Module Initialization and Dll`s

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Module Initialization and Dll`s

Post by mk-soft »

It is times in the German forum again discussed whether this is allowed.
Do not create codes when creating Dll's outside of procedures (AttachProcess).

When programming modules, I use a Procedure InitModule ().
This is called directly in the module.
Now all say definitely, call the function in AttachProcess.

This is not always possible, however, if these procedures are created via macros.

After intensive evaluation, the procedure InitModule () is called as the ProcedureDLL AttachProcess. Only without the parameter 'Instance'

The call is executed from the internal procedure PB_DllInit () after the initialization.
Because the call to the procedure PB_DllInit is followed by the call to the Procedure AttachProcess (), if it exists.

This procedure is identical to all PB versions supporting the modules.

What does the official team say about the procedure?


Code: Select all

DeclareModule MyModule
  Global name.s

Module MyModule
  Procedure InitModule()
    name.s = "Init My Module!"

Global name.s
ProcedureDLL AttachProcess(Instance)
  name.s = "Init My DLL"

Code: Select all

; PureBasic 5.60 (Windows - x64) generated code
; (c) 2016 Fantaisie Software
; The header must remain intact for Re-Assembly
; :DLL
; :System
; kernel32.lib
; :Import
format MS64 COFF
extrn GetModuleHandleW
extrn HeapCreate
extrn HeapDestroy
extrn memset
extrn SYS_FastAllocateStringFree4
extrn PB_StringBase
extrn SYS_InitString
extrn SYS_FreeStrings
extrn PB_StringBasePosition
public _PB_Instance
public PB_ExecutableType
public PB_OpenGLSubsystem
public _PB_MemoryBase
public PB_Instance
public PB_MemoryBase
public PB_EndFunctions
public _DLLEntryPoint@12
public _Procedure2

macro pb_public symbol
  public  _#symbol
  public symbol

macro    pb_align value { rb (value-1) - ($-_PB_DataSection + value-1) mod value }
macro pb_bssalign value { rb (value-1) - ($-_PB_BSSSection  + value-1) mod value }

section '.code' code readable executable align 4096
  SUB    rsp,40
  CMP    rdx,1
  JNE   .SkipProcessAttach
  MOV    [_PB_Instance],rcx
  CALL   PB_DllInit
  MOV    rcx,[_PB_Instance]
  CALL  _Procedure2
  JMP   .End
  CMP    rdx,2
  JNE   .SkipThreadAttach
  JMP   .End
  CMP    rdx,0
  JNE   .SkipProcessDetach
  JMP   .End
  CMP    rdx,3
  JNE   .SkipThreadDetach
  MOV    rax,1
  ADD    rsp,40
  SUB    rsp,40
  XOR    r8,r8
  MOV    rdx,4096
  XOR    rcx,rcx
  CALL   HeapCreate
  MOV    [PB_MemoryBase],rax
  CALL   SYS_InitString

; DeclareModule MyModule
; Global name.s
; EndDeclareModule
; Module MyModule
; InitModule()
  CALL  _Procedure0
; EndModule
; Global name.s
  ADD    rsp,40
  SUB    rsp,40
  CALL   PB_EndFunctions
  CALL   SYS_FreeStrings
  MOV    rcx,[PB_MemoryBase]
  CALL   HeapDestroy
  ADD    rsp,40
  SUB    rsp,40
  ADD    rsp,40
; ProcedureDLL AttachProcess(Instance)
  MOV    qword [rsp+8],rcx
  SUB    rsp,40
; name.s = "Init My DLL"
  LEA    rdx,[_S2]
  LEA    rcx,[v_name]
  CALL   SYS_FastAllocateStringFree4
; EndProcedure
  XOR    rax,rax
  ADD    rsp,40
; Procedure InitModule()
  SUB    rsp,40
; name.s = "Init My Module!"
  LEA    rdx,[_S1]
  LEA    rcx,[mymodule.v_name]
  CALL   SYS_FastAllocateStringFree4
; EndProcedure
  XOR    rax,rax
  ADD    rsp,40
section '.data' data readable writeable
PB_OpenGLSubsystem: db 0
pb_public PB_DEBUGGER_LineNumber
  dd     -1
pb_public PB_DEBUGGER_IncludedFiles
  dd     0
pb_public PB_DEBUGGER_FileName
  db     0
pb_public PB_Compiler_Unicode
  dd     1
pb_public PB_Compiler_Thread
  dd     0
pb_public PB_Compiler_Purifier
  dd     0
pb_public PB_Compiler_Debugger
  dd     0
PB_ExecutableType: dd 0
pb_align 8
public _SYS_StaticStringStart
_S2: dw 73,110,105,116,32,77,121,32,68,76,76,0
_S1: dw 73,110,105,116,32,77,121,32,77,111,100,117,108,101,33,0
pb_public PB_NullString
  dw     0
public _SYS_StaticStringEnd
pb_align 8
pb_align 8
pb_align 8
  dq     0
  dq     -1
pb_align 8
section '.bss' readable writeable
pb_bssalign 8
PB_MemoryBase: rq 1
PB_Instance: rq 1
PB_ExitCode: rq 1
pb_bssalign 8
PB_DataPointer rq 1
v_name rq 1
mymodule.v_name rq 1
pb_bssalign 8
pb_bssalign 8
pb_bssalign 8
pb_bssalign 8
section '.data' data readable writeable
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