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[Bug?] SetGadgetFont() on TreeGadget() with icons

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 12:32 pm
by Christian

when using the TreeGadget with icons and a custom set font / font size I observed a small thing: the text is not centered vertically with regard to the icons anymore. It's not a big thing, but it looks somehow ... ugly. (PB 5.51 x64 on macOS Sierra 10.12)

Here is a small example code:

Code: Select all


Define WindowEvent.q

LoadFont(0, "Verdana", 12)

If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 200, 500, "TreeGadget", #PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
  TreeGadget(0, 10, 10, WindowWidth(0) - 20, WindowHeight(0) - 20)
    SetGadgetFont(0, FontID(0))
  CreateImage(0, 16, 16)

  If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0))
    Box(0, 0, OutputWidth(), OutputHeight(), $CC3299)

  CreateImage(1, 16, 16)

  If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(1))
    Box(0, 0, OutputWidth(), OutputHeight(), $7A96E9)
  AddGadgetItem(0, -1, "Item", ImageID(0))
  AddGadgetItem(0, -1, "Subitem", ImageID(1), 1)
  SetGadgetItemState(0, 0, #PB_Tree_Expanded)

    WindowEvent = WaitWindowEvent()

    Select WindowEvent
  Until WindowEvent = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
Is this a bug or do I overlook something? Does anyone have an idea for a simple workaround?

Thanks and best regards,

Re: [Bug?] SetGadgetFont() on TreeGadget() with icons

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:27 pm
by WilliamL
Oh, I see what you mean. With the custom icons, the sub items are indented the custom icon width. Looks nice to me but it is not the same as the Help example. I tried it on 5.42LTS and 5.51b1x64 and the sub items are indented the same.

...maybe a bug.. or a feature. :)

Re: [Bug?] SetGadgetFont() on TreeGadget() with icons

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 1:41 pm
by Christian
Thanks for your answer, William. But, actually I don't mean the subitem indentation. What I mean is the vertical position of the text, which is not in the center (vertically) of the row height of any item. Here is a picture:


On the left is what purebasic does. On the right, how it should look like. It's only 2 or 3 pixels in this example with a custom font. But in my opinion it looks not nice how PB does it.

So, a bug?

Re: [Bug?] SetGadgetFont() on TreeGadget() with icons

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 10:18 pm
by Shardik
Christian wrote:So, a bug?
It looks indeed like a bug.

You may workaround this bug by using my old workaround for older PB versions (up to 5.11, in 5.24 this is fixed) which were not able to indent icons together with their node text. For your convenience I have taken that example and modified it to match your example and the vertical alignment of the node text now seems to look as you would like it (tested with MacOS 10.6.8 'Snow Leopard' and PB 5.44 x86):

Code: Select all


#NSSwitchButton = 3

Define i.I
Define Indentation.CGFloat = 25

Dim ButtonCell.I(0)

ProcedureC CellDisplayCallback(Object.I, Selector.I, OutlineView.I,
  TableColumn.I, Item.I)
  Shared ButtonCell.I()
  Protected Row.I = CocoaMessage(0, GadgetID(0), "rowForItem:", Item)

  If ButtonCell(Row) <> 0
    ProcedureReturn ButtonCell(Row)

Procedure SetGadgetCallback(GadgetID.I, GadgetCallback.I, Method.S)
  Protected AppDelegate.I
  Protected DelegateClass.I
  Protected PlaceholderList.S

  PlaceholderList = LSet("@:", CountString(Method, ":"), "@")
  AppDelegate = CocoaMessage(0, CocoaMessage(0, 0,
    "NSApplication sharedApplication"), "delegate")
  DelegateClass = CocoaMessage(0, AppDelegate, "class")
  class_addMethod_(DelegateClass, sel_registerName_(Method), GadgetCallback,
  CocoaMessage(0, GadgetID(GadgetID), "setDelegate:", AppDelegate)

Procedure AddImageToTreeRow(ImageID.I, Row.I)
  Shared ButtonCell.I()
  Protected ItemText.S
  Protected TableColumn.I

  TableColumn = CocoaMessage(0, CocoaMessage(0, GadgetID(0), "tableColumns"),
    "objectAtIndex:", 0)
  ButtonCell(Row) = CocoaMessage(0, 0, "NSButtonCell new")
  CocoaMessage(0, ButtonCell(Row), "setButtonType:", #NSSwitchButton)
  CocoaMessage(0, ButtonCell(Row), "setImage:", ImageID(ImageID))
  ItemText = GetGadgetItemText(0, Row)
  CocoaMessage(0, ButtonCell(Row), "setTitle:$", @ItemText)

CreateImage(0, 16, 16)

If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0))
  Box(0, 0, OutputWidth(), OutputHeight(), $CC3299)

CreateImage(1, 16, 16)

If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(1))
  Box(0, 0, OutputWidth(), OutputHeight(), $7A96E9)

LoadFont(0, "Verdana", 12)

OpenWindow(0, 270, 100, 140, 100, "Tree")
TreeGadget(0, 10, 10, WindowWidth(0) - 20, WindowHeight(0) - 20)
SetGadgetFont(0, FontID(0))

AddGadgetItem(0, -1, "Item", ImageID(0))
AddGadgetItem(0, -1, "Subitem", ImageID(1), 1)
SetGadgetItemState(0, 0, #PB_Tree_Expanded)

; ----- Setup callback for TreeGadget
SetGadgetCallback(0, @CellDisplayCallback(),

; ----- Add images to specified rows
ReDim ButtonCell(CountGadgetItems(0) - 1)
AddImageToTreeRow(0, 0)
AddImageToTreeRow(1, 1)

; ----- Don't indent indentation marker along with cell contents
CocoaMessage(0, GadgetID(0), "setIndentationMarkerFollowsCell:", #NO)

Until WaitWindowEvent() = #PB_Event_CloseWindow

; ----- Release NSButtonCell objects
For i = 0 To CountGadgetItems(0) - 1
  If ButtonCell(i) <> 0
    CocoaMessage(0, ButtonCell(i), "release")
Next i

Re: [Bug?] SetGadgetFont() on TreeGadget() with icons

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 6:24 pm
by Christian
Thanks for your sample code, Shardik. Unfortunately, it still does not align in fully correctly under macOS Sierra 10.12. It is now shifted a little bit to the top of the row instead of being shifted to the bottom. Apart from that I don't see where the exact position of the text is set in your code. Maybe you can point it out? I'm not so familiar with macOS programming and the Objective C classes and methods. :oops:

Re: [Bug?] SetGadgetFont() on TreeGadget() with icons

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:02 am
by Shardik
The easiest workaround without needing any API function should be to move the icon vertically down until it matches your preferred text position by increasing the height of your icon. I have taken your example and added the new constant #yOffset. Simply adjust #yOffset until the text is displayed in your preferred vertical position in relation to your icon:

Code: Select all


#yOffset = 3

Define WindowEvent.I

LoadFont(0, "Verdana", 12)

If OpenWindow(0, 270, 100, 140, 100, "Tree")
  TreeGadget(0, 10, 10, WindowWidth(0) - 20, WindowHeight(0) - 20)
  SetGadgetFont(0, FontID(0))
  CreateImage(0, 16, 16 + #yOffset, 32, $FFFFFF)

  If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0))
    Box(0, #yOffset, OutputWidth(), OutputHeight() - #yOffset, $CC3299)

  CreateImage(1, 16, 16 + #yOffset, 32, $FFFFFF)

  If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(1))
    Box(0, #yOffset, OutputWidth(), OutputHeight() - #yOffset, $7A96E9)
  AddGadgetItem(0, -1, "Item", ImageID(0))
  AddGadgetItem(0, -1, "Subitem", ImageID(1), 1)
  SetGadgetItemState(0, 0, #PB_Tree_Expanded)

    WindowEvent = WaitWindowEvent()

    Select WindowEvent
  Until WindowEvent = #PB_Event_CloseWindow

Re: [Bug?] SetGadgetFont() on TreeGadget() with icons

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 10:41 am
by Christian
Thanks, Shardik. I think these suggestion will help, until the bug is fixed. :)

Best regards,