[DONE] [PR 1.879 x64] Another unenlightening Fasm error

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[DONE] [PR 1.879 x64] Another unenlightening Fasm error

Post by lexvictory »

Involves COM and ascii->unicode conversion with p-unicode

Code: Select all

Interface _IPersistFile
  QueryInterface(a, b)
  Load(a, b)
  Save(a.p-unicode, b)

Interface _IShellLinkW
  QueryInterface(a, b)
  GetPath(a.p-unicode, b, c, d)
  GetDescription(a.p-unicode, b)
  GetWorkingDirectory(a.p-unicode, b)
  GetArguments(a.p-unicode, b)
  GetIconLocation(a.p-unicode, b, c)
  SetIconLocation(a.p-unicode, b)
  SetRelativePath(a, b)
  Resolve(a, b)

ProcedureDLL CreateShortcut(Path.s, LINK.s, Argument.s, DESCRIPTION.s, WorkingDirectory.s, ShowCommand.l, IconFile.s, IconIndexInFile.l) 
  If CoCreateInstance_(?CLSID_ShellLink,0,1,?IID_IShellLinkW,@psl._IShellLinkW) = 0 
    ; The file TO which is linked ( = target for the Link ) 
    ; Arguments for the Target 
    ; Working Directory 
    ; Description ( also used as Tooltip for the Link ) 
    ; Show command: 
    ;               SW_SHOWNORMAL    = Default 
    ;               SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = aehmm... Maximized 
    ;               SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = play Unreal Tournament 
    ; Hotkey: 
    ; The virtual key code is in the low-order byte, 
    ; and the modifier flags are in the high-order byte. 
    ; The modifier flags can be a combination of the following values: 
    ;         HOTKEYF_ALT     = ALT key 
    ;         HOTKEYF_CONTROL = CTRL key 
    ;         HOTKEYF_EXT     = Extended key 
    ;         HOTKEYF_SHIFT   = SHIFT key 
    ; Set Icon for the Link: 
    ; There can be more than 1 icons in an icon resource file, 
    ; so you have to specify the index. 
    psl\SetIconLocation(IconFile, IconIndexInFile) 
    ; Query IShellLink For the IPersistFile interface For saving the 
    ; shortcut in persistent storage. 
    If psl\QueryInterface(?IID_IPersistFile,@ppf._IPersistFile) = 0 
      ; Ensure that the string is Unicode. 
      ;Save the link by calling IPersistFile::Save. 
      hres = ppf\Save(LINK,#True) 
      Result = 1 
  ProcedureReturn Result 
  ; 00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 
  Data.l $00021401 
  Data.w $0000,$0000 
  Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46 
  ; DEFINE_SHLGUID(IID_IShellLinkA,         0x000214EEL, 0, 0); 
  ; C000-000000000046 
  Data.l $000214EE 
  Data.w $0000,$0000 
  Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46 
  ; 0000010b-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 
  Data.l $0000010B 
  Data.w $0000,$0000 
  Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46 
  IID_IShellLinkW: ; {000214F9-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
    Data.l $000214F9
    Data.w $0000, $0000
    Data.b $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $46
ASM (Reports line 96 as error line)

Code: Select all

format MS64 COFF

Public PB_CreateShortcut

Extrn SYS_FastAllocateString4
Extrn CoInitialize
Extrn CoCreateInstance
Extrn SYS_ToUnicode
Extrn CoUninitialize
Extrn SYS_FreeString
Extrn Droopy_l_iid_ishelllinkw
Extrn Droopy_l_clsid_shelllink
Extrn Droopy_l_iid_ipersistfile

section '.text' code readable executable

MOV    qword [rsp+8],rcx
MOV    qword [rsp+16],rdx
MOV    qword [rsp+24],r8
MOV    qword [rsp+32],r9
PUSH   rbp
PUSH   r15
MOV    rdx,12
SUB    rsp,8
MOV    qword [rsp],0
DEC    rdx
JNZ   .ClearLoop
SUB    rsp,40
MOV    rdx,[rsp+PS116+0]
LEA    rcx,[rsp+40]
SUB    rsp,16
CALL   SYS_FastAllocateString4
ADD    rsp,16
MOV    rdx,[rsp+PS116+8]
LEA    rcx,[rsp+48]
SUB    rsp,16
CALL   SYS_FastAllocateString4
ADD    rsp,16
MOV    rdx,[rsp+PS116+16]
LEA    rcx,[rsp+56]
SUB    rsp,16
CALL   SYS_FastAllocateString4
ADD    rsp,16
MOV    rdx,[rsp+PS116+24]
LEA    rcx,[rsp+64]
SUB    rsp,16
CALL   SYS_FastAllocateString4
ADD    rsp,16
MOV    rdx,[rsp+PS116+32]
LEA    rcx,[rsp+72]
SUB    rsp,16
CALL   SYS_FastAllocateString4
ADD    rsp,16
MOV    rdx,[rsp+PS116+48]
LEA    rcx,[rsp+80]
SUB    rsp,16
CALL   SYS_FastAllocateString4
ADD    rsp,16
; CoInitialize_(0)
PUSH   qword 0
POP    rcx
ADD    rsp,-32
CALL   CoInitialize
ADD    rsp,32
; If CoCreateInstance_(?CLSID_ShellLink,0,1,?IID_IShellLinkW,@psl._IShellLinkW) = 0
ADD    rsp,-8
LEA    rax,[rsp+96]
MOV    rax,rax
PUSH   rax
MOV    rbp,Droopy_l_iid_ishelllinkw
MOV    rax,rbp
PUSH   rax
PUSH   qword 1
PUSH   qword 0
MOV    rbp,Droopy_l_clsid_shelllink
MOV    rax,rbp
PUSH   rax
POP    rcx
POP    rdx
POP    r8
POP    r9
ADD    rsp,-32
CALL   CoCreateInstance
ADD    rsp,48
MOV    r15,rax
AND    r15,r15
JNE   _EndIf115
; Set_ShellLink_preferences:
; The file TO which is linked ( = target for the Link )
; psl\SetPath(Path)
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+40]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_ToUnicode
ADD    rsp,32
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+88]
ADD    rsp,-16
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+160]
ADD    rsp,16
; Arguments for the Target
; psl\SetArguments(Argument)
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+56]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_ToUnicode
ADD    rsp,32
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+88]
ADD    rsp,-16
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+88]
ADD    rsp,16
; Working Directory
; psl\SetWorkingDirectory(WorkingDirectory)
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+72]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_ToUnicode
ADD    rsp,32
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+88]
ADD    rsp,-16
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+72]
ADD    rsp,16
; Description ( also used as Tooltip for the Link )
; psl\SetDescription(DESCRIPTION)
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+64]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_ToUnicode
ADD    rsp,32
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+88]
ADD    rsp,-16
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+56]
ADD    rsp,16
; Show command:
;               SW_SHOWNORMAL    = Default
;               SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = aehmm... Maximized
;               SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = play Unreal Tournament
; psl\SetShowCmd(ShowCommand)
MOVSXD rax,dword [rsp+PS116+40]
MOV    rax,rax
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+88]
ADD    rsp,-16
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+120]
ADD    rsp,16
; Hotkey:
; The virtual key code is in the low-order byte,
; and the modifier flags are in the high-order byte.
; The modifier flags can be a combination of the following values:
;         HOTKEYF_ALT     = ALT key
;         HOTKEYF_CONTROL = CTRL key
;         HOTKEYF_EXT     = Extended key
;         HOTKEYF_SHIFT   = SHIFT key
; psl\SetHotkey(HotKey)
PUSH   qword [rsp+96]
POP    rdx
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+88]
ADD    rsp,-16
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+104]
ADD    rsp,16
; Set Icon for the Link:
; There can be more than 1 icons in an icon resource file,
; so you have to specify the index.
; psl\SetIconLocation(IconFile, IconIndexInFile)
ADD    rsp,-8
MOVSXD rax,dword [rsp+PS116+64]
MOV    rax,rax
PUSH   rax
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+96]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_ToUnicode
ADD    rsp,32
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
POP    r8
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+96]
ADD    rsp,-24
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+136]
ADD    rsp,32
; ShellLink_SAVE:
; Query IShellLink For the IPersistFile interface For saving the
; shortcut in persistent storage.
; If psl\QueryInterface(?IID_IPersistFile,@ppf._IPersistFile) = 0
ADD    rsp,-8
LEA    rax,[rsp+112]
MOV    rax,rax
PUSH   rax
MOV    rbp,Droopy_l_iid_ipersistfile
MOV    rax,rbp
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
POP    r8
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+96]
ADD    rsp,-24
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax]
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    r15,rax
AND    r15,r15
JNE   _EndIf117
; Ensure that the string is Unicode.
;Save the link by calling IPersistFile::Save.
; hres = ppf\Save(LINK,#True)
ADD    rsp,-8
PUSH   qword 1
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+64]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_ToUnicode
ADD    rsp,32
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
POP    r8
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+112]
ADD    rsp,-24
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+48]
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    qword [rsp+112],rax
; Result = 1
MOV    qword [rsp+120],1
; ppf\Release()
ADD    rsp,-8
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+112]
ADD    rsp,-8
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+16]
ADD    rsp,16
; EndIf
; psl\Release()
ADD    rsp,-8
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+96]
ADD    rsp,-8
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+16]
ADD    rsp,16
; EndIf
; CoUninitialize_()
ADD    rsp,-32
CALL   CoUninitialize
ADD    rsp,32
; ProcedureReturn Result
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+120]
JMP   _EndProcedure117
; DataSection
; CLSID_ShellLink:
; 00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
; Data.l $00021401
; Data.w $0000,$0000
; Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46
; IID_IShellLink:
; DEFINE_SHLGUID(IID_IShellLinkA,         0x000214EEL, 0, 0);
; C000-000000000046
; Data.l $000214EE
; Data.w $0000,$0000
; Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46
; IID_IPersistFile:
; 0000010b-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
; Data.l $0000010B
; Data.w $0000,$0000
; Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46
; IID_IShellLinkW: ; {000214F9-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
; Data.l $000214F9
; Data.w $0000, $0000
; Data.b $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $46
; EndDataSection
; EndProcedure
XOR    rax,rax
PUSH   rax
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+48]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_FreeString
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+56]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_FreeString
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+64]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_FreeString
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+72]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_FreeString
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+80]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_FreeString
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+88]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_FreeString
ADD    rsp,32
POP    rax
ADD    rsp,136
POP    r15
POP    rbp
why it has labels like ShellLink_SAVE I'll never know
Demonio Ardente

Currently managing Linux & OS X Tailbite
OS X TailBite now up to date with Windows!
Posts: 1143
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Location: Germany

Post by ABBKlaus »

seems to be a new command :? (aligngosubX)
I have build a new version that fixes this issue, could you test it please.

Regards Klaus

BTW: i have renamed all aligngosubX to aligngosub_LibName_X

http://www.tailbite.com/downloads/TailB ... R1.879.zip
Posts: 1027
Joined: Sun May 15, 2005 5:15 am
Location: Australia

Post by lexvictory »

now i get error: invalid argument for an Extrn, becuase there is no argument..

Code: Select all

format MS64 COFF

Public PB_CreateShortcut

Extrn SYS_FastAllocateString4
Extrn CoInitialize
Extrn CoCreateInstance
Extrn SYS_ToUnicode
Extrn CoUninitialize
Extrn SYS_FreeString
Extrn Droopy_l_iid_ishelllinkw
Extrn Droopy_l_clsid_shelllink
Extrn Droopy_l_iid_ipersistfile

section '.text' code readable executable

MOV    qword [rsp+8],rcx
MOV    qword [rsp+16],rdx
MOV    qword [rsp+24],r8
MOV    qword [rsp+32],r9
PUSH   rbp
PUSH   r15
MOV    rdx,12
SUB    rsp,8
MOV    qword [rsp],0
DEC    rdx
JNZ   .ClearLoop
SUB    rsp,40
MOV    rdx,[rsp+PS116+0]
LEA    rcx,[rsp+40]
SUB    rsp,16
CALL   SYS_FastAllocateString4
ADD    rsp,16
MOV    rdx,[rsp+PS116+8]
LEA    rcx,[rsp+48]
SUB    rsp,16
CALL   SYS_FastAllocateString4
ADD    rsp,16
MOV    rdx,[rsp+PS116+16]
LEA    rcx,[rsp+56]
SUB    rsp,16
CALL   SYS_FastAllocateString4
ADD    rsp,16
MOV    rdx,[rsp+PS116+24]
LEA    rcx,[rsp+64]
SUB    rsp,16
CALL   SYS_FastAllocateString4
ADD    rsp,16
MOV    rdx,[rsp+PS116+32]
LEA    rcx,[rsp+72]
SUB    rsp,16
CALL   SYS_FastAllocateString4
ADD    rsp,16
MOV    rdx,[rsp+PS116+48]
LEA    rcx,[rsp+80]
SUB    rsp,16
CALL   SYS_FastAllocateString4
ADD    rsp,16
; CoInitialize_(0)
PUSH   qword 0
POP    rcx
ADD    rsp,-32
CALL   CoInitialize
ADD    rsp,32
; If CoCreateInstance_(?CLSID_ShellLink,0,1,?IID_IShellLinkW,@psl._IShellLinkW) = 0
ADD    rsp,-8
LEA    rax,[rsp+96]
MOV    rax,rax
PUSH   rax
MOV    rbp,Droopy_l_iid_ishelllinkw
MOV    rax,rbp
PUSH   rax
PUSH   qword 1
PUSH   qword 0
MOV    rbp,Droopy_l_clsid_shelllink
MOV    rax,rbp
PUSH   rax
POP    rcx
POP    rdx
POP    r8
POP    r9
ADD    rsp,-32
CALL   CoCreateInstance
ADD    rsp,48
MOV    r15,rax
AND    r15,r15
JNE   _EndIf115
; Set_ShellLink_preferences:
; The file TO which is linked ( = target for the Link )
; psl\SetPath(Path)
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+40]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_ToUnicode
ADD    rsp,32
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+88]
ADD    rsp,-16
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+160]
ADD    rsp,16
; Arguments for the Target
; psl\SetArguments(Argument)
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+56]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_ToUnicode
ADD    rsp,32
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+88]
ADD    rsp,-16
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+88]
ADD    rsp,16
; Working Directory
; psl\SetWorkingDirectory(WorkingDirectory)
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+72]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_ToUnicode
ADD    rsp,32
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+88]
ADD    rsp,-16
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+72]
ADD    rsp,16
; Description ( also used as Tooltip for the Link )
; psl\SetDescription(DESCRIPTION)
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+64]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_ToUnicode
ADD    rsp,32
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+88]
ADD    rsp,-16
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+56]
ADD    rsp,16
; Show command:
;               SW_SHOWNORMAL    = Default
;               SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = aehmm... Maximized
;               SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = play Unreal Tournament
; psl\SetShowCmd(ShowCommand)
MOVSXD rax,dword [rsp+PS116+40]
MOV    rax,rax
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+88]
ADD    rsp,-16
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+120]
ADD    rsp,16
; Hotkey:
; The virtual key code is in the low-order byte,
; and the modifier flags are in the high-order byte.
; The modifier flags can be a combination of the following values:
;         HOTKEYF_ALT     = ALT key
;         HOTKEYF_CONTROL = CTRL key
;         HOTKEYF_EXT     = Extended key
;         HOTKEYF_SHIFT   = SHIFT key
; psl\SetHotkey(HotKey)
PUSH   qword [rsp+96]
POP    rdx
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+88]
ADD    rsp,-16
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+104]
ADD    rsp,16
; Set Icon for the Link:
; There can be more than 1 icons in an icon resource file,
; so you have to specify the index.
; psl\SetIconLocation(IconFile, IconIndexInFile)
ADD    rsp,-8
MOVSXD rax,dword [rsp+PS116+64]
MOV    rax,rax
PUSH   rax
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+96]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_ToUnicode
ADD    rsp,32
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
POP    r8
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+96]
ADD    rsp,-24
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+136]
ADD    rsp,32
; ShellLink_SAVE:
; Query IShellLink For the IPersistFile interface For saving the
; shortcut in persistent storage.
; If psl\QueryInterface(?IID_IPersistFile,@ppf._IPersistFile) = 0
ADD    rsp,-8
LEA    rax,[rsp+112]
MOV    rax,rax
PUSH   rax
MOV    rbp,Droopy_l_iid_ipersistfile
MOV    rax,rbp
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
POP    r8
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+96]
ADD    rsp,-24
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax]
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    r15,rax
AND    r15,r15
JNE   _EndIf117
; Ensure that the string is Unicode.
;Save the link by calling IPersistFile::Save.
; hres = ppf\Save(LINK,#True)
ADD    rsp,-8
PUSH   qword 1
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+64]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_ToUnicode
ADD    rsp,32
PUSH   rax
POP    rdx
POP    r8
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+112]
ADD    rsp,-24
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+48]
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    qword [rsp+112],rax
; Result = 1
MOV    qword [rsp+120],1
; ppf\Release()
ADD    rsp,-8
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+112]
ADD    rsp,-8
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+16]
ADD    rsp,16
; EndIf
; psl\Release()
ADD    rsp,-8
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+96]
ADD    rsp,-8
MOV    rcx,rax
MOV    rax,[rax]
CALL   qword [rax+16]
ADD    rsp,16
; EndIf
; CoUninitialize_()
ADD    rsp,-32
CALL   CoUninitialize
ADD    rsp,32
; ProcedureReturn Result
MOV    rax,qword [rsp+120]
JMP   _EndProcedure117
; DataSection
; CLSID_ShellLink:
; 00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
; Data.l $00021401
; Data.w $0000,$0000
; Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46
; IID_IShellLink:
; DEFINE_SHLGUID(IID_IShellLinkA,         0x000214EEL, 0, 0);
; C000-000000000046
; Data.l $000214EE
; Data.w $0000,$0000
; Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46
; IID_IPersistFile:
; 0000010b-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
; Data.l $0000010B
; Data.w $0000,$0000
; Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46
; IID_IShellLinkW: ; {000214F9-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
; Data.l $000214F9
; Data.w $0000, $0000
; Data.b $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $46
; EndDataSection
; EndProcedure
XOR    rax,rax
PUSH   rax
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+48]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_FreeString
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+56]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_FreeString
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+64]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_FreeString
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+72]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_FreeString
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+80]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_FreeString
ADD    rsp,32
MOV    rcx,qword [rsp+88]
SUB    rsp,32
CALL   SYS_FreeString
ADD    rsp,32
POP    rax
ADD    rsp,136
POP    r15
POP    rbp
As a side note, can Tailbite be made to delete the random temp dir it used from TBTemp (eg 304FDFDD)? as currently I have 7 empty folders there, making it harder to find the currently used dir.
Demonio Ardente

Currently managing Linux & OS X Tailbite
OS X TailBite now up to date with Windows!
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Apr 10, 2004 1:20 pm
Location: Germany

Post by ABBKlaus »

thanks for the info, i uploaded a new version this morning.
For the tempdir problem i think this is related to the new onerror lib, i will see if i can rework this.
[EDIT] The tempdir problem is also fixed :wink:

http://www.tailbite.com/downloads/TailB ... R1.879.zip
Posts: 1027
Joined: Sun May 15, 2005 5:15 am
Location: Australia

Post by lexvictory »

thanks for the quick fix. this function now compiles, and I have a clean TBTemp dir! :D
Demonio Ardente

Currently managing Linux & OS X Tailbite
OS X TailBite now up to date with Windows!
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