DropCallback() no cursor change

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DropCallback() no cursor change

Post by HeX0R »

From the manual regarding the return value of the DropCallBack():
By returning #False, the callback denies the action (the cursor will be changed to a "forbidden" cursor by the drag source)
The cursor changes in windows but not in linux (no idea about MacOS)!

Next problem is, we need quite some API calls to be able to check the drop items "on-the-fly" with nothing but x and y coordinates.
I'm still not sure if below is correct in any cases, wouldn't it be possible that GetGadgetState() would return the item below the cursor while dragging, instead of always returning the item which gets dragged?

Code: Select all

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS = #PB_OS_Linux
	ImportC ""
		gtk_widget_style_get(*Widget.GtkWidget, PropertyName.P-UTF8, *Value, Null)
		gtk_tree_view_convert_bin_window_to_tree_coords(*tree_view.GtkTreeView, bx.I, by.I, *wx, *wy)

Global DragFrom.i

Procedure DropCallback(TargetHandle, State, Format, Action, x, y)
	Protected Count, TreeItemHandle, i, H, Result = #True
	Count  = CountGadgetItems(0)
	CompilerSelect #PB_Compiler_OS
		CompilerCase #PB_OS_Windows 
			Protected TreeHandle
			TreeItemHandle = SendMessage_(GadgetID(0), #TVM_GETNEXTITEM, #TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE, #Null)
			For i = 0 To Count - 1
				If GadgetItemID(0, i) = TreeItemHandle
			Next i
			H = SendMessage_(GadgetID(0), 4380, 0, 0) ;#TVM_GETITEMHEIGHT = 4380
			i + Int(y / H)
		CompilerCase #PB_OS_Linux ;Thanks to Shardik: http://www.purebasic.fr/german/viewtopic.php?p=345109#p345109
			Protected Add, wx, wy
			gtk_tree_view_column_cell_get_size_(gtk_tree_view_get_column_(GadgetID(0), 0), #Null, #Null, #Null, #Null, @H)
			gtk_widget_style_get(GadgetID(0), "vertical-separator", @Add, 0)
			gtk_tree_view_convert_bin_window_to_tree_coords(GadgetID(0), x, y, @wx, @wy)
			y = wy
			H + Add
			i = Int(y / H)
		CompilerCase #PB_OS_MacOS ;Thanks to Shardik: http://www.purebasic.fr/german/viewtopic.php?p=345137#p345137
			CocoaMessage(@Frame, GadgetID(0), "frameOfOutlineCellAtRow:", 0)
			H = Frame\size\height
			i = Int(y / H)
	If i = 25
		Result = #False
	ProcedureReturn Result

Procedure OnDragStart()
	DragFrom = GetGadgetState(0)
	DragPrivate(1, #PB_Drag_Move)

Procedure OnDropped()
	;do nithing
	Debug "Dropped pos " + Str(DragFrom) + " to pos " + Str(GetGadgetState(0))

OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 300, 300, "tree drag&drop")
TreeGadget(0, 5, 5, 290, 290)
For i = 1 To 25
	AddGadgetItem(0, -1, "drop here")
Next i
AddGadgetItem(0, -1, "don't drop here!")
For i = 1 To 25
	AddGadgetItem(0, -1, "drop here")
Next i
EnableGadgetDrop(0, #PB_Drop_Private, #PB_Drag_Move, 1)
BindGadgetEvent(0, @OnDragStart(), #PB_EventType_DragStart)
BindEvent(#PB_Event_GadgetDrop, @OnDropped())

While WaitWindowEvent() <> #PB_Event_CloseWindow : Wend