Problems with low FPS

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Problems with low FPS

Post by Bananenfreak »

Hello everyone,

after 7 years I'm coming back for my planned 3D-Game. Back then hope left me, because FPS were too low. I want to give it another try, perhaps someone else in this forum had a similar problem.
So, my main problem is low fps. I want to use physics, too. The code below is one of my testing codes.

I´ve done a few tests, but the results are not very promising.

These are my default settings:
Size of static geometry (SG): 10
camera Range: 1000
Cast Shadows: No
Number of Cubes: 15000

And these are results on my Laptop:
Entities without SG: ~20 FPS
Entities in SG: ~43 FPS
Entities in SG, but Entities are deleted afterwards: 60 FPS

Using Static geometries is a no-brainer, but by using static geometry, there is no physics body (At least back then). What's astonishing for me: If the entities (They are not rendered(!), because they're hidden) are deleted, FPS go up to maximum possible FPS (60 Hz panel). Bad thing ist, I also want to pick single entities (picking up stones, selecting buildings etc.), so in my opinion, I need these entities.

My questions are:
1. Why are FPS higher when deleting non-rendered (hidden) entities?
2. Is there a way to pick single objects/entities although using static geometries, deleting used entities AND getting physic boxes?

Kind regards


Code: Select all

;>>                             >>
;>>  Name: FPS-Test             >>
;>>                             >>
;>>  Author: Bananenfreak       >>
;>>                             >>
;>>  Date: 06.01.2021           >>
;>>                             >>
;>>  OS: Windows                >>
;>>                             >>
;Fly around with arrow keys. Press Esc to quit.

Define.f KeyX, KeyY, MouseX, MouseY, x, z
Define nx.f, nz.f, Boost.f = 0.2, Yaw.f, Pitch.f, zaehler
Define.i Quit, ground, t, i, mesh, ent, sg
Define.b firster = #True
#kam_0 = 0
#window = 0
#plane = 0
#planent = 0

;-variables for Testing:
; Static geometry
Define.i sgWL     = 10            ;Width and Length of static geometry
Define.i camR     = 1000          ;Camera range
Define.b castSh   = #False        ;Cast Shadows
Define.b delEnt   = #False        ;Delete Entity
Define.b AddToSG  = #True        ;Add Ents to Static Geometry
Define.i num      = 15000          ;Amount of Cubes

If InitEngine3D();#PB_Engine3D_EnableCG)
  Add3DArchive(#PB_Compiler_Home + "Examples/3D/Data/Textures", #PB_3DArchive_FileSystem)
  Add3DArchive(#PB_Compiler_Home + "Examples/3D/Data/Scripts", #PB_3DArchive_FileSystem)
  OpenWindow(#window, 0, 0, 1800, 1000, "FPS-Test", #PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
  OpenWindowedScreen(WindowID(#window), 10, 10, 1780, 980, 1, 10, 10, #PB_Screen_SmartSynchronization)
  CreateLight(#PB_Any, RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, 30, 0, #PB_Light_Point)
  If castSh
    WorldShadows(#PB_Shadow_TextureAdditive, 200, RGB(255 , 255, 255), 4096)
  AmbientColor(RGB(255 * 0.2, 255 * 0.2, 255 * 0.2))
  CreatePlane(#plane, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200)
  ground = GetScriptMaterial(#PB_Any, "Scene/GroundBlend")
  CreateEntity(#planent, MeshID(#plane), MaterialID(ground), 100, -0.5, 100)
  EntityRenderMode(#planent, 0)       ;- Damit Schatten dargestellt werden
  mesh = CreateCube(#PB_Any, 1)
  CreateCamera(#kam_0, 0, 0, 100, 100)
  MoveCamera(#kam_0, -50, 50, -50, #PB_Absolute)
  CameraLookAt(#kam_0, 100, 0, 100)
  CameraBackColor(#kam_0, RGB(255 , 255, 255))
  CameraRange(#kam_0, 0, camR)
  sg = CreateStaticGeometry(#PB_Any, sgWL, 100, sgWL, 1)
  Debug "StaticGeometry: " + sg
  For i=0 To num-1
    If i >= zaehler * 100 + 100
      zaehler = zaehler + 1
      Debug "Cubes created: " + Str(zaehler * 100)
    x = Random(20000, 0)/100
    z = Random(20000, 0)/100
    ent = CreateEntity(#PB_Any, MeshID(mesh), MaterialID(ground), x, 0, z)

    If castSh
      EntityRenderMode(ent, #PB_Entity_CastShadow)
      EntityRenderMode(ent, #PB_Shadow_None)
    If AddToSG
      AddStaticGeometryEntity(sg, EntityID(ent), EntityX(ent), EntityY(ent), EntityZ(ent))
      HideEntity(ent, 1)
    If delEnt
  Next i
  Debug "Alles hinzugefügt"
  Debug "SG built!"
    Debug "--------------------------------------------"
    Debug "Tris: " + Engine3DStatus(#PB_Engine3D_NbRenderedTriangles)
    Debug "Batches: " + Engine3DStatus(#PB_Engine3D_NbRenderedBatches)
    Debug "FPS: " + Engine3DStatus(#PB_Engine3D_CurrentFPS)
    Debug "Min FPS: " + Engine3DStatus(#PB_Engine3D_MinimumFPS)
    Until WindowEvent() = 0
    If ExamineMouse()
      Yaw   = -MouseDeltaX() * 0.05
      Pitch = -MouseDeltaY() * 0.05
    If ExamineKeyboard()
      If KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Up)
        MoveCamera(#kam_0, 0, 0, -1 * Boost *t)
      ElseIf KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Down)
        MoveCamera(#kam_0, 0, 0, 1 * Boost *t)
      If KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Left)  
        MoveCamera(#kam_0, -1 * Boost *t, 0, 0) 
      ElseIf KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Right)
        MoveCamera(#kam_0, 1 * Boost *t, 0, 0)
    RotateCamera(#kam_0, Pitch*t/15, Yaw*t/15, 0, #PB_Relative)
    t = RenderWorld(t)
    If Not firster
      firster = #True
    Debug "Renderzeit: " + t
  Until KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape) Or Quit = 1
  MessageRequester("Error", "The 3D Engine can't be initialized", 0)

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Re: Problems with low FPS

Post by box_80 »

I hope you can prove me wrong, but you have too many entities. Ogre 1 as it say on this web page that default rendering pipeline that only handles a moderate amount of objects (order of 1000) per frame.

I did not have much luck with static geometries. After seeing it getting better results for you. I might giving another try.

As for your questions.
1. Even then entities hidden. I think the management of keeping track of single objects put a big hit on the FPS. Hidden, simple texture, complete transparent texture. It helps very little overall.

2. None that I know of.

I thinks there may be ways around this issue. But it may take some tricks.
Last edited by box_80 on Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Problems with low FPS

Post by STARGÅTE »

15000 numbers of individual objects is a mass.
I'm not sure about the render pipeline of OGRE, but it seems like, textures, material and so on, are selected for each object rendering again.

In general for such cases object instances are used, a huge number of copies of the object but with their one transformation matrix. You have still access to individual objects (their matrix) and they are not "static", but the texture is just send one times to the GPU. However, even if you include the physical body, the frame rate will drop.

One solution is you create a static geometry for all objects in far distances and use in the near individual object.

Edit: Btw.: I struggled also on such limitation when I was written a space game with many asteroids. The solution was to write an own OpenGL render engine :wink:.
Historical: UnionBytes Engine, UB2D - 2D Physically Based Rendering Engine
Last edited by STARGÅTE on Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
PB 6.01 ― Win 10, 21H2 ― Ryzen 9 3900X, 32 GB ― NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 ― Vivaldi 6.0 ―
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Re: Problems with low FPS

Post by box_80 »

STARGÅTE wrote:15000 numbers of individual objects is a mass.
I'm not sure about the render pipeline of OGRE, but it seems like, textures, material and so on, are selected for each object rendering again.

In general for such cases object instances are used, a huge number of copies of the object but with their one transformation matrix. You have still access to individual objects (their matrix) and they are not "static", but the texture is just send one times to the GPU. However, even if you include the physical body, the frame rate will drop.

One solution is you create a static geometry for all objects in far distances and use in the near individual object.

I think this was used in a minecraft clone made in PureBasic.

Here a link to a minecraft clone

I have not look at the source to see how it was done. Static geometry, maybe shaders?
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Re: Problems with low FPS

Post by Bananenfreak »

Thank you for your help. To both of you :)
STARGÅTE wrote:In general for such cases object instances are used, a huge number of copies of the object but with their one transformation matrix. You have still access to individual objects (their matrix) and they are not "static", but the texture is just send one times to the GPU. However, even if you include the physical body, the frame rate will drop.

One solution is you create a static geometry for all objects in far distances and use in the near individual object.
Is there a way to use object instances in PB?

My solution was using a static geometry for displaying all static entities and using hidden entities for selecting single ones and their physical body. Perhaps I could only create hidden entities in the near and delete them whenever they are out of range. As far as I can remember static geometries didn't have physical bodies or am I wrong?

You want a high-performance rendering pipeline out-of-the-box, capable of rendering many objects (order of 10 000) per frame.
Where is the new OGRE-version? :mrgreen:
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Re: Problems with low FPS

Post by Olli »

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