ISAPI Filter Ascii and Unicode Now works!!!

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ISAPI Filter Ascii and Unicode Now works!!!

Post by RichAlgeni »

Modified to use Justin's tip on structures!: Align #PB_Structure_AlignC

Modified to add 'Align 4' on the HTTP_FILTER_VERSION, and remove the constant #SF_NOTIFY_READ_RAW_DATA, as it is no longer used.


Code: Select all

; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Program name: ots_iisapi_filter_ascii.pb
; Written by:   Rich Algeni, Jr.
; Date written: 09/11/2015
; Purpose: 64 bit Internet Information Server Ascii Filter API Dll
; ------------------------------------------------------------


XIncludeFile "D:\development\Source Code Repository For Rich Algeni\PureBasic\iis_api\httpFilt_ascii.pbi"

; ************************************************************************************
; initialization procedure
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i AttachProcess(instance.i)

    Protected logText.s  = "ots_iisapi_filter AttachProcess() Ascii version completed successfully"


    ProcedureReturn #True


; ************************************************************************************
; DetachProcess
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i DetachProcess(instance.i)

; ************************************************************************************
; AttachThread
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i AttachThread(instance.i)

; ************************************************************************************
; DetachThread
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i DetachThread(instance.i)

; ************************************************************************************
; GetFilterVersion is called when the dll is loaded
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i GetFilterVersion(*pVer.HTTP_FILTER_VERSION)

    Protected logText.s     = "ots_iisapi_filter GetFilterVersion()"
    Protected descriptionSize.l
    Protected notificationMask.l
    Protected description.s = "ISAPI Ascii Filter written in PureBasic"
    Protected descripSize.l = Len(description)

    notificationMask =  #SF_NOTIFY_SECURE_PORT             | 
                        #SF_NOTIFY_NONSECURE_PORT          |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_PREPROC_HEADERS         |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_AUTHENTICATION          |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAP                 |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_ACCESS_DENIED           |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RESPONSE           |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RAW_DATA           |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_LOG                     |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_END_OF_REQUEST          |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_END_OF_NET_SESSION      |

    descriptionSize  = StringByteLength(description, #PB_Ascii)

; make the length of the description the same number of characters as #SF_MAX_FILTER_DESC_LEN

    PokeL(@*pVer\dwFilterVersion, #HTTP_FILTER_REVISION)
    PokeS(@*pVer\lpszFilterDesc,  description, descriptionSize, #PB_Ascii)
    PokeL(@*pVer\dwFlags,         notificationMask)

    logText + ", ISAPI Server Version: 0x" + RSet(Hex(*pVer\dwServerFilterVersion, #PB_Long), 8, "0")
    logText + ", ISAPI Client Version: 0x" + RSet(Hex(*pVer\dwFilterVersion, #PB_Long), 8, "0")
    logText + ", notifications requested: 0x" + RSet(Hex(notificationMask, #PB_Long),  8, "0")


; return true, returning false will cause the dll to be unloaded

    ProcedureReturn #True


; ************************************************************************************
; This is the main function that is called for each client request pECB contains all needed data
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i HttpFilterProc(*pfc.HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT, notificationType.l, *pvNotification)

    Protected logText.s = "ots_iisapi_filter HttpFilterProc() > notificationType = " + Str(notificationType)


; return get next notification



; ************************************************************************************
; TerminateFilter is called before unloading the dll.
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i TerminateFilter(dwFlags.l)

    Protected logText.s = "ots_iisapi_filter TerminateFilter() > process terminating"


; return true

    ProcedureReturn #True

; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.46 LTS (Windows - x64)
; ExecutableFormat = Shared dll
; CursorPosition = 73
; FirstLine = 62
; Folding = --
; EnableThread
; UseIcon = ..\OTS\ots.ico
; Executable = ots_iisapi_filter.dll
; DisableDebugger
; HideErrorLog
; CurrentDirectory = \
; CompileSourceDirectory
; Compiler = PureBasic 5.46 LTS (Windows - x64)
; EnableCompileCount = 5
; EnableBuildCount = 5
; EnableExeConstant

Code: Select all

; *************************************************************
; *  Module Name: httpFilt_ascii.pbi
; *
; *  Abstract   : This module contains the Microsoft HTTP Ascii Filter header for PureBasic
; *************************************************************
; *************************************************************

; *************************************************************/
; *   Manifest Constants
; *************************************************************/

#HSE_VERSION_MAJOR                  =  10; // major version of this spec
#HSE_VERSION_MINOR                  =   0; // minor version of this spec

#SF_MAX_USERNAME                    =  256 + 1
#SF_MAX_PASSWORD                    =  256 + 1
#SF_MAX_AUTH_TYPE                   =   32 + 1
#SF_MAX_FILTER_DESC_LEN             =  256 + 1

; // These values can be used with the pfnSFCallback function supplied in the filter context Structure

; //  Sends a complete HTTP server response header including the status, server version, message time and MIME version.
; //  Server extensions should append other information at the end, such as Content-type, Content-length etc followed by an extra '\r\n'.
; //  pData - Zero terminated string pointing to optional status string (i.e., "401 Access Denied") or NULL for the default response of "200 OK".
; //  ul1 - Zero terminated string pointing to optional data to be appended and set with the header. If NULL, the header will be terminated with an empty line.


; //  If the server denies the HTTP request, add the specified headers to the server error response.
; //  This allows an authentication filter to advertise its services w/o filtering every request. Generally the headers will be
; //  WWW-Authenticate headers with custom authentication schemes but no restriction is placed on what headers may be specified.
; //  pData - Zero terminated string pointing to one or more header lines with terminating '\r\n'.


; //  Only used by raw data filters that return SF_STATUS_READ_NEXT
; //  ul1 - size in bytes for the next read


; //  Used to indicate this request is a proxy request
; //  ul1 - The proxy flags to set
; //  0x00000001 - This is a HTTP proxy request


; //  Returns the connection ID contained in the ConnID field of an ISAPI Application's Extension Control Block.
; //  This value can be used as a key to cooridinate shared data between Filters and Applications.
; //  pData - Pointer to DWORD that receives the connection ID.


; // Used to set a SSPI security context + impersonation token derived from a client certificate.
; // pData - certificate info ( PHTTP_FILTER_CERTIFICATE_INFO )
; // ul1 - CtxtHandle*
; // ul2 - impersonation handle


; // Used to get an IIS property as defined in SF_PROPERTY_IIS
; // ul1 - Property ID


; // Used to normalize an URL
; // pData - URL to normalize


; // Disable Notifications
; // ul1 - notifications to disable


; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#SF_PROPERTY_SSL_CTXT               = 0

; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; // These values are returned by the filter entry point when a new request is received indicating their interest in this particular request.

; // The filter has handled the HTTP request.  The server should disconnect the session.

#SF_STATUS_REQ_FINISHED             = $8000000

; // Same as SF_STATUS_FINISHED except the server should keep the TCP session open if the option was negotiated.


; // The next filter in the notification chain should be called.


; // This filter handled the notification. No other handles should be called for this particular notification type.


; // An error occurred. The server should use GetLastError() and indicate the error to the client.


; // The filter is an opaque stream filter and we're negotiating the session parameters. Only valid for raw read notification.


; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; // Bitfield indicating the requested resource has been denied by the server due to a logon failure, an ACL on a resource, an ISAPI Filter or an
; // ISAPI Application/CGI Application.
; // SF_DENIED_BY_CONFIG can appear with SF_DENIED_LOGON if the server configuration did not allow the user to logon.

#SF_DENIED_LOGON            = $00000001
#SF_DENIED_RESOURCE         = $00000002
#SF_DENIED_FILTER           = $00000004
#SF_DENIED_APPLICATION      = $00000008
#SF_DENIED_BY_CONFIG        = $00010000

Prototype GetServerVariable(*pfc, *lpszVariableName, *lpvBuffer, *lpdwSize)
Prototype AddResponseHeaders(*pfc, *lpszHeaders, dwReserved.l)
Prototype WriteClient(*pfc, *lpvBuffer, *lpdwBytes, dwReserved.l)
Prototype AllocMem(*pfc, cbSize.l, dwReserved.l)
Prototype ServerSupportFunction(*pfc, sfReq.i, *pData, *ul1, *ul2)

; // see for variable types

; // bool      = .l
; // int       = .i
; // pointer   = .i
; // byte      = .c
; // dword     = .l
; // dword32   = .l
; // dwordlong = .i
; // dword64   = .i
; // float     = .f

; // pvNotification points to this structure for all request notification types

Structure HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    cbSize.l;                                       // Size of this structure.
    Revision.l;                                     // Version info of this spec.
    *ServerContext;                                 // Reserved for server use.
    ulReserved.l;                                   // Reserved For server use.
    fIsSecurePort.l;                                // A value of TRUE indicates that this event is over a secure port. A value of FALSE indicates that the event is not over a secure port.
    *pFilterContext;                                // Points to any context information that the filter wants to associate with this request.
    GetServerVariable.GetServerVariable;            // Function call.
    AddResponseHeaders.AddResponseHeaders;          // Function call.
    WriteClient.WriteClient;                        // Function call.
    AllocMem.AllocMem;                              // Function call.
    ServerSupportFunction.ServerSupportFunction;    // Function call.

; // This Structure is the notification info For the Read And send raw Data notification types

Structure HTTP_FILTER_RAW_DATA Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    *pvInData;                                      // Points to the data buffer.
    cbInData.l;                                     // Number of valid data bytes.
    cbInBuffer.l;                                   // Total size of buffer.
    dwReserved.l;                                   // Reserved for future use.

; // Retrieves the specified header value. Header names should include the trailing ':'.  The special values
; // 'method', 'url' and 'version' can be used to retrieve the individual portions of the request line.

Prototype GetHeader(*pfc.HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT, *lpszName, *lpvBuffer, *lpdwSize)

; // Replaces this header value to the specified value.  To delete a header, specified a value of '\0'.

Prototype SetHeader(*pfc.HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT, *lpszName, *lpszValue)

; // Adds the specified header and value.

Prototype AddHeader(*pfc.HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT, *lpszName, *lpszValue)

; // This structure is the notification info for when the server is about to process the client headers.

Structure HTTP_FILTER_PREPROC_HEADERS Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    GetHeader.GetHeader;                            // Get header function call.
    SetHeader.SetHeader;                            // Set header function call.
    AddHeader.AddHeader;                            // Add header function call.
    HttpStatus.l;                                   // Status for SEND_RESPONSE.
    dwReserved.l;                                   // Reserved for future use.

; //  Authentication information for this request.

Structure HTTP_FILTER_AUTHENT Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    pszUser.a;                                      // String for username and password, empty strings for the anonymous user.
    cbUserBuff.l;                                   // The size of the buffer pointed to by pszUser. This is guaranteed to be at least SF_MAX_USERNAME.
    pszPassword.a;                                  // String containing the password for this request.
    cbPasswordBuff.l;                               // The size of the buffer pointed to by pszPassword. This is guaranteed to be at least SF_MAX_PASSWORD.

; //  Indicates the server is going to use the specific physical mapping for the specified URL.  Filters can modify the physical path in place.

Structure HTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    pszURL.a;                                       // String for the URL that is being mapped to a physical path.
    pszPhysicalPath.a;                              // String for the buffer where the physical path is stored.
    cbPathBuff.l;                                   // The size of the buffer pointed to by pszPhysicalPath.

; //  Indicates the server is going to use the specific physical mapping for the specified URL.  Filters can modify the physical path in place.
; //  Additional members beyond those from HTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP are informational.

Structure HTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP_EX Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    pszURL.a;                                       // String for the URL that is being mapped to a physical path.
    pszPhysicalPath.a;                              // String for the buffer where the physical path is stored.
    cbPathBuff.l;                                   // The size of the buffer pointed to by pszPhysicalPath.

Structure HTTP_FILTER_ACCESS_DENIED Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    pszURL.a;                                       // String for the URL that is being mapped to a physical path.
    pszPhysicalPath.a;                              // String for the buffer where the physical path is stored.
    dwReason.l;                                     // Bitfield of SF_DENIED flags due to a logon failure, an ACL on a resource, an ISAPI Filter or an ISAPI Application/CGI Application.

; //  The log information about to be written to the server log file. The string pointers can be replaced but the memory must remain valid until
; //  the next notification

Structure HTTP_FILTER_LOG Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    pszClientHostName.a;                            // String for the client's host name.
    pszClientUserName.a;                            // String for the client's user name.
    pszServerName.a;                                // String for the server name.
    pszOperation.a;                                 // String for the HTTP operation type.
    pszTarget.a;                                    // String for the target of the HTTP command.
    pszParameters.a;                                // String for the parameters passed to the HTTP command.
    dwHttpStatus.l;                                 // The HTTP return status.
    dwWin32Status.l;                                // The Win32 error code.
    dwBytesSent.l;                                  // The number of bytes sent from the server to the client.
    dwBytesRecvd.l;                                 // The number of bytes received by the server from the client.
    msTimeForProcessing.l;                          // The time in milliseconds required to process the client request.

; // Called once the client request has been authenticated.

Prototype GetUserToken(*pfc.HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT, phToken.i)

Structure HTTP_FILTER_AUTH_COMPLETE_INFO Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    GetHeader.GetHeader;                            // Get header function call.
    SetHeader.SetHeader;                            // Set header function call.
    AddHeader.AddHeader;                            // Add header function call.
    GetUserToken.GetUserToken;                      // Get user token function call.
    HttpStatus.l;                                   // Status for SEND_RESPONSE.
    fResetAuth.l;                                   // Boolean reserved for future use.
    dwReserved.l;                                   // Reserved for future use.

; //  Notification Flags
; //
; //
; //      Indicates whether the application wants to be notified for transactions that are happenning on the server port(s) that support data encryption
; //      (such as PCT and SSL), on only the non-secure port(s) or both.
; //
; //
; //      Applications are notified after the server reads a block of memory from the client but before the server does any processing on the
; //      block.  The data block may contain HTTP headers and entity data.

#SF_NOTIFY_SECURE_PORT             = $00000001
#SF_NOTIFY_NONSECURE_PORT          = $00000002
#SF_NOTIFY_PREPROC_HEADERS         = $00004000
#SF_NOTIFY_AUTHENTICATION          = $00002000
#SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAP                 = $00001000
#SF_NOTIFY_ACCESS_DENIED           = $00000800
#SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RESPONSE           = $00000040
#SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RAW_DATA           = $00000400
#SF_NOTIFY_LOG                     = $00000200
#SF_NOTIFY_END_OF_REQUEST          = $00000080
#SF_NOTIFY_END_OF_NET_SESSION      = $00000100
#SF_NOTIFY_AUTH_COMPLETE           = $04000000

; //  Filter ordering flags
; //
; //  Filters will tend to be notified by their specified ordering.  For ties, notification order is determined by load order.
; //
; //  SF_NOTIFY_ORDER_HIGH - Authentication or data transformation filters
; //  SF_NOTIFY_ORDER_LOW  - Logging filters that want the results of any other filters might specify this order.

#SF_NOTIFY_ORDER_HIGH              = $00080000
#SF_NOTIFY_ORDER_MEDIUM            = $00040000
#SF_NOTIFY_ORDER_LOW               = $00020000

; // Structure passed To GetFilterVersion

Structure HTTP_FILTER_VERSION Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    dwServerFilterVersion.l;                        // The ISAPI version in use by the server.
    dwFilterVersion.l;                              // The version number of ISAPI used by the ISAPI filter. The version used by your filter can be set by using the HTTP_FILTER_REVISION definition from the httpfilt.h header file.
    lpszFilterDesc.a[#SF_MAX_FILTER_DESC_LEN];      // String for short description of the ISAPI filter. Length = #SF_MAX_FILTER_DESC_LEN
    dwFlags.l;                                      // Contains flags that indicate for which notification event types the filter should be notified, and what the filter's priority is. The following table lists the valid bitmasks.

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Thread = 0
    CompilerError "ISAPI Filters must be compiled with threadsafe enabled!"

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Unicode = 1
    CompilerWarning "Must be compiled without Unicode!!!"

Code: Select all

; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Program name: ots_iisapi_filter_unicode.pb
; Written by:   Rich Algeni, Jr.
; Date written: 09/11/2015
; Purpose: 64 bit Internet Information Server Unicode Filter API Dll
; ------------------------------------------------------------


XIncludeFile "D:\development\Source Code Repository For Rich Algeni\PureBasic\iis_api\httpFilt_unicode.pbi"

; ************************************************************************************
; initialization procedure
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i AttachProcess(instance.i)

    Protected logText.s  = "ots_iisapi_filter AttachProcess() Unicode version completed successfully"


    ProcedureReturn #True


; ************************************************************************************
; DetachProcess
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i DetachProcess(instance.i)

; ************************************************************************************
; AttachThread
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i AttachThread(instance.i)

; ************************************************************************************
; DetachThread
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i DetachThread(instance.i)

; ************************************************************************************
; GetFilterVersion is called when the dll is loaded
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i GetFilterVersion(*pVer.HTTP_FILTER_VERSION)

    Protected logText.s     = "ots_iisapi_filter GetFilterVersion()"
    Protected descriptionSize.l
    Protected notificationMask.l
    Protected description.s = "ISAPI Unicode Filter written in PureBasic"
    Protected descripSize.l = Len(description)

    notificationMask =  #SF_NOTIFY_SECURE_PORT             | 
                        #SF_NOTIFY_NONSECURE_PORT          |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_PREPROC_HEADERS         |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_AUTHENTICATION          |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAP                 |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_ACCESS_DENIED           |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RESPONSE           |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RAW_DATA           |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_LOG                     |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_END_OF_REQUEST          |
                        #SF_NOTIFY_END_OF_NET_SESSION      |

    descriptionSize  = StringByteLength(description, #PB_UTF8)

; make the length of the description the same number of characters as #SF_MAX_FILTER_DESC_LEN

    PokeL(@*pVer\dwFilterVersion, #HTTP_FILTER_REVISION)
    PokeS(@*pVer\lpszFilterDesc,  description, descriptionSize, #PB_UTF8)
    PokeL(@*pVer\dwFlags,         notificationMask)

    logText + ", ISAPI Server Version: 0x" + RSet(Hex(*pVer\dwServerFilterVersion, #PB_Long), 8, "0")
    logText + ", ISAPI Client Version: 0x" + RSet(Hex(*pVer\dwFilterVersion, #PB_Long), 8, "0")
    logText + ", notifications requested: 0x" + RSet(Hex(notificationMask, #PB_Long),  8, "0")


; return true, returning false will cause the dll to be unloaded

    ProcedureReturn #True


; ************************************************************************************
; This is the main function that is called for each client request pECB contains all needed data
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i HttpFilterProc(*pfc.HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT, notificationType.l, *pvNotification)

    Protected logText.s = "ots_iisapi_filter HttpFilterProc() > notificationType = " + Str(notificationType)


; return get next notification



; ************************************************************************************
; TerminateFilter is called before unloading the dll.
; ************************************************************************************

ProcedureDLL.i TerminateFilter(dwFlags.l)

    Protected logText.s = "ots_iisapi_filter TerminateFilter() > process terminating"


; return true

    ProcedureReturn #True

; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.72 (Windows - x64)
; ExecutableFormat = Shared dll
; CursorPosition = 96
; FirstLine = 62
; Folding = --
; EnableThread
; UseIcon = ..\OTS\ots.ico
; Executable = ots_iisapi_filter.dll
; DisableDebugger
; HideErrorLog
; CurrentDirectory = \
; CompileSourceDirectory
; EnableCompileCount = 5
; EnableBuildCount = 5
; EnableExeConstant

Code: Select all

; *************************************************************
; *  Module Name: httpFilt_unicode.pbi
; *
; *  Abstract   : This module contains the Microsoft HTTP Unicode Filter header for PureBasic
; *************************************************************
; *************************************************************

; *************************************************************/
; *   Manifest Constants
; *************************************************************/

#HSE_VERSION_MAJOR                  =  10; // major version of this spec
#HSE_VERSION_MINOR                  =   0; // minor version of this spec

#SF_MAX_USERNAME                    =  256 + 1
#SF_MAX_PASSWORD                    =  256 + 1
#SF_MAX_AUTH_TYPE                   =   32 + 1
#SF_MAX_FILTER_DESC_LEN             =  256 + 1

; // These values can be used with the pfnSFCallback function supplied in the filter context Structure

; //  Sends a complete HTTP server response header including the status, server version, message time and MIME version.
; //  Server extensions should append other information at the end, such as Content-type, Content-length etc followed by an extra '\r\n'.
; //  pData - Zero terminated string pointing to optional status string (i.e., "401 Access Denied") or NULL for the default response of "200 OK".
; //  ul1 - Zero terminated string pointing to optional data to be appended and set with the header. If NULL, the header will be terminated with an empty line.


; //  If the server denies the HTTP request, add the specified headers to the server error response.
; //  This allows an authentication filter to advertise its services w/o filtering every request. Generally the headers will be
; //  WWW-Authenticate headers with custom authentication schemes but no restriction is placed on what headers may be specified.
; //  pData - Zero terminated string pointing to one or more header lines with terminating '\r\n'.


; //  Only used by raw data filters that return SF_STATUS_READ_NEXT
; //  ul1 - size in bytes for the next read


; //  Used to indicate this request is a proxy request
; //  ul1 - The proxy flags to set
; //  0x00000001 - This is a HTTP proxy request


; //  Returns the connection ID contained in the ConnID field of an ISAPI Application's Extension Control Block.
; //  This value can be used as a key to cooridinate shared data between Filters and Applications.
; //  pData - Pointer to DWORD that receives the connection ID.


; // Used to set a SSPI security context + impersonation token derived from a client certificate.
; // pData - certificate info ( PHTTP_FILTER_CERTIFICATE_INFO )
; // ul1 - CtxtHandle*
; // ul2 - impersonation handle


; // Used to get an IIS property as defined in SF_PROPERTY_IIS
; // ul1 - Property ID


; // Used to normalize an URL
; // pData - URL to normalize


; // Disable Notifications
; // ul1 - notifications to disable


; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#SF_PROPERTY_SSL_CTXT               = 0

; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; // These values are returned by the filter entry point when a new request is received indicating their interest in this particular request.

; // The filter has handled the HTTP request.  The server should disconnect the session.

#SF_STATUS_REQ_FINISHED             = $8000000

; // Same as SF_STATUS_FINISHED except the server should keep the TCP session open if the option was negotiated.


; // The next filter in the notification chain should be called.


; // This filter handled the notification. No other handles should be called for this particular notification type.


; // An error occurred. The server should use GetLastError() and indicate the error to the client.


; // The filter is an opaque stream filter and we're negotiating the session parameters. Only valid for raw read notification.


; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; // Bitfield indicating the requested resource has been denied by the server due to a logon failure, an ACL on a resource, an ISAPI Filter or an
; // ISAPI Application/CGI Application.
; // SF_DENIED_BY_CONFIG can appear with SF_DENIED_LOGON if the server configuration did not allow the user to logon.

#SF_DENIED_LOGON            = $00000001
#SF_DENIED_RESOURCE         = $00000002
#SF_DENIED_FILTER           = $00000004
#SF_DENIED_APPLICATION      = $00000008
#SF_DENIED_BY_CONFIG        = $00010000

Prototype GetServerVariable(*pfc, *lpszVariableName, *lpvBuffer, *lpdwSize)
Prototype AddResponseHeaders(*pfc, *lpszHeaders, dwReserved.l)
Prototype WriteClient(*pfc, *lpvBuffer, *lpdwBytes, dwReserved.l)
Prototype AllocMem(*pfc, cbSize.l, dwReserved.l)
Prototype ServerSupportFunction(*pfc, sfReq.i, *pData, *ul1, *ul2)

; // see for variable types

; // bool      = .l
; // int       = .i
; // pointer   = .i
; // byte      = .c
; // dword     = .l
; // dword32   = .l
; // dwordlong = .i
; // dword64   = .i
; // float     = .f

; // pvNotification points to this structure for all request notification types

Structure HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    cbSize.l;                                       // Size of this structure.
    Revision.l;                                     // Version info of this spec.
    *ServerContext;                                 // Reserved for server use.
    ulReserved.l;                                   // Reserved For server use.
    fIsSecurePort.l;                                // A value of TRUE indicates that this event is over a secure port. A value of FALSE indicates that the event is not over a secure port.
    *pFilterContext;                                // Points to any context information that the filter wants to associate with this request.
    GetServerVariable.GetServerVariable;            // Function call.
    AddResponseHeaders.AddResponseHeaders;          // Function call.
    WriteClient.WriteClient;                        // Function call.
    AllocMem.AllocMem;                              // Function call.
    ServerSupportFunction.ServerSupportFunction;    // Function call.

; // This Structure is the notification info For the Read And send raw Data notification types

Structure HTTP_FILTER_RAW_DATA Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    *pvInData;                                      // Points to the data buffer.
    cbInData.l;                                     // Number of valid data bytes.
    cbInBuffer.l;                                   // Total size of buffer.
    dwReserved.l;                                   // Reserved for future use.

; // Retrieves the specified header value. Header names should include the trailing ':'.  The special values
; // 'method', 'url' and 'version' can be used to retrieve the individual portions of the request line.

Prototype GetHeader(*pfc.HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT, *lpszName, *lpvBuffer, *lpdwSize)

; // Replaces this header value to the specified value.  To delete a header, specified a value of '\0'.

Prototype SetHeader(*pfc.HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT, *lpszName, *lpszValue)

; // Adds the specified header and value.

Prototype AddHeader(*pfc.HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT, *lpszName, *lpszValue)

; // This structure is the notification info for when the server is about to process the client headers.

Structure HTTP_FILTER_PREPROC_HEADERS Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    GetHeader.GetHeader;                            // Get header function call.
    SetHeader.SetHeader;                            // Set header function call.
    AddHeader.AddHeader;                            // Add header function call.
    HttpStatus.l;                                   // Status for SEND_RESPONSE.
    dwReserved.l;                                   // Reserved for future use.

; //  Authentication information for this request.

Structure HTTP_FILTER_AUTHENT Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    pszUser.a;                                      // String for username and password, empty strings for the anonymous user.
    cbUserBuff.l;                                   // The size of the buffer pointed to by pszUser. This is guaranteed to be at least SF_MAX_USERNAME.
    pszPassword.a;                                  // String containing the password for this request.
    cbPasswordBuff.l;                               // The size of the buffer pointed to by pszPassword. This is guaranteed to be at least SF_MAX_PASSWORD.

; //  Indicates the server is going to use the specific physical mapping for the specified URL.  Filters can modify the physical path in place.

Structure HTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    pszURL.a;                                       // String for the URL that is being mapped to a physical path.
    pszPhysicalPath.a;                              // String for the buffer where the physical path is stored.
    cbPathBuff.l;                                   // The size of the buffer pointed to by pszPhysicalPath.

; //  Indicates the server is going to use the specific physical mapping for the specified URL.  Filters can modify the physical path in place.
; //  Additional members beyond those from HTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP are informational.

Structure HTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP_EX Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    pszURL.a;                                       // String for the URL that is being mapped to a physical path.
    pszPhysicalPath.a;                              // String for the buffer where the physical path is stored.
    cbPathBuff.l;                                   // The size of the buffer pointed to by pszPhysicalPath.

Structure HTTP_FILTER_ACCESS_DENIED Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    pszURL.a;                                       // String for the URL that is being mapped to a physical path.
    pszPhysicalPath.a;                              // String for the buffer where the physical path is stored.
    dwReason.l;                                     // Bitfield of SF_DENIED flags due to a logon failure, an ACL on a resource, an ISAPI Filter or an ISAPI Application/CGI Application.

; //  The log information about to be written to the server log file. The string pointers can be replaced but the memory must remain valid until
; //  the next notification

Structure HTTP_FILTER_LOG Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    pszClientHostName.a;                            // String for the client's host name.
    pszClientUserName.a;                            // String for the client's user name.
    pszServerName.a;                                // String for the server name.
    pszOperation.a;                                 // String for the HTTP operation type.
    pszTarget.a;                                    // String for the target of the HTTP command.
    pszParameters.a;                                // String for the parameters passed to the HTTP command.
    dwHttpStatus.l;                                 // The HTTP return status.
    dwWin32Status.l;                                // The Win32 error code.
    dwBytesSent.l;                                  // The number of bytes sent from the server to the client.
    dwBytesRecvd.l;                                 // The number of bytes received by the server from the client.
    msTimeForProcessing.l;                          // The time in milliseconds required to process the client request.

; // Called once the client request has been authenticated.

Prototype GetUserToken(*pfc.HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT, phToken.i)

Structure HTTP_FILTER_AUTH_COMPLETE_INFO Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    GetHeader.GetHeader;                            // Get header function call.
    SetHeader.SetHeader;                            // Set header function call.
    AddHeader.AddHeader;                            // Add header function call.
    GetUserToken.GetUserToken;                      // Get user token function call.
    HttpStatus.l;                                   // Status for SEND_RESPONSE.
    fResetAuth.l;                                   // Boolean reserved for future use.
    dwReserved.l;                                   // Reserved for future use.

; //  Notification Flags
; //
; //
; //      Indicates whether the application wants to be notified for transactions that are happenning on the server port(s) that support data encryption
; //      (such as PCT and SSL), on only the non-secure port(s) or both.
; //
; //
; //      Applications are notified after the server reads a block of memory from the client but before the server does any processing on the
; //      block.  The data block may contain HTTP headers and entity data.

#SF_NOTIFY_SECURE_PORT             = $00000001
#SF_NOTIFY_NONSECURE_PORT          = $00000002
#SF_NOTIFY_PREPROC_HEADERS         = $00004000
#SF_NOTIFY_AUTHENTICATION          = $00002000
#SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAP                 = $00001000
#SF_NOTIFY_ACCESS_DENIED           = $00000800
#SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RESPONSE           = $00000040
#SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RAW_DATA           = $00000400
#SF_NOTIFY_LOG                     = $00000200
#SF_NOTIFY_END_OF_REQUEST          = $00000080
#SF_NOTIFY_END_OF_NET_SESSION      = $00000100
#SF_NOTIFY_AUTH_COMPLETE           = $04000000

; //  Filter ordering flags
; //
; //  Filters will tend to be notified by their specified ordering.  For ties, notification order is determined by load order.
; //
; //  SF_NOTIFY_ORDER_HIGH - Authentication or data transformation filters
; //  SF_NOTIFY_ORDER_LOW  - Logging filters that want the results of any other filters might specify this order.

#SF_NOTIFY_ORDER_HIGH              = $00080000
#SF_NOTIFY_ORDER_MEDIUM            = $00040000
#SF_NOTIFY_ORDER_LOW               = $00020000

; // Structure passed To GetFilterVersion

Structure HTTP_FILTER_VERSION Align #PB_Structure_AlignC
    dwServerFilterVersion.l;                        // The ISAPI version in use by the server.
    dwFilterVersion.l;                              // The version number of ISAPI used by the ISAPI filter. The version used by your filter can be set by using the HTTP_FILTER_REVISION definition from the httpfilt.h header file.
    lpszFilterDesc.a[#SF_MAX_FILTER_DESC_LEN];      // String for short description of the ISAPI filter. Length = #SF_MAX_FILTER_DESC_LEN
    dwFlags.l;                                      // Contains flags that indicate for which notification event types the filter should be notified, and what the filter's priority is. The following table lists the valid bitmasks.

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Thread = 0
    CompilerError "ISAPI Filters must be compiled with threadsafe enabled!"

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Unicode = 0
    CompilerWarning "Must be compiled in Unicode!!!"
The good news: both ascii and unicode modes work with IIS 10. IIS 10 seems to be much less buggy than previous IIS versions.

The BEST news: This now works! It takes a bit to go through all of the notifications I loaded, so that will be the next item I work on. Cutting it down to do just what I need.

I am using the OS call OutputDebugString_() to send data to Sysinternals debugview process. Remember to click on 'Capture Global Win32.'

Last edited by RichAlgeni on Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ISAPI Filter Ascii and Unicode

Post by RichAlgeni »

Here is the debug output:

Code: Select all

[13252] ots_iisapi_filter AttachProcess() Ascii version completed successfully
[13252] ots_iisapi_filter GetFilterVersion(), ISAPI Server Version: 0x000A0000, ISAPI Client Version: 0x000A0000, notifications requested: 0x0400FFC3
[13252] ots_iisapi_filter TerminateFilter() > process terminating
[13252] ots_iisapi_filter AttachProcess() Unicode version completed successfully
[13252] ots_iisapi_filter GetFilterVersion(), ISAPI Server Version: 0x000A0000, ISAPI Client Version: 0x000A0000, notifications requested: 0x0400FFC3
[13252] ots_iisapi_filter TerminateFilter() > process terminating
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Re: ISAPI Filter Ascii and Unicode

Post by dige »

I've read that ISAPI is outdated and is no longer being developed. Maybe this is the reason why the IIS10 does not work anymore?
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Re: ISAPI Filter Ascii and Unicode

Post by RichAlgeni »

Actually, I figured it out!!! I had to use Align 4 on the HTTP_FILTER_VERSION Structure.

Code: Select all

    dwServerFilterVersion.l;                        // The ISAPI version in use by the server.
    dwFilterVersion.l;                              // The version number of ISAPI used by the ISAPI filter. The version used by your filter can be set by using the HTTP_FILTER_REVISION definition from the httpfilt.h header file.
    lpszFilterDesc.a[#SF_MAX_FILTER_DESC_LEN];      // String for short description of the ISAPI filter. Length = #SF_MAX_FILTER_DESC_LEN
    dwFlags.l;                                      // Contains flags that indicate for which notification event types the filter should be notified, and what the filter's priority is. The following table lists the valid bitmasks.
I will edit above to correct.
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Re: ISAPI Filter Ascii and Unicode Now works!!!

Post by Justin »

You should use Align #PB_Structure_AlignC on all the winapi structures.
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Re: ISAPI Filter Ascii and Unicode Now works!!!

Post by RichAlgeni »

Justin wrote:You should use Align #PB_Structure_AlignC on all the winapi structures.
Would that be applicable to all of the structures in the pbi include file?
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Re: ISAPI Filter Ascii and Unicode Now works!!!

Post by Justin »

Yes, but only the converted winapi structures, not your own structures.
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Re: ISAPI Filter Ascii and Unicode Now works!!!

Post by RichAlgeni »

Very good! I will modify this post nce again. Thanks!
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