Grabbing a screenshot of a background window does not work

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Grabbing a screenshot of a background window does not work

Post by Kurzer »


the following code should find a windows handle by its window title. Then the program get the DC from this window via GetWindowDC_(hWnd). After this the programm copies a part of the window bitmap of the determined window into a image and display it in a window.

So far so good, but my problem is, that the BitBlt_() function grabs simply what is seen on Desktop. That means, if the desired window is overlaped by another window, then the bitmap of the other windows ist still part of the screenshot. It looks like a 'desktop-screenshot'.

On Windows 7 this works like expected. There I get a screenshot of the desired window, even if it's complete in background and overlapped by other windows.

This drives me crazy. I have no idea what is the reason for the failure on Windows XP SP3 - 32 bits.

Does anyone have an idea?

Code: Select all


Structure GrabWindow

Global stBrowserWindow.GrabWindow
Global.i iWindow, iCanvas_Screenshot

Procedure.i Settings_FindWindowHandleEnumProc(iWindowHandle.i, lParameter.l)
   ; +-----------------------------------------------------------------
   ; |Description  : EnumProceduere für Settings_GetWindowHandle()
   ; |Arguments    : lWindowHandle: Enthält das Windowhandle des aktuell enumerierten Fensters
   ; |             : lParameter   : Muss die Speicheradresse der Parameter-Struktur enthalten
   ; |Results      : 0, wenn die enumeration gestoppt werden soll, sonst 1
   ; |Remarks      : Siehe auch:
   ; +-----------------------------------------------------------------
   Protected.s sTitle=Space(32)
   GetWindowText_(iWindowHandle, sTitle, 32) 
   If FindString(sTitle, stBrowserWindow\sWindowTitle) <> 0 
      stBrowserWindow\iWindowHandle = iWindowHandle
      ; Das gesuchte Fenster wurde gefunden, EnumProc nicht weiter aufrufen
      ProcedureReturn 0
      ; Weitere Fenster durchsuchen, EnumProc weiter aufrufen
      ProcedureReturn 1
Procedure.l Settings_GetWindowHandle(sWindowTitle.s)
   ; +-----------------------------------------------------------------
   ; |Description  : Ermittelt das Windowhandle eines Fensters anhand des Fenstertitels
   ; |Arguments    : sWindowTitle: Titel des zu suchenden Fensters
   ; |Results      : Das gesuchte Windowhandle oder 0, wenn das Fenster nicht gefunden wurde
   ; |Remarks      : Es reicht aus, wenn der linke Teil des Fenstertitels angegeben wird.
   ; |             : Z.B.: "PureBasi" -< findet auch das Fenster mit dem Titel "PureBasic 5.50 (x86)"
   ; +-----------------------------------------------------------------
   stBrowserWindow\sWindowTitle = sWindowTitle
   If EnumWindows_(@Settings_FindWindowHandleEnumProc(), @stBrowserWindow) = 1
      ProcedureReturn 0
      ProcedureReturn stBrowserWindow\iWindowHandle
Procedure   Grab(sWindowTitle.s)
   ; +-----------------------------------------------------------------
   ; |Description  : -
   ; |Arguments    : -
   ; |Results      : -
   ; |Remarks      : -
   ; +-----------------------------------------------------------------
   Protected.i iBrowserWindowHandle, iBrowserDC, iCanvasDC
   iBrowserWindowHandle = Settings_GetWindowHandle(sWindowTitle)
   If iBrowserWindowHandle > 0
      iCanvasDC = StartDrawing(CanvasOutput(iCanvas_Screenshot))
      If iCanvasDC
         iBrowserDC = GetWindowDC_(iBrowserWindowHandle)
         If iBrowserDC > 0
            BitBlt_(iCanvasDC, 0, 0, 300, 300, iBrowserDC, 0, 0, #SRCCOPY)
            ReleaseDC_(iBrowserWindowHandle, iBrowserDC)

iWindow = OpenWindow(#PB_Any, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, 320, 320, "", #PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_TitleBar)
If iWindow
   iCanvas_Screenshot = CanvasGadget(#PB_Any, 10, 10, 300, 300)
   Grab("Neuer Tab")  ; <<<---- Type in here the titel of the desired Window

Repeat : Until WaitWindowEvent() = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
It looks like this on my Win XP machine:

Last edited by Kurzer on Tue Sep 27, 2016 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Doing a screenshot of a background window does not work

Post by IdeasVacuum »

Does it work if the target window is not a browser window?
If it sounds simple, you have not grasped the complexity.
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Re: Doing a screenshot of a background window does not work

Post by netmaestro »

There is a Bitblt flag called "CAPTUREBLT" which, if combined with SRCCOPY, will include covering windows. Since the version of Windows you're using is quite old, I just wonder how long that flag has been in existence and if its functionality might have been the default at one time. If that turns out to be the case, an alternative might be the way to go. Give this a try and see if it works or not:

Code: Select all

np = RunProgram("notepad.exe",#PB_Compiler_Home+"SDK\readme.txt", GetCurrentDirectory(),#PB_Program_Open)
notepad = FindWindow_(0, "Readme.txt - Notepad")

ca = RunProgram("calc.exe","","",#PB_Program_Open)
calc = FindWindow_(0, "Calculator")
GetWindowRect_(calc, @wc.RECT)
GetWindowRect_(notepad, @wr.RECT)
MoveWindow_(calc, wr\left+128, wr\top+128,wc\right-wc\left,wc\bottom-wc\top, #True)

Prototype Printwindow(hwnd, hdc, flags)
OpenLibrary(0, "user32.dll")
Printwindow_.PrintWindow = GetFunction(0, "PrintWindow")

dc = CreateDC_("DISPLAY",0,0,0) ; Note: You can't use the hDC returned from StartDrawing()
hdc = CreateCompatibleDC_(dc)   ; for the PrintWindow API. 

CreateImage(0, wr\right-wr\left, wr\bottom-wr\top, 24)
SelectObject_(hdc, ImageID(0))
If hdc
  Printwindow_(notepad, hdc, 0)

Repeat:Until WaitWindowEvent()=#PB_Event_CloseWindow

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Re: Doing a screenshot of a background window does not work

Post by freak »

In the past, invisible window parts were not actually rendered to save resources. The reason this works for you in Windows 7 is because of desktop composition where each window is rendered to an off-screen image for later compositing. If you switch off desktop composition on Windows 7 it will probably stop working as well.

What you should do is create an Image device context and then send #WM_PRINT to the target window to tell it to draw its content to your image.
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Re: Doing a screenshot of a background window does not work

Post by Kurzer »

Thank you folks for your enlightening insights into screencapturing.
IdeasVacuum wrote:Does it work if the target window is not a browser window?
No, same behavior with all kinds of windows.

@netmaestro, thank you very much for your sniplet. This one works with "PrintWindow_", a GDI command, wich was also mentioned by RSBasic in the german forum (I asked also in the german forum for a solution). PrintWindow_ works for me in all cases, but it captures the entire window. To get a small part of the window, I have to capture it into a big image and from there I have to grab the small rect at the desired x/y coordinate into a second image.

Would this be the correct way to grab a specified rect from another window?

PS: #CAPTUREBLT is not known on Windows XP SP3

PS2: You wrote the following remark: "Note: You can't use the hDC returned from StartDrawing()"
Why I cant use this DC? If I try the following code, the captured Window will be displayed in the CanvasGadget. Whats wrong with this approach?

Code: Select all

iBrowserWindowHandle = FindWindow_(0, "Rechner")
iCanvasDC = StartDrawing(CanvasOutput(Window_Settings_Canvas_Screenshot))
Printwindow_(iBrowserWindowHandle, iCanvasDC, 0)
@freak, thank you too for the explanation why it works with BitBlt_() on Windows 7. I am not very familiar with API, GDI and DeviceContext stuff, so I was unfortunately not able to write testcode from your suggestion with #WM_PRINT.
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