Copy blob data between tables simply?

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Copy blob data between tables simply?

Post by Fangbeast »

I'm adding the ability to convert an old Keeper v3 database to the new MyInfo format. Keeper had an Attachments table (as does MyInfo) linked to a record via the record's id in the MyInfo table. It is a BLOB type.

Do I manually have to read the blob into a buffer and then write it to the new table from the buffer or can a blob field be copied much simpler than that between tables?

If nobody knows, I will use the old way.

Just to make your eyes bleed, here is the bulk of my conversion code (With lots of custom stuff in it obviously)

Code: Select all

Procedure ConvertDatabaseNow()
  Structure RecordNumbers
  NewList LinkedRecord.s()
  If  Program\AttachedDatabase  <>  #Empty$
    SetInfoBarArea("Headings", "Info", "Starting to convert and import the attached database, please wait a while", #PB_Compiler_Procedure)
    AttachedDatabaseQuery.s           + 
    "SELECT * FROM RemoteDatabase "   + 
    "ORDER BY Title "                 + 
    If DatabaseQuery(Program\DatabaseHandle, AttachedDatabaseQuery.s) <>  #DatabaseQueryFail
      While NextDatabaseRow(Program\DatabaseHandle)
        AttachedDatabaseQuery.s = #Empty$
        MyInfo\Title        = KillQuote(GetDatabaseString(Program\DatabaseHandle,  0))                 ;
        MyInfo\Information  = KillQuote(GetDatabaseString(Program\DatabaseHandle,  1))                 ;
        MyInfo\Category     = KillQuote(GetDatabaseString(Program\DatabaseHandle,  2))                 ;
        MyInfo\Archived     =           GetDatabaseString(Program\DatabaseHandle,  3)                  ;
        MyInfo\Favourite    =           GetDatabaseString(Program\DatabaseHandle,  4)                  ;
        MyInfo\Locked       =           GetDatabaseString(Program\DatabaseHandle,  5)                  ;
        MyInfo\Deleted      =           GetDatabaseString(Program\DatabaseHandle,  6)                  ;
        MyInfo\Updated      =           GetDatabaseString(Program\DatabaseHandle,  7)                  ;
        MyInfo\Owner        = KillQuote(GetDatabaseString(Program\DatabaseHandle,  8))                 ;
        MyInfo\Attachments  =           GetDatabaseString(Program\DatabaseHandle,  9)                  ;
        MyInfo\Recordid     =           GetDatabaseString(Program\DatabaseHandle, 10)                  ;
        MyInfoInsertString.s                          + 
        "INSERT INTO MyInfo("                         + 
        "Title, "                                     + 
        "Information, "                               + 
        "Category, "                                  + 
        "Archived, "                                  + 
        "Favourite, "                                 + 
        "Locked, "                                    + 
        "Deleted, "                                   + 
        "Updated, "                                   + 
        "Owner, "                                     + 
        "Attachments) "                               + 
        "VALUES("                                     + 
        "'"   +   RepQuote(MyInfo\Title)       + "'"  + 
        ", '" +   RepQuote(MyInfo\Information) + "'"  + 
        ", '" +   RepQuote(MyInfo\Category)    + "'"  + 
        ", '" +   RepQuote(MyInfo\Archived)    + "'"  + 
        ", '" +   RepQuote(MyInfo\Favourite)   + "'"  + 
        ", '" +   RepQuote(MyInfo\Locked)      + "'"  + 
        ", '" +   RepQuote(MyInfo\Deleted)     + "'"  + 
        ", '" +   RepQuote(MyInfo\Updated)     + "'"  + 
        ", '" +   RepQuote(MyInfo\Owner)       + "'"  + 
        ", '" +   "0"                          + "'"  + 
        If DatabaseUpdate(Program\DatabaseHandle, MyInfoInsertString.s)  <> #DatabaseUpdateFail
          NewRecordid.s = DatabaseLastInsertRowId()
          If NewRecordId.s <> #Empty$
            AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_Convert_Titles, #AtTheEndOfTheList, KillQuote(MyInfo\Title) + #LF$  + "Added"  + #LF$  + NewRecordId.s)
            LastLine(#Gadget_Convert_Titles, NewNumberOfItems.i - 1)
            If MyInfo\Attachments <> #Empty$
              LinkedRecord.s()\OldRecordNumber  = MyInfo\Recordid
              LinkedRecord.s()\NewRecordNumber  = NewRecordId.s
            If Toggle\MessageSave = #True
              MessageRequesterEBS("New Item", "New item: " + KillQuote(MyInfo\Title)  + " has been saved to the database", #MB_ICONINFORMATION | #PB_MessageRequester_Ok)
              ;MessageRequester("New Item", "New item: " + KillQuote(MyInfo\Title)  + " has been saved to the database", #PB_MessageRequester_Ok)
            SetInfoBarArea("Headings",  "Error",  "No record number created " + DatabaseError(), #PB_Compiler_Procedure)
          SetInfoBarArea("Headings", "Error", "Database table failed to be updated " + DatabaseError(), #PB_Compiler_Procedure)
        ; Update the category table now
        NewCategoryInsert.s         + 
        "INSERT INTO Categories("   + 
        "Category, "                + 
        "ItemCount, "               + 
        "Iconname) "                + 
        "VALUES("                   + 
        "'"                         + 
        RepQuote(MyInfo\Category)   + 
        "', '"                      + 
        "0"                         + 
        "', '"                      + 
        #Empty$                     + 
        If DatabaseUpdate(Program\DatabaseHandle, NewCategoryInsert.s)  <> #DatabaseUpdateFail
          SetInfoBarArea("Headings", "Error", "Database table 'Categories' failed to be updated " + DatabaseError(), #PB_Compiler_Procedure)
        ; Update the Owners table now
        NewOwnerInsert.s            + 
        "INSERT INTO Owners("       + 
        "Owner, "                   + 
        "Iconname, "                + 
        "Itemcount) "               + 
        "VALUES("                   + 
        "'"                         + 
        RepQuote(MyInfo\Owner       + 
        "', "                       + 
        "'"                         + 
        #Empty$                     + 
        "', "                       + 
        If DatabaseUpdate(Program\DatabaseHandle, NewOwnerInsert.s)  <> #DatabaseUpdateFail
          SetInfoBarArea("Headings", "Error", "Database table 'Owners' failed to be updated " + DatabaseError(), #PB_Compiler_Procedure)
        ; Update the attachments table now
        ForEach LinkedRecord.s()
          ; Grab the old blob from attachments table, save it to new table linking it to the new 
          ; Record number by knowing the old record number
        ; Clean out all the variables
        AttachedDatabaseQuery.s = #Empty$
        MyInfoInsertString.s    = #Empty$
        NewCategoryInsert.s     = #Empty$
        NewOwnerInsert.s        = #Empty$
        MyInfo\Title            = #Empty$
        MyInfo\Information      = #Empty$
        MyInfo\Category         = #Empty$
        MyInfo\Archived         = #Empty$
        MyInfo\Favourite        = #Empty$
        MyInfo\Locked           = #Empty$
        MyInfo\Deleted          = #Empty$
        MyInfo\Updated          = #Empty$
        MyInfo\Owner            = #Empty$
        MyInfo\Recordid         = #Empty$
      SetInfoBarArea("Headings", "Error", "The database query failed or was empty", #PB_Compiler_Procedure)
    SetInfoBarArea("Headings", "Error", "There is currently no attached database selected for conversion", #PB_Compiler_Procedure)
    MessageRequesterEBS("No database attached", "There is currently no attached database selected for conversion", #MB_ICONINFORMATION | #PB_MessageRequester_Ok)
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Re: Copy blob data between tables simply?

Post by spikey »

I've never tried this with blobs so I can't say for certain it will work but my first attempt would be:

ATTACH DATABASE the existing database to the new database:

You can then use an INSERT SELECT to get the database engine to copy the blobs over for you.

Something like:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO NewDatabase.BlobTable SELECT * FROM OldDatabase.BlobTable;
Adjusting the field specs as normal for INSERT and SELECT instead of using * if the table schemas don't match exactly. The number and type of columns generated by the SELECT clause must exactly match the number and type of columns expected when they reach the INSERT clause, or the query will fail. CAST if necessary.

It will still take time to perform the migration based on the blob sizes but should save some overhead time because the blob data won't be passing over the PureBasic/SQLite interface, the migration will be handled exclusively by the database engine.

If your schemas/datatypes are roughly analogous you could use the same technique to perform the whole conversion if you design the queries properly...

DETACH DATABASE when finished to avoid any ambiguous schema name problems before performing any further actions.

However, this method won't allow you to allocate any new ID numbers as you go. If this is significant then this won't be suitable.
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Re: Copy blob data between tables simply?

Post by Fangbeast »

However, this method won't allow you to allocate any new ID numbers as you go. If this is significant then this won't be suitable.
Hmm, that will be a problem as the new database may already have entries and these will be appended to it.

As for attach and detach, they are setup on the master form that controls the foreign database selection from the user.

Ah well, it was a good idea. That select into clause I have used in the past, it's very useful.

I did this via a temporary table to make sure the import worked. (Lots of debug statements everywhere)

Create table Keeper_Temp(Title TEXT,Record INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT);
INSERT INTO Keeper_Temp (Title) Select Title FROM Keeper;
ALTER TABLE Keeper_Temp RENAME To Keeper

Etc, etc
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Re: Copy blob data between tables simply?

Post by skywalk »

I'm a bit confused by,
spikey wrote:this method won't allow you to allocate any new ID numbers as you go.
...Doesn't it depend on your source/target DB schema's? INSERT's to a ROWID table should increment ROWID and append the row's worth of data. UPDATE's will overwrite an existing row's worth of data. I use ATTACH to INSERT a SELECT result INTO another ROWID table and get automatic ROWID increments.
The trick is to pass 'null' for ROWID in the SELECT result.

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO dbfile.Table1 SELECT null,* FROM dbattached.Table1 WHERE `whatever`=42;
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Re: Copy blob data between tables simply?

Post by spikey »

skywalk wrote:I'm a bit confused by,
spikey wrote:this method won't allow you to allocate any new ID numbers as you go.
Yes, I struggled to express what I really meant there - sorry. The point I was trying to make was that the method imposes some restrictions.

Fangbeast gives one of the potential problems - existing contents in the destination table may overlap by ID with imported ones, this would necessitate the allocation of new IDs for the imported rows and a retro fit to other tables in the database to keep everything in sync...

They can be overcome, but I decided not to get into all of that...
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Re: Copy blob data between tables simply?

Post by Fangbeast »

Fangbeast gives one of the potential problems - existing contents in the destination table may overlap by ID with imported ones, this would necessitate the allocation of new IDs for the imported rows and a retro fit to other tables in the database to keep everything in sync...
Easily fixed. During the query of the original table, I save the old record id and the new record id to a linked list. When I process the attachments table, the linked list is used as a linked record lookup in the attachments table and when at attachment is saved, the AttachmentId is used as a linked Foreign Key to the new recordid of the linked MyInfo record.

"FOREIGN KEY(Attachmentid) REFERENCES MyInfo(Recordid))"

Amateur Radio, D-STAR/VK3HAF
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