Compiler directive for ignoring unused (User)libs

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Compiler directive for ignoring unused (User)libs

Post by IceSoft »

I have two different PureBasic Userlibs (like the used c++ compiler is generating it)
But I cannot lay both libs in the PureBasic Userlibs folder.

Maybe a Compiler Directive like where the developer can control the libs which should used on the exe:
#CompilerIgnoreLib "Chipmunk2D4PBd"
is a good idea to remove unused Libraries...maybe for PureBasic libs too?
PureBasic - Compiler Error
Duplicated library command: CallThisFunction() (in libraries Chipmunk2D4PBd and Chipmunk2D4PB).
<Wrapper>4PB, PB<game>, =QONK=, PetriDish, Movie2Image, PictureManager,...