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DocMaker explained

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:16 pm
by technicorn
DocMaker is a good tool I think, but it lacks any documentation,
so I wrote on myself, maybe someone else finds this useful.

Had to use code to insert the preformated text, sorry, but could not find another way.

Code: Select all

; "User Library Mode" should normaly be checked for creating documentation
; for your functions.
; Directory structure for DocMaker:
; YourDocDir
;   OSSpecificFunctions.txt ; Only needed if "User Library Mode" is not checked
;   |
;    -English
;     |
;      -MainGuid
;       |
;       TextForMainGuidePage.txt
;      |
;       -Reference
;        |
;        ReferenceText.txt
;     |
;     YourDocsInEnglish.txt
;   |
;    -France
;     |
;     YourDocsInFrench.txt
;   |
;    -German
;     |
;     YourDocsInGerman.txt
;   |
;    -Output  ; DocMaker generated files go here, but can be any other location
;             ; specified with "Output directory"
;     |
;      -HelpPictures ; Sub directory in your output directory for pictures
;       |
;       YourPicture.jpg
;       AnotherPicture.png
; Directories "MainGuid" and "Reference" should exist in all your
; language sub-directories, even if empty, to stop DocMaker from complaining.
; But this is only needed if you have not checked "User Library Mode".
; "OSSpecificFunctions.txt" is a file with a list of functions only working
; on specific OSs, all functions not listed here are assumed to work an all OSs.
; You should have at least an empty "OSSpecificFunctions.txt" in your
; documentation main directory, to stop DocMaker from complaining.
; Onyl used if "User Library Mode" is not checked.
; Format of OSSpecificFunctions.txt:
;   functionName:List of OSs supported by this function, separated by comma
;   (examples:)
;   MyFunc:Windows, Linux
;   MyFunc2:Linux, MacOS
;   ...
;   ...
; OS specific tags like @supportedos only work,
; if "User Library Mode" is not checked!
; All lines starting with ';' will be ignored, the ';' must be the first character
; of the line, no tabs or spaces allowed before that!
; All tags that are inserting text like "Parameter", "Return value"...
; will insert two line-breaks before and after the word.
; All link tags will convert the link name to all lower case.
; A '|' between parameters means, use either notation.
; Where a parameter is in doublequotes, the doublequotes will not be shown
; in the resulting document file.
; DocMaker tags:
; @blue Word | "Text in blue"
;   Set color for next word or text in doublequotes to blue.
; @bold Word | "Text in bold"
;   Set format of next word or text in doublequotes to bold.
; @code
;   Text after this till @endcode will be shown as PureBasic program.
; @commandlist
;   Inserts the list of functions defined with "@function name()"
; @constantcolor "Text"
;   Set color for text in doublequotes to constant-color
; @description
;   Inserts the bold text "Description" and indents the following text
; @elseos
;   Text till @endos will be inserted, if @os did not matched
; @endcode
;   End-tag for @code
; @endfixedfont
;   End-tag for @fixedfont 
; @endindent
;   End-tag for @indent , also ends indentation for tags who sets indentation on.
; @endos
;   Ends a @os / @elseos block
; @example
;   Inserts the bold text "Example:"
; @examplefile
;   Could not find out what this tag does.
; @fastlink "functionName()"
;   Inserts a link to functionName after stripping the last two characters
;   from functionName(), which will just leave functionName and
;   inserts this name as HTML link in all lower case letters
;   with an appended ".html" and the link-name with no case conversion
;   as link name.
; @fixedfont
;   Sets the font to fixed width and the text-style to preformated,
;   that is, all spaces and line-breaks are preserved, where for normal text
;   spaces are reduced to one and line-breaks in the input text are ignored.
; @formatelse
;   Text till @formatend will be inserted, if @formatif did not matched
; @formatendif
;   Ends a @formatif / @formatelse block.
; @formatif Format-name
;   Format-name = html will insert everything till @formatelse / @formatendif
;   if DocMaker is set ouput HTML, could not figure out more Format-names.
; @function [Result = ]functionName([parameter-list])
;   Inserts functionName(), after stripping all parts in squarebrackets,
;   centered and bold on top of page, and adds functionName to commandlist.
;   It than adds two line-breaks the bold word "Syntax" and the complete
;   line after @function indented with functionName in bold and the color
;   of function names.
; @functioncolor Word | "Text in functioncolor"
;   Set color for next word or text in doublequotes to the color of functions.
; @green Word | "Text in green"
;   Set color for next word or text in doublequotes to green.
; @image imageName.ext
;   Inserts a link to a picture stored in directory "HelpPictures"
;   under your output directory.
;   imageName.ext can be "mypic.png" or "thisPicture.jpg" for example
; @indent
;   Indent the following text until @endindent
; @internetlink "link-URL" Word | "Text for link"
;   Inserts a web-link, the link should be in doublequotes,
;   followed by the next word, or the whole text in doublequotes as link-text.
; @keyword Word | "Text in keyword-color"
;   Set color for next word or text in doublequotes to the color of keywords
;   and bold.
; @library Library-name
;   Should be the first tag in a document text.
;   Set the library name for this document.
; @librarylink library-name Word | "Text for link"
;   Inserts a link to another help document in the same help directory with
;   the name of library-name, next word or text in doublequotes will show
;   as link name.
;   library-name should only be a single name for the other library,
;   DocMaker decorates it automaticly as follows:
;   "../library-name/index.html".
; @linebreak
;   Forces a line-break, line-breaks in the document textfile will normally
;   not be shown in the resulting help file, with the exeption for text
;   between @fixedfont / @endfixedfont.
;   So for formating paragraphs you have to insert several @linebreak tags.
; @link "link-URL" "Link text"
;   Inserts a HTML link to link-URL with an appended ".html".
;   So "mylinks/myfile" will become "mylinks/myfile.html"
;   The second text will be shown as the link-text,
;   for just one word, the doublequotes can be omitted,
;   else all text in doublequotes will become the link-text.
; @mainguidelink filename Word | "Text for link"
;   Inserts a link to a file in the mainguide directory, and uses word or
;   text in doublequotes as the link text.
;   Only usefull if "User Library Mode" is not checked.
;   DocMaker decorates filename like this: "../mainguide/filename.html".
; @orange Word | "Text in orange"
;   Set color for next word or text in doublequotes to orange
; @os OS-Name
;   OS-Name must be a single name.
;   Text till @elseos or @endos will be inserted if OS-Name matches os
;   selected in DocMaker.
;   @os / @elseos / @endos can not be nested!
;   Some tags are also ending a @os block, but it is better to use @endos.
; @overview
;   Inserts "Overview" in bold and indents following text
; @parameter
;   Inserts "Parameter" in bold and indents following text
; @parameters
;   Inserts "Parameters" in bold and indents following text
; @red Word | "Text in red"
;   Set color for next word or text in doublequotes to reg
; @referencelink filename Word | "Text for link"
;   Inserts a link to a file in the reference directory, and uses word or
;   text in doublequotes as the link text.
;   Only usefull if "User Library Mode" is not checked.
;   DocMaker decorates filename like this: "../reference/filename.html".
; @returnvalue
;   Inserts "Return value" in bold and indents following text
; @section Rest-of-line
;   Inserts two line-breaks and the rest of the line after the @section tag in
;   bold and another two line-breaks
; @supportedos List-of-supported-OSs
;   Will insert "Supported OS" in bold
;   and the list of supported OSs for this function,
;   dependent on the list in the "OSSpecificFunction.txt" file, if not
;   in "User Library Mode" and the paramter(s) are ignored
;   If the function is not listed in this file, the OS-list will show "All"
;   If in "User Library Mode", the comma separated list of OSs are shown,
;   the OS names are not checked for validation!
;   It also inserts the link to previous/next/main-index for this library
;   document, so it should be the last tag of a function description.
; @syntax
;   Inserts "Syntax" in bold and indents following text
; @title Word | "Title text"
;   Inserts the word or text in doublequotes centered and bold at top of page.
;   This should be the first tag in a document text file.
;   Page title should be set with @library for library documentation, or with
;   @title for mainguide or reference pages.
; @underline Word | "Text to underline"
;   Will underline the next word, or the text in doublequotes.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:34 pm
by ts-soft
thanks, how would it be to complete the Wiki? ... c_DocMaker


Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:05 pm
by freak
This is a full description of the OSSpecificFunstions.txt file:

Code: Select all

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;      List of PureBasic commands that are not fully cross-platform
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This file is used to automatically generate @SupportedOS tags for the help, 
; and for any other purpose where such a list might be usefull.
; Keep the syntax strict, as it is automatically parsed.
; This file lists ONLY commands which do not work on all OS. Any command not listed
; here will be marked as supported by all OS.
; File syntax:
; - Empty lines and ";" lines are ignored
; - Whitespace and case are ignored (also for function names to reduce errors)
; #Library: <Name>
;   Specify the name of the library where the next functions are in.
; A function entry looks like one of these:
;   <functionname> : <os tags>
;   <functionname> : <os tags> - <comment>
; <os tags> can be one of these separated by ",": 
;   Windows       - Windows, all subsystems
;   Linux         - Linux, all subsystems
;   MacOS         - OSX, all subsystems, all processor types
;   WindowsOpenGl - Windows, OpenGl subsystem
;   WindowsPlain  - Windows, without OpenGl subsystem
;   LinuxOpenGl   - Linux, OpenGl subsystem
;   LinuxPlain    - Linux, without OpenGl subsystem
;   MacOSppc      - MacOS - ppc version only
;   MacOSx86      - MacOS - x86 version only
;   If a new tag is added, please document its use here.
;   If such a tag is present, it means the function works on this OS. If the tag is present in brackets, like "(Windows)",
;   it means that the command exists only as a dummy function, so it compiles but does nothing. If a tag is not present at all,
;   it means that the command is entirely missing on that OS.
;   The dummy tags will be ignored for the manual, but they might be useful for other purposes.
;   (for example to do a tool to advise on platform problems)
; <comment> can be a short comment about platform compatibility of this command. Something like
;   "Only has a meaning on windows" or similar may be helpful. (also ignored for the manual)
; Spechial grouping tag (for entire libraries etc):
; #StartGroup: <os tags> - <comment>
;   <function list>
; #EndGroup
;   Applies <os tags> and the optional <comment> to all commands in the list.
;   Useful when entire libraries have the same tags and comments.
;   The function list is one function per line (empty lines, comments and #Library lines are allowed)
; Example: (indicates that the command is supported on windows and has a dummy on linux and macos, with a comment about that)
;   #Library: Window
;   SmartWindowRefresh: Windows, (Linux), (MacOS) - Only has an effect on Windows
; Group Example:
;   #StartGroup: Windows, Linux - 3DEngine not supported on MacOS
;     #Library: Engine3D
;     Add3DArchive
;     AmbientColor
;     ...
;   #StopGroup
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:34 pm
by technicorn
Have to think about adding this to PureWiki.

Thanks freak,
I've searched the net but couldn't find anything usefull about DocMaker.
Google comes up with just 6 links for "purebasic docmaker".

So is there more where this comes from, and where is this from?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:06 pm
by freak
> So is there more where this comes from, and where is this from?

Its from our own OSSpecificFunctions.txt on the PureBasic Documentation CVS.
Andre also started a Word document explaining the tags, but it is quite out of date. Your list is more complete i think.

The reason for the lack of information is that we develop this tool mainly for our own
use in creating the PureBasic Documentation.
I do not know of many other people that actually use it.

If you have some specific questions/suggestions, i can try to answer them.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:27 am
by technicorn
The reason for the lack of information is that we develop this tool mainly for our own
use in creating the PureBasic Documentation.
I do not know of many other people that actually use it.
I think that's sad, it's an easy to use and powerfull tool, much easier than
doing this in HTML yourself, especial it you have many functions to document,
with lots of crosslinks and keeping an index up to date.

But that's maybe the egg/chicken effect, none uses it because lack of doumentation,
and there's no documetation, because lack of users. :wink:

If you have some specific questions/suggestions, i can try to answer them.
Thank's, but the list should be quite complete and correct, at least I hope so.
Only questen would be, what is the @examplefile tag for, could not figure this one out.

And is there a puplic read access to that documentation cvs?
Maybe I could learn more about how to structure documentation text files from that.
The address in the ReadMe.txt file under the DocMaker dir seems outdated.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:50 pm
by freak
The documentation CVS has been moved to a private server. I do not think there is a readonly access there.
I can maybe include some of the files as example in the LibrarySDK in the future.