Draw to Desktop behind the Icons

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Draw to Desktop behind the Icons

Post by Axolotl »

Hi folks,
on my windows 10 (x64) computer I use this piece of code, I made this several month ago on a request in the german forum.
I made a small update to the example.
Please keep in mind, that it works with an unique colored background. :oops:
I do tests only on my computer with 4k (96dpi) single monitor setting. (no multimonitor setting tested!) :mrgreen:

Code: Select all

;' File      : DrawToDesktopBehindIcons.pb 
;' Author    : Andreas Halter 
;' Target OS : Windows
;' License   : Free, unrestricted, no warranty whatsoever
;'             Use at your own risk
;' German Forum: https://www.purebasic.fr/german/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=32228  
;' based on C#/C++ Code 
;' LINK: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/856020/Draw-Behind-Desktop-Icons-in-Windows-plus 
;'       This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL) 

;DebugLevel 9  ;' Remove comment mark to see all Debug Messages :) 

;' Debugging helpers 
Macro DQ
Macro InspectRect(rcVar) 
  DQ#rcVar#DQ+" = "+Str(rcVar\left)+", "+Str(rcVar\top)+", "+Str(rcVar\right)+", "+Str(rcVar\bottom)+"  " 
Macro InspectVar(iVar) 
  DQ#iVar#DQ+" = 0x"+Hex(iVar)+" ("+Str(iVar)+") "
;' EnumWindows that will be called for each window...  
Procedure __EnumWindowsProc(hWnd, *Param.INTEGER)   ;' returns the found hWnd as *Param 
  Protected h, hworker                                                         ;:Debug #PB_Compiler_Procedure+"()", 9  

  h = FindWindowEx_(hWnd, 0, @"SHELLDLL_DefView", 0)  ;' gets first child 
  If h                                                                         ;:Debug "  SHELLDLL_DefView: "+InspectVar(h), 9 
    hworker = FindWindowEx_(0, hWnd, @"WorkerW", 0)   ;' gets the WorkerW Window after the current one.
    If hworker                                                                 ;:Debug "  WorkerW: "+InspectVar(hworker), 9 
      *Param\i = hworker  ;' return this by Argument 
  EndIf                                                                        ;:Debug "", 9 
  ProcedureReturn 1      ; returning <> 0 will continue till all windows are searched  
EndProcedure ;() 

Procedure.i GetWallpaperWindow() ;' returns handle of WorkerW or zero  
  Protected hwndWallpaper, hwndProgMan                                         :Debug #PB_Compiler_Procedure+"()", 9  

  ;' fetch the Progman window 
  hwndProgMan = FindWindowEx_(0, 0, @"Progman", 0)                             :Debug "  "+InspectVar(hwndProgMan), 9  
  ;' check - not needed, doesn't hurt  
  If SendMessageTimeout_(hwndProgMan, #WM_NULL, #Null, #Null, #SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, #Null)
    Debug "  We can still communicate with the window...", 9 

;' Send 0x052C to Progman. This message directs Progman to spawn a 
;' WorkerW behind the desktop icons. If it is already there, nothing happens.
;' MSDN: LRESULT SendMessageTimeoutW(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT fuFlags, UINT uTimeout, PDWORD_PTR lpdwResult);
;' HINT: SendMessage with 0x52c, 0xD, 0x1 (or 0) allows the Worker window with high resolution ?? 
    If SendMessageTimeout_(hwndProgMan, $052C, #Null, #Null, #SMTO_NORMAL, 1000, #Null) = 0 
     Debug "  Error " + GetLastError_() 
     ;If GetLastError_() <> #error_timeout 
     ; to get extended error information, call GetLastError. 
     ; If GetLastError returns ERROR_TIMEOUT, then the function timed out.
      Debug "  Look for the wallpaper window, now ", 9 

;' We enumerate all Windows, until we find one, that has the SHELLDLL_DefView as a child. 
;' If we found that window, we take its next sibling and assign it to workerw.
;     HWND wallpaper_hwnd = nullptr;
;     EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, (LPARAM)&wallpaper_hwnd);
      hwndWallpaper = 0 
      EnumWindows_(@__EnumWindowsProc(), @hwndWallpaper)  ;' the hwndWallpaper will get the window handle 
      If hwndWallpaper <> 0 
        Debug "  found "+InspectVar(hwndWallpaper), 9 
  EndIf                                                                        :Debug "", 9 
  ;' return the handle you're looking for.
  ProcedureReturn hwndWallpaper 
EndProcedure ;()  

Procedure.s GetWallpaperFilename()
  Protected fn${#MAX_PATH} 
  SystemParametersInfo_(#SPI_GETDESKWALLPAPER, #MAX_PATH, @fn$, 0)  
  ProcedureReturn fn$ 
EndProcedure ;() 

Procedure SetWallpaperFilename(Filename$) 
EndProcedure ;() 

Procedure UpdateWallpaperFilename() 
  Protected file$                                                              :Debug #PB_Compiler_Procedure+"()", 9  

  file$ = GetWallpaperFilename() 
  If file$ <> "" 
    SetWallpaperFilename(file$)                                                :Debug "  Wallpaper '"+file$+"'", 9 
  EndIf                                                                        :Debug "", 9 
EndProcedure ;() 

Procedure.i GetPixelColorAtCoordinate(X, Y)
  Protected hDC, result

  hDC = GetDC_(0)
  result = GetPixel_(hDC, X, Y)  
  ReleaseDC_(0, hDC)
  ProcedureReturn result
EndProcedure ;() 

Procedure DrawBackground(hwnd) 
  Protected r, hdc, hBrush, clientRect.RECT   

  hdc = GetDCEx_(hwnd, 0, $403) 
  If hdc 
; ;   hBrush = CreateSolidBrush_(GetSysColor_(#COLOR_BTNFACE))
   ;hBrush = CreateSolidBrush_(GetSysColorBrush_(#COLOR_INFOBK))

    hBrush = CreateSolidBrush_(GetPixelColorAtCoordinate(1, 1)) ; I use solid background color (try pixel 1,1) 
    GetClientRect_(hwnd, @clientRect)                                            :Debug "  "+InspectRect(clientRect), 9 
    FillRect_(hdc, @clientRect, hBrush)  
    ReleaseDC_(hwnd, hdc) 
EndProcedure ;() 

Procedure Test(State=0) 
  Static hwndWallpaper, hWnd = 0                                               :Debug #PB_Compiler_Procedure+"()", 9  
  Protected r, hdc, hBrush, clientRect.RECT   

  hwndWallpaper = GetWallpaperWindow()                       :Debug "   "+InspectVar(hwndWallpaper) 

  If State = 0 ;' look for Wallpaper 
    If hwndWallpaper <> 0                                                      :Debug "  "+InspectVar(hwndWallpaper), 9 
      GetClientRect_(hwndWallpaper, @clientRect)                               :Debug "  "+InspectRect(clientRect), 9 
      r = SetParent_(WindowID(1), hwndWallpaper)                               :Debug "  SetParent return "+r, 9
  ElseIf State = 1 ;' get away from this 
    If hwndWallpaper <> 0   
      r = SetParent_(WindowID(1), 0)                                           :Debug "  SetParent return "+r, 9
;     r = SendMessage_(hwndWallpaper, #WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)                         :Debug "  WM_CLOSE return code = "+r 

      GetClientRect_(hwndWallpaper, @clientRect)                               :Debug "  "+InspectRect(clientRect), 9 
;      RedrawWindow_(hwndWallpaper, @clientRect, 0, #RDW_INVALIDATE| #RDW_ERASE|#RDW_UPDATENOW) 
     ;RedrawWindow_(hwndWallpaper, #Null, #Null, #RDW_INVALIDATE|#RDW_ERASE) 
;     InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); 
;   SendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, IntPtr.Zero, null, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 100, IntPtr.Zero);
;     If SendMessageTimeout_(#HWND_BROADCAST, #WM_SETTINGCHANGE, #Null, #Null, #SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, #Null) 
;       If SendMessageTimeout_(hwndWallpaper, #WM_SETTINGCHANGE, #Null, #Null, #SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, #Null) 
;         Debug "refresh ..." 
;       EndIf 
;       hWnd = GetWindow_(hwndWallpaper, #GW_HWNDPREV) 
;       If hWnd <> 0 
;         SetWindowPos_(hwndWallpaper, hWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, #SWP_NOMOVE|#SWP_NOSIZE|#SWP_NOACTIVATE) 
;       EndIf 

;; SystemParametersInfo_(#SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0,             tempPath, #SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE | #SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE); 
;   SHChangeNotify_($8000000, $1000, 0, 0)  
  EndIf                                                                        :Debug "", 9 
EndProcedure ;()  

Procedure MoveSecondWindow() 
  ResizeWindow(1, WindowX(0), WindowY(0)-WindowHeight(1)-20, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore) 

Procedure Main() 
  Protected Event, Count, tmp                                                  :Debug #PB_Compiler_Procedure+"()", 9  

  ;' window behind the Icons (no accessable by user) 
  If OpenWindow(1, 80, 80, 230, 80, "Example...", #PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_BorderLess) 
    SetWindowLongPtr_(WindowID(1), #GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLongPtr_(WindowID(1), #GWL_STYLE) & ~#WS_CAPTION) 

    tmp = GetPixelColorAtCoordinate(1, 1)
    SetWindowColor(1, tmp) 
    TextGadget(0, 0, 10, 230, 60, "count", #PB_Text_Center) 
    SetGadgetColor(0, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, tmp) 

    SetGadgetFont(0, LoadFont(0, "Arial", 48)) 

  ;' window to control the stuff 

  If OpenWindow(0, 80, 180, 330, 200, "Example: Move Window behind Icons", #PB_Window_SystemMenu) 
    ButtonGadget(1, 10, 10, 300, 20, "1. Add Wallpaper-Window")
    ButtonGadget(3, 10, 40, 300, 20, "2. Remove Wallpaper-Window") 
    ButtonGadget(2, 10, 80, 300, 20, "Reset Count") 

; Protected hwndMain = GetWindowLongPtr_(WindowID(0), #GWL_HWNDPARENT)  :Debug InspectVar(hwndMain) 
; Protected hwndForm = GetWindowLongPtr_(WindowID(1), #GWL_HWNDPARENT)  :Debug InspectVar(hwndForm) 

   BindEvent(#PB_Event_MoveWindow, @MoveSecondWindow(), 0) 
   AddWindowTimer(1, 1, 1000) 
     Event = WaitWindowEvent(20)
     Select Event 
       Case #PB_Event_Timer 
         If EventTimer() = 1 
           SetGadgetText(0, Str(Count)) 
           Count + 1 
         If Count > 1000 
           Count = 1 
;          event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow 

       Case #PB_Event_MoveWindow  ;:Debug "moving window " 
         ResizeWindow(1, WindowX(0), WindowY(0)-WindowHeight(1)-20, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore) 
       ;         SetWindowPos_(hwndWallpaper, hWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, #SWP_NOMOVE|#SWP_NOSIZE|#SWP_NOACTIVATE) 
       Case #PB_Event_Gadget
         Select EventGadget()
           Case 1 : Test(0)    ; find wallpaper 
           Case 2 : Count = 0  ; restart count :) 
           Case 3 : Test(1)    ; get rid of it 
    Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
    RemoveWindowTimer(1, 1) 

  ; Debug RedrawWindow_(#Null, #Null, #Null, #RDW_INVALIDATE|#RDW_ERASE)  ;' Desktop Window, all update regions -- If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
  ; Debug InvalidateRect_(#Null, #Null, #True) ; all windows, all regions 

  EndIf                                                                        :Debug "", 9 
End Main() 
Mostly running PureBasic <latest stable version and current alpha/beta> (x64) on Windows 11 Home
Posts: 3318
Joined: Thu Apr 18, 2019 8:17 am

Re: Draw to Desktop behind the Icons

Post by BarryG »

Doesn't work anymore? The window (and number) is always above the desktop icons.
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