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Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 1:29 am
by Dude
Can we please get a native #PB_Event_MouseWheel event for WaitWindowEvent(), and also a flag to indicate the direction (back/forward) when such an event is triggered? Thank you. :)

Currently I'm checking for #WM_MOUSEWHEEL and then using "dir=-(EventwParam()>>16)/#WHEEL_DELTA" to get the direction (-1 for back and 1 for forward), but this is not future-proof because the manual says NOT to use EventwParam() anymore.

Thanks for considering.

Re: #PB_Event_MouseWheel

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 8:27 am
by RSBasic

Re: #PB_Event_MouseWheel

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 9:12 am
by walbus

Re: #PB_Event_MouseWheel

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 1:33 pm
by mestnyi
Also needed left and right for horizontal

Re: #PB_Event_MouseWheel

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 5:48 pm
by mk-soft

The event only arrives at the window if no gadget has the focus
It's like this on Windows.

Code: Select all

Enumeration EventCustomValue #PB_Event_FirstCustomValue

Enumeration EventCustomValue
Procedure WinCB(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
  Protected r1 = #PB_ProcessPureBasicEvents
  Protected gadget, wheel
    wheel = wParam >> 16 / 120
    PostEvent(#PB_Event_MouseWheel, GetActiveWindow(), GetActiveGadget(), Wheel)
  ProcedureReturn r1



CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_IsMainFile
  Enumeration Window
  Enumeration Gadget
  Procedure OpenMain(x = 10, y = 10, width = 550, height = 400)
    OpenWindow(#Main, x, y, width + MenuHeight(), height + MenuHeight(), "", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget | #PB_Window_MaximizeGadget)
    EditorGadget(#Editor, 10, 10, 530, 310)
    ContainerGadget(#Container, 10, 330, 530, 60)
    ButtonGadget(#ButtonB0, 10, 5, 160, 40, "Button 0")
    ButtonGadget(#ButtonB1, 180, 5, 170, 40, "Button 1")
    ButtonGadget(#ButtonB2, 360, 5, 160, 40, "Button 2")
    Select WaitWindowEvent()
      Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
      Case #PB_Event_MouseWheel
        Debug EventType()

Re: #PB_Event_MouseWheel

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 6:46 pm
by davido

Re: #PB_Event_MouseWheel

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 1:01 am
by Dude
mk-soft wrote:The event only arrives at the window if no gadget has the focus
It's like this on Windows.
Mousewheel events can certainly occur if a gadget has the focus -- just not the way you coded it. ;)

Here's how I code it, but it's not "official" due to #WM_MOUSEWHEEL (and EventwParam(), which isn't shown here):

Code: Select all




    Debug "wheel"
Until ev=#PB_Event_CloseWindow

Re: #PB_Event_MouseWheel

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 1:16 am
by mk-soft
Ok, not all gadgets...
Editor and Lists used the mousewheel...

You need alway SetWindowCallback for Window Events. Another way is not safe...

Re: #PB_Event_MouseWheel

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 1:32 am
by Dude
mk-soft wrote:not all gadgets
First time I've heard that. I can click any gadget in the official gadget example and the mousewheel event still fires (see below).

Anyway, this is all moot because the request is for an official way without using Callbacks. :)

Code: Select all

#WindowWidth  = 390
#WindowHeight = 350

If OpenWindow(0, 100, 200, #WindowWidth, #WindowHeight, "PureBasic - Gadget Demonstration", #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget)
  Top = 10
  GadgetHeight = 24

  FrameGadget(#PB_Any, 10, Top, 370, 290, "Player...") : Top+20

  StringGadget(0,  20, Top, 200, GadgetHeight, "")
  ButtonGadget(1, 223, Top,  72, GadgetHeight, "Play")
  ButtonGadget(2, 295, Top,  72, GadgetHeight, "Stop")  : Top+35
  GadgetToolTip(1,"Play the current song")
  PanelGadget(3, 20, Top, #WindowWidth-50, #WindowHeight-Top-60)
    AddGadgetItem(3, 0, "MP3 PlayList")
      ListViewGadget(4, 6, 10, 230, 148)

      For k=0 To 30
        AddGadgetItem(4, -1, "Music Song n° "+Str(k))

      ButtonGadget(5,  250, 10, 80, GadgetHeight, "Add")
      ButtonGadget(6,  250, 38, 80, GadgetHeight, "Remove")
      ButtonGadget(7,  250, 66, 80, GadgetHeight, "Select")
      GadgetToolTip(7, "Select the current song")
      TrackBarGadget(17, 10, 168, 310, 25, 0, 100)

    AddGadgetItem(3, 1, "Options")
      Top = 10
      CheckBoxGadget(10, 10, Top, 250, GadgetHeight, "Enable low-pass filter") : Top+30
      CheckBoxGadget(11, 10, Top, 250, GadgetHeight, "Enable visual plug-in")  : Top+30
      ComboBoxGadget(12, 10, Top, 250, 21) : Top+30
        AddGadgetItem(12, -1, "FireWorks")
        AddGadgetItem(12, -1, "OpenGL spectrum")
        AddGadgetItem(12, -1, "Bump bass")
      OptionGadget(13, 10, Top, 80, GadgetHeight, "640*480") : Top+20
      OptionGadget(14, 10, Top, 80, GadgetHeight, "800*600") : Top+20
      OptionGadget(15, 10, Top, 80, GadgetHeight, "1024*768")
      SetGadgetState(13, 1)
      ButtonGadget(16, 150, Top, 80, GadgetHeight, "Info")

  TextGadget  (9, 10, #WindowHeight-30, 250, 24, "PureBasic - Gadget demonstration")
  ButtonGadget(8, #WindowWidth-100, #WindowHeight-36, 80, 24, "Quit")

  SetGadgetState(3, 0)

    Event = WaitWindowEvent()
    If Event = #WM_MOUSEWHEEL
      Debug wheel
    ElseIf Event = #PB_Event_Gadget

      Select EventGadget()
        Case 0
          If EventType() = #PB_EventType_ReturnKey
            MessageRequester("Info", "Return key pressed", 0)
        Case 1 ; Play
          DisableGadget(2,0)  ; Enable the 'Stop' gadget
          DisableGadget(1,1)  ; Disable the 'Play' Gadget
        Case 2 ; Stop
          DisableGadget(1,0)  ; Enable the 'Play' gadget
          DisableGadget(2,1)  ; Disable the 'Stop' Gadget
        Case 4
          If EventType() = 2
            SetGadgetText(0, GetGadgetText(4)) ; Get the current item from the ListView..

        Case 5 ; Add
          AddGadgetItem(4, -1, "New Item Added...")

        Case 6 ; Remove
          RemoveGadgetItem(4, GetGadgetState(4)) ; Remove the current element of the ListView

        Case 7 ; Select
          SetGadgetText(0, GetGadgetText(4)) ; Get the current item from the ListView..
        Case 8 ; Quit...
          Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow

        Case 11 ; Enable PlugIn..
          DisableGadget(12, 1-GetGadgetState(11))
        Case 16 ;
          If GetGadgetState(13) : Result$ = GetGadgetText(13) : EndIf
          If GetGadgetState(14) : Result$ = GetGadgetText(14) : EndIf
          If GetGadgetState(15) : Result$ = GetGadgetText(15) : EndIf
        Case 17
          SetGadgetText(0, Str(GetGadgetState(17)))


  Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow


Re: #PB_Event_MouseWheel

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:47 am
by Mistrel
As of Windows XP, if you want to monitor the mouse wheel outside of a window's message queue, the correct API to use is RegisterRawInputDevices() and GetRawInputData().

It's also possible to do this with SetWindowsHookEx() by injecting a global mouse hook but this a legacy API (as far back as Windows 3.1) and is highly discouraged as it is synchronous with all mouse related input events and will cause lag.

Of course, this is only an option for Windows.

Re: #PB_Event_MouseWheel

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:18 am
by marcoagpinto