DirectionalBlur module

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DirectionalBlur module

Post by wilbert »

DirectionalBlur is a module I created to perform a blur on a pixel buffer, rectangle or image.

The blur is accomplished by simply mixing part of the previous pixel with the new pixel. As a result of this, the blur is in one direction.
To make it more like a normal blur, a blur from all four directions sequentially can be done. It is not exactly the same but for a lot of purposes it will be good enough I hope.
This also means that #Blur_Full is slower as #Blur_LeftRight and also has a stronger blur at the same strength (because it actually is 4 times a blur).
The advantage is that a stronger blur is not slower as a softer blur.

Support for 24 bit images / drawing buffers is done very simple by temporary creating a 32 bit buffer.
As a result of this, working with 24 bit images is quite a bit slower.

LineStride is similar to DrawingBufferPitch(); It's the amount of bytes a line occupies in memory.

Code: Select all

DeclareModule DirectionalBlur
  ; DirectionalBlur module by Wilbert (SSE2 required)
  ; Last updated : October 17, 2019
  ; Strength: 0 - 31
  ; Direction:
  #Blur_LeftRight  = 1
  #Blur_RightLeft  = 2
  #Blur_Horizontal = 3
  #Blur_TopBottom  = 4
  #Blur_BottomTop  = 8
  #Blur_Vertical   = 12
  #Blur_Full       = 15
  Declare BlurPixelBuf32(*PixelBuf32, Width, Height, Strength, Direction = #Blur_Full, LineStride = 0)
  Declare BlurPixelBuf24(*PixelBuf24, Width, Height, Strength, Direction = #Blur_Full, LineStride = 0)
  Declare BlurRect(x, y, Width, Height, Strength, Direction = #Blur_Full)
  Declare BlurImage(Image, Strength, Direction = #Blur_Full)

Module DirectionalBlur
  DisableDebugger             ; leave disabled !!!
  #Blur_ReversedY = 16        ; required for flipped drawing buffers
  ;->> Private macros and procedures <<
  CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86
    Macro rbx : ebx : EndMacro
    Macro rcx : ecx : EndMacro
    Macro rdx : edx : EndMacro
    Macro rsi : esi : EndMacro  
    Macro rdi : edi : EndMacro  
    Macro rsp : esp : EndMacro  
  Macro M_save_xmm(dst, reg)
    !movdqu [dst], reg
  Macro M_load_xmm(reg, src)
    !movdqu reg, [src]
  Procedure CopyPixels(*Src, SrcLS, *Dst, DstLS, Width, Height)
    ; Backup registers
    mov [rsp - 8], rsi
    mov [rsp - 16], rdi
    mov [rsp - 24], rbx
    ; Copy pixels
    !mov eax, [p.v_Width]
    !shl eax, 2
    !mov ebx, [p.v_SrcLS]
    !mov edx, [p.v_DstLS]
    !sub ebx, eax
    !sub edx, eax
    mov rsi, [p.p_Src]
    mov rdi, [p.p_Dst]
    !mov eax, [p.v_Height]
    !mov ecx, [p.v_Width]
    movd xmm0, [rsi]
    movd [rdi], xmm0
    add rsi, 4
    add rdi, 4
    !sub ecx, 1
    !jnz .l1
    add rsi, rbx
    add rdi, rdx
    !sub eax, 1
    !jnz .l0
    ; Restore registers
    mov rsi, [rsp - 8]
    mov rdi, [rsp - 16]
    mov rbx, [rsp - 24]
  Procedure SetStrength(Strength)
    !jmp .l0
    ; Lookup table
    !db  48,  80, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 184
    !db 192, 200, 208, 216, 220, 224, 228, 232
    !db 236, 238, 240, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247
    !db 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255
    ; Lookup strength from table
    lea rdx, [.table]
    !mov ecx, [p.v_Strength]
    !and ecx, 31
    movzx ecx, byte [rdx + rcx]
    ; Init xmm4 and xmm5
    !movd xmm5, ecx
    !psllw xmm5, 8
    !punpcklwd xmm5, xmm5
    !pshufd xmm5, xmm5, 0
    !pxor xmm4, xmm4
    !psubw xmm4, xmm5    
  Macro M_Process4Pixels()
    !punpcklbw xmm0, xmm0     ; convert 8 > 16 bit
    !punpcklbw xmm1, xmm1
    !pmulhuw xmm0, xmm4       ; multiply new by xmm4
    !pmulhuw xmm2, xmm5       ; multiply old by xmm5
    !pmulhuw xmm1, xmm4
    !pmulhuw xmm3, xmm5
    !paddw xmm0, xmm2         ; add old to new
    !paddw xmm1, xmm3
    !movdqa xmm2, xmm0        ; copy new to old
    !movdqa xmm3, xmm1
    !psrlw xmm0, 8            ; convert 16 > 8 bit
    !psrlw xmm1, 8
    !packuswb xmm0, xmm0
    !packuswb xmm1, xmm1
  Macro M_Horizontal(n)
    !mov eax, [p.v_Height]
    !and eax, -4
    !jz .h#n#2
    mov rdi, [p.p_PixelBuf32]
    !mov edx, [p.v_LineStride]
    CompilerIf n=1            ; adjust for right->left
      !mov ecx, [p.v_Width]
      lea rdi, [rdi + rcx*4-4]
    !lea ebx, [edx*3]         ; stride*3
    !mov ecx, [p.v_Width]
    mov rsi, rdi
    lea rdi, [rdi + rdx*4]
    movd xmm2, [rsi]          ; line 0
    movd xmm6, [rsi + rdx]    ; line 1
    movd xmm3, [rsi + rdx*2]  ; line 2
    movd xmm7, [rsi + rbx]    ; line 3
    !punpckldq xmm2, xmm6     ; xmm0 = line 0 and 1
    !punpckldq xmm3, xmm7     ; xmm1 = line 2 and 3
    !punpcklbw xmm2, xmm2     ; expand 8 bit into 16 bit
    !punpcklbw xmm3, xmm3
    movd xmm0, [rsi]          ; line 0
    movd xmm6, [rsi + rdx]    ; line 1
    movd xmm1, [rsi + rdx*2]  ; line 2
    movd xmm7, [rsi + rbx]    ; line 3
    !punpckldq xmm0, xmm6     ; xmm0 = line 0 and 1
    !punpckldq xmm1, xmm7     ; xmm1 = line 2 and 3
    !pshufd xmm6, xmm0, 1
    !pshufd xmm7, xmm1, 1
    movd [rsi], xmm0          ; store line 0
    movd [rsi + rdx], xmm6    ; store line 1
    movd [rsi + rdx*2], xmm1  ; store line 2
    movd [rsi + rbx], xmm7    ; store line 3
    CompilerIf n=0
      add rsi, 4
      sub rsi, 4
    !sub ecx, 1
    !jnz .h#n#1
    !sub eax, 4
    !jnz .h#n#0
  Macro M_Vertical()
    !mov eax, [p.v_Width]
    !and eax, -4
    !jz .v2
    mov rdi, [p.p_PixelBuf32]
    !mov edx, [p.v_LineStride]
    !mov ebx, [p.v_BottomTop]
    !test ebx, ebx            ; adjust for bottom->top
    !jz .v0
    !mov ecx, [p.v_Height]
    !sub ecx, 1
    !imul ecx, edx
    add rdi, rcx
    neg rdx
    !mov ecx, [p.v_Height]
    mov rsi, rdi
    add rdi, 16
    movq xmm2, [rsi]          ; column 0 and 1
    movq xmm3, [rsi + 8]      ; column 2 and 3
    !punpcklbw xmm2, xmm2     ; expand 8 bit into 16 bit
    !punpcklbw xmm3, xmm3
    movq xmm0, [rsi]          ; column 0 and 1
    movq xmm1, [rsi + 8]      ; column 2 and 3
    movq [rsi], xmm0          ; store column 0 and 1
    movq [rsi + 8], xmm1      ; store column 2 and 3
    add rsi, rdx              ; add stride
    !sub ecx, 1
    !jnz .v1
    !sub eax, 4
    !jnz .v0
  ;->> Public procedures <<
  ;- Blur 32 bit color pixel buffer
  Procedure BlurPixelBuf32(*PixelBuf32, Width, Height, Strength, Direction = #Blur_Full, LineStride = 0)
    Protected Dim RegSave.l(13); 56 bytes for register backup
    Protected *Mem, And3, BottomTop, i
    ; Backup registers
    mov rdx, [p.a_RegSave]
    mov [rdx], rsi
    mov [rdx + 8], rdi
    mov [rdx + 16], rbx
    M_save_xmm(rdx + 24, xmm6)
    M_save_xmm(rdx + 40, xmm7)
    ; Set LineStride to width*4 if 0
    If LineStride = 0
      LineStride = Width << 2
    If Direction & #Blur_Horizontal And Width > 1
      ; -= Horizontal blur =-
      And3 = Height & 3
      If And3
        *Mem = AllocateMemory(Width << 4, #PB_Memory_NoClear)
        If *Mem
          CopyPixels(*PixelBuf32+(Height-And3)*LineStride, LineStride, *Mem, Width<<2, Width, And3)
          BlurPixelBuf32(*Mem, Width, 4, Strength, Direction & #Blur_Horizontal)
          CopyPixels(*Mem, Width<<2, *PixelBuf32+(Height-And3)*LineStride, LineStride, Width, And3)
      If Direction & #Blur_LeftRight
      If Direction & #Blur_RightLeft
    If Direction & #Blur_Vertical And Height > 1
      ; -= Vertical blur =-
      And3 = Width & 3
      If And3
        *Mem = AllocateMemory(Height << 4, #PB_Memory_NoClear)
        If *Mem
          CopyPixels(*PixelBuf32+(Width-And3)<<2, LineStride, *Mem, 16, And3, Height)
          BlurPixelBuf32(*Mem, 4, Height, Strength, Direction & (#Blur_Vertical|#Blur_ReversedY))
          CopyPixels(*Mem, 16, *PixelBuf32+(Width-And3)<<2, LineStride, And3, Height)
      For i = 4 To 8 Step 4
        If Direction & i
          If Direction & #Blur_ReversedY
            BottomTop = ~i & #Blur_BottomTop
            BottomTop = i & #Blur_BottomTop
    ; Restore registers
    mov rdx, [p.a_RegSave]
    mov rsi, [rdx]
    mov rdi, [rdx + 8]
    mov rbx, [rdx + 16]
    M_load_xmm(xmm6, rdx + 24)
    M_load_xmm(xmm7, rdx + 40)
  ;- Blur 24 bit color pixel buffer
  Procedure BlurPixelBuf24(*PixelBuf24, Width, Height, Strength, Direction = #Blur_Full, LineStride = 0)
    Protected Dim RegSave.l(5); 24 bytes for register backup
    Protected *Mem
    If Width > 0 And Height > 0
      *Mem = AllocateMemory(Width * Height << 2, #PB_Memory_NoClear)
      If *Mem
        ; Set LineStride to width*3 if 0
        If LineStride = 0
          LineStride = Width * 3
        ; Backup registers
        mov rdx, [p.a_RegSave]
        mov [rdx], rsi
        mov [rdx + 8], rdi
        mov [rdx + 16], rbx        
        ; Copy to *Mem
        !mov eax, [p.v_Width]
        !lea eax, [eax*3]
        !mov ebx, [p.v_LineStride]
        !sub ebx, eax
        mov rsi, [p.p_PixelBuf24]
        mov rdi, [p.p_Mem]
        !mov eax, [p.v_Height]
        !mov ecx, [p.v_Width]
        !sub ecx, 1
        !jz .l2
        movd xmm0, [rsi]
        movd [rdi], xmm0
        add rsi, 3
        add rdi, 4
        !sub ecx, 1
        !jnz .l1
        movzx edx, word [rsi]
        mov [rdi], dx
        movzx edx, byte [rsi + 2]
        mov [rdi + 2], dl
        add rsi, 3
        add rdi, 4
        add rsi, rbx
        !sub eax, 1
        !jnz .l0
        BlurPixelBuf32(*Mem, Width, Height, Strength, Direction)
        ; Copy from mem
        !mov eax, [p.v_Width]
        !lea eax, [eax*3]
        !mov ebx, [p.v_LineStride]
        !sub ebx, eax
        mov rsi, [p.p_Mem]
        mov rdi, [p.p_PixelBuf24]
        !mov eax, [p.v_Height]
        !mov ecx, [p.v_Width]
        !sub ecx, 1
        !jz .l5
        movd xmm0, [rsi]
        movd [rdi], xmm0
        add rsi, 4
        add rdi, 3
        !sub ecx, 1
        !jnz .l4
        movzx edx, word [rsi]
        mov [rdi], dx
        movzx edx, byte [rsi + 2]
        mov [rdi + 2], dl
        add rsi, 4
        add rdi, 3
        add rdi, rbx
        !sub eax, 1
        !jnz .l3
        ; Restore registers
        mov rdx, [p.a_RegSave]
        mov rsi, [rdx]
        mov rdi, [rdx + 8]
        mov rbx, [rdx + 16]
  ;- Blur rectangle inside StartDrawing() / StopDrawing()
  Procedure BlurRect(x, y, Width, Height, Strength, Direction = #Blur_Full)
    Protected.i MaxWidth, MaxHeight, PixelFormat, Pitch, *PixelBuf
    ; Check x, y, Width and Height
    If Width < 0 : x + Width : Width = -Width : EndIf
    If Height < 0 : y + Height : Height = -Height : EndIf
    If x < 0 : Width + x : x = 0 : EndIf
    If y < 0 : Height + y : y = 0 : EndIf
    MaxWidth = OutputWidth() - x
    MaxHeight = OutputHeight() - y
    If Width > MaxWidth : Width = MaxWidth : EndIf
    If Height > MaxHeight : Height = MaxHeight : EndIf
    If Width <= 0 Or Height <= 0 : ProcedureReturn : EndIf
    ; Calculate *PixelBuf start position
    *PixelBuf = DrawingBuffer()
    If *PixelBuf
      PixelFormat = DrawingBufferPixelFormat()
      Pitch = DrawingBufferPitch()
      If PixelFormat & #PB_PixelFormat_ReversedY
        Direction ! #Blur_ReversedY
        *PixelBuf + (OutputHeight() - Height - y) * Pitch
        *PixelBuf + y * Pitch
      If PixelFormat & (#PB_PixelFormat_24Bits_RGB|#PB_PixelFormat_24Bits_BGR)
        *PixelBuf + x * 3
        BlurPixelBuf24(*PixelBuf, Width, Height, Strength, Direction, Pitch)
        *PixelBuf + x << 2
        BlurPixelBuf32(*PixelBuf, Width, Height, Strength, Direction, Pitch)
  ;- Blur a PB image
  Procedure BlurImage(Image, Strength, Direction = #Blur_Full)
    BlurRect(0, 0, OutputWidth(), OutputHeight(), Strength, Direction)    
Last edited by wilbert on Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DirectionalBlur module

Post by wilbert »

Example ...

Code: Select all

UseModule DirectionalBlur

OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 200, 200, "DirectionalBlur Example", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
If CreateImage(0, 200, 200) And StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0))
  Box(0, 0, 200, 200, RGB(255, 255, 255))
  For Radius = 100 To 10 Step -10
    Circle(100, 100, Radius, RGB(Random(255), Random(255), Random(255)))
  BlurRect(0, 0, 200, 60, 15, #Blur_LeftRight)
  BlurRect(0, 140, 200, 60, 15, #Blur_RightLeft)
  ImageGadget(0, 0, 0, 200, 200, ImageID(0))

  Event = WaitWindowEvent()
Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
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Re: DirectionalBlur module

Post by Joubarbe »

Very fast! Thank you! :)
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Re: DirectionalBlur module

Post by CELTIC88 »

:( your work is great and perfect and....., thank you :D
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Re: DirectionalBlur module

Post by Mijikai »

very impressive, thanks :D
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Re: DirectionalBlur module

Post by wilbert »

Thanks for the positive feedback. :D
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Re: DirectionalBlur module

Post by Kwai chang caine »

Works nice here with W10 X64 / V570 X86 :D
Thanks for sharing 8)
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Re: DirectionalBlur module

Post by minimy »

Thanks a lot! really fast process!
Great job!
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Re: DirectionalBlur module

Post by Mijikai »

I modified/extracted the code of BlurRect() into a single function.
Its not compitable with 24bit colors, x86 and ignores the vertical orientation!
Edit: Width and Height also need to be a multiple of 4!

Note that this is for a specific use case, the original code/modul has no such limitations!


Code: Select all

Procedure.i BlurSurface(*Buffer,Pitch.i,X.i,Y.i,Width.i,Height.i,Strength.i = 10)
  Protected Dim regsave.l(13)
  ;Only for 32bit colors - SSE2 required!
  ;Modified version of the DirectionalBlur (module) - BlurRect() function provided by Wilbert
  ;Original Post (17.10.2019):
  ;Type: Full Blur
  ;Strength: 0 - 31
  *Buffer + (X << 2) + (Y * Pitch)
  !mov rdx,[p.a_regsave]
  !mov [rdx],rsi
  !mov [rdx+8],rdi
  !mov [rdx+16],rbx
  !movdqu [rdx+24],xmm6
  !movdqu [rdx+40],xmm7
  !lea rdx,[.table]
  !mov rcx,[p.v_Strength]
  !and rcx,31
  !movzx rcx,byte[rdx+rcx]
  !movd xmm5,ecx
  !psllw xmm5,8
  !punpcklwd xmm5,xmm5
  !pshufd xmm5,xmm5,0
  !pxor xmm4,xmm4
  !psubw xmm4,xmm5
  !mov rax,[p.v_Height]
  !and rax,-4
  !jz .hhh2
  !mov rdi,[p.p_Buffer]
  !mov rdx,[p.v_Pitch]
  !lea rbx,[rdx*3]
  !mov rcx,[p.v_Width]
  !mov rsi,rdi
  !lea rdi,[rdi+rdx*4]
  !movd xmm2,[rsi]
  !movd xmm6,[rsi+rdx]
  !movd xmm3,[rsi+rdx*2]
  !movd xmm7,[rsi+rbx]
  !punpckldq xmm2,xmm6
  !punpckldq xmm3,xmm7
  !punpcklbw xmm2,xmm2
  !punpcklbw xmm3,xmm3
  !movd xmm0,[rsi]
  !movd xmm6,[rsi+rdx]
  !movd xmm1,[rsi+rdx*2]
  !movd xmm7,[rsi+rbx]
  !punpckldq xmm0,xmm6
  !punpckldq xmm1,xmm7
  !punpcklbw xmm0,xmm0
  !punpcklbw xmm1,xmm1
  !pmulhuw xmm0,xmm4
  !pmulhuw xmm2,xmm5
  !pmulhuw xmm1,xmm4
  !pmulhuw xmm3,xmm5
  !paddw xmm0,xmm2
  !paddw xmm1,xmm3
  !movdqa xmm2,xmm0
  !movdqa xmm3,xmm1
  !psrlw xmm0,8
  !psrlw xmm1,8
  !packuswb xmm0,xmm0
  !packuswb xmm1,xmm1
  !pshufd xmm6,xmm0,1
  !pshufd xmm7,xmm1,1
  !movd [rsi],xmm0
  !movd [rsi+rdx],xmm6
  !movd [rsi+rdx*2],xmm1
  !movd [rsi+rbx],xmm7
  !add rsi,4
  !sub rcx,1
  !jnz .hhh1
  !sub rax,4
  !jnz .hhh0
  !mov rax,[p.v_Width]
  !and rax,-4
  !jz .vvv2
  !mov rdi,[p.p_Buffer]
  !mov rdx,[p.v_Pitch]
  !mov rcx,[p.v_Height]
  !mov rsi,rdi
  !add rdi,16
  !movq xmm2,[rsi]
  !movq xmm3,[rsi+8]
  !punpcklbw xmm2,xmm2
  !punpcklbw xmm3,xmm3
  !movq xmm0,[rsi]
  !movq xmm1,[rsi+8]
  !punpcklbw xmm0,xmm0
  !punpcklbw xmm1,xmm1
  !pmulhuw xmm0,xmm4
  !pmulhuw xmm2,xmm5
  !pmulhuw xmm1,xmm4
  !pmulhuw xmm3,xmm5
  !paddw xmm0,xmm2
  !paddw xmm1,xmm3
  !movdqa xmm2,xmm0
  !movdqa xmm3,xmm1
  !psrlw xmm0,8
  !psrlw xmm1,8
  !packuswb xmm0,xmm0
  !packuswb xmm1,xmm1
  !movq [rsi],xmm0
  !movq [rsi+8],xmm1
  !add rsi,rdx
  !sub rcx,1
  !jnz .vvv1
  !sub rax,4
  !jnz .vvv0
  !mov rdx,[p.a_regsave]
  !mov rsi,[rdx]
  !mov rdi,[rdx+8]
  !mov rbx,[rdx+16]
  !movdqu xmm6,[rdx+24]
  !movdqu xmm7,[rdx+40]
  !db 048,080,112,128,144,160,176,184
  !db 192,200,208,216,220,224,228,232
  !db 236,238,240,242,244,245,246,247
  !db 248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255
Last edited by Mijikai on Mon Oct 21, 2019 7:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: DirectionalBlur module

Post by wilbert »

Mijikai wrote:I modified/extracted the code of BlurRect() into a single function.
Its not compitable with 24bit colors, x86 and ignores the vertical orientation!
You also forgot to mention that for your extracted code, the width and height of the area you want to blur need to be a multiple of 4.
In a lot of cases this will be no problem but it's just good to know.

The reason for this is that the blur code was optimized for speed and processes 4 pixels each iteration.
The module itself solves this by dealing with the remaining pixels separately.
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Re: DirectionalBlur module

Post by Mijikai »

wilbert wrote:You also forgot to mention that for your extracted code, the width and height of the area you want to blur need to be a multiple of 4.
In a lot of cases this will be no problem but it's just good to know.
Thanks, i edited the post :)

To support any width & height for the code i posted follow the steps below.

replace this:

Code: Select all

*Buffer + (X << 2) + (Y * Pitch)
with this:

Code: Select all

!cmp qword[p.v_Pitch],0
  !je @f
  *Buffer + (X << 2) + (Y * Pitch)
  fix = Height & 3
  If fix
    *pixel = AllocateMemory(Width << 4,#PB_Memory_NoClear)
    If *pixel
      offset = *Buffer + (Height - fix) 
      stride = Width << 2
  fix = Width & 3
  If fix
    *pixel = AllocateMemory(Height << 4,#PB_Memory_NoClear)
    If *pixel
      offset = *buffer + (Width - fix) << 2
      stride = 16
Dont forget to also add the CopyPixels() function :)
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