PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by Regenduft »

I just buried my plans of trying to make a small 3D game (not a public one, I'm to worse for that), because some essential "3D stuff" was missing. And now? EVERYTHING I WAS MISSING IS IMPLANTED IN THE NEW PB VERSION! :D

Since this is not the first time that something like this happens: Did I fail to see the "ReadCustomersMind()" function in the change log?
You guys are really amazing!
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by Polo »

Anyone would be kind enough to correct the Spanish catalog file of the Form Designer (I'm not very good in Spanish) and make a German translation? :)
I'm happy to add any other languages if someone makes a translation :)
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by dman »


Thank you for all your hard work!
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by luis »

BTW: I forgot to thank you, so thank you :)
- Added: Multi-dimensional arrays in structure support
AHHHH! At last ! :wink:

I like the add of favorites in the explorer too ! Handy.
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by venom27 »


Thank you all for your excellent work.
Congratulations, and good luck.

Sorry for the translation (google translation)

Windows 10 x64, PureBasic 5.71 Beta 1 x86 & x64
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by einander »

Hi Polo: here is the spanish correction. There are a few doubts, marked as <<< and ???.
Thanks for your good work!
; PureBasic Form Designer language file

Application = PB_FD
Language = Español
LastUpdated = 25/08/2012
Creator = Gaetan Dupont-Panon
Email = Support@PureBasic.com

Line1 = Totalmente desarrollado con PureBasic.
Line2 = Desarrollador:
Line3 = Gratis para uso con PureBasic. Este programa no puede venderse. <<<revenderse
Donate = Donar

General = General
Language = Idioma
CustomGadgets =Gadgets personalizados
PBAny = Utilizar #PB_Any por defecto para los nuevos Gadgets
VarCaption = Utilizar una variable para el título de los nuevos Gadgets.
GridVisible = Rejilla visible
GridSize = Tamaño de la rejilla:
Name = Nombre
InitCode = Inicializr código
CreateCode = Crear código
Help = Variables: %id% %x% %y% %w% %h% %txt% %hwnd%
Cancel = Cancelar
Save = Guardar
PanelLeft = Panel de herramientas en el lado izquierdo
PanelRight = Panel de herramientas en el lado derecho
OS = OS Skin:

Item = Elemento

Level = Nivel
Constant = Constante
Name = Nombre
Title = Título
Separator = Separador

WinName = Editor de Statusbar >>> barra de estado
Width = Ancho
Text = Texto
Image = Imagen
Alignment = Alineación
Flag = Flag
ProgressBar = Barra de progreso
Left = Izquierda
Center = Centro
Right = Derecha
Normal = Normal
Raised = Elevado
Borderless = Sin borde

WinName = Editor de la barra de herramientas
Constant = Constante
Tooltip = Tooltip
Image = Imagen
ToggleButton = Toggle Button >>>Boton de inversión
Separator = Separador


WinName = Gadget Z Order
Variable = Variable
Caption = Título

Select = Seleccionar...
SetRelativePath = Establecer ruta relativa

ImageURL = Imagen URL
SelectImage = Seleccionar imagen
RelativePath = Ruta relativa

Checked = Comprobado
Font = Fuente
Color = Color
FrontColor = FrontColor
BackColor = BackColor
SelectGadget = Seleccionar Gadget
InitCode = Inicar código
CreateCode = Crear código
Help = Ayuda
Min = Min <<< Mínimo
Max = Max <<< Máximo
InnerWidth = Ancho interior
InnerHeight = Altura interior
CurrentImage = Imagen actual
ChangeImage = Cambiar imagen
Variable = Variable
CaptionIsVariable = El título es una variable
Caption = Título
Mask = Mascara
Width = Ancho
Height = Altura
Hidden = Oculto
Disabled = Deshabilitado
Objects = Objetos
Properties = Propiedades
???GenEventProc = Generar procedimiento de eventos
SelectFile = Seleccionar archivo
SelectProc = Seleccionar procedimiento
SplitterPosition = Posición de Splitter

FirstGadget = Primer gadget:
SecondGadget = Segundo gadget:
StartDrawing = Dibujar
Cancel = Cancelar
SelectError = Debe seleccionar dos gadgets diferentes.
GadgetListError = Los dos gadgets tienen que pertenecer a la misma gadget list.

???SelectEventFileFirst = Debe primero seleccionar un archivo de evento.
QuitMessage = El fichero <%filename%> no se ha guardado. ¿Desea guardarlo ahora?
FileAlreadyOpened = Este archivo ya está abierto.
DeleteItemConfirm = ¿Realmente desea eliminar este elemento?
???MoveGadgetWarning = Este gadget no se puede mover a su elemento padre o gadget.
DeleteGadgetWarning = Va a eliminar un gadget (y todos sus elementos adjuntos). ¿Desea continuar?
SaveRequiredWarning = Primero debe guardar su proyecto.
ResizeGadgetImg = ¿Quiere ajustar el tamaño del gadget al de la imagen?
Selectimage = Seleccionar imagen ...
MaskAllFiles = Todos los archivos (* *.) | *. *
MaskPBF = PureBasic Form (*.pbf)|*.pbf
MaskPB = PureBasic Archivo (*.pb)|*.pb;*.pbi
OpenProject = Abrir proyecto ...
SaveProject = Guardar proyecto...
NoGadgetSelected = gadget no seleccionado (o opción no aplicable).
ChooseItemName = Seleccione el nombre del elemento
AddItemWarning = No se puede agregar un elemento al gadget seleccionado.
ChangesWarning = Los cambios no se guardarán. ¿Desea continuar?
NewTabName = Introduzca el nuevo nombre del elemento:
File = File
Home = Inicio
New = Nuevo
Open = Abierto
Save = Guardar
SaveAs = Guardar Como ...
Rename = Renombrar
Delete = Eliminar
SelectAll = Seleccionar todo
RemoveColour = Eliminar color
RemoveFont = Eliminar fuente
Cut = Cortar
Copy = Copiar
Paste = Pegar
Duplicate = Duplicar
AddItem = Agregar elemento
EditItems = Editar elementos
ZOrder = Orden
Menu = Menú
Toolbar = Toolbar <<<Barra de herramientas
Statusbar = Statusbar <<<Barra de estado
Images = Imagenes
Window = Ventana
Gadgets = Gadgets
View = Vista
Clipboard = Portapapeles
DesignView = Ver Diseño
CodeView = Ver Código
Preferences = Preferencias
About = Acerca de
Data = Datos
DataInput = Entrada de datos
DataList = Lista de datos
Action = Acción
DecorationContainers = Decoración/Contenedores
Decoration = Decoración
Containers = Contenedores
AlignLeft = Alinear los gadgets seleccionados a la izquierda
AlignTop = Alinear los gadgets seleccionados al tope
AlignWidth = Alinear los gadgets seleccionados al ancho
AlignHeight = Alinear los gadgets seleccionados a la altura
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by Polo »

Many thanks einander!! :)
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by hichem »

Thank you for all your hard work!
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by Demivec »

Thank you for the additions and improvements! :D
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by Zebuddi123 »

Thank you Fred and team Great job and congratulation to Polo 1st unified Visual Designer across all Platforms :lol:

Zebuddi. :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by RichAlgeni »

Amazing progress, literally speechless! Luckily, I can still type!

Thanks so much, all of you! Fred, Freak and team!

Thank you Polo, the visual designer is beautiful!
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by Andre »

Polo wrote:Anyone would be kind enough to correct the Spanish catalog file of the Form Designer (I'm not very good in Spanish) and make a German translation? :)
Here comes the german translation... 8)

Probably there are some better /shorter german words for some of the entries, but it should be a good start! :D
; PureBasic Form Designer language file

Application = PB_FD
Language = Deutsch
LastUpdated = 31/08/2012
Creator = Andre Beer
Email = Support@PureBasic.com

Line1 = Vollständig entwickelt mit PureBasic.
Line2 = Entwickler:
Line3 = Kostenfrei für die Verwendung mit Purebasic. Dieses Programm kann nicht erneut verkauft werden.
Donate = Spenden

General = Allgemein
Language = Sprache
CustomGadgets = Custom-Gadgets
PBAny = Neue Gadgets verwenden standardmäßig #PB_Any.
VarCaption = Neue Gadgets verwenden eine Variable als Beschriftung.
GridVisible = Gitternetz sichtbar
GridSize = Gitter-Größe:
Name = Name
InitCode = Start-Code
CreateCode = Code erstellen
Help = Variablen: %id% %x% %y% %w% %h% %txt% %hwnd%
Cancel = Abbruch
Save = Speichern
PanelLeft = Werkzeugtafel auf der linken Seite
PanelRight = Werkzeugtafel auf der rechten Seite
OS = OS Skin:

Item = Eintrag

Level = Level
Constant = Konstante
Name = Name
Title = Titel
Separator = Separator

WinName = Statusleisten-Editor
Width = Breite
Text = Text
Image = Bild
Alignment = Ausrichtung
Flag = Flag
ProgressBar = Fortschrittsanzeige?
Left = Links
Center = Zentrieren
Right = Rechts
Normal = Normal
Raised = Erhoben
Borderless = Randlos

WinName = Werkzeugleisten-Editor
Constant = Konstante
Tooltip = Tooltip
Image = Bild
ToggleButton = Umschalt-Taste
Separator = Separator?


WinName = Gadget Z Reihenfolge
Variable = Variable
Caption = Beschriftung

Select = Auswählen...
SetRelativePath = Relativen Pfad festlegen

ImageURL = Bild-URL
SelectImage = Bild auswählen
RelativePath = Relativer Pfad

Checked = Ausgewählt
Font = Zeichensatz
Color = Farbe
FrontColor = Vordergrundfarbe
BackColor = Hintergrundfarbe
SelectGadget = Gadget auswählen
InitCode = Start-Code
CreateCode = Code erstellen
Help = Hilfe
Min = Min
Max = Max
InnerWidth = Innere Breite
InnerHeight = Innere Höhe
CurrentImage = Aktuelles Bild
ChangeImage = Bild ändern
Variable = Variable
CaptionIsVariable = Beschriftung ist eine Variable?
Caption = Beschriftung
Mask = Maske
Width = Breite
Height = Höhe
Hidden = Versteckt
Disabled = Deaktiviert
Objects = Objekte
Properties = Eigenschaften
GenEventProc = Ereignis-Prozedur erstellen?
SelectFile = Ereignis-Datei
SelectProc = Ereignis-Prozedur
SplitterPosition = Splitter-Position

FirstGadget = Erstes Gadget:
SecondGadget = Zweites Gadget:
StartDrawing = Zeichnen starten
Cancel = Abbruch
SelectError = Sie müssen zwei verschiedene Gadgets auswählen.
GadgetListError = Die zwei Gadgets müssen zur gleichen Gadgetliste gehören.

SelectEventFileFirst = Sie müssen zuerst eine Ereignis-Datei auswählen.
QuitMessage = Die Datei <%filename%> wurde noch nicht gespeicht. Möchten Sie sie jetzt speichern?
FileAlreadyOpened = Diese Datei ist bereits geöffnet.
DeleteItemConfirm = Möchten Sie diesen Eintrag wirklich löschen?
MoveGadgetWarning = Dieses Gadget kann nicht vor seinem übergeordneten Gadget oder Eintrag verschoben werden.
DeleteGadgetWarning = Sie sind beim Löschen eines Gadgets (und all seiner zugehörigen Child-Einträge). Möchten Sie fortfahren?
SaveRequiredWarning = Sie müssen erst Ihr Projekt speichern.
ResizeGadgetImg = Möchten Sie das Gadget auf die Größe des Bildes anpassen?
SelectImage = Bild auswählen...
MaskAllFiles = Alle Dateien (*.*)|*.*
MaskPBF = PureBasic Form (*.pbf)|*.pbf
MaskPB = PureBasic Datei (*.pb)|*.pb;*.pbi
OpenProject = Projekt öffnen...
SaveProject = Projekt speichern...
NoGadgetSelected = Kein Gadget ausgewählt (oder Gadget-Einträge nicht anwendbar).
ChooseItemName = Wählen Sie den Namen des Eintrags
AddItemWarning = Kann zum ausgewählten Gadget keinen Eintrag hinzufügen.
ChangesWarning = Änderungen werden nicht gespeichert. Möchten Sie fortfahren?
NewTabName = Geben Sie den Namen des Tab ein:
File = Datei
Home = Home
New = Neu
Open = Öffnen
Save = Speichern
SaveAs = Speichern als...
Rename = Umbenennen
Delete = Löschen
SelectAll = Alle auswählen
RemoveColour = Farbe entfernen
RemoveFont = Zeichensatz entfernen
Cut = Ausschneiden
Copy = Kopieren
Paste = Einfügen
Duplicate = Duplizieren
AddItem = Eintrag hinzufügen
EditItems = Einträge bearbeiten
ZOrder = Reihenfolge
Menu = Menü
Toolbar = Werkzeugleiste
Statusbar = Statusleiste
Images = Bilder
Window = Fenster
Gadgets = Gadgets
View = Ansicht
Clipboard = Zwischenablage
DesignView = Design-Ansicht
CodeView = Code-Ansicht
Preferences = Einstellungen
About = Über
Data = Daten
DataInput = Daten-Eingabe
DataList = Daten-Liste
Action = Aktion
DecorationContainers = Dekoration/Container
Decoration = Dekoration
Containers = Container
AlignLeft = Ausgewählte Gadgets auf der linken Seite ausrichten
AlignTop = Ausgewählte Gadgets nach oben ausrichten
AlignWidth = Breite der ausgewählten Gadgets ausrichten
AlignHeight = Höhe der ausgewählten Gadgets ausrichten
Remove = Entfernen
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by Polo »

Wow thanks a lot Andre!! :)
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2

Post by Zach »

Well, I certainly was not expecting this 8)
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Re: PureBasic 5.00 beta 2 -- Can`i initialize engine3d

Post by Zebuddi123 »

Hi to all

Error Can`t initialize engine 3d since installing pb 5 beta 2 even in 4.61 getting this error. have put engine3d.dll in working folder but still the same problem. although i don't normally touch 3d or games stuff when i have had a little play putting engine3d.dll in the current source code folder has always worked any ideas ?

Thanks Zebuddi. :oops:
malleo, caput, bang. Ego, comprehendunt in tempore
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