Sending to SMTP server

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Sending to SMTP server

Post by bhicketts »

Hi, I have purebasic 5.60 x86 running on windows 7 32-bit. When I run the code below it functions perfectly. I tried the same code on my laptop and it fails . Always gives error 0. The laptop is running windows 10 64-bit. I've tried with PB 5.6 x86 and 64 but it's still the same. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Code: Select all



Define CRLF.s=Chr(13)+Chr(10)
Define result.i
Define mailNumber.i 
Define mailHost.s     = ""
Define userName.s     = ""
Define mailFrom.s 
Define password.s     = "bjh582946"
Define mailTo.s       = ""
Define subject.s      = "64 bit email Test using TLS Encryption"
Define emailBody.s    
Define mailPort.i     = 587

emailbody="Dear Sir/Madam, this email is from PureBasic Version 5.40 TLS Encryption."+CRLF
PrintN("SendEmail() > About to create mail!")

mailNumber = CreateMail(#PB_Any, userName, subject)
If mailNumber > 0
    AddMailRecipient(mailNumber, mailTo, #PB_Mail_To)
    SetMailBody(mailNumber, emailBody)
    result = SendMail(mailNumber, mailHost, mailPort, #PB_Mail_UseSSL, userName, password)
    PrintN("SendEmail() > completed, return value: " + Str(result))
    PrintN("SendEmail() > error creating mail process")

