Websocket Client

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Websocket Client

Post by Netzvamp »

I've developed an websocket client.

This is not a SERVER, this is a CLIENT who connect to a server.

I've developed it to query an external API/Service running on a websocket-server.

It's not fully tested, and misses some features (look TODO in source), but works with the testserver at echo.websocket.org.


My question to improve it further:
Is there an easy way to open an encrypted (TSL/SSL) connections to send raw data? Looks like Win32-API is only for HTTPS, but not usable for websockets and not crossplatform.
I've seen cryptlib, does anyone have experience with this lib? Are there better solutions?
Last edited by Netzvamp on Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Websocket Client

Post by infratec »

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Re: Websocket Client

Post by Netzvamp »

Yes, i know them. But these are SERVERS, this is an CLIENT who connect to an server. I've developed it, cause i have an external API-Server/Service based on websocket and i needed to query data with purebasic.
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Re: Websocket Client

Post by nimda »

Hello, just to notice a little bug: pong answer has to be masked, or the server disconnects you. Great script though, thank you Netzvamp :wink:
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Kwai chang caine
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Re: Websocket Client

Post by Kwai chang caine »

Someone have a simple PHP websocket server code who works with this great client ?

I have found this and not understand how use it, because there are also an IP to enter on the server and the client :shock:
https://medium.com/@cn007b/super-simple ... 2cd5893575

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$address = '';
$port = 12345;

// Create WebSocket.
$server = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
socket_set_option($server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
socket_bind($server, $address, $port);
$client = socket_accept($server);

// Send WebSocket handshake headers.
$request = socket_read($client, 5000);
preg_match('#Sec-WebSocket-Key: (.*)\r\n#', $request, $matches);
$key = base64_encode(pack(
    sha1($matches[1] . '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11')
$headers = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n";
$headers .= "Upgrade: websocket\r\n";
$headers .= "Connection: Upgrade\r\n";
$headers .= "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n";
$headers .= "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: $key\r\n\r\n";
socket_write($client, $headers, strlen($headers));

// Send messages into WebSocket in a loop.
while (true) {
    $content = 'Now: ' . time();
    $response = chr(129) . chr(strlen($content)) . $content;
    socket_write($client, $response);
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Re: Websocket Client

Post by infratec »

You don't need to enter tne server IP :wink: means that it listens on all interfaces.
Only if you want to restrict it to one interface, you have to change it to the IP of the interface you want to use.
But since a server has fixed IP addresses you only need to do this once.
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Re: Websocket Client

Post by Kwai chang caine »

Waaaahh !!! finaly a good news 8) after all this search without succes :|
So you say to me, normally this two codes above must work ? :shock:
I have try several time without succes yesterday ....
Good...i try another time today, now i know that can works, perhaps i have missing something :wink:

What adress i must write ?

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Re: Websocket Client

Post by infratec »

To start the 'server' you have to call

But yout client needs to communicate with www.myserver.fr port 12345
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Re: Websocket Client

Post by Kwai chang caine »

Thanks INFRATEC for your precious explanation, that works now 8)
But after several try, i discovered WebSocket lock the loop and wait client request :|
So one time more, it's not what i search to do :|
I want each part can send to other everytime, and the other answer if he want....but apparently, it's not simple in PHP :|
I continue my searchs.....again thanks 8)
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Re: Websocket Client

Post by skinkairewalker »

I'm trying to use this code to stress test a websocket server, but the client simply crashes without reporting any errors.

screenshot : https://prnt.sc/9OhwqmUCwg7y

Does anyone have any idea what could be happening?

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; Websocketclient by Netzvamp
; Version: 2016/01/08

DeclareModule WebsocketClient
  Declare OpenWebsocketConnection(URL.s)
  Declare SendTextFrame(connection, message.s)
  Declare ReceiveFrame(connection, *MsgBuffer)
  Declare SetSSLProxy(ProxyServer.s = "", ProxyPort.l = 8182)

Module WebsocketClient
  ;TODO: Add function to send binary frame
  ;TODO: We don't support fragmetation right now
  ;TODO: We should send an closing frame, but server will also just close
  ;TODO: Support to send receive bigger frames
  Declare Handshake(Connection, Servername.s, Path.s)
  Declare ApplyMasking(Array Mask.a(1), *Buffer)
  Global Proxy_Server.s, Proxy_Port.l
  Macro dbg(txt)
    CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Debugger
      Debug "WebsocketClient: " + FormatDate("%yyyy-%mm-%dd %hh:%ii:%ss",Date()) + " > " + txt
  Procedure SetSSLProxy(ProxyServer.s = "", ProxyPort.l = 8182)
    Proxy_Server.s = ProxyServer.s
    Proxy_Port.l = ProxyPort.l
  Procedure OpenWebsocketConnection(URL.s)
    Protokol.s = GetURLPart(URL.s, #PB_URL_Protocol)
    Servername.s = GetURLPart(URL.s, #PB_URL_Site)
    Port.l = Val(GetURLPart(URL.s, #PB_URL_Port))
    If Port.l = 0 : Port.l = 80 : EndIf
    Path.s = GetURLPart(URL.s, #PB_URL_Path)
    If Path.s = "" : Path.s = "/" : EndIf

    If Protokol.s = "wss" ; If we connect with encryption (https)
      If Proxy_Port
        Connection = OpenNetworkConnection(Proxy_Server.s, Proxy_Port.l, #PB_Network_TCP, 1000)
        dbg("We need an SSL-Proxy like stunnel for encryption. Configure the proxy with SetSSLProxy().")
    ElseIf Protokol.s = "ws"
      Connection = OpenNetworkConnection(Servername.s, Port.l, #PB_Network_TCP, 1000)
    If Connection
      If Handshake(Connection, Servername.s, Path.s)
        dbg("Connection and Handshake ok")
        ProcedureReturn Connection
        ProcedureReturn #False
      dbg("Couldn't connect")
      ProcedureReturn #False
  Procedure Handshake(Connection, Servername.s, Path.s)
    Request.s = "GET /" + Path.s + " HTTP/1.1"+ #CRLF$ +
                "Host: " + Servername.s + #CRLF$ +
                "Upgrade: websocket" + #CRLF$ +
                "Connection: Upgrade" + #CRLF$ +
                "Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==" + #CRLF$ +
                "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" + #CRLF$ + 
                "User-Agent: CustomWebsocketClient"+ #CRLF$ + #CRLF$
    SendNetworkString(Connection, Request.s, #PB_UTF8)
    *Buffer = AllocateMemory(65536)
    ; We wait for answer
      Size = ReceiveNetworkData(connection, *Buffer, 65536)
      Answer.s = Answer.s + PeekS(*Buffer, Size, #PB_UTF8)
      If FindString(Answer, #CRLF$ + #CRLF$)
    Until Size <> 65536
    Answer.s = UCase(Answer.s)
    ; Check answer
    If FindString(Answer.s, "HTTP/1.1 101") And FindString(Answer.s, "CONNECTION: UPGRADE") And FindString(Answer.s, "UPGRADE: WEBSOCKET")
      ProcedureReturn #True
      ProcedureReturn #False
  Procedure ApplyMasking(Array Mask.a(1), *Buffer)
    For i = 0 To MemorySize(*Buffer) - 1
      PokeA(*Buffer + i, PeekA(*Buffer + i) ! Mask(i % 4))
  Procedure SendTextFrame(connection, message.s)
    ; Put String in Buffer
    MsgLength.l = StringByteLength(message.s, #PB_UTF8)
    *MsgBuffer = AllocateMemory(MsgLength)
    PokeS(*MsgBuffer, message.s, MsgLength, #PB_UTF8|#PB_String_NoZero)
    dbg("Messagelength to send: " + Str(MsgLength))
    ; The Framebuffer, we fill with senddata
    If MsgLength <= 125
      Fieldlength = 6
    ElseIf MsgLength >= 126 And MsgLength <= 65535
      Fieldlength = 8
      Fieldlength = 14
    dbg("Fieldlength to send: " + Str(Fieldlength))
    *FrameBuffer = AllocateMemory(Fieldlength + MsgLength)
    ; We generate 4 random masking bytes
    Dim Mask.a(3)
    Mask(0) = Random(255,0)
    Mask(1) = Random(255,0) 
    Mask(2) = Random(255,0) 
    Mask(3) = Random(255,0) 
    pos = 0 ; The byteposotion in the framebuffer
    ; First Byte: FIN(1=finished with this Frame),RSV(0),RSV(0),RSV(0),OPCODE(4 byte)=0001(text) 
    PokeB(*FrameBuffer, %10000001) : pos + 1 ; = 129
    ; Second Byte: Masking(1),length(to 125bytes, else we have to extend)
    If MsgLength <= 125                                             ; Length fits in first byte
      PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, MsgLength + 128)    : pos + 1       ; + 128 for Masking
    ElseIf MsgLength >= 126 And MsgLength <= 65535                  ; We have to extend length to third byte
      PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, 126 + 128)          : pos + 1       ; 126 for 2 extra length bytes and + 128 for Masking
      PokeA(*FrameBuffer + pos, (MsgLength >> 8))   : pos + 1       ; First Byte
      PokeA(*FrameBuffer + pos, MsgLength)          : pos + 1       ; Second Byte
    Else                                                            ; It's bigger than 65535, we also use 8 extra bytes
      PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, 127 + 128)          : pos + 1       ; 127 for 8 extra length bytes and + 128 for Masking
      PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, 0)                  : pos + 1       ; 8 Bytes for payload lenght. We don't support giant packages for now, so first bytes are zero :P
      PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, 0)                  : pos + 1
      PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, 0)                  : pos + 1
      PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, 0)                  : pos + 1
      PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, MsgLength >> 24)    : pos + 1
      PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, MsgLength >> 16)    : pos + 1
      PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, MsgLength >> 8)     : pos + 1
      PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, MsgLength)          : pos + 1       ; = 10 Byte
    ; Write Masking Bytes
    PokeA(*FrameBuffer + pos, Mask(0))              : pos + 1
    PokeA(*FrameBuffer + pos, Mask(1))              : pos + 1
    PokeA(*FrameBuffer + pos, Mask(2))              : pos + 1
    PokeA(*FrameBuffer + pos, Mask(3))              : pos + 1
    ApplyMasking(Mask(), *MsgBuffer)
    CopyMemory(*MsgBuffer, *FrameBuffer + pos, MsgLength)
    ;For x = 0 To 100 Step 5
      ;Debug Str(PeekA(*FrameBuffer + x)) + " | " + Str(PeekA(*FrameBuffer + x + 1)) + " | " + Str(PeekA(*FrameBuffer + x + 2)) + " | " + Str(PeekA(*FrameBuffer + x + 3)) + " | " + Str(PeekA(*FrameBuffer + x + 4))
    If SendNetworkData(connection, *FrameBuffer, Fieldlength + MsgLength) = Fieldlength + MsgLength
      dbg("Textframe send, Bytes: " + Str(Fieldlength + MsgLength))
      ProcedureReturn #True
      ProcedureReturn #False
  Procedure ReceiveFrame(connection, *MsgBuffer)
    *FrameBuffer = AllocateMemory(65536)
      *FrameBuffer = ReAllocateMemory(*FrameBuffer, 65536)
      Size = ReceiveNetworkData(connection, *FrameBuffer, 65536)
      ;Answer.s = Answer.s + PeekS(*FrameBuffer, Size, #PB_UTF8)
    Until Size <> 65536
    dbg("Received Frame, Bytes: " + Str(Size))
    *FrameBuffer = ReAllocateMemory(*FrameBuffer, Size)
    ;     ; debug: output any single byte
    ;     If #PB_Compiler_Debugger
    ;       For x = 0 To Size - 1 Step 1
    ;         dbg_bytes.s + Str(PeekA(*FrameBuffer + x)) + " | "
    ;       Next
    ;       dbg(dbg_bytes)
    ;     EndIf
    ; Getting informations about package
    If PeekA(*FrameBuffer) & %10000000 > #False
      ;dbg("Frame not fragmented")
      fragmentation.b = #False
      dbg("Frame fragmented! This not supported for now!")
      fragmentation.b = #True
    ; Check for Opcodes
    If PeekA(*FrameBuffer) = %10000001 ; Textframe
      dbg("Text frame")
      frame_typ.w = #frame_text
    ElseIf PeekA(*FrameBuffer) = %10000010 ; Binary Frame
      dbg("Binary frame")
      frame_typ.w = #frame_binary
    ElseIf PeekA(*FrameBuffer) = %10001000 ; Closing Frame
      dbg("Closing frame")
      frame_typ.w = #frame_closing
    ElseIf PeekA(*FrameBuffer) = %10001001 ; Ping
      ; We just answer pings
      *pongbuffer = AllocateMemory(2)
      PokeA(*pongbuffer, 138)
      PokeA(*pongbuffer+1, 0)
      SendNetworkData(connection, *pongbuffer, 2)
      dbg("Received Ping, answered with Pong")
      frame_typ.w = #frame_ping
      dbg("Opcode unknown")
      frame_typ.w = #frame_unknown
      ProcedureReturn #False
    ; Check masking
    If PeekA(*FrameBuffer + 1) & %10000000 = 128 : masking.b = #True : Else : masking.b = #False : EndIf
    dbg("Masking: " + Str(masking))
    pos.l = 1
    ; check size
    If PeekA(*FrameBuffer + 1) & %01111111 <= 125 ; size is in this byte
      frame_size.l = PeekA(*FrameBuffer + pos) & %01111111 : pos + 1
    ElseIf PeekA(*FrameBuffer + 1) & %01111111 >= 126 ; Size is in 2 extra bytes
      frame_size.l = PeekA(*FrameBuffer + 2) << 8 + PeekA(*FrameBuffer + 3) : pos + 2
    dbg("FrameSize: " + Str(frame_size.l))
    If masking = #True
      Dim Mask.a(3)
      Mask(0) = PeekA(*FrameBuffer + pos) : pos + 1
      Mask(1) = PeekA(*FrameBuffer + pos) : pos + 1
      Mask(2) = PeekA(*FrameBuffer + pos) : pos + 1
      Mask(3) = PeekA(*FrameBuffer + pos) : pos + 1
      CopyMemory(*FrameBuffer + pos, *MsgBuffer, frame_size)
      ApplyMasking(Mask(), *MsgBuffer)
      CopyMemory(*FrameBuffer + pos, *MsgBuffer, frame_size)
    ProcedureReturn frame_typ

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_IsMainFile
  ; Minimal example to send and receive textmessages
  ; The preconfigured testserver "echo.websocket.org" will just echo back everything you've send.

  Global connection
  connection = WebsocketClient::OpenWebsocketConnection("ws://localhost:80/game/ws")
  Debug "Connected on game/ws"
  ; Proxy Setting:
  ; If you need an encyrpted connection (https/wss), you currently have to use an 
  ; proxy software like stunnel (https://www.stunnel.org) to redirect unencrypted data into an encrypted connection
  ; Example stunnel.conf section:
  ;   [websocket]
  ;   client = yes
  ;   accept =
  ;   connect = echo.websocket.org:443
    If connection
      NetworkEvent = NetworkClientEvent(connection)
      Select NetworkEvent
        Case #PB_NetworkEvent_Data
          Debug "We've got Data"
          *FrameBuffer = AllocateMemory(1)
          Frametyp = WebsocketClient::ReceiveFrame(connection,*FrameBuffer)
          If Frametyp = WebsocketClient::#frame_text
            Debug  "< " + PeekS(*FrameBuffer,MemoryStringLength(*FrameBuffer,#PB_UTF8|#PB_ByteLength),#PB_UTF8|#PB_ByteLength) 
            If WebsocketClient::SendTextFrame(connection, "HelloWorldServer.") = #False
              Debug "Couldn't send. Are we disconnected?"
          ElseIf Frametyp = WebsocketClient::#frame_binary
            Debug  "< Received Binaryframe" 
        Case #PB_NetworkEvent_Disconnect
          If disconnected = #False
            Debug "Disconnected"
          disconnected = #True
          NetworkEvent = #PB_NetworkEvent_None
        Case #PB_NetworkEvent_None
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