Casual recipe pdf finder/lister (needs work)

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PureBasic Protozoa
PureBasic Protozoa
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Casual recipe pdf finder/lister (needs work)

Post by Fangbeast »

I needed a simple lister & searcher for my wife's scanned pdf recipe collection and came up with this. Nothing special, needs a few buttons of your own (lazy sods) and needs improving but it works for what I need.

Somehow, srod's underpants made it in there again, don't know why :):):)

If anyone can make some nice improvements, I'd be happy with that.

Code: Select all

; Visual designer generated

;- Required Image Decoders


Define EventID, MenuID, GadgetID, WindowID

;- Window Constants

Enumeration 1

#WindowIndex = #PB_Compiler_EnumerationValue

;- Gadget Constants

Enumeration 1
  ; Window_Recipeview

#GadgetIndex = #PB_Compiler_EnumerationValue

;- Image Constants

Enumeration 1

#ImageIndex = #PB_Compiler_EnumerationValue

;- Load Images

CatchImage(#Image_Recipeview_Getdirectory,  ?_OPT_Recipeview_Getdirectory)
CatchImage(#Image_Recipeview_Printrecipe,   ?_OPT_Recipeview_Printrecipe)
CatchImage(#Image_Recipeview_Showhelp,      ?_OPT_Recipeview_Showhelp)
CatchImage(#Image_Recipeview_Exitprogram,   ?_OPT_Recipeview_Exitprogram)

; Data section

  _OPT_Recipeview_Getdirectory: : IncludeBinary "Images\_54x54\Open.Png"
  _OPT_Recipeview_Printrecipe:  : IncludeBinary "Images\_54x54\Print.png"
  _OPT_Recipeview_Showhelp:     : IncludeBinary "Images\_54x54\Help.Png"
  _OPT_Recipeview_Exitprogram:  : IncludeBinary "Images\_54x54\Exit.png"

; Encapsulated window code

Procedure.i Window_Recipeview()
  If OpenWindow(#Window_Recipeview, 59, 68, 1195, 785, "Simple recipe finder", #PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_MinimizeGadget|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered|#PB_Window_Invisible)
      ListIconGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, 5, 5, 290, 670, "Recipe name", 260, #PB_ListIcon_FullRowSelect|#PB_ListIcon_AlwaysShowSelection)
        AddGadgetColumn(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, 1, "Directory", 0)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, LoadFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, "Segoe Print", 10, 0))
      WebGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipeview, 300, 5, 890, 670, "")
      ContainerGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_cControl, 5, 680, 1185, 70, #PB_Container_BorderLess)
      ImageGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_Getdirectory, 5, 5, 54, 54, ImageID(#Image_Recipeview_Getdirectory))
      ImageGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_Printrecipe, 65, 5, 54, 54, ImageID(#Image_Recipeview_Printrecipe))
      ImageGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_Showhelp, 125, 5, 54, 54, ImageID(#Image_Recipeview_Showhelp))
      StringGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipedirectory, 295, 5, 815, 25, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetColor(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipedirectory, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $D8D8D8)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipedirectory, LoadFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipedirectory, "Segoe Print", 10, 0))
      StringGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipecategory, 295, 35, 255, 25, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetColor(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipecategory, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $D8D8D8)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipecategory, LoadFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipecategory, "Segoe Print", 10, 0))
      StringGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesubcategory, 560, 35, 255, 25, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetColor(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesubcategory, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $D8D8D8)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesubcategory, LoadFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesubcategory, "Segoe Print", 10, 0))
      StringGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesearch, 825, 35, 285, 25, "", #PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesearch, LoadFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesearch, "Segoe Print", 10, 0))
      ImageGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_Exitprogram, 1120, 5, 54, 54, ImageID(#Image_Recipeview_Exitprogram))
      ContainerGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_cStatusbar, 5, 755, 1185, 25, #PB_Container_BorderLess)
      StringGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_sStatus, 0, 5, 110, 20, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_sStatus, LoadFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_sStatus, "Segoe Print", 9, 0))
      StringGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_sMessage, 115, 5, 835, 20, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_sMessage, LoadFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_sMessage, "Segoe Print", 9, 0))
      StringGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_sCurrent, 955, 5, 110, 20, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_sCurrent, LoadFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_sCurrent, "Segoe Print", 9, 0))
      StringGadget(#Gadget_Recipeview_sRecords, 1070, 5, 110, 20, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_sRecords, LoadFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_sRecords, "Segoe Print", 9, 0))
      HideWindow(#Window_Recipeview, 0)
    ProcedureReturn WindowID(#Window_Recipeview)

; My personal constants, declarations etc

Declare   RemoveBorders(GadgetConstant.i)                                                             ; Remove borders from various gadgets

; Program helpers

Declare   GetRecipeDirectory()                                                                        ; Scan recipe directory and load filenames
Declare   LoadLastDirectory()                                                                         ; Load the last directory used
Declare   SaveLastDirectory()                                                                         ; Save the last directory scanned
Declare   SetInfoBarArea(FieldName.s, FieldStatus.s = "##Error##", MessageContent.s = "0", ModuleName.s = #Empty$)  ; Handle the fake statusbar area messages


Declare   SearchEngine(Searchpath.s)                                                                  ; Search and list recipes from a directory
Declare   SearchRecipes()                                                                             ; Search recipes in linked list and display matches
Declare   ShowRecipe()                                                                                ; Load the recipe into the webgadget to display it

; My personal constants

#Author                         = "Srod's underpants"                                                 ; Author's name
#CopyRight                      = "Big Smeghead productions 2018 "                                    ; Copyright holder
#Basename                       = "RecipeView "                                                       ; Base name for initialisation file and database
#Version                        = "v0.00."                                                            ; Program version
#Program                        = #Basename + #Version                                                ; Copyright string
#SystrayNote                    = "Hello, "+ #Program + " is hiding here"                             ; System tray note


#Fish                           = "<°)))o><²³  "                                                      ; Beware the fish!!

#AtTheEndOfTheList              = -1                                                                  ; 
#FirstItemInList                =  0                                                                  ; 

#NoFileCreated                  =  0                                                                  ; 

#NoFileFound                    = -1                                                                  ; 
#NoFileRead                     =  0                                                                  ; 
#FileIsDirectory                = -2                                                                  ; 

Structure ProgramData                                                                                ; 
  QuitValue.i                                                                                         ; 
  CurrentDirectory.s                                                                                  ; 
  LastSelectedRecipe.i                                                                                ; 
  CompileCounters.s                                                                                   ; Compiler and build counter
  ; Dealing with search cues in search boxes
  SearchCueFont.i                                                                                     ; Searchbox cue font
  SearchNormalFont.i                                                                                  ; Searchbox normal font
  SearchCueText.s                                                                                     ; The cue text to be passed to search windows
  SearchFileMarker.s                                                                                  ; 
EndStructure                                                                                         ; 


Structure RecipeNames                                                                                ; 
  Recipename.s                                                                                        ; 
  RecipeCategory.s                                                                                    ; 
EndStructure                                                                                         ; 


Global Program.ProgramData                                                                             ; 

Global NewList Recipes.RecipeNames()                                                                  ; 
Global NewList FoundDirectories.s()                                                                   ; List of dirs found by the search engine

; Create your program directories

Program\CompileCounters     = Str(#PB_Editor_CompileCount) + "." + Str(#PB_Editor_BuildCount) + "a"   ; Add to program version

; Initial program window quit state

Program\QuitValue           =  #False                                                                 ; Initial program quit value

Program\CurrentDirectory.s  = GetCurrentDirectory()                                                   ; 

Program\SearchFileMarker.s = Program\CurrentDirectory.s + "LastDirectorySearched.txt"                 ; 

; Setup the search box cue fonts

Program\SearchCueFont         = LoadFont(#PB_Any,   "Georgia",     10, #PB_Font_Italic)               ; Empty search cue font
Program\SearchNormalFont      = LoadFont(#PB_Any,   "Segoe Print", 10, 0)                             ; Filled cue box font
Program\SearchCueText.s       = Space(256)                                                            ; Set the cue text buffer

PokeS(@Program\SearchCueText, "Type your search string in here", -1, #PB_Unicode)                     ; 

; Program shortcut keys
Enumeration #GadgetIndex                                                                             ; 
  #StartSearching                                                                                     ; 
EndEnumeration                                                                                       ; 

; Generic procedures

; Remove borders from various gadgets

Procedure RemoveBorders(GadgetConstant.i)
  ; Get the gadget type from the passed gadget constant

  GadgetType.i = GadgetType(GadgetConstant.i)
  ; Select the gadget type
  Select GadgetType.i

    ; Do the below if it is a ListIconGadget
    Case  #PB_GadgetType_ListIcon
      ; Remove borders from ListIconGadgets
      OldStyle.i  = GetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), #GWL_EXSTYLE)
      NewStyle.i  = OldStyle.i & ( ~ #WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)
      SetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), #GWL_EXSTYLE, NewStyle.i)
      SetWindowPos_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, #SWP_SHOWWINDOW | #SWP_NOSIZE | #SWP_NOMOVE | #SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
    Case #PB_GadgetType_Editor
      ; Remove border from editorgadget (comment) field. Stiil leaves a 1 pixel border but that looks good here
      ;       SetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), #GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), #GWL_EXSTYLE) & (~#WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE))
      ;       SetWindowPos_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, #SWP_SHOWWINDOW | #SWP_NOSIZE | #SWP_NOMOVE | #SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
      OldStyle.i  = GetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), #GWL_EXSTYLE)
      NewStyle.i  = OldStyle.i & ( ~ #WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)
      SetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), #GWL_EXSTYLE, NewStyle.i)
      SetWindowTheme_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), @null.w, @null.w)
      ; SetWindowPos_(GadgetID(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, #SWP_SHOWWINDOW | #SWP_NOSIZE | #SWP_NOMOVE | #SWP_FRAMECHANGED) ; required for this to work on my Win98
      ; -- End removing border from EditorGadget --

; Program helpers

; Scan recipe directory and load filenames

Procedure GetRecipeDirectory()
  ; Get the pdf recipe directory that we need to scan
  Recipespath.s = PathRequester("What directory to search?", "D:\smeg\Documents\Underpants (Bollocks)\Cooking & Recipes\")
  If Recipespath.s  <> #Empty$
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipedirectory, Recipespath.s)
    ; Add the recipe names to a linked list with their category name
    ; Add the directory name to the form and save it to an ini file
    ; The user cancelled the operation

; Load the last directory used

Procedure LoadLastDirectory()
  FileSeeker.i = FileSize(Program\SearchFileMarker.s)
  If FileSeeker.i <>  #NoFileFound Or FileSeeker.i <>  #FileIsDirectory
    CheckLastUsed.i = ReadFile(#PB_Any, Program\SearchFileMarker.s)
    If CheckLastUsed.i <> #NoFileRead
      Recipespath.s = ReadString(CheckLastUsed.i)
      If Recipespath.s <> #Empty$
        LastUsedDirectory.i = FileSize(Recipespath.s)
        If LastUsedDirectory.i = #FileIsDirectory
          SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipedirectory, Recipespath.s)
          ; Last used recipe directory cannot be found
        ; The last used recipe directory is empty
      ; Can't open the last used file marker
    ; Can't find the last used file marker

; Save the last directory scanned

Procedure SaveLastDirectory()
  Recipespath.s = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipedirectory)
  If Recipespath.s <> #Empty$
    SaveFile.i = CreateFile(#PB_Any, Program\SearchFileMarker.s)
    If SaveFile.i <> #NoFileCreated
      WriteString(SaveFile.i, Recipespath.s)
      ; Last used recipe path marker was not created
    ; No recipes path to save

; Handle the fake statusbar area messages

Procedure SetInfoBarArea(FieldName.s, FieldStatus.s = "##Error##", MessageContent.s = "0", ModuleName.s = #Empty$)
  ; Select the name of the field to put our heading string
  Select FieldName.s
    ; Select the correct heading by the status field
    Case "Headings"
      Select FieldStatus.s
        Case "Welcome"
          MessageHeader.s = "Welcome"
          Colour.i        = $615E5F
        Case "Info"
          MessageHeader.s = "Information"
          Colour.i        = $DB3D24
        Case "Warn"
          MessageHeader.s = "Warning"
          Colour.i        = $7D1F82
        Case "Tool"
          MessageHeader.s = "Tooltip"
          Colour.i        = $FF0000
      ; Send all the strings to the fake status bar area
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_sStatus,     MessageHeader.s)
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_sMessage,    MessageContent.s)
      SetGadgetColor(#Gadget_Recipeview_sStatus,    #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, Colour.i)
    Case "Current"
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_sCurrent, "Recipe " + MessageContent.s)
    Case "Records"
      ; Figure out the correct spelling for the record field for singles or multiples
      If Val(MessageContent.s)      = 0
        RecordHeader.s = "Recipes"
      ElseIf Val(MessageContent.s) = 1
        RecordHeader.s = "Recipe"
      ElseIf Val(MessageContent.s) > = 2
        RecordHeader.s = "Recipes"
      ; Set the record number details in the fake status bar area
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_sRecords, FormatNumber(ValD(MessageContent.s), 0, ".", ",") + " " + RecordHeader.s)

; Recipe related procedures

; Search and list recipes from a directory

Procedure SearchEngine(Searchpath.s)
  PseudoCounter.i = 0
  If Searchpath.s <> #Empty$
    If Right(Searchpath.s, 1) = "\"
      Searchpath.s = Left(Searchpath.s, Len(Searchpath.s) - 1)
    FoundDirectories.s() = Searchpath.s
    Index.i = 0
      SelectElement(FoundDirectories.s(), Index.i)
      Directory.i = ExamineDirectory(#PB_Any, FoundDirectories.s(), "*.*")
      If Directory.i
        Path.s = FoundDirectories.s() + "\"
        While NextDirectoryEntry(Directory.i)
          Filename.s = DirectoryEntryName(Directory.i)
          Select DirectoryEntryType(Directory.i)
            Case #PB_DirectoryEntry_File
              If LCase(GetExtensionPart(Filename.s)) = "pdf"
                CurrentRecipeName.s = Left(Filename.s, Len(Filename.s)  - Len(GetExtensionPart(Filename.s)) - 1)
                CurrentCategory.s   = Path.s
                If Len(CurrentRecipeName.s) And Len(CurrentCategory.s)
                  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, #AtTheEndOfTheList, CurrentRecipeName.s  + #LF$  + Path.s)
                  PseudoCounter.i + 1
                  Recipes()\Recipename.s      = CurrentRecipeName.s
                  Recipes()\RecipeCategory.s  = CurrentCategory.s
                  ; Recipe name or directory is empty
                ; This isn't a PDF file so ignore it
            Case #PB_DirectoryEntry_Directory
              Filename.s = DirectoryEntryName(Directory.i)
              If Filename.s <> ".." And Filename.s <> "."
                FoundDirectories() = Path.s + Filename.s
      Index.i + 1
    Until Index.i > ListSize(FoundDirectories()) -1
  If CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames)
    SetGadgetState(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, #FirstItemInList)
    SetGadgetItemState(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, #FirstItemInList, #PB_ListIcon_Selected)
    SetInfoBarArea("Records",   #Empty$, Str(CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames)))
    PostEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, #Window_Recipeview, #Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, #PB_EventType_Change)
    ; There were no PDF recipes files found in the directory

; Search recipes in linked list and display matches

Procedure SearchRecipes()
  If GetActiveGadget()  = #Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesearch
    PseudoCounter.i = 0
    SearchText.s = LCase(GetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesearch))
    If Len(SearchText.s)
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesearch, #Empty$)
      If Left(SearchText.s, 2) = "//"
        ForEach Recipes()
          SearchText.s = RemoveString(SearchText.s, "//", #PB_String_NoCase, 1)
          If FindString(Recipes()\RecipeCategory.s, SearchText.s, 1, #PB_String_NoCase) <> #False
            AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, #AtTheEndOfTheList, Recipes()\Recipename.s  + #LF$  + Recipes()\RecipeCategory.s)
            PseudoCounter.i + 1
            ; No string match so don't display this line
        ForEach Recipes()
          If FindString(Recipes()\Recipename.s, SearchText.s, 1, #PB_String_NoCase) <> #False
            AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, #AtTheEndOfTheList, Recipes()\Recipename.s  + #LF$  + Recipes()\RecipeCategory.s)
            PseudoCounter.i + 1
            ; No string match so don't display this line
      ; No search text so do not proceed
    ; Nothing to do as Returnw asn't pressed from the search bar
  If CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames)
    SetGadgetState(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, #FirstItemInList)
    SetGadgetItemState(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, #FirstItemInList, #PB_ListIcon_Selected)
    SetInfoBarArea("Records",   #Empty$, Str(CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames)))
    PostEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, #Window_Recipeview, #Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, #PB_EventType_Change)
    ; There were no PDF recipes files found in the directory

; Load the recipe into the webgadget to display it

Procedure ShowRecipe()
  CurrentLine.i = GetGadgetState(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames)
  If CurrentLine.i >= 0
    Program\LastSelectedRecipe.i  = CurrentLine.i
    RecipeName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, CurrentLine.i, 0)  ;: Debug RecipeName.s
    RecipePath.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, CurrentLine.i, 1)  ;: Debug RecipePath.s
    If RecipePath.s + RecipeName.s
      SetInfoBarArea("Current",   #Empty$, Str(CurrentLine.i))
      NumberOfSeparators.i = CountString(RecipePath.s, "\")
      If NumberOfSeparators.i > 1
        SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipecategory,    StringField(RecipePath.s, NumberOfSeparators.i - 1, "\"))
        SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesubcategory, StringField(RecipePath.s, NumberOfSeparators.i,     "\"))
      ElseIf NumberOfSeparators.i = 1
        SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipecategory,    StringField(RecipePath.s, NumberOfSeparators.i,     "\"))
        SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesubcategory, #Empty$)
        SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipecategory,    #Empty$)
        SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesubcategory, #Empty$)
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipeview, RecipePath.s + RecipeName.s  + ".pdf")
      SetGadgetState(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, Program\LastSelectedRecipe.i)
      SetGadgetItemState(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames, Program\LastSelectedRecipe.i, #PB_ListIcon_Selected)      

      ; The recipe path and recipe name were empty

    ; There is no current line to display

; Main event handler

If Window_Recipeview()
  Program\QuitValue = #False
  ;// Add keyboard shortcuts
  AddKeyboardShortcut(#Window_Recipeview, #PB_Shortcut_Return, #StartSearching)
  ;// Remove the ListIconGadget borders
  ;// Limit the number of search box characters and set the cue banner text. These variables are set in the MyStuff_Myconstants file.
  SendMessage_(GadgetID(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesearch), #EM_SETLIMITTEXT, 67, 0)
  SendMessage_(GadgetID(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesearch), #EM_SETCUEBANNER,  1,  Program\SearchCueText)
  ;// Set initial search string font to be italic font
  SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipesearch, FontID(Program\SearchCueFont))
  ;// Load the recipes from the last used recipe directory
  ;// Setup initial welcome dialogues in the fake statusbar area
  SetInfoBarArea("Headings",  "Welcome",    "Welcome to " + #Fish + #Basename + #Version + Program\CompileCounters  + ", Have a nice day")
  SetInfoBarArea("Current",   #Empty$, "0")
  SetInfoBarArea("Records",   #Empty$, Str(CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames)))
  ;// Main event handler
    EventID  =  WaitWindowEvent()
    MenuID   =  EventMenu()
    GadgetID =  EventGadget()
    WindowID =  EventWindow()
    Select EventID
      Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
        Select WindowID
          Case  #Window_Recipeview                : Program\QuitValue  = #True
      Case #PB_Event_Menu
        Select MenuID
          Case  #StartSearching                   : SearchRecipes()
      Case #PB_Event_Gadget
        Select GadgetID
          Case #Gadget_Recipeview_Recipenames
            Select EventType()
              Case #PB_EventType_Change           : ShowRecipe()
          Case #Gadget_Recipeview_Getdirectory
            Select EventType()
              Case #PB_EventType_LeftClick        : GetRecipeDirectory()
          Case #Gadget_Recipeview_Printrecipe     : ; PrintSelectedRecipe()
          Case #Gadget_Recipeview_Showhelp        : ; ShowProgramHelp()
          Case #Gadget_Recipeview_Exitprogram     : Program\QuitValue  = #True
  Until Program\QuitValue

Amateur Radio, D-STAR/VK3HAF
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Re: Casual recipe pdf finder/lister (needs work)

Post by Bisonte »

I think you should offer the included pictures for download somewhere.
That would make it much easier to try it out. ;)
PureBasic 6.10 LTS (Windows x86/x64) | Windows10 Pro x64 | Asus TUF X570 Gaming Plus | R9 5900X | 64GB RAM | GeForce RTX 3080 TI iChill X4 | HAF XF Evo | build by vannicom​​
English is not my native language... (I often use DeepL to translate my texts.)
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Re: Casual recipe pdf finder/lister (needs work)

Post by Fangbeast »

Bisonte wrote:I think you should offer the included pictures for download somewhere.
That would make it much easier to try it out. ;)
Programmers are quite resourceful people and can find their own or make their own. Rashad regularly publishes code to draw his own with his many forum examples, he isn't lazy like me:):)

And what's so hard about substituting ButtonImageGadget with ButtonGadget? I am not going to constantly include graphics with my 'tips and tricks' unless they turn out to be fully fledged programs one day, it's too hard to run around finding places. I think programmers can figure these things out for themselves at any rate.
Amateur Radio, D-STAR/VK3HAF
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Re: Casual recipe pdf finder/lister (needs work)

Post by Bisonte »

But one thing must never be forgotten. Programmers are the laziest people... with the attention span of a housefly. I'm one of them, I know what I'm talking about. :mrgreen:

I just wanted to say that the chances of feedback are higher when it can be started out-of-the-box.
PureBasic 6.10 LTS (Windows x86/x64) | Windows10 Pro x64 | Asus TUF X570 Gaming Plus | R9 5900X | 64GB RAM | GeForce RTX 3080 TI iChill X4 | HAF XF Evo | build by vannicom​​
English is not my native language... (I often use DeepL to translate my texts.)
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Re: Casual recipe pdf finder/lister (needs work)

Post by srod »

Bisonte wrote:I just wanted to say that the chances of feedback are higher when it can be started out-of-the-box.
You wouldn't want to open any box which fangles has had his grubby hands on. At least, not before getting your dog to sniff the box before opening! Actually, considering the dog is likely to drop dead on the spot, better use the neighbour's dog! :)
I may look like a mule, but I'm not a complete ass.
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PureBasic Protozoa
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Re: Casual recipe pdf finder/lister (needs work)

Post by Fangbeast »

Bisonte wrote:But one thing must never be forgotten. Programmers are the laziest people... with the attention span of a housefly. I'm one of them, I know what I'm talking about. :mrgreen:

I just wanted to say that the chances of feedback are higher when it can be started out-of-the-box.
Well, that's true and I don't care about them:):) Look at that lazy tart srod, he gave feedback when you said I had less chance of getting any!!

But then, what else was he going to do when he had abused the mixed sheep and goat collection of his and he had all that time on his hands now?

I did wonder though, what were his underpants doing on the male goat? Ball slingshot??? Weird!
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Re: Casual recipe pdf finder/lister (needs work)

Post by Fangbeast »

You wouldn't want to open any box which fangles has had his grubby hands on.
I didn't use my hands, I used your goat!!
At least, not before getting your dog to sniff the box before opening!
That was a dog I stole from your place?? (oops, I have revealed the burglar, damn!)
Actually, considering the dog is likely to drop dead on the spot, better use the neighbour's dog! :)
The neighbour has two dogs, which one should I use? The German short haired pointer or the other one that looks like a skinny brown raisin loaf?
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Re: Casual recipe pdf finder/lister (needs work)

Post by Fangbeast »

Bisonte, not withstanding the fact that srod is a sheep groping, dingo fancier and goat rotater, smelly underpants wearer (and registered dog botherer heheheh), I added some stuff I wanted today along with my usual formatting and it's now too big to paste to the forum.

Well, it would take me ages to strip it all out and concatenate the files.

Where is a good place to upload it that's not too complicated? The only thing I haven't fixed is some of my keyboard shortcuts don't work, only the first one specified and I am now too tired to find it.

Everything else is good for my wife:):)
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Re: Casual recipe pdf finder/lister (needs work)

Post by Bisonte »

Don't you have a Dropbox or OneDrive account ?

Or use Stargate's or TS-Soft's Bin2Data and post it as a Datasection, if the images are not too big in filesize. ;)
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Re: Casual recipe pdf finder/lister (needs work)

Post by Fangbeast »

Bisonte wrote:Don't you have a Dropbox or OneDrive account ?

Or use Stargate's or TS-Soft's Bin2Data and post it as a Datasection, if the images are not too big in filesize. ;)
Damn, I forgot I had dropbox. haven't used it in a year, must find out if it still exists. It's all that sheep rooter srod's fault for blinding me with his underpants.!!
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Re: Casual recipe pdf finder/lister (needs work)

Post by Fangbeast »

Okay, hope this works. (latest perversion) ... BPxiKMzhZA
Amateur Radio, D-STAR/VK3HAF
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