[Solved] A malfunctionning Shader

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[Solved] A malfunctionning Shader

Post by StarBootics »

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to add some lighting to a rendering system in OpenGL but it's not working properly and I don't understand why. So there is the vertex shader :

Code: Select all

#version 140

in vec3 Position;
in vec3 Normal;
in vec2 UVMap;
in vec3 Tangent;

out vec2 STMap;
out vec3 normal0;
out vec3 FragPos;

uniform mat4 ModelMatrix;
uniform mat4 ViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix;

void main()
        vec4 WorldPosition = ModelMatrix * vec4(Position, 1.0);
        gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * ViewMatrix * WorldPosition;

        normal0 = vec3(ModelMatrix * vec4(Normal, 0.0));
        STMap = UVMap;
        FragPos = WorldPosition.xyz;
And the corresponding Fragment shader :

Code: Select all

#version 140


struct SMaterial
    sampler2D Diffuse;
    sampler2D Specular;
    float Shininess;

struct SDirectionalLight
    vec3 Direction;
    vec3 Ambient;
    vec3 Diffuse;
    vec3 Specular;

struct SPointLight
    vec3 Position;
    vec3 Ambient;
    vec3 Diffuse;
    vec3 Specular;
    float Constant;
    float Linear;
    float Quadratic;

struct SSpotLight
    vec3 Position;
    vec3 Direction;
    vec3 Ambient;
    vec3 Diffuse;
    vec3 Specular;
    float CutOff;
    float OuterCutOff;
    float Constant;
    float Linear;
    float Quadratic;

in vec2 STMap;
in vec3 normal0;
in vec3 FragPos;

uniform vec3 ViewPos;
uniform SDirectionalLight DirectionalLight;
uniform SPointLight PointLights[NUMBER_OF_POINT_LIGHTS];
uniform SSpotLight SpotLights[NUMBER_OF_SPOT_LIGHTS];
uniform SMaterial Material;

vec3 CalcDirectionalLight(SDirectionalLight Light, vec3 Normal, vec3 ViewDir);
vec3 CalcPointLight(SPointLight Light, vec3 Normal, vec3 FragPos, vec3 ViewDir);
vec3 CalcSpotLight(SSpotLight Light, vec3 Normal, vec3 FragPos, vec3 ViewDir);

void main()

	vec3 norm = normalize(normal0);
	vec3 ViewDirection = normalize(ViewPos - FragPos);

	vec3 Result = CalcDirectionalLight(DirectionalLight, norm, ViewDirection);
	for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_POINT_LIGHTS; i++)
		Result += CalcPointLight(PointLights[i], norm, FragPos, ViewDirection);

	for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SPOT_LIGHTS; i++)
		Result += CalcSpotLight(SpotLights[i], norm, FragPos, ViewDirection);

	gl_FragColor = vec4(Result, 1.0);


// Calculates the color when using a directional light.
vec3 CalcDirectionalLight(SDirectionalLight Light, vec3 Normal, vec3 ViewDir)
    vec3 LightDir = normalize(-Light.Direction);
    // Diffuse shading
    float Diff = max(dot(Normal, LightDir), 0.0);
    // Specular shading
    vec3 ReflectDir = reflect( -LightDir, Normal);
    float Spec = pow( max( dot( ViewDir, ReflectDir ), 0.0 ), Material.Shininess);
    // Combine results
    vec3 Ambient = Light.Ambient * vec3( texture(Material.Diffuse, STMap));
    vec3 Diffuse = Light.Diffuse * Diff * vec3( texture(Material.Diffuse, STMap));
    vec3 Specular = Light.Specular * Spec * vec3( texture(Material.Specular, STMap));
    return (Ambient + Diffuse + Specular);

// Calculates the color when using a point light.
vec3 CalcPointLight(SPointLight Light, vec3 Normal, vec3 FragPosition, vec3 ViewDir)
    vec3 LightDir = normalize(Light.Position - FragPosition);
    // Diffuse shading
    float Diff = max(dot(Normal, LightDir), 0.0);
    // Specular shading
    vec3 ReflectDir = reflect( -LightDir, Normal);
    float Spec = pow( max( dot( ViewDir, ReflectDir ), 0.0 ), Material.Shininess);
    // Attenuation
    float Distance = length(Light.Position - FragPosition);
    float Attenuation = 1.0f / (Light.Constant + Light.Linear * Distance + Light.Quadratic * Distance * Distance);
    // Combine results
    vec3 Ambient = Light.Ambient * vec3( texture(Material.Diffuse, STMap));
    vec3 Diffuse = Light.Diffuse * Diff * vec3( texture(Material.Diffuse, STMap));
    vec3 Specular = Light.Specular * Spec * vec3( texture(Material.Specular, STMap));

    Ambient *= Attenuation;
    Diffuse *= Attenuation;
    Specular *= Attenuation;
    return (Ambient + Diffuse + Specular);

// Calculates the color when using a spot light.
vec3 CalcSpotLight(SSpotLight Light, vec3 Normal, vec3 FragPosition, vec3 ViewDir )
    vec3 LightDir = normalize(Light.Position - FragPosition );
    // Diffuse shading
    float Diff = max( dot(Normal, LightDir ), 0.0 );
    // Specular shading
    vec3 ReflectDir = reflect(-LightDir, Normal );
    float Spec = pow( max( dot( ViewDir, ReflectDir ), 0.0 ), Material.Shininess );
    // Attenuation
    float Distance = length(Light.Position - FragPosition );
    float Attenuation = 1.0f / (Light.Constant + Light.Linear * Distance + Light.Quadratic * Distance * Distance);
    // Spotlight intensity
    float Theta = dot(LightDir, normalize(-Light.Direction));
    float Epsilon = Light.CutOff - Light.OuterCutOff;
    float Intensity = clamp((Theta - Light.OuterCutOff ) / Epsilon, 0.0, 1.0);
    // Combine results
    vec3 Ambient = Light.Ambient * vec3( texture(Material.Diffuse, STMap));
    vec3 Diffuse = Light.Diffuse * Diff * vec3( texture(Material.Diffuse, STMap));
    vec3 Specular = Light.Specular * Spec * vec3( texture(Material.Specular, STMap));

    Ambient *= Attenuation * Intensity;
    Diffuse *= Attenuation * Intensity;
    Specular *= Attenuation * Intensity;
    return (Ambient + Diffuse + Specular);
Based on the original code available here : https://github.com/SonarSystems/Modern-OpenGL-Tutorials
The proof the the original code is working can be seen here : https://youtu.be/vnUQOIODAKc

The problem I have is simple the 3D model is solid black instead of a textured one and I don't understand why. Any ideas ...

Last edited by StarBootics on Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A malfunctionning Shader

Post by DarkDragon »

Usual issues when a model is only black:
* Are the uniforms set properly?
* Does the model contain normals?
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Re: A malfunctionning Shader

Post by StarBootics »

DarkDragon wrote:* Are the uniforms set properly?
This is the rendering code

Code: Select all

              ShaderPrograms::SendUniformMatrix4fv(Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\ShaderProgramName, "ProjectionMatrix", Camera::GetProjection())
              ShaderPrograms::SendUniformMatrix4fv(Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\ShaderProgramName, "ViewMatrix", Camera::GetView())
              ShaderPrograms::SendUniformMatrix4fv(Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\ShaderProgramName, "ModelMatrix", *Model)
              ShaderPrograms::SendUniformVector3fv(Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\ShaderProgramName, "ViewPos", Camera::GetPosition())
              ShaderPrograms::SendUniform1i(Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\ShaderProgramName, "Material.Diffuse", 0)
              ShaderPrograms::SendUniform1i(Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\ShaderProgramName, "Material.Specular", 1)
              ShaderPrograms::SendUniform1f(Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\ShaderProgramName, "Material.Shininess", Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\Shininess)
              Lights::Load_To_Shader(Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\ShaderProgramName); To be optimized
              OGL::glBindTexture(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\DiffuseTextureID)
              If Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\SpecularTextureID <> 0
                OGL::glBindTexture(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\SpecularTextureID)
                OGL::glBindTexture(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, Secondary\DefaultSpecularMapID)
              OGL::glDrawArrays(#GL_TRIANGLES, 0, Instances()\Mesh\SubMeshs()\IndiceCount * 3)
              OGL::glBindTexture(#GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)
DarkDragon wrote:* Does the model contain normals?
The model contain normal, yes.

I'm running out of ideas.

Thanks for you response.

Best regards
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Re: A malfunctionning Shader

Post by Samuel »

Try testing your fragment shader with just a basic color like gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);. If the model is green then move on to the next test. Send a 3f color value from purebasic to the fragment shader gl_FragColor = vec4(Uniform3fRed, 1.0);. Then start adding basic lighting. Keep adding to the fragment shader piece by piece until it fails.
This is the method I use for shader debugging.
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Re: A malfunctionning Shader

Post by StarBootics »

OK the directional light is working as expected mostly, I can see the texture on the model. Piece by piece like Samuel suggest I was able to pin point that the Specular Lighting is the problem. That being said I don't understand why it didn't work.

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Re: A malfunctionning Shader

Post by StarBootics »

Hello everyone,

Directional Light --> OK
Point Light --> OK
Spot Light --> KO

The big part of the problem was the Shininess set to 0.0. The smallest value should be 1.0. Now I'm trying to figure out the Spot light problem.

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Re: A malfunctionning Shader

Post by StarBootics »

Hello everyone,

Problem solved by using Forward Rendering. 3 videos to watch for more details :


Best regards
The Stone Age did not end due to a shortage of stones !
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