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CreateShellLink() - Windows

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 10:34 am
by Danilo
Code updated for 5.20+

Code: Select all

; create shell links/shortcuts
; translated from my old example that used CallCOM()
; by Danilo, 09.12.2003
; requires PB 3.81+
Procedure CreateShellLink(PATH$, LINK$, Argument$, DESCRIPTION$, WorkingDirectory$, ShowCommand.l, HotKey.l, IconFile$, IconIndexInFile.l)
  Protected *psl.IShellLinkA, *ppf.IPersistFile, hres, result
  If Not (PATH$ <> "" And LINK$ <> "" And ShowCommand >= 0 And IconIndexInFile >= 0)
    ProcedureReturn 0 ;missing or incorrect arguments
   If CoCreateInstance_(?CLSID_ShellLink,0,1,?IID_IShellLink,@*psl.IShellLinkA) = 0
      ; The file TO which is linked ( = target for the Link )

      ; Arguments for the Target
      ; Working Directory
      ; Description ( also used as Tooltip for the Link )
      ; Show command:
      ;               SW_SHOWNORMAL    = Default
      ;               SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = aehmm... Maximized
      ;               SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = play Unreal Tournament
      ; Hotkey:
      ; The virtual key code is in the low-order byte,
      ; and the modifier flags are in the high-order byte.
      ; The modifier flags can be a combination of the following values:
      ;         HOTKEYF_ALT     = ALT key
      ;         HOTKEYF_CONTROL = CTRL key
      ;         HOTKEYF_EXT     = Extended key
      ;         HOTKEYF_SHIFT   = SHIFT key
      ; Set Icon for the Link:
      ; There can be more than 1 icons in an icon resource file,
      ; so you have to specify the index.
      *psl\SetIconLocation(IconFile$, IconIndexInFile)
      ; Query IShellLink For the IPersistFile interface For saving the 
      ; shortcut in persistent storage. 
      If *psl\QueryInterface(?IID_IPersistFile,@*ppf.IPersistFile) = 0
        ;Save the link by calling IPersistFile::Save. 
        hres = *ppf\Save(LINK$, #True)
        result = 1
        Debug blah
   ProcedureReturn result
       ; 00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
       Data.l $00021401
       Data.w $0000,$0000
       Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46
       ; DEFINE_SHLGUID(IID_IShellLinkA,         0x000214EEL, 0, 0);
       ; C000-000000000046
       Data.l $000214EE
       Data.w $0000,$0000
       Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46
       ; 0000010b-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
       Data.l $0000010b
       Data.w $0000,$0000
       Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46


; CreateLink
;             - TARGET$ for the Link ("c:\PureBasic\purebasic.exe")
;             - LINK$ - name of the Link ("c:\pb.lnk")
;             - Argument$ for the target  ("%1")
;             - Description$ = Description and Tooltip ("Start PureBasic")
;             - Working Directory ("c:\PureBasic\")
;             - Show command: #SW_SHOWNORMAL or #SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED or #SW_SHOWMINIMIZED
;             - HotKey - no need to use this :)
;             - IconFile + Index ( "c:\PureBasic\purebasic.exe" , 1 )

If CreateShellLink("D:\BASIC\PureBasic\purebasic.exe","c:\PB.lnk","","Pure FUN","D:\BASIC\PureBasic\",#SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED,0,"%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll",12)

Define WinDir$
WinDir$ = Space(100): GetSystemDirectory_(WinDir$,100)
If CreateShellLink(WinDir$+"\calc.exe","c:\CALC.lnk","","Calculator","",0,0,"%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll",23)
Its important to use PB 3.81+ !
It will crash with PB 3.80 because there was a bug with Interfaces
in Procedures.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 5:50 pm
by utopiomania
First, thanks to Danilo for the sample :) . Second, can anyone tell me what's going on with the
datasection labels and address of labels passed on to CoCreateInstance ?? :oops:

Code: Select all

If CoCreateInstance_(?CLSID_ShellLink,0,1,?IID_IShellLink,@psl.IShellLinkA) = 0
       ; 00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 
       Data.l $00021401 
       Data.w $0000,$0000 
       Data.b $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46
It's quite difficult to understand why the label addresses is passed on to the function this way?? And
is there a more understandable way to rewrite this part of the code. ?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:41 am
by acidburn
nice code!~ :)

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:21 am
by Edwin Knoppert
The label serves as startaddress for the 'upcomming' GUID variable.
It's a very convienant way to point to (read-only) memory and not to use a(nother) variable.