Keyword for nameless scope

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Keyword for nameless scope

Post by Mistrel »

#NULL wrote:
Mistrel wrote:Is there a use case for a Module/EndModule without a DeclareModule/EndDeclareModule?
Good question :) I think you could wrap any code in a module for encapsulation and the module will execute itself wherever it's included, even though nothing could be called from outside.

Code: Select all

DeclareModule msg
Module msg
  m.s = "hello"
  MessageRequester("msg", m)

I was going to propose this as a feature request but I think a new keyword block would make the most sense:

Code: Select all

This would give us something akin to Modules but with no ability to reference anything declared within. The advantages would be:
  • Variable names can be re-declared as different types later.
  • Nameless scopes can be created and used anywhere and in places that modules cannot (such as in procedures).
And most importantly:
  • Scopes would inherit their parent scope (which modules do not).