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HideGadget Problem solution

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 1:36 pm
by menschmarkus

I use PureForm for a longer time. Maybe I found a bug.
I designed a window which contains several container at the same position.
I enable/disable these by HideGadget() command which is working fine.


I faced the problem that I could not acces to Option Gadgets, string Gadgets, Button Gadgets or any other active Gadgets. It took me some days to find out what happened. At last I found it.
Although I used button "HIDE" during designing at PureForm the command HideGadget(#Gadget,1) was missing in Source. Due to this fact there was an yet empty container above the one I want to use and I had no access.

Code: Select all

    HideGadget(#Container_01,1)     ;<--  This line is missing
I think whenever I hide a Gadget I don't want to see it in the window in the moment. Even if I am in designing phase.
Following WYSIWYG designing with PureForm, HideGadget command should be included in Source Code whenever I hide a gadget.

Your comments are welcomed.
Updateing Program, if you agree, as well.
It saves time after every modification of one window Item to rewrite complete source by adding HideGadget command manually.

Happy new Year to you everyone here in this Forum


[edit 30.12.2013]

In the moment I use "Code infusion" which works fine.
Hopefully I do not forget to write this extra code for additional container :wink:
