fading Image Out)
		Next num
	glEnd_()													; Done Drawing Quads

	ViewPerspective()											; Switch To A Perspective View

	glEnable_(#GL_DEPTH_TEST)								  	; Enable Depth Testing
	glDisable_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D)									; Disable 2D Texture Mapping
	glDisable_(#GL_BLEND)										; Disable Blending
	glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D,0)								; Unbind The Blur Texture

Procedure ViewOrtho()										   ; Set Up An Ortho View
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_PROJECTION)							   ; Select Projection
	glPushMatrix_()										           ; Push The Matrix
	glLoadIdentity_()									           ; Reset The Matrix
	glOrtho_( 0, 640 , 480 , 0, -1, 1 )							   ; Select Ortho Mode (640x480)
	glMatrixMode_(#GL_MODELVIEW)							   ; Select Modelview Matrix
	glPushMatrix_()										           ; Push The Matrix
	glLoadIdentity_()										   ; Reset The Matrix

Procedure ViewPerspective()								           ; Set Up A Perspective View
	glMatrixMode_( #GL_PROJECTION )							   ; Select Projection
	glPopMatrix_()											   ; Pop The Matrix
	glMatrixMode_( #GL_MODELVIEW )							   ; Select Modelview
	glPopMatrix_()											   ; Pop The Matrix

Procedure RenderToTexture()									    ; Renders To A Texture
  ;Shared Blurtexture
	glViewport_(0,0,128,128);									    ; Set Our Viewport (Match Texture Size)

	ProcessHelix()											    ; Render The Helix

	glBindTexture_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D,BlurTexture)		  			    ; Bind To The Blur Texture

	; Copy Our ViewPort To The Blur Texture (From 0,0 To 128,128... No Border)
	glCopyTexImage2D_(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, #GL_LUMINANCE, 0, 0, 128, 128, 0);

	glClearColor_(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5)						 	     ; Set The Clear Color To Medium Blue
	glClear_(#GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | #GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)		     ; Clear The Screen And Depth Buffer
	glViewport_(0 , 0,WindowWidth(0) ,WindowHeight(0))								     ; Set Viewport (0,0 To 640x480)

Procedure DrawScene(Gadget)												; Draw The Scene
  SetGadgetAttribute(Gadget, #PB_OpenGL_SetContext, #True)
  glClearColor_(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)						          	; Set The Clear Color To Black
	glClear_(#GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | #GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)			; Clear Screen And Depth Buffer
  RenderToTexture()											        ; Render To A Texture                          
	ProcessHelix()                                        							; Draw Our Helix	
	DrawBlur(20,0.02)											; Draw The Blur Effect	
	glFlush_()													; Flush The GL Rendering Pipeline
	SetGadgetAttribute(Gadget, #PB_OpenGL_FlipBuffers, #True)

Procedure CreateGLWindow(title.s,WindowWidth.l,WindowHeight.l,bits.l=16,fullscreenflag.b=0,Vsync.b=0)
  If InitKeyboard() = 0 Or InitSprite() = 0 Or InitMouse() = 0
    MessageRequester("Error", "Can't initialize Keyboards or Mouse", 0)

  If fullscreenflag
    hWnd = OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, title, #PB_Window_BorderLess|#PB_Window_Maximize )
    OpenWindowedScreen(WindowID(0), 0, 0,WindowWidth(0),WindowHeight(0)) 
    hWnd = OpenWindow(0, 1, 1, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, title,#PB_Window_MinimizeGadget |  #PB_Window_MaximizeGadget | #PB_Window_SizeGadget ) 
    OpenWindowedScreen(WindowID(0), 1, 1, WindowWidth,WindowHeight) 
  If bits = 24
    OpenGlFlags + #PB_OpenGL_24BitDepthBuffer
  If Vsync = 0
    OpenGlFlags + #PB_OpenGL_NoFlipSynchronization
  OpenGLGadget(0, 0, 0, WindowWidth(0),WindowHeight(0),OpenGlFlags)
  ;hDC = GetDC_(hWnd)

CreateGLWindow("Blur & Rendering To a Texture Tutorial (Lesson 36)",640,480,16,0)



    Event = WindowEvent()
    Select Event
      Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
        Quit = 1
      Case #PB_Event_SizeWindow  
        ReSizeGLScene(WindowWidth(0),WindowHeight(0)) ;LoWord=Width, HiWord=Height
  Until Event = 0
  If KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape) ;  Esc key to exit
    Quit = 1
  angle = angle + 1
  If angle = 360
     angle = 0
     angle = angle + 1    
Until Quit = 1
Maintenant il marche c'est super et je lui ai remercié pour ça :D

Happy coding !