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Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:43 am
by Thorsten1867
pbPDF - Module (all OS / 64Bit)

Creating PDF documents.
  • Support of form fields (e.g. text field, checkbox, radio button & combo box)
  • Encryption (password protection & access permissions)
  • JPEG2000 image format support
  • Unicode character set support
Example PDF

Code: Select all

  ; ----- Basic Commands -----

  ; PDF::Create()                      - Create PDF document.
  ; PDF::AddPage()                     - Adds a (new) page to the document.
  ; PDF::BookMark()                    - Add bookmark
  ; PDF::Cell()                        - Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string.
  ; PDF::DividingLine()                - Draws a line with the specified width.
  ; PDF::GetFontSize()                 - Get current fontsize (#Point/#Unit)
  ; PDF::GetMargin()                   - Get left, top, right or cell margin.
  ; PDF::GetMultiCellLines()           - Get the last value of newlines for pdf_MultiCell()
  ; PDF::GetPageHeight()               - Get current height of page.
  ; PDF::GetPageNumber()               - Returns the current page number.
  ; PDF::GetPageWidth()                - Get current width of page. 
  ; PDF::GetPosX()                     - Returns the abscissa of the current position.
  ; PDF::GetPosY()                     - Returns the ordinate of the current position.
  ; PDF::GetStringWidth()              - Get width of a string in the current font.
  ; PDF::Image()                       - Puts an image in the page.
  ; PDF::Ln()                          - Performs a line break.
  ; PDF::MultiCell()                   - This method allows printing text with line breaks.
  ; PDF::MultiCellList()               - Add multicell with list elements
  ; PDF::PlaceText()                   - Place text at x, y position.  
  ; PDF::Rotate()                      - Perform a rotation around a given center.
  ; PDF::Save()                        - Save PDF under file name
  ; PDF::SetAutoPageBreak()            - Set auto page break mode and triggering margin.
  ; PDF::SetColorRGB()                 - Set RGB color for text, draw and fill  (#TextColor / #DrawColor / #FillColor).
  ; PDF::SetDashedLine()               - Set a dash pattern and draw dashed lines or rectangles.
  ; PDF::SetFont()                     - Sets the font used to print character strings.
  ; PDF::SetFontSize()                 - Defines the size of the current font.
  ; PDF::SetPageNumbering()            - Set page numbering in footer #True/#False.
  ; PDF::SetInfo()                     - Defines author, titel, subject, creator and associated keywords ('keyword1 keyword2 ...') of the document
  ; PDF::SetLineThickness()            - Defines the line thickness.
  ; PDF::SetMargin()                   - Set left, top, right or cell margin.
  ; PDF::SetPageMargins()              - Set left, top and right page margins.
  ; PDF::SetPosXY()                    - Defines the abscissa and ordinate of the current position.
  ; PDF::SetPosX()                     - Defines the abscissa of the current position. 
  ; PDF::SetPosY()                     - Moves the current abscissa back to the left margin and sets the ordinate.
  ; PDF::SubWrite()                    - Write superscripted or supscripted
  ; PDF::TruncateCell()                - Prints a Cell, if text is too large it will be truncated
  ; PDF::Write()                       - This method prints text from the current position.
  ; ----- Advanced Commands -----
  ; PDF::EmbedFile()                   - Embeds a file into the pdf.
  ; PDF::EmbedFont()                   - Embeds a font into the pdf and returns the font name.
  ; PDF::EmbedJavaScript()             - Add JavaScript
  ; PDF::EmbedJavaScriptFile()         - Include JavaScript file
  ; PDF::EnableFooter()                - Enable/disable Footer (procedure)
  ; PDF::EnableHeader()                - Enable/disable Header (procedure)
  ; PDF::EnableTOCNums()               - Enable/disable adding page numbers to table of contents
  ; PDF::AddEntryTOC()                 - Add TOC entry
  ; PDF::EscapeText()                  - Format a text string (=> masked string).
  ; PDF::GetErrorCode()                - Return the error code.
  ; PDF::GetErrorMessage()             - Return the error message.    
  ; PDF::GetNumbering()                - Return if numbering is #True/#False. Usefull for TOC functions
  ; PDF::GetObjectNum()                - Get object number
  ; PDF::GetScaleFactor()              - Get scale factor for used unit.
  ; PDF::GetWordSpacing()              - Get word spacing.  
  ; PDF::ImageMemory()                 - Puts an image (Memory) in the page.
  ; PDF::InsertTOC()                   - Insert table of contents.
  ; PDF::Link()                        - Puts a link on a rectangular area of the page.
  ; PDF::SetAliasTotalPages()          - Defines an alias for the total number of pages.
  ; PDF::SetColorCMYK()                - Set CMYK color for text, draw and fill (#TextColor / #DrawColor / #FillColor).
  ; PDF::SetEncryption()               - Enable encryption and set passworts and permission
  ; PDF::SetFooterProcedure()          - Set footer procedure.
  ; PDF::SetHeaderProcedure()          - Set header procedure.
  ; PDF::SetOpenAction()               - Set page and zoom for opening the document
  ; PDF::SetPageCompression()          - Enable/disable compression for pages
  ; PDF::SetPageLayout()               - Define display mode for pages in the viewer
  ; PDF::SetPageMode()                 - Define mode and appearance of the viewer (e.g. fullscreen mode)
  ; PDF::SetViewerPreferences()        - Set viewer preferences
  ; PDF::SetWordSpacing()              - Set word spacing. 
  ; ----- AcroForms [#Enable_AcroFormCommands] ------
  ; PDF::ButtonField()                 - Button field (PushButton / CheckBox / RadioButton)
  ; PDF::ChoiceField()                 - Choice field (Scrolling List / ComboBox / editable ComboBox)
  ; PDF::TextField()                   - Text field   (single line/ multiline)
  ; ----- Annotations & Actions [#Enable_Annotations] -----
  ; PDF::AddFileLink()                 - Defines the page and position for embedded file annotations. (#GraphIcon/#PaperClipIcon/#PushPinIcon/#TagIcon)
  ; PDF::AddGotoAction()               - Goto page and position in the document
  ; PDF::AddGotoLabel()                - Set Label to be able to jump to this position
  ; PDF::AddLaunchAction()             - Defines the page and position for a launch action. (#OpenAction/#PrintAction)
  ; PDF::AddLinkURL)                   - Defines the page and position a link points to and returns its identifier.
  ; PDF::AddTextNote()                 - Defines the page and position for text annotations. ( #CommentIcon/#KeyIcon/#NoteIcon/#HelpIcon/#NewParagraphIcon/#ParagraphIcon/#InsertIcon )
  ; ----- Drawing Commands [#Enable_DrawingCommands] -----
  ; PDF::DrawCircle()                  - Draws a circle
  ; PDF::DrawEllipse()                 - Draws a ellipse
  ; PDF::DrawGrid()                    - Draws a light blue grid on the page for testing purposes
  ; PDF::DrawLine()                    - Draws a single line between two points.
  ; PDF::DrawRectangle()               - Draws a rectangle.
  ; PDF::DrawRoundedRectangle()        - Draws a rounded rectangle.
  ; PDF::DrawSector()                  - Draws the sector of a circle.
  ; PDF::DrawTriangle()                - Draws a triangle
  ; PDF::SetLineCap()                  - Sets the line cap style
  ; PDF::SetLineCorner()               - Sets the line join style.
  ; PDF::PathArc()                     - Draws a cubic Bezier curve to the current path.
  ; PDF::PathBegin()                   - Begins a new path at the coordinates (x, y).
  ; PDF::PathEnd()                     - Closes the current path and draws a line from the current point to the starting point.
  ; PDF::PathLine()                    - Draws a line from the current point to (x, y).
  ; PDF::PathRect()                    - Draws a rectangle to the current path with upper-left corner (x, y) and dimensions (w, h). 
  ; ----- Transformation [#Enable_TransformCommands] -----
  ; PDF::StartTransform()              - Use this before calling any transformation. (Scale, Skew, Mirror, Translate)
  ; PDF::StopTransform()               - Restore the normal painting And placing behaviour As it was before calling pdf_StartTransform(). 
  ; PDF::MirrorHorizontal()            - Alias for scaling -100% in x direction. (Transform)
  ; PDF::MirrorVertical()              - Alias For scaling -100% in y direction. (Transform)
  ; PDF::ScaleHorizontal()             - Scaling horizontal        (Transform)
  ; PDF::ScaleVertical()               - Scaling vertical          (Transform)
  ; PDF::Scale()                       - Scaling                   (Transform)
  ; PDF::SkewHorizontal()              - Skewing -> angle x        (Transform)
  ; PDF::SkewVertical()                - Skewing -> angle y        (Transform)
  ; PDF::Translate()                   - Translate -> right/bottom (Transform)
  ; PDF::TranslateHorizontal()         - Translate -> right        (Transform)
  ; PDF::TranslateVertical()           - Translate -> bottom       (Transform)
Download: pbPDFModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:45 am
by Thorsten1867
ResizeEx - Module (all OS / 64Bit)
  • Store & restore window size, position and state
  • Automatic size adjustment for gadgets [#MoveX|#MoveY|#Width|#Height]
  • Automatic horizontal & vertical centering [#HCenter/#VCenter]
  • Proportional size adjustment in percent [#HFactor/#VFactor]
  • Automatic size adjustment for a defined ListIcon column

Code: Select all

  ; Window::Free()                - Delete all data
  ; Window::RestoreData()         - Restore position, size and state of the window
  ; Window::StoreData()           - Store position, size and state of the window
  ; Window::Save()                - Save data off all windows
  ; Window::Load()                - Load data off all windows

  ; Resize::AddContainer()        - Add container for automatic size adjustment of the contained gadgets
  ; Resize::AddWindow()           - Add window for automatic resizing
  ; Resize::AddGadget()           - Add gadget for automatic resizing
  ; Resize::Free()                - Delete all data
  ; Resize::RemoveContainer()     - Remove all resize data for this container
  ; Resize::RemoveGadget()        - Stop resizing gadget and remove resize data
  ; Resize::RemoveWindow()        - Remove all resize data for this window (-> CloseWindow)
  ; Resize::RestoreWindow()       - Restore original window & gadgets size
  ; Resize::SelectWindow()        - Select a previously added window
  ; Resize::SetFactor()           - Set the factor for the movement and size adjustment (Default: 100%)
  ; Resize::SetListColumn()       - Define ListIcon column for automatic resizing
Download: ResizeExModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:51 am
by Thorsten1867
Resources - Module (all OS / 64Bit)

Pack all resources of a program (e.g. images) into a single file and load them later directly from this file (into memory).

Code: Select all

; ----- PackResource - Commands -----
  ; PackResource::Open()   - Open and define resource file and resource name
  ; PackResource::Close()  - Close resource creation
  ; PackResource::Add()    - Add resource (Image/XML/JSON/Sound)
  ; PackResource::Create() - Create resource file

; ----- Resources - Commands -----
  ; Resource::Open()          - Open resource file
  ; Resource::GetImage()      - Load image from resource file
  ; Resource::GetXML()        - Load XML from resource file
  ; Resource::GetJSON()       - Load JSON from resource file
  ; Resource::GetSound()      - Load Sound from resource file
  ; Resource::GetFileSize()   - Get size of resource    (Image/XML/JSON/Sound)
  ; Resource::GetFileMemory() - Copy resource to memory (Image/XML/JSON/Sound)
  ; Resource::Close()         - Close resource file
Download: ResourcesModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:53 am
by Thorsten1867
SpellCheck - Module (all OS / 64Bit)
  • Check spelling of words or texts.
  • suggest corrections (Damerau-Levenshtein-Distance)

Code: Select all

; SpellCheck::AddToUserDictionary()   - add a word to the user dictionary
; SpellCheck::ClearCheckedWords()     - clears all check words from map
; SpellCheck::CorrectionSuggestions() - returns a list with correction suggestions (Damerau-Levenshtein-Distance)
; SpellCheck::FreeDictionary()        - removes dictionary from memory
; SpellCheck::LoadDictionary()        - loads a dictionary
; SpellCheck::Query()                 - returns whether a word is right, misspelled or unknown.
; SpellCheck::SaveUserDictionary()    - saves user dictionary
; SpellCheck::Text()                  - checks a text for spelling mistakes
; SpellCheck::Word()                  - checks if a word is spelled correctly
Download: SpellCheckModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:27 am
by Thorsten1867
GadgetTimer - Module (all OS / 64Bit) [mk-soft]

Update Trigger for Gadgets
  • The timer events arrive at the gadget as EventType.
  • With the function EventData you get the current counter

Code: Select all

; GadgetTimer::AddGadgetTimer()
; GadgetTimer::RemoveGadgetTimer()
; GadgetTimer::StartGadgetTimer()
; GadgetTimer::StopGadgetTimer()
Download: GadgetTimerModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 12:11 pm
by Thorsten1867
System - Module (all OS / 64Bit) [mk-soft]

Module with system functions (PB-Internals).

Code: Select all

; System::WindowPB()          - Find pb-id over handle
; System::GadgetPB()          - Find pb-id over handle
; System::ImagePB()           - Find pb-id over handle
; System::GetParentWindowID() 
; System::GetPreviousGadget()
; System::GetNextGadget()
; System::GetWindowList()
; System::GetGadgetList()
; System::GetImageList()
; System::GetFontList()
Download: SystemModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 12:35 pm
by Thorsten1867
Date64 - Module (all OS / 64Bit) [mk-soft]

Date functions that also support years after 2038

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; Date64::AddDate_()     - similar to AddDate()
; Date64::Date_()        - similar to Date()
; Date64::Day_()         - similar to Day()
; Date64::DayOfWeek_()   - similar to DayOfWeek() 
; Date64::DayOfYear_()   - similar to DayOfYear()
; Date64::DaysInMonth_() - number of days of this month
; Date64::FormatDate_()  - similar to FormatDate()
; Date64::Minute_()      - similar to Minute()
; Date64::Month_()       - similar to Month()
; Date64::Hour_()        - similar to Hour()
; Date64::IsLeapYear_()  - check whether it is a leap year
; Date64::ParseDate_()   - similar to ParseDate()
; Date64::Second_()      - similar to Second()
; Date64::Year_()        - similar to Year()
Download: Date64Module.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 10:15 am
by Thorsten1867
CalendarEx - Gadget (all OS / 64Bit / DPI)


Code: Select all

; CalendarEx::AddEntry()           - add an entry to the calendar
; CalendarEx::AttachPopupMenu()    - attachs a popup menu to the chart
; CalendarEx::CountEntries()       - counts entries of the day of current month
; CalendarEx::GetDate()            - similar to Date()
; CalendarEx::DefaultCountry()     - set country code for default language [DE/AT/FR/ES/GB/US]
; CalendarEx::DisableReDraw()      - disable/enable redrawing
; CalendarEx::ExportDay()          - exports the events of this day as a file    (iCal)
; CalendarEx::ExportLabel()        - exports the event with this label as a file (iCal)
; CalendarEx::EventDate()          - returns date after event
; CalendarEx::EventDayOfMonth()    - returns the day of month
; CalendarEx::EventEntries()       - returns calendar entries after event as linked list (CalendarEx::Entries_Structure)
; CalendarEx::Gadget()             - create a new gadget
; CalendarEx::GetDay()             - returns day of selected date
; CalendarEx::GetEntries()         - all entries on this date as linked list (CalendarEx::Entries_Structure)
; CalendarEx::GetMonth()           - returns month of selected date
; CalendarEx::GetState()           - returns selected date
; CalendarEx::GetYear()            - returns year of selected date
; CalendarEx::ImportEvent()        - imports an event from a file (iCal)
; CalendarEx::MonthName()          - defines name of the month
; CalendarEx::RemoveEntry()        - removes an entry form the calendar
; CalendarEx::SetAttribute()       - similar to SetGadgetAttribute()
; CalendarEx::SetAutoResizeFlags() - [#MoveX|#MoveY|#Width|#Height]
; CalendarEx::SetDate()            - similar to SetGadgetState()
; CalendarEx::SetEntryColor(GNum.i, Label.s, ColorType.i, Value.i)
; CalendarEx::SetEntryMask(GNum.i, Label.s, String.s)
; CalendarEx::SetColor()           - similar to SetGadgetColor()
; CalendarEx::SetFlags()           - set flags [#Year/#Month/#Gadget]
; CalendarEx::SetFont()            - similar to SetGadgetFont()
; CalendarEx::SetMask()            - define mask for time or date
; CalendarEx::SetState()           - similar to SetGadgetState()
; CalendarEx::ToolTipText()        - define mask for tooltips
; CalendarEx::WeekDayName()        - defines name of the weekday
; CalendarEx::UpdatePopupText()    - update menu item text with this mask
Download: CalendarExModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:20 am
by Thorsten1867
iCal - Module (all OS / 64Bit)

Support for iCal files (import/export)

Code: Select all

; iCal::AddEvent()    - adds an event to iCal
; iCal::ClearEvents() - clear all events
; iCal::Create()      - create an iCal entry
; iCal::ExportFile()  - export as iCal file (*.ics)
; iCal::GetEvents()   - get events as linked list (iCal::Event_Structure)
; iCal::ImportFile()  - import an iCal file (*.ics)
; iCal::Remove(ID.i)  - remove the iCal entry
Download: iCalModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:28 am
by Thorsten1867
ThreadControl - Module (all OS / 64Bit) [mk-soft]

Code: Select all

; Thread::Start()
; Thread::Stop()
; Thread::Pause()
; Thread::Resume()
; Thread::GetState()
; Thread::Free()
Download: ThreadControlModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:29 am
by Thorsten1867
ToolTipEx - Gadget (all OS / 64Bit / DPI)

Code: Select all

; ToolTip::Gadget()       - Add tooltip gadget
; ToolTip::SetAttribute() - similar to SetGadgetAttribute()
; ToolTip::SetColor()     - similar to SetGadgetColor()
; ToolTip::SetContent()   - set tooltip text & title and define tooltip area
; ToolTip::SetFont()      - similar to SetGadgetFont()
; ToolTip::SetState()     - activates/deactivates tooltip
Download: ToolTipExModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:42 am
by Thorsten1867
MouseEvents for Gadgets (all OS / 64Bit / DPI) [mk-soft]

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; MouseEvent::Add()          - add mouse events to gadget(s)
; MouseEvent::GetAttribute() - returns current X, Y or gadget number [#MouseX / #MouseY / #Gadget]
Download: MouseEventsModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:20 pm
by Thorsten1867
qAES - Module (all OS / 64Bit) [walbus]

Quick AES-Coder:
  • This coder go always forward, an extra decoder isn't necessary, just use exactly the same calling convention for encrypting and decrypting!
  • This coder can handle automatic string termination for any strings - In compiler mode ASCII and UNICODE !
  • The coder works with all data lengths, also < 16 Byte

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; qAES::KeyStretching()             - use keystretching to make brute force attacks more difficult
; qAES::SetAttribute()              - [#EnlargeBytes/#HashLength/#ProtectedMarker/#CryptMarker]
; qAES::SetSalt()                   - define your own salt
; qAES::GetErrorMessage()           - returns error message 
; qAES::SmartCoder()                - encrypt / decrypt ascii strings, unicode strings and binary data (#Binary/#Ascii/#Unicode)
; ----- #Enable_BasicCoders -----
; qAES::EncodeFile()                - encrypt file with SmartCoder()
; qAES::DecodeFile()                - decrypt file with SmartCoder()
; qAES::String()                    - encrypt / decrypt string with SmartCoder()
; qAES::String2File()               - create an encryoted string file
; qAES::File2String()               - read an encrypted string file
; ----- #Enable_LoadSaveCrypt -----
; qAES::LoadCryptImage()            - similar to LoadImage()
; qAES::SaveCryptImage()            - similar to SaveImage()
; qAES::LoadCryptJSON()             - similar to LoadJSON()
; qAES::SaveCryptJSON()             - similar to SaveJSON()
; qAES::LoadCryptXML()              - similar to LoadXML()
; qAES::SaveCryptXML()              - similar to SaveXML()
; ----- #Enable_CryptPacker -----
; qAES::AddCryptPackFile()          - similar to AddPackFile()
; qAES::UncompressCryptPackFile()   - similar to UncompressPackFile()
; qAES::AddCryptPackMemory()        - similar to AddPackMemory()
; qAES::UncompressCryptPackMemory() - similar to UncompressPackMemory()
; qAES::AddCryptPackXML()           - similar to SaveXML(), but for packer
; qAES::UncompressCryptPackXML()    - similar to LoadXML(), but for packer
; qAES::AddCryptPackJSON()          - similar to SaveJSON(), but for packer
; qAES::UncompressCryptPackJSON()   - similar to LoadJSON(), but for packer
; qAES::AddCryptPackImage()         - similar to LoadImage(), but for packer
; qAES::UncompressCryptPackImage() 
; ----- #Enable_SmartFileCoder -----
; qAES::SmartFileCoder()            - encrypting or decrypting file (high security)
; qAES::CheckIntegrity()            - checks the integrity of a encrypted file      [SmartFileCoder]
; qAES::IsEncrypted()               - checks if a file is already encrypted         [SmartFileCoder]
; qAES::IsProtected()               - checks if a file is already protected         [SmartFileCoder]
Download: qAES_Module.pbi

Download: SmartCrypter.exe (+ SourceCode)

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:30 pm
by Thorsten1867
GradualProgress - Module (All OS / DPI)


Code: Select all

; Gradual::DisableReDraw()      - disable/enable redrawing
; Gradual::Gadget()             - create a new gadget
; Gradual::SetAutoResizeFlags() - [#MoveX|#MoveY|#Width|#Height]
; Gradual::SetColor()           - similar to SetGadgetColor()
; Gradual::SetFont()            - similar to SetGadgetFont()
; Gradual::SetItemText()        - similar to SetGadgetItemText()
; Gradual::SetItemTooltip()     - defines the text for tooltips
; Gradual::SetState()           - similar to SetGadgetState()
Download: GradualProgressModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:31 pm
by Thorsten1867
Extended Container Gadget - Module (all OS / DPI / 64Bit)

Image _ _ _ Image

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; ContainerEx::Close()              - similar to 'CloseGadgetList()'
; ContainerEx::DisableReDraw()      - disable redraw
; ContainerEx::Gadget()             - similar to 'ContainerGadget()'
; ContainerEx::SetAutoResizeFlags() - [#MoveX|#MoveY|#Width|#Height]
; ContainerEx::SetColor()           - similar to 'SetGadgetColor()'
; ContainerEx::SetFont()            - similar to 'SetGadgetFont()'
; ContainerEx::SetText()            - similar to 'SetGadgetText()'
Download: ContainerExModule.pbi