Warning about potential objectionable content.

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Warning about potential objectionable content.

Post by Kuron »

I moved two years ago, and when I moved, I deleted my websites and my TinyPic account because I had no idea when I would be able to get back online. Unfortunately, it seems when an account or images are deleted, TinyPic puts the image tag numbers back into the queue so they can be reissued in the future for somebody else. This has lead to posts of mine that are many years old on another forum, now showing images that are NOT mine and in some cases are borderline obscene.

I know I have used TinyPic for pictures on Purebasic over the years. I have no control over what old pictures may be displayed, but if in searches for help, if you run into an old post of mine with an objectionable image, please flag the offending post for a mod. Or, send me a PM and I will edit the link out of the old post, if the forums will let me edit it.

Apologies in advance for any potential issues.
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Re: Warning about potential objectionable content.

Post by tj1010 »

Twitter does this with account handles. I think I even seen it with email addresses years back.. Yeah, epic-dumb design from a security engineering standpoint and pretty much every other standpoint...

Spammers and botnets actually scrape twitter looking for abandoned handles with search ranking and use them to spam and spread malware.. Twitter devs and security people don't seem to mind..

Equivalent stupidity using it for anything with search engine rankings likr GUID, UID, URI etc..

They were doing it with domains long before.
The truth hurts.
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