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PB5.7 B4 - Session history 100% CPU

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 3:33 pm
by NicTheQuick

if the IDE crashed and I restart purebasic the session history (Sitzungsgeschichte) opens. If this window is open the CPU load goes up to 100% for this process. This should be an easy bug fix.

Also there is no option to reopen the recovered codes in a new tab. You always have to copy the code, open a fresh tab in the IDE in the background and paste it there. It's really annoying and the IDE crashes relatively often.

Re: PB5.7 B4 - Session history 100% CPU

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 4:31 pm
by #NULL
I also have the 100% CPU load.
+1 for opening tabs. I also would love to have the already existing diff tool available to compare between session history steps.
I had IDE crashes too, even reproducible once.