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Parrot x64 - i don't understand that error message.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:51 pm
by ar-s
(PB5.72 x64 - Linux Parrot Security (try with ubuntu and mint, same thing, but i prefere Parrot)

Hi dudes
I give a chance (again) to PB and LINUX... After many setbacks, I manage to throw it.

I made a link retrieval software. A download manager.
You add X links in a chained list and click on download.
The downloads are made one by one in a thread that here.

I specify that under windows the software works... But under linux, when I click on my download button.
My thread starts but I have an error in my process.

Here are the logs of the debug and the process in question.
Thanks for your help.

Translated with (free version)

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[22:43:23] Waiting for executable to start...
[22:43:23] Executable type: Linux - x64  (64bit, Unicode, Thread)
[22:43:23] Executable started.
[22:43:23] [WARNING] 6.2MAC.pb (Line: 1)
[22:43:23] [WARNING] GLib-GIO (DEBUG): _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gvfs (GDaemonVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’
[22:43:50] [WARNING] 6.2MAC.pb (Line: 695)
[22:43:50] [WARNING] GLib-GIO (DEBUG): _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation dconf (DConfSettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’
[22:43:50] [WARNING] 6.2MAC.pb (Line: 695)
[22:43:50] [WARNING] GLib-GObject (CRITICAL): g_value_take_string: assertion 'G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (value)' failed
[22:43:50] [WARNING] 6.2MAC.pb (Line: 695)
[22:43:50] [WARNING] GLib-GObject (WARNING): ../../../gobject/gtype.c:4268: type id '0' is invalid
[22:43:50] [WARNING] 6.2MAC.pb (Line: 695)
[22:43:50] [WARNING] GLib-GObject (WARNING): can't peek value table for type '<invalid>' which is not currently referenced
[22:43:50] [WARNING] 6.2MAC.pb (Line: 695)
[22:43:50] [WARNING] GLib-GObject (WARNING): ../../../gobject/gvalue.c:185: cannot initialize GValue with type '(null)', this type has no GTypeValueTable implementation
[22:43:50] [WARNING] 6.2MAC.pb (Line: 695)
[22:43:50] [WARNING] GLib-GObject (CRITICAL): g_value_type_compatible: assertion 'src_type' failed
[22:43:50] [WARNING] 6.2MAC.pb (Line: 695)
[22:43:50] [WARNING] GLib-GObject (CRITICAL): g_value_copy: assertion 'g_value_type_compatible (G_VALUE_TYPE (src_value), G_VALUE_TYPE (dest_value))' failed
[22:43:50] [WARNING] 6.2MAC.pb (Line: 695)
[22:43:50] [WARNING] GLib-GObject (CRITICAL): g_value_type_compatible: assertion 'src_type' failed
[22:43:50] [WARNING] 6.2MAC.pb (Line: 695)
[22:43:50] [WARNING] GLib-GObject (WARNING): unable to set property 'text' of type 'gchararray' from value of type '(null)'
[22:44:07] The Program was killed.

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Procedure DDownload(*ldvm)
  Protected LASTPATH$, PATH$
  N = ListSize (link())
  Debug ""
  Debug " --- TELECH ---------------------"
  Debug Str(n) + " liens détecté(s)"

  If LASTPATH$ = "" : LASTPATH$ = GetCurrentDirectory() : EndIf
  PATH$ = PathRequester("Choisissez un dossier de sauvegarde",LASTPATH$)
  LASTPATH$ = PATH$ ; <--- Sous linux erreur ICI
  ForEach LINK()
    Q = 0
    Fichier$ = LINK()\NAME
    ; ;Debut du téléchargement
    F$ = GetFilePart(Fichier$,#PB_FileSystem_NoExtension)
    Telechargement = ReceiveHTTPFile(Link()\DIRECTURL, PATH$+Fichier$, #PB_HTTP_Asynchronous)
    Size = Val(link()\SIZE)
    If Telechargement
        Progression = HTTPProgress(Telechargement)
        Select Progression
          Case #PB_HTTP_Success
            Taille = FinishHTTP(Telechargement)
            SetGadgetText(#info,"Téléchargement terminé (Taille: " + Taille + ") 100% " )
            If PlayS = #True : PlaySound(#SON) : EndIf
            Q = 1
          Case #PB_HTTP_Failed
            SetGadgetText(#info,"Le téléchargement a échoué")
            If PlayS = #True : PlaySound(#SON) : EndIf
            Q = 1
          Case #PB_HTTP_Aborted
            SetGadgetText(#info,"Le téléchargement a été interrompu")
            Q = 1
            If size <> 0
              F$ = GetFilePart(Fichier$,#PB_FileSystem_NoExtension)
              Progression$ = StrF((Progression / Size) * 100, 0)
              SetGadgetText(#info, "Téléchargement de " + f$ +" "+ Progression$ + "%" )
              SetGadgetState(#PBar1,(Progression / Size) * 100)
        Delay(500) ; CPU Breath
      Until Q = 1
      Debug "Erreur de téléchargement"

Re: Parrot x64 - i don't understand that error message.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:05 pm
by Mijikai
Try posting events and set the gadgets only in the main window event loop.

Re: Parrot x64 - i don't understand that error message.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 3:29 pm
by ar-s

But even with that simple code in free window

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PATH$ = GetCurrentDirectory()
That returns /home/username/Téléchargements/purebasic/compilers/
If i write

Code: Select all

PATH$ = GetCurrentDirectory()
Debug "PATH$ = " + PATH$
test$ = PathRequester("",PATH$)
Debug "TEST$ = " + test$
It seems ok but compiler message :
[12 :51 :38] Attente du démarrage du programme...
[12 :51 :38] Type d'exécutable: Linux - x64 (64bit, Unicode)
[12 :51 :38] Exécutable démarré.
[12 :51 :38] Exécution du programme terminée.
[12 :52 :42] Attente du démarrage du programme...
[12 :52 :42] Type d'exécutable: Linux - x64 (64bit, Unicode)
[12 :52 :42] Exécutable démarré.
[12 :52 :42] [AVERTISSEMENT] Ligne: 3
[12 :52 :42] [AVERTISSEMENT] GLib-GIO (DEBUG): _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gvfs (GDaemonVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’
[12 :52 :42] [AVERTISSEMENT] Ligne: 3
[12 :52 :42] [AVERTISSEMENT] GLib-GIO (DEBUG): _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation dconf (DConfSettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’
[12 :52 :47] Exécution du programme terminée.