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[Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:34 pm
by Thorsten1867
Collection of modules that work with PureBasic 5.7x and are DPI compatible.

Please no comments or questions about the modules themselves.




Download for modules

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 9:51 am
by Thorsten1867
ButtonEx - Module (all OS / 64Bit / DPI)


Code: Select all

; Button::AddDropDown() - adds a dropdown menue to the button
; Button::AddImage() - adds an image to the button
; Button::Gadget() - similar to 'ButtonGadget()'
; Button::GetState() - similar to 'GetGadgetState()'
; Button::SetState() - similar to 'SetGadgetState()'
; Button::SetFont() - similar to 'SetGadgetFont()'
; Button::SetColor() - similar to 'SetGadgetColor()'
; SetAutoResizeFlags() - [#MoveX|#MoveY|#ResizeWidth|#ResizeHeight]
Download: ButtonExModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 9:59 am
by Thorsten1867
Bar Chart Gadget - Module (all OS / 64Bit / DPI)

Creating pie, bar charts (vertical/horizontal) and charts with data series:

Image __ Image __ Image

Code: Select all

; Chart::AddItem()             - similar to AddGadgetItem()
; Chart::AttachPopupMenu()     - attachs a popup menu to the chart
; Chart::DisableReDraw()       - disable/enable redrawing
; Chart::EventColor()          - returns the color after the event
; Chart::EventIndex()          - returns the item index after the event
; Chart::EventLabel()          - returns the item label after the event
; Chart::EventValue()          - returns the item value after the event
; Chart::Gadget()              - create a new gadget
; Chart::GetErrorMessage()     - get error message [DE/FR/ES/UK]
; Chart::GetItemColor()        - returns the color of the item
; Chart::GetItemLabel()        - get the label of the item
; Chart::GetItemState()        - similar to GetGadgetItemState()
; Chart::GetItemText()         - similar to GetGadgetItemText()
; Chart::GetLabelState()       - similar to GetGadgetItemState(), but 'label' instead of 'position'
; Chart::GetLabelColor()       - returns the color of the item
; Chart::RemoveItem()          - similar to RemoveGadgetItem()
; Chart::RemoveLabel()         - similar to RemoveGadgetItem(), but 'label' instead of 'position'
; Chart::SetAttribute()        - similar to SetGadgetAttribute()
; Chart::SetAutoResizeFlags()  - [#MoveX|#MoveY|#ResizeWidth|#ResizeHeight]
; Chart::SetColor()            - similar to SetGadgetColor()
; Chart::SetFlags()            - set flags for chart customization
; Chart::SetFont()             - similar to SetGadgetFont()
; Chart::SetItemState()        - similar to SetGadgetItemState()
; Chart::SetItemText()         - similar to SetGadgetItemText()
; Chart::SetLabelState()       - similar to SetGadgetItemState(), but 'label' instead of 'position'
; Chart::SetMargins()          - define top, left, right and bottom margin
; Chart::UpdatePopupText()     - updates the menu item text before the popup menu is displayed
; --- Data Series ---
; Chart::AddDataSeries()       - add a new data series
; Chart::AddSeriesItem()       - add a new item to the data series
; Chart::DisplayDataSeries()   - displays the data series
; Chart::EventDataSeries()     - returns the label of the data series after the event
; Chart::GetSeriesColor()      - returns the color of the data series
; Chart::GetSeriesItemState()  - returns the value of the item by index
; Chart::GetSeriesLabelState() - returns the value of the item by label
; Chart::RemoveSeriesItem()    - removes the item by index
; Chart::RemoveSeriesLabel()   - removes the item by label
; Chart::RemoveDataSeries()    - removes the data series
; Chart::SetSeriesItemState()  - sets the value of the item by index
; Chart::SetSeriesLabelState() - sets the value of the item by label
Download: ChartModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:03 am
by Thorsten1867
Extended EditorGadget Module
  • Automatic line break & hyphenation
  • Undo / Redo
  • Simple syntax highlighting (e.g. for spell checking)
  • (Automatic) spell checking

Code: Select all

  ; EditEx::AddItem()                - Add text row at 'Position' (or #FirstRow / #LastRow)
  ; EditEx::AddToUserDictionary()    - Add a new word to user dictionary
  ; EditEx::AddWord()                - Add word to syntax highlighting
  ; EditEx::AttachPopup()            - Attach 'PopUpMenu' to gadget
  ; EditEx::ClearWords()             - Delete the list with the words for syntax highlighting
  ; EditEx::ClearUndo()              - Delete the list with Undo/Redo steps
  ; EditEx::Copy()                   - Copy selected text to clipboard
  ; EditEx::Cut()                    - Cut the selected text and copy it to the clipboard
  ; EditEx::DeleteSelection()        - Delete selected text (Remove selection: #True/#False)
  ; EditEx::DeleteWord()             - Delete word from syntax highlighting
  ; EditEx::EnableAutoSpellCheck()   - Activate automatic spelling correction
  ; EditEx::EnableSyntaxHighlight()  - Enable syntax highlighting (#False/#CaseSensitiv/#NoCase)
  ; EditEx::EnableUndoRedo()         - Enable 'Undo/Redo' function (#True/#False)
  ; EditEx::FreeDictionary()         - Removes the loaded dictionary from memory
  ; EditEx::GetAttribute()           - Returns value of attribute (#ReadOnly/#WordWrap/#Hyphenation/#AutoHide/#Border/#CtrlChars)
  ; EditEx::GetColor()               - Returns color of attribute (#FrontColor/#BackColor/#SyntaxColor/#SelectionColor)
  ; EditEx::GetItemText()            - Returns text row at 'Position'
  ; EditEx::GetSelection()           - Returns selected text (Remove selection: #True/#False)
  ; EditEx::GetText()                - Returns all text rows seperated by 'Seperator'
  ; EditEx::InsertText()             - Insert text at cursor position (or replace selection)
  ; EditEx::IsRedo()                 - Checks if an redo is possible
  ; EditEx::IsSelected()             - Returns whether a selection exists
  ; EditEx::IsUndo()                 - Checks if an undo is possible
  ; EditEx::LoadDictionary()         - Load the dictionary for spell checking
  ; EditEx::LoadHyphenationPattern() - Load hyphenation pattern for selected language (#Deutsch/#English/#French)
  ; EditEx::Redo()                   - Perform Redo
  ; EditEx::ReDraw()                 - Redraw the gadget
  ; EditEx::RemoveGadget()           - Releases the used memory and deletes the cursor thread
  ; EditEx::Paste()                  - Inserting text from the clipboard
  ; EditEx::SaveUserDictionary()     - Save user dictionary
  ; EditEx::SetAttribute()           - Enable/Disable attribute (#ReadOnly/#WordWrap/#Hyphenation/#AutoHide/#Border/#CtrlChars)
  ; EditEx::SetColor()               - Set or change color of attribute (#FrontColor/#BackColor/#SyntaxColor/#SelectionColor)
  ; EditEx::SetFont()                - Set or change font FontID(#Font)
  ; EditEx::SetItemText()            - Replace text row at 'Position'
  ; EditEx::SetText()                - Set or replace all text rows
  ; EditEx::SpellCheck()             - Checks the spelling of the word (returns: #True/#False)
  ; EditEx::SpellChecking()          - Check the spelling in the editor gadget (#Highlight/#WrongWords)
  ; EditEx::Undo()                   - Perform Undo
  ; -----------------------
  ; EditEx::Gadget()                 - Creates an editor gadget
Download: EditorExModule.pbi (with Dictionary and Hyphen-Pattern)
Download: Language packages

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:07 am
by Thorsten1867
ListEx Gadget - Module (all OS / DPI / 64Bit)
  • Editable columns (Strings/CheckBoxes/ComboBoxes/DateGadgets)
  • Columns with events (Buttons / Links / Header-Click)
  • Sortable columns (String / Integer / Float / Date / Birthday / Time / Money)

Code: Select all

; ListEx::AddItem()                 - similar to 'AddGadgetItem()'
; ListEx::AddColumn()               - similar to 'AddGadgetColumn()'
; ListEx::AddComboBoxItems()        - add items to the comboboxes of the column (items seperated by #LF$)
; ListEx::CountItems()              - similar to 'CountGadgetItems()'
; ListEx::ChangeCountrySettings()   - change default settings
; ListEx::ClearComboBoxItems()      - clear items of the comboboxes of the column
; ListEx::ClearItems()              - similar to 'ClearGadgetItems()'
; ListEx::DisableEditing()          - disable editing for the complete list
; ListEx::DisableReDraw()           - disable redraw
; ListEx::EventColumn()             - column of event (Event: ListEx::#Event_Module)
; ListEx::EventRow()                - row of event    (Event: ListEx::#Event_Module)
; ListEx::EventState()              - returns state   (e.g. CheckBox / DateGadget)
; ListEx::EventValue()              - returns value   (string)
; ListEx::EventID()                 - returns row ID or header label 
; ListEx::Gadget()                  - [#GridLines|#NumberedColumn|#NoRowHeader]
; ListEx::GetAttribute()            - similar to 'GetGadgetAttribute()'
; ListEx::GetCellText()             - similar to 'GetGadgetItemText()' with labels
; ListEx::GetCellState()            - similar to 'GetGadgetItemState()' with labels
; ListEx::GetChangedState()         - check whether entries have been edited
; ListEx::GetColumnAttribute()      - similar to 'GetGadgetItemAttribute()'
; ListEx::GetColumnState()          - similar to 'GetGadgetItemState()' for a specific column
; ListEx::GetItemData()             - similar to 'GetGadgetItemData()'
; ListEx::GetItemID()               - similar to 'GetGadgetItemData()' but with string data
; ListEx::GetItemState()            - similar to 'GetGadgetItemState()'
; ListEx::GetItemText()             - similar to 'GetGadgetItemText()'
; ListEx::.GetState(GNum.i)         - similar to 'GetGadgetState()'
; ListEx::Refresh()                 - redraw gadget
; ListEx::RemoveColumn()            - similar to 'RemoveGadgetColumn()'
; ListEx::RemoveItem()              - similar to 'RemoveGadgetItem()'
; ListEx::ResetChangedState()       - reset to not edited
; ListEx::SetAutoResizeColumn()     - column that is reduced when the vertical scrollbar is displayed.
; ListEx::SetAutoResizeFlags()      - [#MoveX|#MoveY|#ResizeWidth|#ResizeHeight]
; ListEx::SetCellState()            - similar to 'SetGadgetItemState()' with labels
; ListEx::SetCellText()             - similar to 'SetGadgetItemText()' with labels
; ListEx::SetColor()                - similar to 'SetGadgetColor()'
; ListEx::SetColorTheme()           - change the color theme
; ListEx::SetColumnAttribute()      - [#Align/#Width/#Font]
; ListEx::SetColumnState()          - similar to 'SetGadgetItemState()' for a specific column
; ListEx::SetDateMask()             - similar to 'SetGadgetText()' and 'DateGadget()'
; ListEx::SetDateAttribute()        - similar to 'SetGadgetAttribute()' and 'DateGadget()'
; ListEx::SetFont()                 - similar to 'SetGadgetFont()'
; ListEx::SetHeaderAttribute()      - [#Align]
; ListEx::SetHeaderSort()           - enable sort by header column [#Sort_Ascending|#Sort_Descending|#Sort_NoCase|#Sort_SwitchDirection]
; ListEx::SetItemAttribute()        - similar to 'SetGadgetItemAttribute()'
; ListEx::SetItemColor()            - similar to 'SetGadgetItemColor()'
; ListEx::SetItemData()             - similar to 'SetGadgetItemData()'
; ListEx::SetItemFont()             - change font of row or header [#Header]
; ListEx::SetItemID()               - similar to 'SetGadgetItemData()' but with string data
; ListEx::SetItemImage( )           - add a image at row/column
; ListEx::SetItemState()            - similar to 'SetGadgetItemState()'
; ListEx::SetItemText()             - similar to 'SetGadgetItemText()'
; ListEx::SetProgressBarAttribute() - set minimum or maximum value for progress bars
; ListEx::SetProgressBarFlags()     - set flags for progressbar (#ShowPercent)
; ListEx::SetRowsHeight()           - change height of rows
; ListEx::SetTimeMask()             - change mask for time (sorting)
; ListEx::Sort()                    - sort rows by column [#SortString|#SortNumber|#SortFloat|#SortDate|#SortBirthday|#SortTime|#SortCash / #Deutsch]
Download: ListExModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:14 am
by Thorsten1867
ProgressBarEx - Module (all OS / 64Bit / DPI)
  • change all colors (#FrontColor/#BackColor/#ProgressBarColor/#GradientColor/#BorderColor)
  • additionally display percentage at end of progress bar (#ShowPercent)
  • additionally show text in progress bar (e.g. file name)

Code: Select all

; ProgressEx::Gadget()             - similar to ProgressBarGadget()
; ProgressEx::GetAttribute()       - similar to GetGadgetAttribute()
; ProgressEx::GetState()           - similar to GetGadgetState()
; ProgressEx::SetAutoResizeFlags() - defines the behavior of AutoResize
; ProgressEx::SetAttribute()       - similar to SetGadgetAttribute()
; ProgressEx::SetColor()           - similar to SetGadgetColor()
; ProgressEx::SetFont()            - similar to SetGadgetFont()
; ProgressEx::SetState()           - similar to SetGadgetState()
; ProgressEx::SetText()            - similar to SetGadgetText()
Download: ProgressBarExModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:16 am
by Thorsten1867
StatusBarEx - Module (all OS / 64Bit / DPI)
  • Color & font changeable (also for individual fields)
  • Integration of ProgressBar / ComboBox / TextButton / ImageButton / HyperLink
  • Linking individual fields with pop-up menus

Code: Select all

; StatusBar::AddField()           - similar to 'AddStatusBarField()'
; StatusBar::AddItem()            - similar to 'AddGadgetItem()'
; StatusBar::AttachPopupMenu()    - attachs a popup menu to the field
; StatusBar::ComboBox()           - similar to 'ComboBoxGadget()'
; StatusBar::DisableRedraw()      - stops redrawing gadget
; StatusBar::EventNumber()        - returns the event number (integer)
; StatusBar::EventID()            - returns the event ID (string)
; StatusBar::EventState()         - returns the state of a statusbar gadget
; StatusBar::Free()               - similar to 'FreeStatusBar()'
; StatusBar::Gadget()             - similar to 'CreateStatusBar()'
; StatusBar::GetState()           - similar to 'GetGadgetState()'
; StatusBar::GetText()            - similar to 'GetGadgetText()'
; StatusBar::Image()              - similar to 'StatusBarImage()'
; StatusBar::ImageButton()        - similar to 'ButtonImageGadget()'
; StatusBar::HyperLink()          - similar to 'HyperLinkGadget()'
; StatusBar::Progress()           - similar to 'StatusBarProgress()'
; StatusBar::SetAttribute()       - similar to 'SetGadgetAttribute()'
; StatusBar::SetColor()           - similar to 'SetGadgetColor()'
; StatusBar::SetFont()            - similar to 'SetGadgetFont()'
; StatusBar::SetHeight()          - change statusbar height
; StatusBar::SetState()           - similar to 'SetGadgetState'
; StatusBar::SetText()            - similar to 'SetGadgetText'
; StatusBar::Text()               - similar to 'StatusBarText()'
; StatusBar::TextButton()         - similar to 'ButtonGadget()'
; StatusBar::ToolTip()            - similar to 'GadgetToolTip()'
Download: StatusBarExModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:19 am
by Thorsten1867
StringEx - Module (all OS / 64Bit / DPI)
  • AutoComplete function (Return key)
  • Password input with "Show-Button" (shows password only as long as button is pressed)
  • Optional button for triggering an event (e.g. delete text)

Code: Select all

; StringEx::AddButton()          - adds a button to the gadget
; StringEx::AddWords()           - add words to the autocomplete list
; StringEx::AttachPopupMenu()    - attach a popup menu to the gadget
; StringEx::Clear()              - clear gadget
; StringEx::Copy()               - copy selection to clipboard
; StringEx::Cut()                - cut selection to clipboard
; StringEx::Delete()             - delete selection
; StringEx::Free()               - similar To 'FreeGadget()'
; StringEx::GetAttribute()       - similar to 'GetGadgetAttribute()'
; StringEx::GetColor()           - similar to 'GetGadgetColor()'
; StringEx::GetText()            - similar to 'GetGadgetText()'
; StringEx::Gadget()             - similar to 'StringGadget()'
; StringEx::Paste()              - paste clipboard
; StringEx::RemoveFlag()         - removes a flag
; StringEx::SetAttribute()       - similar to 'SetGadgetAttribute()'
; StringEx::SetAutoResizeFlags() - [#MoveX|#MoveY|#ResizeWidth|#ResizeHeight]
; StringEx::SetColor()           - similar to 'SetGadgetColor()'
; StringEx::SetFlags()           - sets one or more flags
; StringEx::SetText()            - similar to 'SetGadgetText()'
; StringEx::Undo()               - undo last input
Download: StringExModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:22 am
by Thorsten1867
TextEx Gadget - Module (All OS / DPI)
  • Background with color gradient
  • Multiline text

Code: Select all

; TextEx::Gadget()             - similar to 'TextGadget()'
; TextEx::GetColor()           - similar to 'GetGadgetColor()'
; TextEx::GetText()            - similar to 'GetGadgetText()'
; TextEx::SetColor()           - similar to 'SetGadgetColor()'
; TextEx::SetFont()            - similar to 'SetGadgetFont()'
; TextEx::SetText()            - similar to 'SetGadgetText()'
; TextEx::SetAutoResizeFlags() - [#MoveX|#MoveY|#ResizeWidth|#ResizeHeight]
Download: TextExModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:24 am
by Thorsten1867
TimeEx - Gadget Module (all OS / 64Bit / DPI)


Code: Select all

; TimeEx::GetColor() - similar to 'GetGadgetColor()'
; TimeEx::GetState() - similar to 'GetGadgetState()'
; TimeEx::GetText()  - similar to 'GetGadgetText()'
; TimeEx::Gadget()   - creates a time gadget
; TimeEx::SetColor() - similar to 'SetGadgetColor()'
; TimeEx::SetFont()  - similar to 'SetGadgetFont()'
; TimeEx::SetText()  - similar to 'SetGadgetText()'
; TimeEx::SetState() - similar to 'SetGadgetState()'
Download: TimeExModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:26 am
by Thorsten1867
ToolBarGadget - Module (All OS / DPI)
  • Image sizes: 16x16 / 24x24 / 32x32
  • Sends either gadget or menu events (#PB_Event_Gadget / #PB_Event_Menu)
  • Buttons can alternatively be assigned to pop-up menus.
  • Tooltips for individual buttons
  • ComoBox / SpinGadget / ButtonGadget can be added additionally

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; ToolBar::AddItem()              - similar to 'AddGadgetItem()'
; ToolBar::AttachPopupMenu()      - attachs a popup menu to the button
; ToolBar::ButtonText()           - similar to 'ToolBarButtonText()'
; ToolBar::ComboBox()             - adds a ComboBox to the toolbar
; ToolBar::DisableButton()        - similar to 'DisableToolBarButton()'
; ToolBar::DisableReDraw()        - disable/enable redrawing
; ToolBar::Separator()            - similar to 'ToolBarSeparator()'
; ToolBar::EventNumber()          - returns the event number (integer) of the toolbar button
; ToolBar::EventID()              - returns the event ID (string) of the toolbar button
; ToolBar::EventState()           - returns the state of a toolbar gadget (e.g. ComboBox)
; ToolBar::Free()                 - similar to 'FreeToolBar()'
; ToolBar::Gadget()               - similar to 'CreateToolBar()'
; ToolBar::GetAttribute()         - similar to 'GetGadgetAttribute()'
; ToolBar::GetIndex()             - returns item index of the corresponding event number
; ToolBar::GetIndexFromID()       - returns item index of the corresponding event ID
; ToolBar::GetGadgetNumber()      - returns the gadget number of the gadget at index position
; ToolBar::GetState()             - similar to 'GetGadgetState()'
; ToolBar::GetText()              - similar to 'GetGadgetText()'
; ToolBar::ImageButton()          - similar to 'ToolBarImageButton()'
; ToolBar::HideButton()           - hide button
; ToolBar::Height()               - similar to 'ToolBarHeight()'
; ToolBar::SetAutoResizeFlags()   - [#MoveX|#MoveY|#ResizeWidth|#ResizeHeight]
; ToolBar::SetAttribute()         - similar to 'SetGadgetColor()'
; ToolBar::SetColor()             - similar to 'SetGadgetAttribute()'
; ToolBar::SetFont()              - similar to 'SetGadgetFont()'
; ToolBar::SetGadgetFlags()       - [#Top/#Bottom]
; ToolBar::SetPostEvent()         - changes PostEvent [#PB_Event_Gadget/#PB_Event_Menu]
; ToolBar::SetSpinAttribute()     - similar to 'SetGadgetAttribute()' for the SpinGadget [#PB_Spin_Minimum/#PB_Spin_Maximum]
; ToolBar::SetState()             - similar to 'SetGadgetState()'
; ToolBar::SetText()              - similar to 'SetGadgetText()'
; ToolBar::Spacer()               - inserts available space between buttons
; ToolBar::SpinBox()              - adds a SpinGadget to the toolbar
; ToolBar::ToolTip()              - similar to 'ToolBarToolTip()'
; ToolBar::TextButton()           - similar to 'ButtonGadget()'
Download: ToolBarExModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:28 am
by Thorsten1867
ViewerEx - Module (all OS / DPI / 64Bit)

A gadget to display content, e.g. about info, licenses, hints, help, etc.
  • texts with WordWrap or automatic hyphenation
  • lists, URLs & internal links
  • headings with automatic numbering
  • images

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;  ViewerEx::ClearContent()       - clear gadget content
;  ViewerEx::EventValue()         - return string value for the event (e.g. URL)
;  ViewerEx::Gadget()             - new gadget
;  ViewerEx::Load()               - load contents for the gadget from a file
;  ViewerEx::SetAutoResizeFlags() - automatically adjust gadget to window size.
;  ViewerEx::SetContent()         - select or change content using its label
;  ViewerEx::SetHeadingOffset()   - offset for numbering headings
;  ----- #Enable_AddViewerContent & #Enable_CreateViewerContent -----
;  ViewerEx::UseFont()    - specify the character set to be used.
;  ViewerEx::UseImage()   - specify images to be used
;  ViewerEx::UsePattern() - set hyphenation patterns to be used
;  ----- #Enable_AddViewerContent (add content directly) -----
;  ViewerEx::AddHeading()      - insert numbered headline into gadget
;  ViewerEx::AddImage()        - insert image into gadget
;  ViewerEx::AddLink()         - insert internal link into gadget
;  ViewerEx::AddListing()      - insert a listing with bullets
;  ViewerEx::AddSpacing()      - insert space between the items
;  ViewerEx::AddText()         - insert text into gadget
;  ViewerEx::AddURL()          - insert URL into gadget
;  ViewerEx::DefineHeading()   - define the appearance of headings
;  ViewerEx::DefineStyle()     - define the appearance of texts
;  ViewerEx::DisableReDraw()   - temporarily disable content redrawing
;  ViewerEx::Save()            - save the current content of the gadget with all required resources
;  ViewerEx::SetHyphenation()  - activate hyphenation for the corresponding language (pattern).
;  ViewerEx::SetMargin()       - define page margins
;  ----- #Enable_CreateViewerContent -----
;  ViewerEx::Create()            - create a new page with content under this label.
;  ViewerEx::Close()             - close the page with the corresponding label.
;  ViewerEx::CopyContent()       - copy generated content into a ViewerEx - Gadget.
;  ViewerEx::Export()            - export generated pages with content and save them with all resources in one file.
;  ViewerEx::Heading()           - add a numbered heading.
;  ViewerEx::HeadingDefinition() - defining the appearance of headings.
;  ViewerEx::Hyphenation()       - activate hyphenation for the corresponding language (pattern).
;  ViewerEx::Image()             - add a image.
;  ViewerEx::Link()              - add a internal link.
;  ViewerEx::Listing()           - add a listing with bullets
;  ViewerEx::Margin()            - define page margins.
;  ViewerEx::Spacing()           - add space between items.
;  ViewerEx::StyleDefinition()   - define the appearance of texts.
;  ViewerEx::Text()              - add text.
;  ViewerEx::URL()               - add a URL.
Content Creator for ViewerEx


Download: ViewerEx.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:31 am
by Thorsten1867
Application Registry - Module (all OS / 64Bit)

The application is comparable with the Windows Registry, just for your own program.
You can store a lot of program internal data there and reuse it at the next program start (e.g. status of a ComboBox or the last used path for the OpenFileRequester()).

Code: Select all

; AppReg::Remove()     - remove this application registry
; AppReg::Delete()     - deletes a 'Name' or a 'HKey'
; AppReg::GetFloat()   - returns the value as float
; AppReg::GetInfo()    - returns infos about the application (AppName/Publisher/Date of modification)
; AppReg::GetInteger() - returns the value as integer
; AppReg::GetValue()   - returns the value as string
; AppReg::SetFloat()   - store a float number
; AppReg::SetInteger() - store an integer number
; AppReg::SetValue()   - store a string
; AppReg::Open()       - open new or existing Application Registry
; AppReg::Close()      - close Application Registry and save it to file
Download: ApplicationRegistryModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:32 am
by Thorsten1867
DrawVectorEx - Module (all OS / 64Bit / DPI)

Simplified use of the VectorDrawing library


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; Draw::AlphaColor_()   - similar to RGBA()
; Draw::Box_()          - similar to Box()
; Draw::Circle_()       - similar to Circle()
; Draw::CircleArc_()    - draws a arc of a circle
; Draw::CircleSector_() - draws a circle sector
; Draw::Ellipse_()      - similar to Ellipse()
; Draw::EllipseArc_()   - draws a arc of a ellipse
; Draw::Font_()         - similar to DrawingFont()
; Draw::Line_()         - similar to Line()
; Draw::HLine_()        - draws a horizontal line
; Draw::VLine_()        - draws a vertical line
; Draw::LineXY_()       - similar to LineXY()
; Draw::MixColor_()     - mixes 2 colours in a mixing ratio of 1% - 99%
; Draw::SetStroke_()    - changes the stroke width
; Draw::StartVector_()  - similar to StartVectorDrawing()
; Draw::StopVector_()   - similar to StopVectorDrawing()
; Draw::Text_()         - similar to DrawText()
; Draw::TextHeight_()   - similar to TextHeight()
; Draw::TextWidth_()    - similar to TextWidth()
Download: DrawVectorExModule.pbi

Re: [Module] PureBasic V5.7x (DPI)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:37 am
by Thorsten1867
SecureFileContainer - Module (all OS / 64Bit)

Merges all data files of a program into one container
  • Files are encrypted when a password is set
  • Files are unpacked only when needed and automatically moved back into the container when it is closed.
  • Resources such as images, sounds, etc. can be loaded directly from the container.
  • XML and JSON files can be read directly from and written to the container.

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; SFC::Create()            - create a new file container
; SFC::Open()              - open an existing file container
; SFC::Close()             - close the file container
; SFC::AddFile()           - add a file to the file container
; SFC::UseFile()           - use the file (=> decrypt it and extract it from the container)

; SFC::AddXML()            - add XML as file to the container
; SFC::UseXML()            - load XML directly from the container 
; SFC::AddJSON()           - add JSON as file to the container
; SFC::UseJSON()           - load JSON directly from the container 
; SFC::AddImage()          - add Image as file to the container
; SFC::UseImage()          - load Image directly from the container 
; SFC::AddText()           - add string as file to the container
; SFC::UseText(s)          - load string directly from the container 
; SFC::ProgressProcedure() - define procedure to show progress
; SFC::IsProgID()          - check whether the container has the correct ProgID.
; SFC::IsCorrectKey()      - check if the key is correct.
; SFC::GetInfo()           - get container infos (ProgID/Author/Titel/Subject/Creator)
; SFC::SetInfo()           - change container infos (ProgID/Author/Titel/Subject/Creator)
Download: SecureFileContainer.pbi