Mise à jour de la DLL de Mikolaj Hajduk pour PB 5.31

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Inscription : mer. 14/sept./2011 16:59

Mise à jour de la DLL de Mikolaj Hajduk pour PB 5.31

Message par Mesa »

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; Mesa http://www.purebasic.fr/french/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=14145
; Kernadec http://www.purebasic.fr/french/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14026

; The library contains 8 functions For operations With dates:
;     DayOfWeek - calculates the day of the week For the given date,
;     IsLeapYear - determines If the given year is leap IN the chosen calendar,
;     MDToDayNum - calculates the ordinal number of the day IN the year,
;     DayNumToMD - converts the ordinal number of the day IN the year To the adequate month And day numbers,
;     DateToAbsDayNum - calculates the absolute day number For the given date,
;     AbsDayNumToDate - converts the absolute day number To the adequate Date (For the chosen calendar),
;     GregorianToJulian - converts the Gregorian date To the adequate Julian date,
;     JulianToGregorian - converts the Julian date To the adequate Gregorian date.

; Calendar functions library written with FASM assembler.
; Abilities:
;   * works with dates from the interval of 11 million years:
;      - from 1 Jan 5843880 BCE to 3 Aug 5915100 for the Julian calendar,
;      - from 30 Dec 5844001 BCE to 17 Jan 5915222 for the Gregorian calendar,
;   * convenient conversions between Julian and Gregorian calendars for dates
;     from supported time interval,
;   * calculation of the day of the week for the given date,
;   * calculation of the number of the day in the year,
;   * determining if the given year is leap in chosen calendar,
;   * calculation of the "absolute" day number for the given date (it could be
;     used to calculation of the distance between two dates).     
; (C) Mikolaj Hajduk, 16.06.2008.
; Translation in PureBasic 5.xx by Mesa.

; Definitions of the used constants.
; Global C1   = 365         ; Number of days in a normal year.
; Global C4   = 4*C1 + 1      ; Number of days in the 4-year cycle (base cycle of the Julian
;             ; calendar).
; Global C100   = 25*C4 - 1      ; Number of days in a "normal" century in the Gregorian calendar
;             ; (i.e. century ending with a normal, 365-day, year).
; Global C400   = 4*C100 + 1      ; Number of days in the complete 400-year cycle of the Gregorian
;             ; calendar. 
; Global k   = 30
; Global J   = 194796      ; The constants J and G are equal to the numbers of the complete years
; Global G   = 194800      ; of the Julian and Gregorian calendars respectively contained in the 
								; time interval given by "Great Cycle" T.

; section '.data' Data readable writeable

; Table containing lengths of months of a normal year (first 12 elements) and a leap year 
; (next 12 elements).
; MonthLen   DB 31,  28,  31,  30,  31,  30,  31,  31,  30,  31,  30,  31
;       DB 31,  29,  31,  30,  31,  30,  31,  31,  30,  31,  30,  31

; Table containing values of the function 'DaySum' for every pair (month number, leap year flag).
; DaySum      DW  0,  31,  59,  90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334
;       DW  0,  31,  60,  91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335

;=============================== Debug =====================================
;Global debugexx ; Use for debugging
		; --------debug-------------- 
		; MOV debugexx, eax 
		; Debug debugexx  
		; --------------------------- 

;=============================== Procedures =================================
; DWORD IsLeapYear(DWORD Y, DWORD Gregorian)
; This function determines if the given year is leap in the chosen calendar.
; Parameters:
;   Y - year,
;   Gregorian - chosen calendar (0 - Julian, 1 - Gregorian).
; Returned values:
;   * 1 if the year Y is leap, 0 - in opposite case,
;   * -1 for the invalid parameters.
;proc   IsLeapYear, Y, Gregorian
Procedure.l IsLeapYear(year.l, gregorian.l) 
		; PUSH ebx edx 
		TEST   gregorian, -2       ; 0 <= Gregorian <= 1 
		JNZ   ll_isleapyear_error                   
		MOV   eax, year               ; eax := Y =year 
		TEST   eax, eax  
		JZ   ll_isleapyear_error         
		JNS   ll_isleapyear_checkcalendar  
		; eax < 0 (Y < 0) 
		INC   eax                  ; eax := eax + 1 
		NEG   eax                  ; eax := -eax = -(Y + 1) = -Y - 1 = 
																; = |Y| - [Y < 0] = Y' 
		CMP   gregorian, 0   
		JE   ll_isleapyear_mod4 
		XOr   edx, edx               ; eax := E(eax / 100) = E(Y' / 100) 
		MOV   ecx, 100               ; edx := eax mod 100 = Y' mod 100 
		DIV   ecx                    ; div=(edx:eax)/ecx -> Quotient=eax Reste=edx 
																	; Long .l 4 octets -2147483648 à +2 147 483 647  
		TEST   edx, edx 
		JZ   ll_isleapyear_mod4 
		MOV   eax, edx               ; eax := edx = Y' mod 100 
																	; {(Y' mod 100) mod 4 = Y' mod 4} 
		SHR   eax, 1                  ; eax := E(eax / 2); CF := eax mod 2 
		JC   ll_isleapyear_result                  ;  
		SHR   eax, 1                  ; eax := E(eax / 2); CF := eax mod 2 
		JMP   ll_isleapyear_result                  ; 
		MOV   eax, -1 
		JMP   ll_isleapyear_theend 
		SETNC   al                  ; eax := not CF 
		MOVZX   eax, al                   
		; POP edx ebx 
		; POPFD 

; This function calculates the ordinal number of the day in the year.
; Parameters:
;   M - month,
;   D - day,
;   LeapYearFlag - flag determining if the year is leap (0 - normal year, 1 - leap year).
; Returned values:
;   * 1, 2, ..., 365 for the normal year, 1, 2, ..., 366 for the leap year,
;   * -1 for the invalid parameters.
;proc   MDToDayNum, M, D, LeapYearFlag
Procedure.l MDToDayNum(M.l, D.l, LeapYearFlag.l) 
		TEST   LeapYearFlag, -2            ; 0 <= LeapYearFlag <= 1 
		JNZ   ll_mdtodaynum_error                  ; 
		CMP   M, 1                   
		JB   ll_mdtodaynum_error                  ; 1 <= M <= 12 
		CMP   M, 12                   
		JA   ll_mdtodaynum_error                   
		CMP   D, 1                  ; D >= 1 
		JB   ll_mdtodaynum_error                   
		MOV   eax, LeapYearFlag          ; eax := LeapYearFlag 
		LEA   eax, [eax + 2*eax]         ; eax := 3*eax = 3*LeapYearFlag 
		SHL   eax, 2                     ; eax := 4*eax = 12*LeapYearFlag 
		LEA ecx,[monthlen2] ;eax => MonthLen[M - 1 + 12*LeapYearFlag] 
		DEC ecx       ; -1 
		MOV edx, M    ;+M 
		ADD ecx, edx 
		ADD ecx, eax  ;+12*LeapYearFlag 
		MOV edx, eax  ; Sauvegarde de 12*LeapYearFlag 
		MOVZX eax, byte [ecx] 
		CMP   D, eax               ; D <= MonthLen[M - 1 + 12*LeapYearFlag] 
		JA   ll_mdtodaynum_error                  ; 
		SHL   edx, 1                  ; edx := 2*edx = 24*LeapYearFlag (2 parce que word et non byte) 
		;MOVZX eax, [DaySum - 2 + edx + 2*M]  
		LEA ecx,[daysum2]  
		DEC ecx       ; -1 
		DEC ecx       ; -1 
		ADD ecx, edx  ;+24*LeapYearFlag 
		MOV edx, M 
		ADD ecx, edx  ;+M 
		ADD ecx, edx  ;+M 
		MOVZX eax, word [ecx] 
		ADD   eax, D      ; eax := eax + D = DaySum(M, LeapYearFlag) + D  
		JMP   ll_mdtodaynum_theend 
		MOV   eax, -1 
		!DB 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 
		!DW  0,  31,  59,  90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334  
		!DW  0,  31,  60,  91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335 

; This function converts the ordinal number of the day in the year to the adequate month and day numbers. 
; The result strongly depends on the flag determining if the year is leap.
; Parameters:
;   n - number of the day in the year,
;   LeapYearFlag - flag determining if the year is leap (0 - normal year, 1 - leap year),
;   M - pointer to variable where the calculated month number will be stored,
;   D - pointer to variable where the calculated day number will be stored. 
; Returned values:
;   * 0 for the valid parameters (n, LeapYearFlag),
;   * -1 in opposite case.
;proc   DayNumToMD, n, LeapYearFlag, M, D
Procedure.l DayNumToMD(n.l, LeapYearFlag.l, M.l, D.l) 
	Protected tmp.l
	TEST   LeapYearFlag, -2   ; 0 <= LeapYearFlag <= 1
	JNZ   ll_daynumtomd_error
	CMP   n, 1                      ; n >= 1
	JB   ll_daynumtomd_error   ;Jump short if below (CF=1).            
	MOV   eax, 365               
	ADD   eax, LeapYearFlag   ; eax := 365 + LeapYearFlag
	CMP   n, eax                 ; n <= eax
	JA   ll_daynumtomd_error                  
	MOV   eax, LeapYearFlag   ; eax := LeapYearFlag
	LEA   eax, [eax + 2*eax]; eax := 3*eax = 3*LeapYearFlag
	SHL   eax, 3                  ; eax := 8*eax = 24*LeapYearFlag
	MOV tmp, eax             ; Sauvegarde de 24*LeapYearFlag dans tmp
	MOV   ecx, 12                  ;
	lloop:                       ; ecx := max{i; 1 <= i <= 12, DaySum(i, LeapYearFlag) < n} = m
	LEA eax,[daysum]   
	DEC eax
	DEC eax
	ADD eax, tmp
	ADD eax, ecx 
	ADD eax, ecx 
	MOVZX   edx, word [eax];MOVZX   edx, [DaySum - 2 + ebx + 2*ecx]      
	CMP   n, edx               ; edx := DaySum(m, LeapYearFlag)
	JA   ll_daynumtomd_loopend            
	LOOP   ll_daynumtomd_lloop               
	MOV   eax, M              ; M := ecx = m
	MOV   [eax], ecx            
	MOV   ecx, n              ; ecx := n
	SUB   ecx, edx           ; ecx := ecx - edx = n - DaySum(m, LeapYearFlag)
	MOV   eax, D              ; D := ecx
	MOV   [eax], ecx            
	XOr   eax, eax
	JMP   ll_daynumtomd_theend
	MOV   eax, -1
	!DW  0,  31,  59,  90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334  
	!DW  0,  31,  60,  91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335 

; This function calculates the absolute day number for the given date.
; Parameters:
;   Y - year,
;   M - month,
;   D - day,
;   Gregorian - chosen calendar (0 - Julian, 1 - Gregorian).
; Returned values:
;   * 1, 2, ..., 2^32-1 for the valid date in the chosen calendar,
;   * 0 for the invalid parameters.
;proc   DateToAbsDayNum, Y, M, D, Gregorian
Procedure.l DateToAbsDayNum( Y.l, M.l, D.l, Gregorian.l)
		;PUSH   ebx ecx edx
		Protected X.l
		TEST   Gregorian, -2                  ; 0 <= Gregorian <= 1
		JNZ   ll_datetoabsdaynum_error      

		IsLeapYear(Y, Gregorian)         
		CMP   eax, -1                           ; eax := IsLeapYear(Y, Gregorian)
		JE   ll_datetoabsdaynum_error      

																									; Y <> 0

		;MOV   ebx, eax                      ; ebx := eax
		MOV X, eax
		MDToDayNum(M, D, X)         ;ebx
		CMP   eax, -1                     ; eax := MDToDayNum(M, D, ebx) = n
		JE   ll_datetoabsdaynum_error                     

		MOV   ecx, Y                  
		CMP   ecx, 0                     ; ecx := Y
		JG   ll_datetoabsdaynum_calculatedaynum               

		INC   ecx               ; Y < 0
																		; ecx := ecx + 1 = Y + 1 = Y + [Y < 0]

;       Global k   = 30
;     Global J   = 194796      ; The constants J and G are equal to the numbers of the complete years
;     Global G   = 194800      ; of the Julian and Gregorian calendars respectively contained in the 
																		; time interval given by "Great Cycle" T.                  
		ADD   ecx, 5843880; k*J               
				CMP   Gregorian, 0               ; ecx := ecx + kJ + k(G-J)[Gregorian = 1] =
				JE   ll_datetoabsdaynum_yprim0   ; = Y + [Y < 0] + kJ + k(G-J)[Gregorian = 1] = Y'
				ADD   ecx, 120; k*(G-J)               ; 
;     Global k   = 30
;     Global J   = 194796      ; The constants J and G are equal to the numbers of the complete years
;     Global G   = 194800      ; of the Julian and Gregorian calendars respectively contained in the 
																		; time interval given by "Great Cycle" T.

				CMP   ecx, 0                  
				JNE   ll_datetoabsdaynum_yprimpositive         ; Y' = 0
				SUB   eax, 364                                 ; eax := eax - 364 = n - 364
				JMP   ll_datetoabsdaynum_theend                  

		yprimpositive:         ; Y' > 0
				DEC   ecx                  ; ecx := ecx - 1 = Y' - 1
				MOV X, eax
				MOV   eax, 365         ; eax := 365
				MUL   ecx                  ; eax := 365 * ecx = 365(Y' - 1);(EDX:EAX <- EAX * r/m32
			SHR   ecx, 2            ; ecx := E(ecx / 4) = E((Y' - 1) / 4)

				ADD   eax, ecx         ; eax := eax + ecx = 365(Y' - 1) + E((Y' - 1) / 4)
				ADD   eax, X            ;      = 365(Y' - 1) + E((Y' - 1) / 4) + n

				CMP   Gregorian, 0
				JZ   ll_datetoabsdaynum_theend

		MOV X, eax                 ; Sauvegarde de eax

				XOr   edx, edx               ;
				MOV   eax, ecx               ; eax := ecx = E((Y' - 1) / 4)
				MOV   ecx, 25                  ;
				DIV   ecx                      ; eax := E(eax / 25) = E(E((Y' - 1) / 4) / 25) =
															;      = E((Y' - 1) / 100)
				;Unsigned divide EDX:EAX by r/m32, with
		;result stored IN EAX <- Quotient, EDX <- Remainder.

				MOV   ecx, eax               ; ecx := eax = E((Y' - 1) / 100)
																				; eax := X = 365(Y' - 1) + E((Y' - 1) / 4) + n
		MOV eax, X

		SUB   eax, ecx               ; eax := eax - ecx = 365(Y' - 1) + E((Y' - 1) / 4) + n -
																		;                    - E((Y' - 1) / 100)

				SHR   ecx, 2                  ; ecx : = E(ecx / 4) = E(E((Y' - 1) / 100) / 4) =
																		;       = E((Y' - 1) / 400)

				ADD   eax, ecx               ; eax := eax + ecx = 365(Y' - 1) + E((Y' - 1) / 4) + n -
																		;                    - E((Y' - 1) / 100) + E((Y' - 1) / 400)

				ADD   eax, 2                  ; eax := eax + 2 = 365(Y' - 1) + E((Y' - 1) / 4) + n -
																		;                  - E((Y' - 1) / 100) + E((Y' - 1) / 400) + 2 =
																		;              = N
				JMP   ll_datetoabsdaynum_theend

				XOr   eax, eax


		;POP   edx ecx ebx

; This function converts the absolute day number N = 1, 2, ..., 2^32-1 to the adequate date (for the chosen calendar).
; Parameters:
;   N - absolute day number,
;   Gregorian - chosen calendar (0 - Julian, 1 - Gregorian),
;   Y - pointer to variable where the calculated year number will be stored,
;   M - pointer to variable where the calculated month number will be stored,
;   D - pointer to variable where the calculated day number will be stored.
; Returned values:
;   * 0 for the valid parameters (N, Gregorian),
;   * -1 in opposite case.
;proc   AbsDayNumToDate, N, Gregorian, Y, M, D
Procedure AbsDayNumToDate( N.l, Gregorian.l, Y.l, M.l, D.l)
		;PUSH   ebx ecx edx
		Protected.l tmpeax, tmpecx, tmpedx, tmpeflags, tmp

		CMP   N, 0                     ; N <> 0 ; l'année  n'existe pas
		JE   ll_absdaynumtodate_error                     ;

		TEST   Gregorian, -2      ; 0 <= Gregorian <= 1
		JNZ   ll_absdaynumtodate_error                     ;

		XOr   ecx, ecx               ; ecx := 0
		MOV   eax, N                 ; eax := N - 1
		DEC   eax                       ;

		CMP   Gregorian, 0
		JE   ll_absdaynumtodate_julian

		CMP   eax, 1   
		JA   ll_absdaynumtodate_nextdays ;Jump short if above (CF=0 and ZF=0).
																					; 0 <= eax <= 1 (1 <= N <= 2)
				MOV   ecx, M               ; M := 12                        
				MOV   dword [ecx], 12               ;

				ADD   eax, 30               ; eax := eax + 30 = N - 1 + 30 = N + 29 

				MOV   ecx, D               ; D := eax = N + 29
				MOV   [ecx], eax         ;

				MOV   ecx, -5844001   ; -k*G - 1      ; ecx := -kG - 1 = -5844001
;       Global k   = 30
;     Global J   = 194796      ; The constants J and G are equal to the numbers of the complete years
;     Global G   = 194800      ; of the Julian and Gregorian calendars respectively contained in the 
																		; time interval given by "Great Cycle" T.

				JMP   ll_absdaynumtodate_yearr

		nextdays:                       ; eax > 1 (N > 2)
				SUB   eax, 2                  ; eax := eax - 2 = N - 1 - 2 = N - 3 
				XOr   edx, edx               ;
;       Global C1   = 365         ; Number of days in a normal year.
;     Global C4   = 4*C1 + 1   = 1461   ; Number of days in the 4-year cycle (base cycle of the Julian calendar).      
;     Global C100   = 25*C4 - 1   = 36524; Number of days in a "normal" century in the Gregorian calendar
;                             ; (i.e. century ending with a normal, 365-day, year).
;     Global C400   = 4*C100 + 1   = 146097   ; Number of days in the complete 400-year cycle of the Gregorian calendar.

				MOV   ecx, 146097   ;C400               ; eax := E(eax / C400) = E((N - 3) / C400)
				DIV   ecx                  ; edx := eax mod C400 = (N - 3) mod C400

				LEA   eax, [eax + 4*eax]   ; eax := 5*eax = 5*E((N - 3) / C400)
				LEA   eax, [eax + 4*eax]   ; eax := 5*eax = 5*(5*E((N - 3) / C400)) =
																				; = 25*E((N - 3) / C400)

				SHL   eax, 4                    ; eax := 16*eax = 16*(25*E((N - 3) / C400)) =
																							; = 400*E((N - 3) / C400)

				XCHG   ecx, eax               ; ecx := eax = 400*E((N - 3) / C400)
				XCHG   eax, edx               ; eax := edx = (N - 3) mod C400

				centuries:                  ;
				CMP   eax, 36524    ; C100            

						JB   ll_absdaynumtodate_julian   ;Jump short if below (CF=1).
						ADD   ecx, 100            
						SUB   eax, 36524    ; C100            
						CMP   eax, 36524    ; C100            ; (eax, ecx) := P(eax, ecx) = 
						JB   ll_absdaynumtodate_julian      ;             = P((N - 3) mod C400, 400*E((N - 3) / C400)) =
																					; = (N100, Y100)
						ADD   ecx, 100            
						SUB   eax, 36524    ; C100            
						CMP   eax, 36524    ; C100            
						JB   ll_absdaynumtodate_julian               
						ADD   ecx, 100            
						SUB   eax, 36524    ; C100            

																		;                             /
																		;                             |  (N - 1, 0)                                 ; Gregorian = 0
																		; (N100, Y100) = (eax, ecx) = <
																		;                             |  P((N - 3) mod C400, 400*E((N - 3) / C400)) ; Gregorian = 1
																		;                             \
		PUSH ecx
				XOr   edx, edx               
				MOV   ecx, 1461 ; C4   ; eax := E(eax / C4) = E(N100 / C4)
				DIV   ecx            ; edx := eax mod C4 = N100 mod C4
				POP ecx
				SHL   eax, 2      ; eax := 4*eax = 4*E(N100 / C4)

				ADD   ecx, eax   ; ecx := ecx + eax = Y100 + 4*E(N100 / C4)

						INC   ecx               
						CMP   edx, 365 ; C1               
						JB   ll_absdaynumtodate_md               
						SUB   edx, 365 ; C1               
						INC   ecx                       ; (edx, ecx) := Q(edx, ecx) =
						CMP   edx, 365 ; C1               ; = Q(N100 mod C4, Y100 + 4*E(N100 / C4)) =
						JB   ll_absdaynumtodate_md   ; = (N', Y*)
						SUB   edx, 365 ; C1               
						INC   ecx               
						CMP   edx, 365 ; C1               
						JB   ll_absdaynumtodate_md               
						SUB   edx, 365 ; C1               
						INC   ecx               

				INC   edx                  ; edx := edx + 1 = N' + 1
				MOV tmpeax, eax
				MOV tmpecx, ecx
				MOV tmpedx, edx

				IsLeapYear(tmpecx, Gregorian)         ; eax := IsLeapYear(ecx=year, Gregorian) =
																					; = IsLeapYear(Y*, Gregorian)
		MOV tmpeax, eax

				;DayNumToMD(n.l, LeapYearFlag.l, M.l, D.l)
		DayNumToMD(tmpedx, tmpeax, M, D)

				MOV ecx, tmpecx 
				MOV edx, tmpedx
				CMP   Gregorian, 0
				JE   ll_absdaynumtodate_julianyears

						SUB   ecx, 120  ;k*(G - J)            ;k*(G - J)=180
																			; ecx := ecx - kJ - k(G - J)[Gregorian = 1] =
				julianyears:      ;      = Y* - kJ - k(G - J)[Gregorian = 1] = 
						SUB   ecx, 5843880  ;k*J            ; = Y';k*J=5843880

						CMP   ecx, 0
						JG   ll_absdaynumtodate_yearr
																			; ecx <= 0 (Y' <= 0)

						DEC   ecx            ; ecx := ecx - 1 = Y' - 1 = Y' - [Y' <= 0]

						MOV   eax, Y      ; Y := ecx
						MOV   [eax], ecx            

				XOr   eax, eax
				JMP   ll_absdaynumtodate_theend

				MOV   eax, -1


		;POP   edx ecx ebx


; This function calculates the day of the week for the given date. Each day of the week is identified by number:
; 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday, 3 - Wednesday, 4 - Thursday, 5 - Friday, 6 - Saturday.
; Parameters:
;   Y - year,
;   M - month,
;   D - day,
;   Gregorian - chosen calendar (0 - Julian, 1 - Gregorian).
; Returned values:
;   * 0, 1, ..., 6 if the date is valid,
;   * -1 for the invalid parameters.
Procedure.l DayOfWeekAsm(Y.l, M.l, D.l, Gregorian.l)
;    PUSH   ebx edx

DateToAbsDayNum(Y, M, D, Gregorian)

	TEST   eax, eax
		JZ   ll_dayofweekasm_error

		MOV   ecx, 7                     ;
		XOr   edx, edx                  ;
		ADD   eax, 5                     ; edx := (eax + 5) mod 7 = (N + 5) mod 7
		ADC   edx, edx                  ;
		DIV   ecx                     

		XCHG   eax, edx               ; eax := edx
		JMP   ll_dayofweekasm_theend

				MOV   eax, -1
;    POP   edx ebx
;    POPFD

; DWORD GregorianToJulian(DWORD Yg, DWORD Mg, DWORD Dg, DWORD* Yj, DWORD* Mj, DWORD* Dj)
; This function converts the Gregorian date to the adequate Julian date.
; Parameters:
;   Yg - year of the Gregorian date,
;   Mg - month of the Gregorian date,
;   Dg - day of the Gregorian date,
;   Yj - pointer to variable where the calculated year number of the Julian date will be stored,
;   Mj - pointer to variable where the calculated month number of the Julian date will be stored,
;   Dj - pointer to variable where the calculated day number of the Julian date will be stored.
; Returned values:
;   * 0 for the valid Gregorian date,
;   * -1 in opposite case.
Procedure.l GregorianToJulian( Yg.l, Mg.l, Dg.l, Yj.l, Mj.l, Dj.l)
	Protected tmpeax.l
	DateToAbsDayNum( Yg, Mg, Dg, 1)
	MOV tmpeax, eax
	TEST   eax, eax
	JZ   ll_gregoriantojulian_error
	AbsDayNumToDate( tmpeax, 0, Yj, Mj, Dj)
	JMP   ll_gregoriantojulian_theend
	MOV   eax, -1
; DWORD JulianToGregorian(DWORD Yj, DWORD Mj, DWORD Dj, DWORD* Yg, DWORD* Mg, DWORD* Dg)
; This function converts the Julian date to the adequate Gregorian date.
; Parameters:
;   Yj - year of the Julian date,
;   Mj - month of the Julian date,
;   Dj - day of the Julian date,
;   Yg - pointer to variable where the calculated year number of the Gregorian date will be stored,
;   Mg - pointer to variable where the calculated month number of the Gregorian date will be stored,
;   Dg - pointer to variable where the calculated day number of the Gregorian date will be stored.
; Returned values:
;   * 0 for the valid Julian date,
;   * -1 in opposite case.
Procedure.l JulianToGregorian( Yj.l, Mj.l, Dj.l, Yg.l, Mg.l, Dg.l)
	Protected tmpeax.l
	DateToAbsDayNum( Yj, Mj, Dj, 0)
	MOV tmpeax, eax
	TEST   eax, eax
	JZ   ll_juliantogregorian_error
	AbsDayNumToDate( tmpeax, 1, Yg, Mg, Dg)
	JMP   ll_juliantogregorian_theend
	MOV   eax, -1


Define.l D, M, Y

Debug "IsLeapYear(2000,1) should be 1  = is a leap year"
Debug IsLeapYear(2000,1)
Debug "-----------------------------------------------------------"

Debug "MDToDayNum(M, D, LeapYearFlag): MDToDayNum(3, 1, 0)"
Debug MDToDayNum(3, 1, 0)
Debug "MDToDayNum(M, D, LeapYearFlag): MDToDayNum(2, 29, 1)"
Debug MDToDayNum(2, 29, 1)
Debug "-----------------------------------------------------------"

Debug "DayNumToMD(N,LeapYearFlag,@M,@D): DayNumToMD(60,0,@M,@D)"
Debug DayNumToMD(60,0,@M,@D)
Debug D
Debug M
Debug "DayNumToMD(N,LeapYearFlag,@M,@D): DayNumToMD(61,1,@M,@D)"
Debug DayNumToMD(61,1,@M,@D)
Debug D
Debug M
Debug "-----------------------------------------------------------"

Debug "DateToAbsDayNum(Y, M, D, Gregorian): Debug DateToAbsDayNum(2000, 1, 1, 1)"
Debug DateToAbsDayNum( 2000, 1, 1, 1)
Debug "-----------------------------------------------------------"

Debug "AbsDayNumToDate(N, Gregorian, Y, M, D): AbsDayNumToDate(2135207292,1,@Y, @M, @D)" 
Debug AbsDayNumToDate(2135207292,1,@Y, @M, @D );:N, Gregorian, Y, M, D
Debug D
Debug M
Debug Y
Debug "-----------------------------------------------------------"

Debug "DayOfWeekAsm(Y, M, D, Gregorian.l): DayOfWeekAsm(2000, 1, 1, 1)"
Debug DayOfWeekAsm(2000, 1, 1, 1)
Debug DayOfWeek(Date(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
Debug "-----------------------------------------------------------"

Debug "GregorianToJulian(Yg, Mg, Dg, Yj, Mj, Dj): GregorianToJulian(2000, 1, 1, @Y, @M, @D)"
Debug GregorianToJulian(2000, 1, 1, @Y, @M, @D)
Debug D
Debug M
Debug Y
Debug "-----------------------------------------------------------"

Debug "JulianToGregorian( Yj, Mj, Dj, Yg, Mg, Dg): Debug JulianToGregorian(1999, 12, 19, @Y, @M, @D)"
Debug JulianToGregorian( 1999, 12, 19, @Y, @M, @D)
Debug D
Debug M
Debug Y
Debug "-----------------------------------------------------------"

For i= 1 To 10000
	DayOfWeek(Date(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
Next i
For i= 1 To 10000
	DayOfWeekAsm(2000, 1, 1, 1)
Next i
Debug "DayOfWeek with PB in ms"
Debug t2-t1
Debug "DayOfWeek with asm in ms"
Debug t3-t2
Debug "DayOfWeek with asm should be much longer but it works from 30 Dec 5 844 001 BCE to 17 Jan 5 915 222 (i hope ;) "