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Post by Andre »

After all updates I got here, on german forum and via IRC here is a new and even shorter list of all codes, which still must be converted:
(please be aware also about the always up-to-date list on german forum)

http://www.purearea.net/pb/CodeArchiv/D ... tabases.pb (El_Choni)
http://www.purearea.net/pb/CodeArchiv/G ... tArrows.pb (Danilo)
http://www.purearea.net/pb/CodeArchiv/G ... nctions.pb (Freak)
http://www.purearea.net/pb/CodeArchiv/G ... eIcons1.pb (freak)
http://www.purearea.net/pb/CodeArchiv/G ... eIcons2.pb (freak)
http://www.purearea.net/pb/CodeArchiv/G ... Example.pb (DarkDragon, note: the code uses 'VPureBasics' userlib "OpenGLContext", which isn't compatible with PB v4 => can someone write the example with pure PB code?)
http://www.purearea.net/pb/CodeArchiv/G ... unnel03.pb (traumatic)
http://www.purearea.net/pb/CodeArchiv/I ... +delete.pb (ricardo)
http://www.purearea.net/pb/CodeArchiv/W ... _SnagIt.pb (cecilcheah)
http://www.purearea.net/pb/CodeArchiv/W ... e_Win9x.pb (spangly)

Thanks for any help! :)
(PureBasicTeam::Docs & Support - PureArea.net | Order:: PureBasic | PureVisionXP)
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Post by Progi1984 »

http://www.purearea.net/pb/CodeArchiv/G ... nctions.pb
with an example for each function !

Code: Select all

; http://freak.coolfreepages.com/code/TreeViewStuff.html
; Author: Freak
; Update V4 and Improvement : Progi1984
; Date: 17. May 2003
; Date: 27. Nov 2006

; These Structures are needed for: TVAddItem(), TVGetItemName() and TVSetItemName()
; *****************************************
  Structure TVITEM

Procedure TVAddItem(gadget.l, position.l, text.s, hImg.l, openflag.l)
  ; Insert a Item in a TreeView Gadget.
  ; not like AddGadgetItem(), this one supports the position parameter.
  ; Usage:
  ; gadget.l   = PB Gadget Number
  ; position.l = Item to insert the new one after (starting with 0)
  ; text.s     = Item Text
  ; hImg.l     = ImageID if Image to display
  ; openflag.l = If #TRUE, a new TreeViewNode is created at 'position.l' and the new Item
  ;              is added as it's Child, if #FALSE, the new one is just inserted after the 'position.l'
  ;              Item.
  ; Note: The hImg.l parameter is only supported, if there are allready some Items with Images.
  hwndTV.l = GadgetID(gadget)
  hRoot.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_ROOT, 0)
  hItem = hRoot: hParent.l = 0
  For i.l = 0 To position-1
    hItem2.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_CHILD, hItem)
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_NEXT, hItem): EndIf
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_PARENT, hItem): EndIf
    Until hItem2 <> #Null
    hItem = hItem2
  Next i
  If openflag = #True
    pitem\mask = #TVIF_CHILDREN | #TVIF_HANDLE
    pitem\hItem = hItem
    pitem\cChildren = 1
    SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_SETITEM, 0, @pitem)
    lpis\hParent = hItem
    lpis\hInsertAfter = hItem
    lpis\hParent = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_PARENT, hItem)
    lpis\hInsertAfter = hItem
  lpis\item\mask = #TVIF_TEXT 
  If hImg <> 0
    himl.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETIMAGELIST, #TVSIL_NORMAL ,0)
    If himl <> #Null
      lpis\item\mask | #TVIF_IMAGE
      iImage.l = ImageList_AddIcon_(himl, hImg)
      lpis\item\iImage = iImage
      lpis\item\iSelectedImage = iImage
  lpis\item\cchTextMax = Len(text)
  lpis\item\pszText = @text
  SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_INSERTITEM, 0, @lpis)
Procedure TVDeleteItem(gadget.l, item.l)
  ; Deletes a TreeViewItem.
  ; gadget.l  = PB Gadget Number
  ; item.l    = Item to delete (starting with 0)
  hwndTV.l = GadgetID(gadget)
  hItem.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_ROOT, 0)
  For i.l = 0 To item-1
    hItem2.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_CHILD, hItem)
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_NEXT, hItem): EndIf
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_PARENT, hItem): EndIf
    Until hItem2 <> #Null
    hItem = hItem2
  Next i
  SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_DELETEITEM, 0, hItem)    
Procedure TVShowItem(gadget.l, item.l)
  ; Makes sure, an Item is visible. If necessary, the List is expanded and scrolled, so
  ; the User can see the Item
  ; gadget.l  = PB Gadget Number
  ; item.l    = Item to make visible.
  hwndTV.l = GadgetID(gadget)
  hItem.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_ROOT, 0)
  For i.l = 0 To item-1
    hItem2.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_CHILD, hItem)
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_NEXT, hItem): EndIf
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_PARENT, hItem): EndIf
    Until hItem2 <> #Null
    hItem = hItem2
  Next i
  SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, 0, hItem)
Procedure.s TVGetItemName(gadget.l, item.l)
  ; Get the Name of a TreeViewItem. (I couldn't get GetGadgetItemText() to work, so i use this one)
  ; gadget.l = PB Gadget Number
  ; item.l   = Item to get the Text of (starting with 0)
  hwndTV.l = GadgetID(gadget)
  hItem.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_ROOT, 0)
  For i.l = 0 To item-1
    hItem2.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_CHILD, hItem)
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_NEXT, hItem): EndIf
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_PARENT, hItem): EndIf
    Until hItem2 <> #Null
    hItem = hItem2
  Next i
  text.s = Space(999)
  pitem\mask = #TVIF_TEXT
  pitem\hItem = hItem
  pitem\pszText = @text
  pitem\cchTextMax = 999
  SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETITEM, 0, @pitem)
  ProcedureReturn PeekS(pitem\pszText)
Procedure TVSetItemName(gadget.l, item.l, text.s)
  ; Set the Text of a TreeViewItem. (I couldn't get SetGadgetItemText() to work, so i use this one)
  ; gadget.l = PB Gadget Number
  ; item.l   = Item to set the Text of (starting with 0)
  hwndTV.l = GadgetID(gadget)
  hItem.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_ROOT, 0)
  For i.l = 0 To item-1
    hItem2.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_CHILD, hItem)
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_NEXT, hItem): EndIf
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_PARENT, hItem): EndIf
    Until hItem2 <> #Null
    hItem = hItem2
  Next i
  pitem\mask = #TVIF_TEXT
  pitem\hItem = hItem
  pitem\pszText = @text
  pitem\cchTextMax = Len(text)
  SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_SETITEM, 0, @pitem)
Procedure TVExpandNode(gadget.l, item.l, flag.l)
  ; Expands, or collapses a TreeViewNode.
  ; gadget.l  = PB Gadget Number
  ; item.l    = Item to expand/collapse
  ; flag.l    = If 0: the Node collapses
  ;             If 1: the Node is expanded
  ;             If 2: the Node is expanded, if it was collapsed, and it's collapsed, if it was expanded
  hwndTV.l = GadgetID(gadget)
  hItem.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_ROOT, 0)
  For i.l = 0 To item-1
    hItem2.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_CHILD, hItem)
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_NEXT, hItem): EndIf
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_PARENT, hItem): EndIf
    Until hItem2 <> #Null
    hItem = hItem2
  Next i
  If flag = 1
    SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_EXPAND, #TVE_EXPAND, hItem)
  ElseIf flag=2
    SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_EXPAND, #TVE_TOGGLE, hItem)
    SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_EXPAND, #TVE_COLLAPSE, hItem)
Procedure TVExpandAll(gadget.l)
  ; Expands the whole TreeView, good for using, after it was created, to show the whole tree.
  ; Usage:
  ; gadget.l = PB GAdget Number
  hwndTV.l = GadgetID(gadget)
  hRoot.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_ROOT, 0)
  hItem.l = hRoot
    SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_EXPAND, #TVE_EXPAND, hItem)
    hItem = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE , hItem)
  Until hItem = #Null
  SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, 0, hRoot)
Procedure TVSortNode(gadget.l, item.l, flag.l)
  ; Sorts all child Items of a TreeViewNode.
  ; gadget.l  = PB Gadget Number
  ; item.l    = Item where the Node Starts (the one with the '+')
  ; flag.l    = If #TRUE, all SubNodes are Sorted, too.
  ;           = If #FALSE, only the direct child Items of this Node are sorted.
  hwndTV.l = GadgetID(gadget)
  hItem.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_ROOT, 0)
  For i.l = 0 To item-1
    hItem2.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_CHILD, hItem)
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_NEXT, hItem): EndIf
      If hItem2 = #Null: hItem2 = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_PARENT, hItem): EndIf
    Until hItem2 <> #Null
    hItem = hItem2
  Next i
  SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_SORTCHILDREN, flag, hItem)
Procedure TVSortAll(gadget.l)
  ; Sorts the whole TreeView. This can also be done by 'TVSortNode(gadget.l, 0, #TRUE)', but
  ; this one is much less code :-)
  ; gadget.l  = PB Gadget Number
  hwndTV.l = GadgetID(gadget)
  hRoot.l = SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_ROOT, 0)
  SendMessage_(hwndTV, #TVM_SORTCHILDREN, #True, hRoot)

If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 355, 200, "TreeGadget", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered) And CreateGadgetList(WindowID(0))
  TreeGadget(0, 10, 10, 160, 160)
   For a = 0 To 10
      AddGadgetItem (0, -1, "Elément normal "+Str(a), 0, 0)
      AddGadgetItem (0, -1, "Noeud "+Str(a), 0, 0)
      AddGadgetItem (0, -1, "Sous-élément 1", 0, 1)
      AddGadgetItem (0, -1, "Sous-élément 2", 0, 1)
      AddGadgetItem (0, -1, "Sous-élément 3", 0, 1)
      AddGadgetItem (0, -1, "Sous-élément 4", 0, 1)
      AddGadgetItem (0, -1, "Fichier "+Str(a), 0, 0)
    ButtonGadget(1, 170,000,90,40,"TVAddItem")
    ButtonGadget(2, 170,040,90,40,"TVDeleteItem")
    ButtonGadget(3, 170,080,90,40,"TVShowItem")
    ButtonGadget(4, 170,120,90,40,"TVGetItemName")
    ButtonGadget(5, 170,160,90,40,"TVSetItemName")
    ButtonGadget(6, 260,000,90,40,"TVExpandNode")
    ButtonGadget(7, 260,040,90,40,"TVExpandAll")
    ButtonGadget(8, 260,080,90,40,"TVSortNode")
    ButtonGadget(9, 260,120,90,40,"TVSortAll")
    Event = WaitWindowEvent()
    If Event=#PB_Event_Gadget
      Select EventGadget()
        Case 1
          TVAddItem(0,0,"My Text By Button 1",0, #False)
          ; #true for OpenFlag add a child at the position's item
        Case 2
        Case 3
        Case 4
          Debug TVGetItemName(0,1)
        Case 5
          TVSetItemName(0,0,"My Text By Button 5")
        Case 6
          ; #false retract the node
        Case 7
        Case 8
        Case 9
  Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
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Post by Andre »

PureArea.net News on 17th December 2006 wrote: Happy Xmas to all PureBasic users!
I wish you also all the best for the coming year 2007!

PureBasic for AmigaOS will not be developed further anymore. Because of this, Frederic Laboureur has decided to release it as OpenSource (except the compiler) - you can get it on PureBasic.com! PureBasic v4 Linux is still in beta stage and there are also done several bug-fixes to PureBasic v4 for Windows - so there is also a small update (PureBasic v4.01) available in your personal download account on PureBasic.com.

Today I've extended the section of the Developer Tools with several cool new tools: DirectX 9c and OpenGL includes for PureBasic, a new (unofficial) TailBite version and more tools by gnozal. Because of the often missed Midas11.dll (needed for PB/Windows Module Library) I've also included the HouseMarque Audiosystem in the DLL section. There is also shown the new Etna (stands for "Easy daTabase Network Access") DLL.

Furthermore I've updated the UserLibs with latest versions and also new ones, e.g. the Irrlicht 3D engine wrapper. And also the Links were updated - e.g. the first russian PB sites are present now.

And finally I've put online the nearly fully to PB v4 converted CodeArchive (the older PB3.93 codes are still available) - a download package will be released, when it's done...
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Post by Progi1984 »

Which codes may I can convert in V4 for CodeArchive ?

Any news about a package ?
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Post by JCV »

Is there a faster way of downloading the updated codes?
Any cvs/svn way of accessing updated codes?
Any news on the package?

I used DownloadThemAll plugin of FireFox and I was able to download all (1318) updated codes fast. :wink:

[Registered PB User since 2006]
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Post by Andre »

PureArea.net News on 6th May 2007 wrote: CodeArchiv v4 as Beta version released!

Hello dear PureBasic friends,

today is the time: the CodeArchiv in a compatible to PureBasic v4 version was released as beta version. But that's not all - there are an improved version of the C.A.V. (Offline browser) as well more than 500 new codes. The CodeArchiv does include now already 1894 codes... ... I would also be happy about positive votes in the ShowCase!

The release of the version v4 as "Beta" means the following:
- the feature list for the C.A.V. is closed for the moment, reported bugs will be removed (if possible) until the final version
- I need help with the translation of the already in german available manual into other languages (a started english manual is included) - just send me translated pages via e-mail
- the same is true for further translations of the language files for localization of C.A.V. (english catalog)
- furthermore new codes are also welcome as well help with converting already existing codes (see this list)

Please also read the Readme file contained in the archive!

Soon there will be also other news on PureArea.net again!

Actually from the PureBasic developers: PureBasic for Linux was released in the final version v4.01, furthermore there is already available the Alpha version of PureBasic v4 for MacOS in your personal download account!
See also the separated thread about the new CodeArchiv release: CodeArchiv v4 Beta released!
Please post comments, help offers, etc. - just all around the new CodeArchiv release there. Thanks!
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Post by Andre »


now while I'm back from holidays, I would like to update the userlibs section on www.PureArea.net again.

It would be a great help, if anyone can provide a list (with thread and/or download links) of all new and updated userlibs. Then I must not search the whole forum and the userlibs on PureArea.net can be fully up-to-date again.

Thanks a lot in advance! :D
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Post by Andre »

It took really a long time, but today I can finally announce the next update of www.PureArea.net - this time also with a surprise... :wink:
PureArea.net News on 19th Nov. 2007 wrote: PureBasic v4.1 for Windows, Linux and MacOS released!

After a long break because of several private reasons I can offer you today a new update on PureArea.net You can expect news on PureArea more regularly from now on again.

We are starting with the breaking news: a bit more than 1 week ago there was released the new PureBasic 4.10 version - for the first time on all three supported platforms at once. So also the MacOS has now it's first "final" v4 release.

You find new Drag & Drop, XML and Scintilla libraries in this release, also MS Vista compatibility was added. Read more in the History and Update sections.

So also the online manual was updated for PureBasic v4.1. For the first time the PureBasic documentation is now also available in PDF format (two versions: "full" with all libraries, "small" without library descriptions). See the download section.

As a little surprise I can show you today the first official pictures of all PureBasic team members! Read more about the PureBasic Team Meeting!

Then I've also updated the UserLibs section to their latest versions and I've also added several new libs.

I want to suggest you the PureArea ShowCase again - there you can show your PureBasic projects to the public!

Everyone interested to buy a PureBasic licence (with free life-time updates) can do it here. Donations by already registered users are possible in your personal download account.
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Post by Berikco »

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Post by Andre »

Hi friends!

Today I can announce the next bigger update of www.PureArea.net :D
I have included some very good tool, who've probably seen the last weeks in this announcement forum.
PureArea.net News on 13th February 2008 wrote: PureBasic v4.2 beta available + new Visual Designer alpha16!

All registered users can get their copy on their personal download account. This new version brings again many improvements, like in-built libraries for Mail, FTP, RegularExpressions, SQLite, etc. as well a DirectX 9 subsystem and a new profiler tool for the PB IDE.

Also the visual designer for PureBasic 4 is available as version alpha16, for the first time in a Linux version too!

Also on PureArea.net I made several updates:

In the ares UserLibs (Note: the table can be sorted by clicking on the column headers) and Dll/DeveloperTools there were added a wide collection of useful dll and tools around the programming with PureBasic. Included some real highlights like the PBBT userlib package, with Conductor Lite a professional music library or the CodeArchiv v4 in .chm format. Also the Tutorial section I've a bit reworked, some tutorials are online now in a PB v4 compatible version.

Especially for all german-speaking people (because there are different PureBasic versions in the shops) I've created a (german) information site about their differences. Get your regular full version here on my site!

On the english sites of PureArea.net we reach the 100,000 visitor within the next days (probably on 16./17. February). Many thanks for your interest!
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Post by Andre »

To all programmers of useful applications written in / for PureBasic, like userlibs or developer tools, you can be also added to the related sections on www.PureArea.net

Just drop me a line, e.g. posting a link to your project / forum thread here.

All other PB programmers, doing fascinating games or other tools, you can also use the Showcase on www.PureArea.net for promoting your project.

The same is true, if you want to be listed in the Links sections of www.PureArea.net with your PureBasic related homepage.

My email: andre [a] purearea.net
(PureBasicTeam::Docs & Support - PureArea.net | Order:: PureBasic | PureVisionXP)
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Post by Andre »

I want to finish the next update on www.PureArea.net within the next 1-2 weeks. It's already in the work now, but you can suggest things to add:
  • - You miss a description about a keyword (often used word/term) in the PureBasic world? ==> Glossary is the right place.

    - You have created a new userlib or made an update to an existing one? ==> UserLibs section is the right place.

    - You've written or know a DLL or developer tool, which is useful for all PB developers? ==> DevTools section is the right place.

    - You know a useful "Include/Import file" collection for PB programmers? ==> I want to add a new sub-section in PureArea / DevTools section.

    - You know/have a tutorial not already listed on PureArea? ==> Just tell me!

    - You know/have good screenshots of very powerful apps / games written in PB? ==> I want to add them in the Screenshots section!

    - You've written a tool or game in PureBasic and want to show it to the public? ==> Showcase on www.purearea.net is the right section, you can add your tool/game yourself after an easy registration :-)

    - You have a own homepage about PureBasic related stuff (written in or for PB)? ==> Just tell me for adding to the Links section.

    - You've other suggestions? ==> Just tell me!
Just post related links to forum threads or other www sites here in this thread. Or drop me a mail to andre [a] purearea.net

Thanks! :P
(PureBasicTeam::Docs & Support - PureArea.net | Order:: PureBasic | PureVisionXP)
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Post by jack »

Andre wrote:- You know a useful "Include/Import file" collection for PB programmers? ==> I want to add a new sub-section in PureArea / DevTools section.
I think that would be usefull :)
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Post by Andre »

PureArea.net News on 30th May 2008 wrote: PureBasic v4.20 is out!

"Good things come to those who wait" - with this slogan we could describe the long development time of the new PureBasic version. It is available now as final release for Windows, Linux & MacOS for all registered users in your download account. Fred has given us a very interesting look behind the scenes about all the many things (internally) changed and added for the new and great v4.20 in his (beta6) announcement on the PB forum.

According to this release I've updated the History and Update sites, and have also uploaded new online manual as well in .chm format in the download section. There was also added a combined "Reference manual & CodeArchiv" edition by Stefan Schnell.

I've updated the contact page and added new informations and pictures about the PB team. Also the Glossary, Links and SiteMap pages were updated.

Because of the increasing number of presented DLL and developer tools I've splitted the site into DLL and DevTools, and have also added a new section about useful Include files. I've added a lot of useful wrapper DLL made by Progi84 to the DLL section, as well two new developer tool "highlights": PureGDK & coffIT

I always search for suggestion to present new tools, programs, dlls, etc. on PureArea.net - what you can tell me you find in my posting on english PB forum.

Another bad information: the PureWiki is down since several weeks, too much spam-robots flooded the database. Don't know until now, what will happen with it in the future...

Next week the Uefa Euro 2008 soccer championships are starting in Autria + Switzerland.

And I will have holidays for 2 weeks starting at 23th June, visiting my scottish friend David 'tinman' McMinn!

As usually my father will handle all orders for PureBasic & PureVisionXP during my holidays. Just be aware of the notes on the order site about complete data. Thanks!
(PureBasicTeam::Docs & Support - PureArea.net | Order:: PureBasic | PureVisionXP)
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Location: Argentina

Post by ricardo »

Andre wrote:I want to finish the next update on www.PureArea.net within the next 1-2 weeks. It's already in the work now, but you can suggest things to add:
  • - You miss a description about a keyword (often used word/term) in the PureBasic world? ==> Glossary is the right place.

    - You have created a new userlib or made an update to an existing one? ==> UserLibs section is the right place.

    - You've written or know a DLL or developer tool, which is useful for all PB developers? ==> DevTools section is the right place.

    - You know a useful "Include/Import file" collection for PB programmers? ==> I want to add a new sub-section in PureArea / DevTools section.

    - You know/have a tutorial not already listed on PureArea? ==> Just tell me!

    - You know/have good screenshots of very powerful apps / games written in PB? ==> I want to add them in the Screenshots section!

    - You've written a tool or game in PureBasic and want to show it to the public? ==> Showcase on www.purearea.net is the right section, you can add your tool/game yourself after an easy registration :-)

    - You have a own homepage about PureBasic related stuff (written in or for PB)? ==> Just tell me for adding to the Links section.

    - You've other suggestions? ==> Just tell me!
Just post related links to forum threads or other www sites here in this thread. Or drop me a mail to andre [a] purearea.net

Thanks! :P
You are doing a GREAT job there!!

The idea of putting together the codes archieve in a help chm file was great, i hope this will be updated with many codes that people post here in the forums :)
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