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Italic Underline Bold in EditorGadget [Resolved]

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:14 am
by taoteblues
How to change the text italic or underline in Editorgadget?

I know to make text bold:

Code: Select all

CocoaMessage(@Range.NSRange, GadgetID(0), "selectedRange")
TextStorage.i = CocoaMessage(0, GadgetID(0), "textStorage")
FontSize.CGFloat = 12.0
BoldSystemFont.i = CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:@", @FontSize)
CocoaMessage(0, TextStorage, "addAttribute:$", @"NSFont", "value:", BoldSystemFont, "range:@", @Range)

Re: Italic Underline Bold in EditorGadget

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:49 am
by wilbert
I haven't verified it but it looks like you need to use fontWithDescriptor to create the font.

Something like

Code: Select all

#NSFontItalicTrait = 1

FontSize.CGFloat = 12.0
BoldSystemFont = CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:@", @FontSize)

FontDescriptor = CocoaMessage(0, BoldSystemFont, "fontDescriptor")
SymbolicTraits = CocoaMessage(0, FontDescriptor, "symbolicTraits") | #NSFontItalicTrait
FontDescriptor = CocoaMessage(0, FontDescriptor, "fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits:", SymbolicTraits)
BoldItalicFont = CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSFont fontWithDescriptor:", FontDescriptor, "size:@", @FontSize)

Re: Italic Underline Bold in EditorGadget

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:51 pm
by taoteblues
Thank you
This method give me bold + italic
but not italic only

Code: Select all

          #NSFontItalicTrait = 1
 CocoaMessage(@Range.NSRange, GadgetID(#Editor_0), "selectedRange")
TextStorage.i = CocoaMessage(0, GadgetID(#Editor_0), "textStorage")
;FontSize.CGFloat = 12.0
BoldSystemFont.i = CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:@", @FontSize)
FontDescriptor = CocoaMessage(0, BoldSystemFont, "fontDescriptor")
SymbolicTraits = CocoaMessage(0, FontDescriptor, "symbolicTraits") | #NSFontItalicTrait
FontDescriptor = CocoaMessage(0, FontDescriptor, "fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits:", SymbolicTraits)
BoldItalicFont.i = CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSFont fontWithDescriptor:", FontDescriptor, "size:@", @FontSize)
CocoaMessage(0, TextStorage, "addAttribute:$", @"NSFont", "value:", BoldItalicFont, "range:@", @Range)

Re: Italic Underline Bold in EditorGadget

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 9:35 pm
by Wolfram

Code: Select all

CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSFont systemFontOfSize:@", @FontSize)
instead of

Code: Select all

CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:@", @FontSize)

Re: Italic Underline Bold in EditorGadget

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:45 am
by taoteblues
Thank you but it's always the same.
I change the value of ' #NSFontItalicTrait': 1, 2 or 3
Not possible to have only italic or only underline.
Have you another idea?

Re: Italic Underline Bold in EditorGadget

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:43 am
by wilbert

Code: Select all

#NSItalicFontMask = 1
#NSBoldFontMask   = 2

#NSUnderlineStyleNone = 0
#NSUnderlineStyleSingle = 1
#NSUnderlineStyleThick = 2
#NSUnderlineStyleDouble = 9
#NSUnderlinePatternSolid = 0
#NSUnderlinePatternDot = $100
#NSUnderlinePatternDash = $200
#NSUnderlinePatternDashDot = $300
#NSUnderlinePatternDashDotDot = $400
#NSUnderlineByWord = $8000

FontManager = CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSFontManager sharedFontManager")
FontSize.CGFloat = 12

If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 322, 150, "EditorGadget", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
  EditorGadget(0, 8, 8, 306, 133)
  SetGadgetText(0, "This is a test")
  TextStorage = CocoaMessage(0, GadgetID(0), "textStorage")
  Range.NSRange\location = 0
  Range\length = 4
  BoldFont = CocoaMessage(0, FontManager, "fontWithFamily:$", @"Helvetica",
                          "traits:", #NSBoldFontMask, 
                          "weight:", 0, "size:@", @FontSize)
  CocoaMessage(0, TextStorage, "addAttribute:$", @"NSFont", "value:", BoldFont, "range:@", @Range)
  ItalicFont = CocoaMessage(0, FontManager, "fontWithFamily:$", @"Helvetica",
                            "traits:", #NSItalicFontMask, 
                            "weight:", 0, "size:@", @FontSize)
  Range\location = 10
  Range\length = 4
  CocoaMessage(0, TextStorage, "addAttribute:$", @"NSFont", "value:", ItalicFont, "range:@", @Range)
  UnderlineStyle = CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSNumber numberWithInt:",
                                #NSUnderlineStyleSingle | #NSUnderlineByWord)
  Range\location = 0
  Range\length = 9
  CocoaMessage(0, TextStorage, "addAttribute:$", @"NSUnderline", "value:", UnderlineStyle, "range:@", @Range)
  Repeat : Until WaitWindowEvent() = #PB_Event_CloseWindow

Re: Italic Underline Bold in EditorGadget

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 3:50 pm
by taoteblues
Thank you,

It's ok now for italic and underline but not for bold. May be it's because I am with MACOS 10.5.8 and Purebasic 5.31 x32 ?

Code: Select all

Global FontSize.CGFloat = 12.0
Global TextStorage.i
Global BoldFont.i
Global ItalicFont.i
Global UnderlineFont.i
Global BoldItalicFont.i
#NSItalicFontMask = 1
#NSBoldFontMask = 2
#NSBoldItalicFontMask = 3

#NSUnderlineStyleNone = 0
#NSUnderlineStyleSingle = 1
#NSUnderlineStyleThick = 2
;#NSUnderlineStyleDouble = 9
;#NSUnderlinePatternSolid = 0
;#NSUnderlinePatternDot = $100
;#NSUnderlinePatternDash = $200
;#NSUnderlinePatternDashDot = $300
;#NSUnderlinePatternDashDotDot = $400
#NSUnderlineByWord = $8000

Enumeration FormWindow

Enumeration FormGadget

FontManager = CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSFontManager sharedFontManager")

Procedure OpenWindow_0(x = 0, y = 0, width = 600, height = 400)
  OpenWindow(#Window_0, x, y, width, height, "", #PB_Window_SystemMenu)
  EditorGadget(#Editor_0, 20, 50, 560, 290)
  ButtonGadget(#Button_gras, 20, 10, 50, 30, "Bold")
  ButtonGadget(#Button_souligne, 80, 10, 60, 30, "Underline")
  ButtonGadget(#Button_italic, 150, 10, 70, 30, "Italic")
  ButtonGadget(#Button_grasitalic, 230, 10, 100, 30, "Bold Italic")

Procedure SetEditorText(EditorID, Text.s, Type.s = "NSRTF")
  ; Type can be : "NSPlainText", "NSRTF", "NSHTML"
  Protected DataObj = CocoaMessage(0, CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSString stringWithString:$", @Text), "dataUsingEncoding:", 4)
  Protected TypeDict = CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:$", @Type, "forKey:$", @"DocumentType")
  Protected AttributedString = CocoaMessage(0, CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSAttributedString alloc"), "initWithData:", DataObj, "options:", TypeDict, "documentAttributes:", #Null, "error:", #nil)
  If AttributedString
    CocoaMessage(0, CocoaMessage(0, EditorID, "textStorage"), "setAttributedString:", AttributedString)
    CocoaMessage(0, AttributedString, "release")


 SetGadgetText(#Editor_0, "je fais un test en gras, souligne, italique.")
  Select  WaitWindowEvent()
   Case #PB_Event_Gadget
     Select EventGadget()
        Case #Button_gras
          CocoaMessage(@Range.NSRange, GadgetID(#Editor_0), "selectedRange")
TextStorage = CocoaMessage(0, GadgetID(#Editor_0), "textStorage")

;BoldFont= CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:@", @FontSize)
BoldFont = CocoaMessage(0, FontManager, "fontWithFamily:$", @"Helvetica","traits:", #NSBoldFontMask,"weight:", 0, "size:@", @FontSize)
  CocoaMessage(0, TextStorage, "addAttribute:$", @"NSFont", "value:", BoldFont, "range:@", @Range)
Case #Button_italic
  CocoaMessage(@Range.NSRange, GadgetID(#Editor_0), "selectedRange")
 TextStorage = CocoaMessage(0, GadgetID(#Editor_0), "textStorage")
 ItalicFont = CocoaMessage(0, FontManager, "fontWithFamily:$", @"Helvetica","traits:", #NSItalicFontMask,"weight:", 0, "size:@", @FontSize)

  CocoaMessage(0, TextStorage, "addAttribute:$", @"NSFont", "value:", ItalicFont, "range:@", @Range)

Case #Button_grasitalic
         CocoaMessage(@Range.NSRange, GadgetID(#Editor_0), "selectedRange")
TextStorage = CocoaMessage(0, GadgetID(#Editor_0), "textStorage")
BoldItalicFont = CocoaMessage(0, FontManager, "fontWithFamily:$", @"Helvetica","traits:", #NSBoldItalicFontMask,"weight:", 0, "size:@", @FontSize)

CocoaMessage(0, TextStorage, "addAttribute:$", @"NSFont", "value:", BoldItalicFont, "range:@", @Range)
        Case #Button_souligne
CocoaMessage(@Range.NSRange, GadgetID(#Editor_0), "selectedRange")
TextStorage = CocoaMessage(0, GadgetID(#Editor_0), "textStorage")
Underlinefont = CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSNumber numberWithInt:", #NSUnderlineStyleSingle | #NSUnderlineByWord)
CocoaMessage(0, TextStorage, "addAttribute:$", @"NSUnderline", "value:", UnderlineFont, "range:@", @Range)
Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow 

Re: Italic Underline Bold in EditorGadget

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 5:41 pm
by WilliamL
This is what I get with wilbert's code:


It's a little hard to see from the copy of my retina screen, but only 'This' is bold.

Italic Underline Bold in EditorGadget [Resolved]

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 5:02 pm
by taoteblues
Thank you,

May be, it's a problem with my poor MACOX 10.5.8 and Purebasic 5.31
