Find multiple strings - Speed up?

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Find multiple strings - Speed up?

Post by firace »

I am trying to find multiple (say, 100) different strings in a large text variable (size is about 1MB).

Doing several FindString calls works, but is obviously rather slow.
Would it make sense to do it in a single pass instead?
Did anyone try that yet?

Code: Select all

text$  + "C:\Users\adbd\Documents\ezfcz\coding\27289187312\"
text$  + "C:\Users\adbd\Documents\ezfcz\coding\27289187312\"
text$  + "C:\Users\adbd\Documents\ezfcz\coding\47289187312\"
text$  + "C:\Users\roro\Documents\ezfcz\coding\34689118312\"
text$  + "C:\Users\adbd\Documents\ezfcz\coding\27289137312\"

a$ = "373"
b$ = "346"
c$ = "iPdC"
d$ = "roro"
e$ = "ePOC"

If FindString(text$,a$)  :   Debug "Found " + a$ : EndIf
If FindString(text$,b$)  :   Debug "Found " + b$ : EndIf
If FindString(text$,c$)  :   Debug "Found " + c$ : EndIf
If FindString(text$,d$)  :   Debug "Found " + d$ : EndIf
If FindString(text$,e$)  :   Debug "Found " + e$ : EndIf

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Re: Find multiple strings - Speed up?

Post by idle »

if you just want to test if there's an occurrence you can use grep which will return the number of occurrences

or if you want a fast findstring replacement use a boyer moore or sse string search

Code: Select all

;wilberts grep 



Structure GrepTrieNode 

Structure GrepTrie 

#GREP_TRIENODE_SIZE = SizeOf(GrepTrieNode)

Global *GrepTrie.GrepTrie = AllocateMemory(#TRIENODES * #GREP_TRIENODE_SIZE) 

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86
  Macro rax : eax : EndMacro
  Macro rbx : ebx : EndMacro
  Macro rcx : ecx : EndMacro
  Macro rdx : edx : EndMacro
  Macro rsi : esi : EndMacro
  Macro rdi : edi : EndMacro  

Macro M_Grep_GetNextChar()
  CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Unicode
    movzx eax, word [rdx]
    add rdx, 2  
    movzx eax, byte [rdx]
    add rdx, 1

Macro M_Grep_String1(rolbits = 4)
  !rol ax, rolbits
  !mov ebx, eax
  !and ebx, 111100b
  !add ebx, esi
  mov esi, [rcx + rbx]
  !test esi, esi
  !jnz grep_string1_walk#MacroExpandedCount
  mov [rcx + rbx], edi
  !mov esi, edi

Macro M_Grep_String2(rolbits = 4)
  !rol ax, rolbits
  !mov ebx, eax
  !and ebx, 111100b
  !add ebx, esi
  mov esi, [rcx + rbx]
  !test esi, esi
  !jz grep_not_found

Procedure.i Grep(*String1.Character, *String2.Character)
  Protected.i *t, result, reg_bx, reg_si, reg_di
  Protected.l n_cnt, n_cur, n_max = MemorySize(*GrepTrie)

  ; ** backup registers ***
  mov reg_bx, rbx
  mov reg_si, rsi
  mov reg_di, rdi
  ; ** process string1 **
  mov rcx, *GrepTrie                ; rcx = *GrepTrie
  mov rdx, *String1                 ; rdx = *String
  !xor esi, esi                     ; esi = n_cur
  mov edi, #GREP_TRIENODE_SIZE      ; edi = n_cnt
  !jna grep_string1_separ           ; if <= #LAST_SEPARATION_CHAR, goto grep_string1_separ
  lea ebx, [edi + 272]              ; 272 = 4 * #GREP_TRIENODE_SIZE
  cmp ebx, n_max
  !ja grep_resize_trie
  CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Unicode And Not #ASCII_RANGE_ONLY
  !jmp grep_string1_loop
  !grep_string1_separ:              ; increase node value
  inc dword [rcx + rsi + 64]        ; 64 = offset of value field
  !xor esi, esi  
  !test eax, eax                    ; check for zero character
  !jnz grep_string1_loop
  mov [rcx + 64], eax               ; clear node 0 value 
  mov n_cnt, edi
  !jmp grep_string2
  ; resize trie
  mov *String1, rdx
  mov n_cur, esi
  mov n_cnt, edi
  mov result, rax
  *t = ReAllocateMemory(*GrepTrie, n_max + #TRIENODES * #GREP_TRIENODE_SIZE) 
  If *t
    *GrepTrie = *t
    result = -1
    Goto Grep_Clear
  mov rcx, *GrepTrie
  mov rdx, *String1
  mov esi, n_cur
  mov edi, n_cnt
  mov rax, result
  !jmp grep_resize_continue
  ; ** process string2 **
  mov rdx, *String2                 ; rdx = *String2
  !xor esi, esi                     ; esi = n_cur
  !xor edi, edi                     ; edi = result
  !jna grep_string2_separ           ; if <= #LAST_SEPARATION_CHAR, goto grep_string2_separ
  CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Unicode And Not #ASCII_RANGE_ONLY
  !jmp grep_string2_loop
  !grep_not_found:                  ; if not found, skip characters
  !ja grep_not_found
  !xor esi, esi
  !test eax, eax                    ; check for zero character
  !jnz grep_string2_loop
  !jmp grep_string2_result  
  !grep_string2_separ:              ; add node value to result
  add edi, [rcx + rsi + 64]
  !xor esi, esi
  !test eax, eax                    ; check for zero character
  !jnz grep_string2_loop
  mov result, rdi
  FillMemory(*GrepTrie, n_cnt)
  ; ** restore registers ***
  mov rbx, reg_bx
  mov rsi, reg_si
  mov rdi, reg_di
  ProcedureReturn result

String1.s = "ac3 b9d45 b iPdC ks23 al97 373 ac5 al99 346 vs42159ssbpx roro ask ePOC foo bar xyz 12dk tifer erer e"
String2.s = "373 346 iPdC roro ePOC"

Result = Grep(@String1, @String2)
MessageRequester("Result (" + Str(t2-t1) + " ms)", Str(Result))

t1 = ElapsedMilliseconds()
For i = 1 To 12000000
  Result = Grep(@String1, @String2)
t2 = ElapsedMilliseconds()

MessageRequester("Result (" + Str(t2-t1) + " ms)", Str(Result))

wilbert findstring module

Code: Select all

; FindData module by Wilbert

; last update July 23, 2018

DeclareModule FindData
  ; all routines return a zero based index or -1 (not found)
  Declare TS(*HayStack, HayStackSize, *Needle, NeedleSize.l, Pos=0)       ; Tailed Substring algorithm
  Declare QS(*HayStack, HayStackSize, *Needle, NeedleSize.l, Pos=0)       ; Quick Search algorithm
  Declare BM(*HayStack, HayStackSize, *Needle, NeedleSize.u, Pos=0)       ; Boyer-Moore algorithm
  Declare FastSearch(*HayStack, HayStackSize, *Needle, NeedleSize, Pos=0) ; Based on the Python fast search algorithm
  Declare SSE2_Find(*Haystack, HaystackSize, *Needle, NeedleSize, Pos=0,Count=#False)

Module FindData
  CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86
    Macro rax : eax : EndMacro
    Macro rbx : ebx : EndMacro   
    Macro rcx : ecx : EndMacro
    Macro rdx : edx : EndMacro
    Macro rsi : esi : EndMacro
    Macro rdi : edi : EndMacro
    Macro rbp : ebp : EndMacro
    Macro rsp : esp : EndMacro
  Macro M_movdqa(arg1, arg2)
    !movdqa arg1, arg2
  ; *** Tailed Substring algorithm code ***
  Macro M_TS_Phase(phase)
    movzx rax, byte [rsi + rcx] 
    cmp al, [rdi + rcx]
    !je .l_ts_#phase#2
    inc rdi
    cmp rdi, rbp
    !jbe .l_ts_#phase#1
    !jmp .l_ts_exit_notfound
    sub rdx, rdx
    movzx rax, byte [rsi + rdx]
    cmp al, [rdi + rdx]
    !jne .l_ts_#phase#4
    inc rdx
    cmp rdx, rbx
    !jne .l_ts_#phase#3
    mov rax, rdi
    sub rax, [p.p_HayStack]
    add rax, [p.v_Pos]    
    !jmp .l_ts_exit_found
    CompilerIf phase = 1
      mov rdx, rcx
      dec rdx
      !js .l_ts_#phase#6
      movzx rax, byte [rsi + rcx]
      cmp al, [rsi + rdx]
      !je .l_ts_#phase#6
      dec rdx
      !jns .l_ts_#phase#5
      mov rax, rcx
      sub rax, rdx
      cmp rax, [rsp - 48]             ; if i-h > dim => {k=i; dim=i-h;}
      !jng .l_ts_#phase#7
      mov [rsp - 40], rcx
      mov [rsp - 48], rax
      add rdi, rcx                    ;  s + i
      sub rdi, rdx                    ;  s - h
      dec rcx      
      cmp rcx, [rsp - 48]
      !jb .l_ts_phase2                ; if i < dim => proceed with phase 2
      ; phase 2
      add rdi, [rsp - 48]
    cmp rdi, rbp
    !jbe .l_ts_#phase#0
    !jmp .l_ts_exit_notfound
  Procedure TS(*HayStack, HayStackSize, *Needle, NeedleSize.l, Pos=0)
    ; backup some registers
    mov [rsp -  8], rbx
    mov [rsp - 16], rsi
    mov [rsp - 24], rdi
    mov [rsp - 32], rbp
    ; init some things
    mov rcx, [p.v_Pos]
    sub [p.v_HayStackSize], rcx
    !jbe .l_ts_exit_notfound          ; exit when HayStackSize <= Pos
    add [p.p_HayStack], rcx
    mov ebx, [p.v_NeedleSize]
    mov ecx, ebx
    dec ecx
    !js .l_ts_exit_notfound           ; exit when NeedleSize < 1
    mov rbp, [p.v_HayStackSize]
    sub rbp, rbx
    !jc .l_ts_exit_notfound           ; exit when NeedleSize > HayStackSize
    mov rsi, [p.p_Needle]
    mov rdi, [p.p_HayStack]
    add rbp, rdi
    mov rax, 1
    mov [rsp - 40], rcx               ; k
    mov [rsp - 48], rax               ; dim
    ; search
    mov rcx, [rsp - 40]
    ; exit
    mov rax, -1
    mov rbx, [rsp -  8]
    mov rsi, [rsp - 16]
    mov rdi, [rsp - 24]
    mov rbp, [rsp - 32]
  ; *** End of Tailed Substring algorithm code ***
  ; *** Code based on Quick Search / Sunday algorithm ***
  Macro M_QS_Search(n = 0)
    !xor ecx, ecx
    movzx eax, byte [rsi + rcx]
    cmp al, [rdi + rcx]
    !je .l_qs_continue#n
    CompilerIf n = 0
      movzx eax, byte [rdi + rbx]
      mov eax, [rsp + rax * 4 - 1024]
      add rdi, rax
      cmp rdi, rdx
      !jb .l_qs_search0#n
      !je .l_qs_finalcheck
    !jmp .l_qs_exit_notfound
    !inc ecx
    !cmp ecx, ebx
    !jb .l_qs_search1#n
    mov rax, rdi
    sub rax, [p.p_HayStack]
    add rax, [p.v_Pos]    
    !jmp .l_qs_exit_found      
  Procedure QS(*HayStack, HayStackSize, *Needle, NeedleSize.l, Pos=0)
    ; backup some registers
    mov [rsp - 1032], rbx
    mov [rsp - 1040], rsi
    mov [rsp - 1048], rdi
    ; perform some checks
    mov rcx, [p.v_Pos]
    sub [p.v_HayStackSize], rcx
    !jbe .l_qs_exit_notfound          ; exit when HayStackSize <= Pos
    add [p.p_HayStack], rcx    
    mov ebx, [p.v_NeedleSize]
    cmp ebx, 1
    !jl .l_qs_exit_notfound
    mov rdx, [p.v_HayStackSize]
    sub rdx, rbx
    !jc .l_qs_exit_notfound           ; exit when NeedleSize > HayStackSize
    ; prepare
    lea rdi, [rsp - 1024]
    lea eax, [ebx + 1]
    mov ecx, 256
    rep stosd
    mov rsi, [p.p_Needle]
    mov rdx, rsi
    mov ecx, ebx
    movzx eax, byte [rdx]
    mov [rsp + rax * 4 - 1024], ecx
    inc rdx
    dec ecx
    !jnz .l_qs_prep_table
    ; search
    mov rdi, [p.p_HayStack]
    mov rdx, [p.v_HayStackSize]
    sub rdx, rbx
    !jz .l_qs_finalcheck              ; jump to finalcheck if NeedleSize = HayStackSize
    add rdx, rdi
    ; exit
    mov rax, -1
    mov rbx, [rsp - 1032]
    mov rsi, [rsp - 1040]
    mov rdi, [rsp - 1048]
  ; *** End of code based on Quick Search / Sunday algorithm ***
  ; *** Code based on Boyer-Moore algorithm ***
  Macro M_BM(n=0)
    CompilerIf n=0
      add rsi, rcx      
      add rsi, 1
    mov ecx, ebx
    cmp rsi, rdx
    !jna .l_bm_search1
    !jmp .l_bm_exit
  Procedure BM(*HayStack, HayStackSize, *Needle, NeedleSize.u, Pos=0)
    ; Boyer-Moore algorithm
    ; based on code from 'schic'
    ; backup some registers
    mov [rsp - 520], rbx
    mov [rsp - 528], rsi
    mov [rsp - 536], rdi
    ; perform some checks
    mov rcx, [p.v_Pos]
    sub [p.v_HayStackSize], rcx
    !jbe .l_bm_exit            ; exit when HayStackSize <= Pos
    add [p.p_HayStack], rcx    
    movzx ebx, word [p.v_NeedleSize]   ; exit if NeedleSize = 0
    cmp ebx, 0
    !je .l_bm_exit
    mov rdx, [p.v_HayStackSize]        ; exit if NeedleSize > HayStackSize
    sub rdx, rbx
    !jc .l_bm_exit
    ; prepare
    lea rdi, [rsp - 512]
    mov eax, 0xff
    mov ecx, 512
    rep stosb
    mov rdi, [p.p_Needle]
    mov ecx, ebx
    mov rsi, rdi
    movzx eax, byte [rsi]
    add rsi, 1
    sub ecx, 1
    mov [rsp + rax * 2 - 512], cx
    !jnz .l_bm_table0
    mov rsi, [p.p_HayStack]
    add rdx, rsi
    ; search
    mov ecx, ebx
    movzx eax, byte [rsi + rcx - 1]
    cmp al, [rdi + rcx - 1]
    !je .l_bm_search4
    movzx eax, word [rsp + rax * 2 - 512]
    cmp ax, 0xffff
    !jne .l_bm_search2
    add ecx, eax
    sub ecx, ebx
    !jna .l_bm_search3
    sub ecx, 1
    !jnz .l_bm_search1
    mov rax, rsi
    sub rax, [p.p_HayStack]
    add rax, [p.v_Pos]
    mov rbx, [rsp - 520]
    mov rsi, [rsp - 528]
    mov rdi, [rsp - 536]
    ; exit not found
    mov rax, -1
    !jmp .l_bm_return
  ; *** End of code based on Boyer-Moore algorithm ***
  ; *** Code based on Python fast search algorithm ***
  Procedure FastSearch(*HayStack, HayStackSize, *Needle, NeedleSize, Pos=0)
    ; Based on the Python fast search algorithm (Python License)
    Protected.i reg_bx, reg_si, reg_di
    Protected.i hs_end, skip
    ; backup registers
    mov [p.v_reg_bx], rbx
    mov [p.v_reg_si], rsi
    mov [p.v_reg_di], rdi
    ; perform some checks
    mov rcx, [p.v_Pos]
    sub [p.v_HayStackSize], rcx
    !jbe .l_fs_exit                       ; exit when HayStackSize <= Pos
    add [p.p_HayStack], rcx    
    mov rbx, [p.v_NeedleSize]
    mov rcx, [p.v_HayStackSize]
    cmp rbx, rcx
    !jg .l_fs_exit                        ; exit when NeedleSize > HayStackSize
    cmp rbx, 1
    !jg .l_fs_prep
    !jne .l_fs_exit                       ; exit when NeedleSize < 1
    ; handle needle size 1
    mov rsi, [p.p_HayStack]    
    mov rdi, [p.p_Needle]
    mov rax, rcx
    mov bl, [rdi]
    cmp bl, [rsi]
    !je .l_fs_sns1
    inc rsi
    dec rcx
    !jnz .l_fs_sns0
    !jmp .l_fs_exit
    sub rax, rcx
    add rax, [p.v_Pos]    
    !jmp .l_fs_return
    ; prepare (skip and register rdx mask)
    mov rdi, [p.p_Needle]
    lea rsi, [rbx - 2]
    mov [p.v_skip], rsi
    mov rdx, 0
    movzx ecx, byte [rdi + rsi + 1]
    bts rdx, rcx
    movzx eax, byte [rdi + rsi]
    bts rdx, rax
    sub rsi, 1
    !js .l_fs_prep2
    cmp eax, ecx
    !jne .l_fs_prep0
    lea rax, [rsi + 1]
    sub [p.v_skip], rax
    movzx eax, byte [rdi + rsi]
    bts rdx, rax
    sub rsi, 1
    !jns .l_fs_prep1
    ; search
    mov rax, [p.v_HayStackSize]
    sub rax, rbx
    mov rsi, [p.p_HayStack]
    add rax, rsi
    mov [p.v_hs_end], rax
    movzx ecx, byte [rdi + rbx - 1]
    dec rsi
    inc rsi
    cmp rsi, [p.v_hs_end]                 ; check for haystack end boundary
    !jae .l_fs_search7
    cmp cl, [rsi + rbx - 1]               ; compare last needle byte
    !je .l_fs_search2                     ; equal => continue with search2
    movzx eax, byte [rsi + rbx]
    bt rdx, rax                           ; 'Sunday' check
    !jc .l_fs_search0
    add rsi, rbx
    !jmp .l_fs_search0
    !.l_fs_search2:                       ; compare first two needle bytes
    movzx eax, word [rdi]
    cmp ax, [rsi]
    !je .l_fs_search4                     ; equal => continue with search4
    movzx eax, byte [rsi + rbx]           ; 'Sunday' check
    bt rdx, rax
    !jnc .l_fs_search1
    add rsi, [p.v_skip]                   ; 'Horspool' skip
    !jmp .l_fs_search0
    !.l_fs_search4:                       ; compare remaining needle bytes
    mov rax, rbx
    sub rax, 3
    !jna .l_fs_search9                    ; no more bytes left => found !
    push rcx                              ; keep a copy of rcx
    lea rcx, [rax + 1]
    shr rcx, 1
    movzx eax, word [rdi + rcx * 2]       ; compare two bytes at a time
    cmp ax, [rsi + rcx * 2]
    !jne .l_fs_search6                    ; not equal => restore rcx and back to search3
    dec rcx
    !jnz .l_fs_search5                    ; no more bytes left ?
    pop rcx                               ; restore rcx
    !jmp .l_fs_search9                    ; => found !
    pop rcx
    !jmp .l_fs_search3
    !.l_fs_search7:                       ; code to handle haystack exactly on end boundary
    !ja .l_fs_exit                        ; boundary exceeded => exit
    !.l_fs_search8:                       ; final check
    movzx eax, byte [rdi + rbx - 1]
    cmp al, [rsi + rbx - 1]    
    !jne .l_fs_exit
    dec rbx
    !jnz .l_fs_search8
    !.l_fs_search9:                       ; return result
    mov rax, rsi
    sub rax, [p.p_HayStack]    
    add rax, [p.v_Pos]
    ; restore registers & return result
    mov rbx, [p.v_reg_bx]
    mov rsi, [p.v_reg_si]
    mov rdi, [p.v_reg_di]
    ; exit not found
    mov rax, -1
    !jmp .l_fs_return
  ; *** End of code based on Python fast search algorithm ***
  Procedure SSE2_Find(*HayStack, HayStackSize, *Needle, NeedleSize,Pos=0,Count = #False)
    ; backup some registers
    mov [rsp -  8], rbx
    mov [rsp - 16], rsi
    mov [rsp - 24], rdi
    ; init count
    mov rax, [p.v_Count]
    sub rax, 1
    sbb rax, rax
    mov [rsp - 40], rax
    ; perform some checks
    mov rcx, [p.v_Pos]
    sub [p.v_HayStackSize], rcx
    !jbe .l_sse2_search8            ; exit when HayStackSize <= Pos
    add [p.p_HayStack], rcx    
    mov rax, [p.v_HayStackSize]
    mov rbx, [p.v_NeedleSize]
    sub rax, rbx
    !jc .l_sse2_search8             ; exit if NeedleSize > HaystackSize
    add rax, [p.p_HayStack]  
    mov [rsp - 32], rax             ; rsp - 32 = *SearchEnd
    cmp rbx, 1
    !jl .l_sse2_search8             ; exit if NeedleSize < 1

    ; load first two needle bytes
    !pcmpeqb xmm4, xmm4
    mov rdi, [p.p_Needle]
    movzx eax, byte [rdi]
    !je .l_sse2_search0
    mov ah, [rdi + 1]
    !pslldq xmm4, 15
    !movd xmm2, eax
    !punpcklbw xmm2, xmm2
    !punpcklwd xmm2, xmm2
    !pshufd xmm3, xmm2, 01010101b   ; xmm3 = 16 times second needle byte
    !pshufd xmm2, xmm2, 0           ; xmm2 = 16 times first needle byte
    ; start search
    mov rsi, [p.p_HayStack]
    mov rcx, rsi
    shr rsi, 4                      ; align Haystack to 16 bytes
    shl rsi, 4
    sub rcx, rsi
    M_movdqa(xmm0, [rsi])           ; handle first 16 bytes
    !movdqa xmm1, xmm0
    !pcmpeqb xmm0, xmm2             ; compare against first needle byte
    !pmovmskb eax, xmm0
    !shr eax, cl                    ; shift off unwanted bytes
    !shl eax, cl
    !test eax, eax
    !jnz .l_sse2_search2
    ; main search loop
    add rsi, 16                     ; next 16 bytes
    cmp rsi, [rsp - 32]
    !ja .l_sse2_search8
    M_movdqa(xmm0, [rsi])
    !movdqa xmm1, xmm0
    !pcmpeqb xmm0, xmm2             ; compare against first needle byte
    !pmovmskb eax, xmm0
    !test eax, eax
    !jz .l_sse2_search1             ; no match ? => search1
    !pcmpeqb xmm1, xmm3             ; compare against second needle byte
    !psrldq xmm1, 1
    !por xmm1, xmm4
    !pmovmskb ecx, xmm1
    !and eax, ecx                   ; combine both searches
    !jz .l_sse2_search1             ; no match ? => search1
    ; compare rest of bytes
    !bsf ecx, eax                   ; get index of first match
    !jz .l_sse2_search1
    !btr eax, ecx
    lea rdx, [rsi + rcx]            ; create a pointer to it
    cmp rdx, [rsp - 32]
    mov rcx, [p.v_NeedleSize]
    !ja .l_sse2_search8
    sub rcx, 2
    !jb .l_sse2_search5             ; NeedleSize < 2 ? => search5 (already done) 
    movzx ebx, word [rdx + rcx]     ; compare rest of needle right-to-left
    cmp bx, [rdi + rcx]             ; two bytes at a time
    !jne .l_sse2_search3
    sub rcx, 2
    !jae .l_sse2_search4
    mov rbx, [rsp - 40]
    cmp rbx, -1
    !je .l_sse2_search6
    add rbx, 1                      ; increase count
    mov [rsp - 40], rbx
    !jmp .l_sse2_search3
    mov rax, rdx                    ; return result
    sub rax, [p.p_HayStack]
    add rax, [p.v_Pos]    
    mov rbx, [rsp -  8]
    mov rsi, [rsp - 16]
    mov rdi, [rsp - 24]  
    ; not found / return count
    mov rax, [rsp - 40]
    !jmp .l_sse2_search7

Windows 11, Manjaro, Raspberry Pi OS
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Re: Find multiple strings - Speed up?

Post by IceSoft »

Another hint:
Don't run in DEBUG modus!
<Wrapper>4PB, PB<game>, =QONK=, PetriDish, Movie2Image, PictureManager,...
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