Monitor clipboard?

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Monitor clipboard?

Post by wombats »

Is there a way on macOS to monitor the clipboard to check for appropriate types? I store my clipboard data in JSON format with an identifier at the start. If the identifier is valid, my application tries to parse the JSON. I'd like to enable the paste button only when an appropriate type is on the clipboard. Is there a way to do this without continuously calling GetClipboardText()?
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Re: Monitor clipboard?

Post by wilbert »

You can check for a specific UTI but "public.json" doesn't seem to be supported by default.

What you could do is something like this

Code: Select all

; Get general pasteboard
Global Pasteboard = CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSPasteboard generalPasteboard")

; Create a NSArray with a "public.json" string object
Global TypeJSON = CocoaMessage(0, CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSArray alloc"), "initWithObject:$", @"public.json")

; Procedure to check if pasteboard contains JSON data
Procedure.i Pasteboard_ContainsJSON()
  ProcedureReturn CocoaMessage(0, Pasteboard, "canReadItemWithDataConformingToTypes:", TypeJSON)

; Procedure to get JSON data from clipboard
Procedure.s Pasteboard_GetJSON()
  Protected JSONString.i = CocoaMessage(0, Pasteboard, "stringForType:$", @"public.json")
  If JSONString
    ProcedureReturn PeekS(CocoaMessage(0, JSONString, "UTF8String"), -1, #PB_UTF8)
    ProcedureReturn ""

; Procedure to set JSON data on the clipboard
Procedure Pasteboard_SetJSON(JSON.s)
  CocoaMessage(0, Pasteboard, "declareTypes:", TypeJSON, "owner:", #nil)
  CocoaMessage(0, Pasteboard, "setString:$", @JSON, "forType:$", @"public.json")

; Test

Pasteboard_SetJSON("[1, 3, 5, 7, null, 23, 25, 27]")

If Pasteboard_ContainsJSON()
  Debug Pasteboard_GetJSON()
There are no notifications available but if you want to check the pasteboard with a timer like for example two times a second, you can first check changeCount.

Code: Select all

CocoaMessage(0, Pasteboard, "changeCount")
Every time something changes to the pasteboard, this value is increased.
That way you only have to check in more detail if this value has changed in between.
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Re: Monitor clipboard?

Post by wombats »

Perfect! Thank you!

Now to see if it's possible on Linux/Qt...haha.
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