Transparent Black Pixel Shader

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Transparent Black Pixel Shader

Post by Samuel »

Hello everyone,
Well, I haven't posted any shader examples in a while. I moved on to other 3D options in Purebasic almost a year ago so I'm a little rusty when it comes to writing material scripts. Hopefully everything will work smoothly for those interested in it.

First off here's what the shader looks like. The left entities are using the shader and the right ones are not.
Nothing fancy all it does is take the pure black pixels and then discards them. It does leave jagged edges, and sadly there's not much you can do to get rid of them.

Well, technically you can get rid of them, but then you have to deal with transparent triangles being out of order. And reordering the triangles in Purebasic is simply not possible and I don't see a good enough reason why it ever would be.
In other words you have to choose either jagged edges with correct ordering or smooth edges which have the possibility of incorrect ordering.

Now a simple explanation on how to use this shader with the textures you want. If you open TransparentMaterial.MATERIAL in notepad (or some other text editor) and scroll to the bottom you should find

Code: Select all

material Transparent01 : TransparentTexture
	set $Texture Image01.png

material Transparent02 : TransparentTexture
	set $Texture Image02.png
I'll break down what these lines mean. The Transparent01 and Transparent02 are the Name$ that you call from Purebasic with GetScriptMaterial(#Material, Name$).
Image01.png and Image02.png are the actual image that the shader will use. In other words you need to write one of these out for every material that has a unique image.
For example if I were to add another one to the list it might look something like this.

Code: Select all

material Transparent01 : TransparentTexture
	set $Texture Image01.png

material Transparent02 : TransparentTexture
	set $Texture Image02.png

material Stars : TransparentTexture
	set $Texture NightSky.png
And I'd call the new material in Purebasic like so.

Code: Select all

MaterialHandle = GetScriptMaterial(#PB_Any, "Stars")
That's about all you need to do as the end user of this shader.
This script includes both GLSL and HLSL shaders so you don't need to worry about it not working on your system. Just include all the files and the script will pick whichever one is currently in use by your program.

Now then here's the link to all the files and the example code to run them. Just start up the pb file and it should run without an issue. If there are problems let me know and I'll see what I can do to fix them.

I'll also post the script and shaders below, but you can ignore them if you downloaded the files from the link above.
Enjoy! :)

If you copy and paste them into notepad just make sure you save them exactly as labeled below.

Code: Select all

// GLSL simple transparency
vertex_program transparencyVSGLSL glsl 
	source TransparentGLSL.vert

fragment_program transparencyFSGLSL glsl 
	source TransparentGLSL.frag
		param_named TexTU int 0

// HLSL simple transparency
vertex_program transparencyVSHLSL hlsl
	source TransparentHLSL.hlsl
	entry_point AlphaTexture_Vert
	target vs_1_1  

		param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix

fragment_program transparencyFSHLSL hlsl
	source TransparentHLSL.hlsl
	entry_point AlphaTexture_Frag
	target ps_2_0

// Delegates
vertex_program transparencyVp unified
	delegate transparencyVSGLSL
	delegate transparencyVSHLSL

fragment_program transparencyFp unified
	delegate transparencyFSGLSL
	delegate transparencyFSHLSL

abstract material TransparentTexture
			vertex_program_ref transparencyVp

			fragment_program_ref transparencyFp

				texture $Texture
				tex_coord_set 0

				texture $Texture
				tex_coord_set 0

material Transparent01 : TransparentTexture
	set $Texture Image01.png

material Transparent02 : TransparentTexture
	set $Texture Image02.png

Code: Select all

void AlphaTexture_Vert(
			float4 position : POSITION,
			float2 uv       : TEXCOORD0,
			uniform float4x4 worldViewProj,
			out     float4   oPosition : POSITION,
			out     float2   oUv       : TEXCOORD0)

	position = mul(worldViewProj, position);

	oPosition = position;

	oUv = uv;

void AlphaTexture_Frag(
			float4 position    : POSITION,
			float2 uv          : TEXCOORD0,
			out float4 oColour : COLOR,
			uniform sampler2D TextureMap : register(s0))

	float4 Color = tex2D(TextureMap, uv.xy);

	float Black = Color.r + Color.g + Color.b;

	if(Black == 0)

	oColour = Color;


Code: Select all

varying vec2 TexCoord;

void main(void)
	TexCoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
	gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;


Code: Select all

varying vec2 TexCoord;
uniform sampler2D TexTU;

void main(void)
	vec4 Color = texture2D(TexTU, TexCoord);
	if (Color.rgb == vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0))

	gl_FragColor = Color;
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Re: Transparent Black Pixel Shader

Post by DK_PETER »

Very nice example, Samuel.
Current configurations:
Ubuntu 20.04/64 bit - Window 10 64 bit
Intel 6800K, GeForce Gtx 1060, 32 gb ram.
Amd Ryzen 9 5950X, GeForce 3070, 128 gb ram.
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Re: Transparent Black Pixel Shader

Post by tastyraspberry »

I realise I am resurrecting an old thread.


How would you go around replacing the texture in the shader 'on the fly'? I've tried

Code: Select all

LoadTexture(0, "Image03.png") 
    AddMaterialLayer(#ShaderMaterial1, TextureID(0), #PB_Material_Replace, 0)
but it doesn't seem to work? Is there a simple way to do this? Or do I need EntityCustomParameter(...)

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Re: Transparent Black Pixel Shader

Post by Samuel »

I remember me and Alexi having some difficulty with that a few years back. The only solution we could come up with was recreating the texture's image on the hard drive and then reparsing the material scripts. Which wasn't efficient, but it worked.

Hmm, after looking through the newer 3D commands I think GetScriptTexture() might do the trick. If GetScriptTexture() is returning the texture's handle then you might be able to alter the texture by just drawing over it.
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Re: Transparent Black Pixel Shader

Post by tastyraspberry »

Hi Samuel,

Thanks for the answer. I think you can do it by

Code: Select all

        AddMaterialLayer(#ShaderMaterial1, TextureID(TextureBlue), #PB_Material_Replace)
which seems encouraging.. I think removing it first must unregister the Texture with material script...

I'll play around a bit more and see what I can do...


Code: Select all

If InitEngine3D(#PB_Engine3D_DebugLog) = 0
    MessageRequester("ERROR!", "Failed to initialize the 3D engine.", #PB_MessageRequester_Ok)

If InitSprite() = 0
    MessageRequester("ERROR!", "Failed to initialize the sprite environment.", #PB_MessageRequester_Ok)

If InitKeyboard() = 0
    MessageRequester("ERROR!", "Failed to initialize the keyboard environment.", #PB_MessageRequester_Ok)


DesktopW = DesktopWidth(0)
DesktopH = DesktopHeight(0)

OpenWindow(#Window, 0, 0, DesktopW, DesktopH, "Black To Alpha Shader")
OpenWindowedScreen(WindowID(#Window), 0, 0, DesktopW, DesktopH)

TextureBlue.i = CreateTexture(#PB_Any, 256, 256)
Box(0, 0, TextureWidth(TextureBlue)/2, TextureHeight(TextureBlue)/2, RGB(0, 0, 255))
MaterialBlue.i = CreateMaterial(#PB_Any, TextureID(TextureBlue))

Add3DArchive("scripts/", #PB_3DArchive_FileSystem)
Add3DArchive("shaders/", #PB_3DArchive_FileSystem)
Add3DArchive("textures/", #PB_3DArchive_FileSystem)
Parse3DScripts() ;We need to Parse the Archives when using scripts and shaders
LoadTexture(#RegularTexture1, "Image01.png")

CreateSphere(#Sphere, 1)
CreateSphere(#Plane, 1)

;Load First Shader
GetScriptMaterial(#ShaderMaterial1, "Transparent01")
MaterialFilteringMode(#ShaderMaterial1, #PB_Material_None)
MaterialCullingMode(#ShaderMaterial1, #PB_Material_NoCulling)

;Load Second Shader
GetScriptMaterial(#ShaderMaterial2, "Transparent02")
MaterialFilteringMode(#ShaderMaterial2, #PB_Material_None)
MaterialCullingMode(#ShaderMaterial2, #PB_Material_NoCulling)

;Create First Shader Entity
CreateEntity(#ShaderEntity1, MeshID(#Sphere), MaterialID(#ShaderMaterial1), -4, 0, 0)
RotateEntity(#ShaderEntity1, 0, 180, 0)

;Create Second Shader Entity
CreateEntity(#ShaderEntity2, MeshID(#Plane), MaterialID(#ShaderMaterial2), 4, 0, 0)
RotateEntity(#ShaderEntity2, 0, 180, 0)

;The Materials and Entities Below are not using the shaders.
;They are just for a before and after effect.

CreateMaterial(#RegularMaterial1, TextureID(#RegularTexture1))
MaterialFilteringMode(#RegularMaterial1, #PB_Material_None)

LoadTexture(#RegularTexture2, "Image02.png")
CreateMaterial(#RegularMaterial2, TextureID(#RegularTexture2))
MaterialFilteringMode(#RegularMaterial2, #PB_Material_None)

CreateEntity(#RegularEntity1, MeshID(#Plane), MaterialID(#RegularMaterial1), 4, 0, -4)
RotateEntity(#RegularEntity1, 0, 180, 0)

CreateEntity(#RegularEntity2, MeshID(#Sphere), MaterialID(#RegularMaterial2), -4, 0, -4)
RotateEntity(#RegularEntity2, 0, 180, 0)

CreateCamera(#Camera, 0, 0, 100, 100)
MoveCamera  (#Camera, 0, 0, 20)
CameraLookAt(#Camera, 0, 0, 0)
CameraBackColor(#Camera, RGB(50, 100, 150))

CreateLight(#Light, RGB(255,255,255), 5, 5, 5)

CreateNode(#Node, 0, 0, 0)
AttachNodeObject(#Node, CameraID(#Camera))

    Event = WindowEvent()
    If ExamineKeyboard()
        If KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Up)
            MoveCamera(#Camera, 0, 0, -0.2)
        ElseIf KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Down)
            MoveCamera(#Camera, 0, 0, 0.2)
        If KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Left)
            RotateNode(#Node, 0, -1, 0, #PB_Relative)
            CameraLookAt(#Camera, 0, 0, 0)
        ElseIf KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Right)
            RotateNode(#Node, 0, 1, 0, #PB_Relative)
            CameraLookAt(#Camera, 0, 0, 0)
        If KeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_W)
            CameraRenderMode(#Camera, #PB_Camera_Wireframe)
        ElseIf KeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_E)
            CameraRenderMode(#Camera, #PB_Camera_Textured)
    If KeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_Space)
        AddMaterialLayer(#ShaderMaterial1, TextureID(TextureBlue), #PB_Material_Replace)
Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow Or KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape)

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