Merge two .chm files

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Merge two .chm files

Post by AZJIO »

MergingHelp - compiling the project
ready-made example
There are 3 files in the archive
PB_User.chm - additional functions
PureBasic.chm - merges two CHM files into one tree
PureBasic1.chm - original PureBasic help

1. You need to compile a new PureBasic.chm file in English. Edit the .hhc file and introduction.htm. You need to save the title in the introduction.htm file (in the first line, as well as links to the style). The hhc file contains tree references in CHM files.
2. If you create a help file for your own and others' functions, you can always jump to those functions using F1.

PB_User.chm (UTF-8)