Free macro program to help automate recipe import

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Re: Free macro program to help automate recipe import

Post by Fangbeast »

Marc56us wrote:Hi Fangbeast,
The tool is still available, but unfortunately they have put their forum in read-only mode. The program is commercial, but not very expensive ($59), well documented and shareware 30 days (test it before).
Don't think we will be spending money on anything except what resembles food this year (Spent enough on property repairs!!)
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Re: Free macro program to help automate recipe import

Post by Fangbeast »

NicTheQuick wrote:Qhat about my recipe merge program? Does it work? You did not anser my latest private message.
What private message??? My notifications say 0 messages when I logged in just now.

I also just physically checked and there were no private messages from you in there.
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Re: Free macro program to help automate recipe import

Post by NicTheQuick »

I sent a message to you with a source code that is capable of merging several recipes. There is a bug in purebasic which prevents a valid XML but it should be possible to make the XML valid again by hand. In your answer you did not say anything about that code. Did you try it?
The english grammar is freeware, you can use it freely - But it's not Open Source, i.e. you can not change it or publish it in altered way.
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Re: Free macro program to help automate recipe import

Post by Fangbeast »

NicTheQuick wrote:I sent a message to you with a source code that is capable of merging several recipes. There is a bug in purebasic which prevents a valid XML but it should be possible to make the XML valid again by hand. In your answer you did not say anything about that code. Did you try it?
I haven't received any message about any source code. I'm not that old that I'd forget!! (Even my wife says so)

When did you send it? Last message I had from anyone was on Tuesday, January 8'th from someone (Not you)
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Re: Free macro program to help automate recipe import

Post by NicTheQuick »

It was December 18th and you answered to it but without reacting to the source code. Here it is:

I've created the tool to merge the recipe files with Purebasic. But there is a bug in the XML library I try to show to Fred but I was not able to construct an example without using your recipe files. Can I bundle them in a small package and send to Fred so he can take a look why the XMLExport function does its job wrong?

This is my code so far, but the Data.xml file inside the merged recipe file is not valid because there are some characters missing in the end of the file.

Code: Select all



Structure Recipe
   Map *files()

Procedure openRecipe(file.s)
   Protected *recipe.Recipe = AllocateStructure(Recipe)
   Protected filename.s, *buffer, size.i
   If Not *recipe
      Debug "Could not allocate memory"
      ProcedureReturn #False

   With *recipe
      \handle = OpenPack(#PB_Any, file, #PB_PackerPlugin_Zip)
      \file = file
      If Not \handle
         Debug "Could not open zip"
         Goto error
      If Not ExaminePack(\handle)
         Debug "Could not examine zip"
         Goto error
      While NextPackEntry(\handle)
         filename = PackEntryName(\handle)
         size = PackEntrySize(\handle, #PB_Packer_UncompressedSize)

         If PackEntryType(\handle) = #PB_Packer_File
            *buffer = 0
            If size > 0
               *buffer = AllocateMemory(size)
               If Not *buffer
                  Debug "Could not allocate memory for " + filename
                  Goto error
               If size <> UncompressPackMemory(\handle, *buffer, size)
                  Debug "Could not unpack file: " + filename
                  Goto error
            *buffer = -1
         \files(filename) = *buffer
         If filename = "Data.xml"
            If size = 0 Or Not *buffer
               Debug filename + " is empty"
               Goto error
            \content = CatchXML(#PB_Any, *buffer, size)
   ProcedureReturn *recipe
   If *buffer
   ProcedureReturn #False

Procedure getNodeByTag(xmlNode.i)

Procedure mergeRecipes(file.s, List *recipes.Recipe())
   Protected i.i, j.i, *hixz, *node, name.s, *recipesNode, *recipeNode, *sourceImageNode, *recipeImagesNode, *recipeImageNode
   Protected imageCounter.i = 0, oldImage.s, newImage.s
   ; Neuen ZIP-Container erstellen
   Protected *mZip = CreatePack(#PB_Any, file, #PB_PackerPlugin_Zip)
   ; Create new Data.xml
   Protected *mData = CreateXML(#PB_Any, #PB_UTF8)
   Protected *mHixz = CreateXMLNode(RootXMLNode(*mData), "hixz")
   SetXMLAttribute(*mHixz, "Source", "Merged Cookbook")
   SetXMLAttribute(*mHixz, "FileVersion", "1.0")
   SetXMLAttribute(*mHixz, "date", FormatDate("%yyyy-%mm-%ss", Date()))
   Protected *mCookbooks = CreateXMLNode(*mHixz, "Cookbooks")
   Protected *mCookbookChapters = CreateXMLNode(*mHixz, "CookbookChapters")
   Protected *mRecipes = CreateXMLNode(*mHixz, "Recipes")

   ; Create new Manifest.xml
   Protected *mManifest = CreateXML(#PB_Any, #PB_UTF8)
   Protected *mFdxm = CreateXMLNode(RootXMLNode(*mManifest), "fdxm")
   SetXMLAttribute(*mFdxm, "Source", "Merged Cookbook")
   SetXMLAttribute(*mFdxm, "FileVersion", "1.0")
   SetXMLAttribute(*mFdxm, "date", FormatDate("%yyyy-%mm-%ss", Date()))
   Protected *mFiles = CreateXMLNode(*mFdxm, "Files")
   Protected *mFile
   ForEach *recipes()
      With *recipes()
         *recipesNode = XMLNodeFromPath(RootXMLNode(\content), "/hixz/Recipes")
         If Not *recipesNode
            Debug \file + ": <recipes> not found."
         For i = 1 To XMLChildCount(*recipesNode)
            *recipeNode = ChildXMLNode(*recipesNode, i)
            *sourceImageNode = XMLNodeFromPath(*recipeNode, "SourceImage")
            If *sourceImageNode
               oldImage = GetXMLAttribute(*sourceImageNode, "FileName")
               newImage = "image" + imageCounter + "." + GetExtensionPart(oldImage)
               imageCounter + 1
               If FindMapElement(\files(), "Images/" + oldImage)
                  \files("Images/" + newImage) = \files("Images/" + oldImage)
                  DeleteMapElement(\files(), "Images/" + oldImage)
               SetXMLAttribute(*sourceImageNode, "FileName", newImage)
               *mFile = CreateXMLNode(*mFiles, "File")
               SetXMLAttribute(*mFile, "FileName", newImage)
               SetXMLAttribute(*mFile, "OriginalFileName", GetXMLAttribute(*sourceImageNode, "OriginalFileName"))
               AddPackMemory(*mZip, \files("Images/" + newImage), MemorySize(\files("Images/" + newImage)), "Images/" + newImage)

            *recipeImagesNode = XMLNodeFromPath(*recipeNode, "RecipeImages")
            If *recipeImagesNode
               For j = 1 To XMLChildCount(*recipeImagesNode)
                  *recipeImageNode = ChildXMLNode(*recipeImagesNode, j)
                  oldImage = GetXMLAttribute(*recipeImageNode, "FileName")
                  newImage = "image" + imageCounter + "." + GetExtensionPart(oldImage)
                  imageCounter + 1
                  If FindMapElement(\files(), "Images/" + oldImage)
                     \files("Images/" + newImage) = \files("Images/" + oldImage)
                     DeleteMapElement(\files(), "Images/" + oldImage)
                  SetXMLAttribute(*recipeImageNode, "FileName", newImage)
                  *mFile = CreateXMLNode(*mFiles, "File")
                  SetXMLAttribute(*mFile, "FileName", newImage)
                  SetXMLAttribute(*mFile, "OriginalFileName", GetXMLAttribute(*recipeImageNode, "OriginalFileName"))
                  AddPackMemory(*mZip, \files("Images/" + newImage), MemorySize(\files("Images/" + newImage)), "Images/" + newImage)
            CopyXMLNode(*recipeNode, *mRecipes)
   Protected size.i, *buffer
   ;FormatXML(*mData, #PB_XML_ReduceSpace | #PB_XML_CutSpace | #PB_XML_ReduceNewline | #PB_XML_CutNewline | #PB_XML_LinuxNewline)
   size = ExportXMLSize(*mData, #PB_XML_NoDeclaration)
   Debug size
   *buffer = AllocateMemory(size)
   If ExportXML(*mData, *buffer, size, #PB_XML_NoDeclaration)
      Debug PeekS(*buffer, size, #PB_UTF8)
      AddPackMemory(*mZip, *buffer, size, "Data.xml")
   size = ExportXMLSize(*mManifest)
   *buffer = AllocateMemory(size)
   If ExportXML(*mManifest, *buffer, size)
      AddPackMemory(*mZip, *buffer, size, "Manifest.xml")


NewList *recipes.Recipe()

; This directory should only contain the fdxz files
Define dir.s = "/home/nicolas/tmp/purebasic/Recipes/"

; This is the new merged recipes file
Define target.s = "/home/nicolas/tmp/purebasic/Recipes/"

; First read all recipes into Memory
If ExamineDirectory(0, dir, "*.fdxz")
   While NextDirectoryEntry(0)
      If DirectoryEntryType(0) = #PB_DirectoryEntry_File
         If AddElement(*recipes())
            *recipes() = openRecipe(dir + DirectoryEntryName(0))

mergeRecipes(target, *recipes())
And this is the related bug report: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=71938
The english grammar is freeware, you can use it freely - But it's not Open Source, i.e. you can not change it or publish it in altered way.
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Re: Free macro program to help automate recipe import

Post by Fangbeast »

NicTheQuick, oh dear, I honestly don't remember seeing that in a private message. Wonder how that got past me???

Would have tried it immediately if I had seen it.

Must be ghosts in the PB form (Or as srod would say, goats ate my brain)

But if the characters are invalid, what good is it testing the code? (Honest question). I wouldn't even know how to fix that.
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Re: Free macro program to help automate recipe import

Post by NicTheQuick »

Maybe I can fix the code with a workaround mentioned in the bug report I linked in my previous post. Unfortunality the bug got not fixed with the latest PB version.
The english grammar is freeware, you can use it freely - But it's not Open Source, i.e. you can not change it or publish it in altered way.
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Re: Free macro program to help automate recipe import

Post by Fangbeast »

NicTheQuick wrote:Maybe I can fix the code with a workaround mentioned in the bug report I linked in my previous post. Unfortunality the bug got not fixed with the latest PB version.
Wait a short while. It hit 41 degrees yesterday and we could barely function. We just got back from shopping and it's already 28 and the weather bureau cannot seem to get it right. I need to say away from this hot room.
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Re: Free macro program to help automate recipe import

Post by C87 »

:o Wow, 10,000 recipes!....I probably may use two or three a week and often one I've used before.
It would take me 600 years to try them all...........are any of them life extending? :D
If it's falling over......just remember the computer is never wrong!
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Re: Free macro program to help automate recipe import

Post by Fangbeast »

C87 wrote::o Wow, 10,000 recipes!....I probably may use two or three a week and often one I've used before.
It would take me 600 years to try them all...........are any of them life extending? :D
I actually have over 600,000 but 10,000 of those happen to be Living Cookbook fdxz:)

As far as life extending, I have it on good authority that if you cook every one of my 600,000 recipes, you will have gotten your exercise and thus extended your life:):)
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Re: Free macro program to help automate recipe import

Post by Fangbeast »

More and more recipes every day bit it hit 36 today and it is supposed to hit over 40 by Friday. I really can't think in this heat.
Amateur Radio, D-STAR/VK3HAF
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