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PureBasic Protozoa
PureBasic Protozoa
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Post by Fangbeast »

This is a simple WIP to interface RASHAD'S Bin2Data with a gui of my own choosing.The logic to write the data hasn't been done yet as I haven't unravelled it yet but see what you think of my gui approach. Or not.

I did run into one problem I didn't know about. ExplorerListGadget and ListIconGadget don't show image thumbnails in LargeIcon mode.

Don't know why I thought they would (and I did) so I might need to take a different approach to the display at some stage.

Code: Select all

Define EventID, MenuID, GadgetID, WindowID

Enumeration 1

#WindowIndex = #PB_Compiler_EnumerationValue

Enumeration 1
  ; Window_RashadBin

#GadgetIndex = #PB_Compiler_EnumerationValue

Procedure.i Window_RashadBin()
  If OpenWindow(#Window_RashadBin, 63, 73, 1080, 770, "Rashad's binary file to DataSection", #PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered|#PB_Window_Invisible)
      ExplorerTreeGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree, 5, 5, 430, 645, "", #PB_Explorer_BorderLess|#PB_Explorer_AlwaysShowSelection|#PB_Explorer_NoFiles|#PB_Explorer_NoDriveRequester|#PB_Explorer_NoMyDocuments|#PB_Explorer_AutoSort)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree, "Comic Sans MS", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree, "Resource directory tree. No files are shown")
      ExplorerListGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, 440, 5, 635, 425, "", #PB_Explorer_BorderLess|#PB_Explorer_AlwaysShowSelection|#PB_Explorer_MultiSelect|#PB_Explorer_FullRowSelect|#PB_Explorer_NoFolders|#PB_Explorer_NoParentFolder|#PB_Explorer_NoDirectoryChange|#PB_Explorer_NoDriveRequester|#PB_Explorer_NoMyDocuments|#PB_Explorer_AutoSort)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, "Comic Sans MS", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, "Directory resource list. Only selected files are shown")
        ListIconGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, 440, 435, 635, 215, "Name", 120, #PB_ListIcon_CheckBoxes|#PB_ListIcon_MultiSelect|#PB_ListIcon_FullRowSelect|#PB_ListIcon_AlwaysShowSelection|#LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER)
        AddGadgetColumn(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, 1, "Type", 0)
        AddGadgetColumn(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, 2, "Directory", 0)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, "Comic Sans MS", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, "The list of currently selected resource fiels for saving and writing")
      ContainerGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_cControl, 5, 655, 1070, 85, #PB_Container_BorderLess)
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewdatafile, 5, 5, 100, 34, "New data file", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewdatafile, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewdatafile, "Comic Sans MS", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewdatafile, "Create a new datasection include file from the current list of resources")
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bSavedatafile, 5, 40, 100, 34, "Save data file", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bSavedatafile, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bSavedatafile, "Comic Sans MS", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bSavedatafile, "Create a new datasection include file from the current list of resources")
      FrameGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator1, 110, 5, 5, 70, "", #PB_Frame_Double)
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewResourceFile, 120, 5, 100, 34, "New list", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewResourceFile, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewResourceFile, "Comic Sans MS", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewResourceFile, "Create a new datasection include file from the current list of resources")
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bWritelisttofile, 120, 40, 100, 34, "Save list", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bWritelisttofile, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bWritelisttofile, "Comic Sans MS", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bWritelisttofile, "Write the current list of selected resources to disk for later")
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bLoadlistfromfile, 220, 5, 100, 34, "Load list", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bLoadlistfromfile, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bLoadlistfromfile, "Comic Sans MS", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bLoadlistfromfile, "Load a previous list of resources to add to")
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bClearcurrentlist, 220, 40, 100, 34, "Clear list", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bClearcurrentlist, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bClearcurrentlist, "Comic Sans MS", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bClearcurrentlist, "Clear the current list of resources")
      FrameGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator2, 325, 5, 5, 70, "", #PB_Frame_Double)
      SpinGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_sColumnsPerLine, 336, 25, 90, 25, 0, 100, #PB_Spin_ReadOnly|#PB_Spin_Numeric)
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_sColumnsPerLine, "The number of columns of hexadecimal data allowed per line")
      ComboBoxGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, 435, 25, 150, 25)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, "Comic Sans MS", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, "What resouce file type to display in the file list")
      TextGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_lColumns, 335, 55, 250, 15, " No of columns           Allowed fIletypes")
      FrameGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator3, 590, 5, 5, 70, "", #PB_Frame_Double)
      StringGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, 598, 21, 349, 23, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetColor(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $C0C0C0)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, "Comic Sans MS", 9, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, "The name of the currently in-use list of resources")
      StringGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile, 598, 51, 350, 23, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetColor(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $C0C0C0)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile, "Comic Sans MS", 9, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile, "The name of the currently in-use data section file")
      FrameGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator4, 955, 5, 5, 70, "", #PB_Frame_Double)
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bExithisprogram, 965, 5, 100, 74, "Exit", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bExithisprogram, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bExithisprogram, "Comic Sans MS", 26, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bExithisprogram, "Exit this program immediatey.")
      StringGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, 5, 745, 1070, 20, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
      HideWindow(#Window_RashadBin, 0)
    ProcedureReturn WindowID(#Window_RashadBin)

; Generic modules

Declare   AdjustSpinGadget(Gadget.i)                                                                  ; 
Declare.s MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(Directory.s)                                                    ; 

; Custom modules

Declare   RemoveGadgetBorders(GadgetConstant.i)                                                       ; 
Declare   ShowFilesFromDirectoryTree()                                                                ; 
Declare   SortListIconEntries()                                                                       ; 

; Handling datasection files

Declare   SetNewDataSectionFile()                                                                     ; 
Declare   Savetocurrentdatasectionfile()                                                              ; 

; Handling resource list files

Declare   ClearCurrentResourceList()                                                                  ; 
Declare   DeleteFromResourceFileList()                                                                ; 
Declare   LoadResourceList()                                                                          ; 
Declare   SetNewResourceFileList()                                                                    ; 
Declare   WriteCurrentResourceList()                                                                  ; 

; Drag and drop handlers

Declare   DragToResourceFileList()                                                                    ; 
Declare   DropOnResourceFileList(DragType.s)                                                          ; 


Declare   SetFileTreeAllowedType()                                                                    ; 

; Need a unicode aware version of the API directory creator for database directory, temporary directory and maybe others

Import "shell32.lib"                                                                                 ; Import 32 bit shell library
  SHCreateDirectory(*hwnd, pszPath.p-unicode)                                                         ; Grab the function that you want
EndImport                                                                                            ; End function import


UseJPEG2000ImageDecoder()                                                                             ; 
UseJPEGImageDecoder()                                                                                 ; 
UsePNGImageDecoder()                                                                                  ; 
UseTGAImageDecoder()                                                                                  ; 
UseTIFFImageDecoder()                                                                                 ; 


#AtTheEndOfTheList = -1                                                                               ; 
#EmptyString       = ""                                                                               ; 
#NoFileHandle      = 0                                                                                ; 
#NoCurrentLine     = 0                                                                                ; 
#NoListItems       = 0                                                                                ; 


#NameColumn       = 0                                                                                 ; 
#TypeColumn       = 1                                                                                 ; 
#DirectoryColumn  = 2                                                                                 ; 

; My personal constants

#Author                         = "Miklós G Bolváry, "                                                ; Author's name
#CopyRight                      = "MGB Technical Services 2016 "                                      ; Copyright holder
#Basename                       = "RashadBIN"                                                         ; Base name for initialisation file and database
#Version                        = "v0.00."                                                            ; Program version
#Program                        = #Basename + #Version                                                ; Copyright string
#SystrayNote                    = "Hello, " + #Program + " is hiding here"                            ; System tray note


Structure ProgramData
  QuitValue.i                                                                                        ; Program quit flag
  Currentdirectory.s                                                                                 ; Current directory string
  CurrentDataSectionFile.i                                                                           ; Currently open datasection file handle
  CurrentDataSectionFileName.s                                                                       ; Currently open datasection file name
  SelectedTreeDirectory.s                                                                            ; Last selected tree directory
  SelectedTreeFileTypes.s                                                                            ; File types to display
  SavedIncludesDirectory.s                                                                           ; All generated datasection files
  ResourceListDirectory.s                                                                            ; Saved lists of resource files


Global Program.ProgramData                                                                          ; 


Program\CurrentDirectory          = GetCurrentDirectory()                                            ; 

Program\SavedIncludesDirectory.s  = Program\CurrentDirectory  + "Store\Datasections\"                ; 
Program\ResourceListDirectory.s   = Program\CurrentDirectory  + "Store\Resourcelists\"               ; 

; Create your program directories

MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(Program\SavedIncludesDirectory)                                          ; All generated datasection files
MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(Program\ResourceListDirectory)                                           ; Saved lists of resource files 

; Gadget enumerations

Enumeration #GadgetIndex
  #ExplorerListSplitter                                                                              ;   

; Reusable spingadget control

Procedure AdjustSpinGadget(Gadget.i)
  SetGadgetText(Gadget.i, Str(GetGadgetState(Gadget.i)))

; Need a unicode aware version of the API directory creator

Procedure.s MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(Directory.s)
  Protected Message.s
  ErrorCode.i = SHCreateDirectory(#Null, Directory.s)
  Select ErrorCode.i
    Case #ERROR_SUCCESS               : Message.s = "Directory created"                            ; ResultCode = 0
    Case #ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME          : Message.s = "Bad directory path"                           ; ResultCode = 161
    Case #ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE  : Message.s = "Directory path too long"                      ; ResultCode = 206
    Case #ERROR_FILE_EXISTS           : Message.s = "Directory already exists"                     ; ResultCode = 80
    Case #ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS        : Message.s = "Directory already exists"                     ; ResultCode = 183
   ;Case #ERROR_CANCELLED             : Message.s = "User cancelled creation"                       ; ResultCode = ??. Not defined in compiler residents
  ProcedureReturn Message.s
  ; Debug MakeSureDirectoryPathExists("c:\1\2\3\4\5\6")

; Remove borders from various gadgets

Procedure RemoveBorders(GadgetConstant.i)
  ; Get the gadget type from the passed gadget constant
  GadgetType.i = GadgetType(GadgetConstant.i)
  ; Select the gadget type
  Select GadgetType.i
    ; Do the below if it is a ListIconGadget
    Case  #PB_GadgetType_ListIcon
      ; Remove borders from ListIconGadgets
      OldStyle.i  = GetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), #GWL_EXSTYLE)
      NewStyle.i  = OldStyle.i & ( ~ #WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)
      SetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), #GWL_EXSTYLE, NewStyle.i)
      SetWindowPos_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, #SWP_SHOWWINDOW | #SWP_NOSIZE | #SWP_NOMOVE | #SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
      ; No more control types
  ; Nothing else to do here

; Show tree spec files in the file list

Procedure ShowFilesFromDirectoryTree()
  Program\SelectedTreeDirectory = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree)
  Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes  = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes)
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, Program\SelectedTreeDirectory + Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes)
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Showing: "  + Program\SelectedTreeDirectory  + Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes)

; Sort ListIconGadget as you need it. Based on Reg Venaglia's routine.

Procedure SortListIconEntries()
  Structure ResourceData
  ; Get number items in ListIcon
  NumberOfItems.i = CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList)
  ; Get number items in ListIcon
  If NumberOfItems.i  <> #NoListItems
    ; Get number items in ListIcon
    NewList Resource.ResourceData()
    ; Place each item text into the list. Must start at Zero
    For LoopCounter.i = 0 To NumberOfItems.i - 1
      Resource()\CurrentResourceName      = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, LoopCounter.i, 0)
      Resource()\CurrentResourceType      = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, LoopCounter.i, 1)
      Resource()\CurrentResourceDirectory = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, LoopCounter.i, 2)
    Next LoopCounter 
    ; Sort the Array in ascending order
    SortStructuredList(Resource(), #PB_Sort_Ascending, OffsetOf(ResourceData\CurrentResourceName), #PB_String)
    ; Now replace ListIcon Items from the sorted Array
    ForEach Resource()
      SetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ListIndex(Resource()), Resource()\CurrentResourceName,      0)
      SetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ListIndex(Resource()), Resource()\CurrentResourceType,      1)
      SetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ListIndex(Resource()), Resource()\CurrentResourceDirectory, 2)
    Next Resource()

; Handling datasection files

Procedure SaveToCurrentDatasectionFile()
  CurrentDataSectionFileName.s = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile)
  If CurrentDataSectionFileName.s <> #EmptyString
    ; Create the new file with full path and correct extension
    CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i = CreateFile(#PB_Any, Program\SavedIncludesDirectory.s + CurrentDataSectionFileName.s)
    If CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i <> #NoFileHandle
      ; This is where RASHAD's magic file write code will go
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, GetFilePart(CurrentDataSectionFileName.s) + " saved")
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Could not create the new datasection file")
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "User didn't specify a file so we should just stop right now")


Procedure SetNewDatasectionFile()
  ; Ask the user for a new filename
  NewDataSectionFileName.s = SaveFileRequester("New Purebasic Datasection include file to write to", Program\SavedIncludesDirectory.s, "Include file | *.pbi", 1)
  ; Get the correct extension for the filename if the user forgot
  CorrectExtension.i = SelectedFilePattern()
  ; Check which extension it was and add it
  Select  CorrectExtension.i
    Case 0
      If GetExtensionPart(NewDataSectionFileName.s) <> "pbi"
        ExtensionPart.s = ".pbi"
  If NewDataSectionFileName.s <> #EmptyString
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile, GetFilePart(NewDataSectionFileName.s  + ExtensionPart.s))
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar,       GetFilePart(NewDataSectionFileName.s  + ExtensionPart.s) + " set")
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "User didn't choose a file so we should just stop right now")

; Handling resource list files

Procedure ClearResourceFileList()
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Resources cleared. Add new ones or load an old list.")


Procedure DeleteFromResourceFileList()
  CurrentLine.i = GetGadgetState(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList)
  If CurrentLine.i <> #NoCurrentLine
    RemoveGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, CurrentLine.i)
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "There is no current line, nothing to delete.")


Procedure LoadResourceFileList()
  ; Ask the user for a new filename
  OldResourceListFile.s = OpenFileRequester("New resource file", Program\ResourceListDirectory.s, "Resource list | *.pbrsc", 0)
  ; Read the old file with full path and correct extension
  OldResourceList.i = ReadFile(#PB_Any, OldResourceListFile.s)
  If OldResourceList.i <> #NoFileHandle
    ResourceFileName.s = ReadString(OldResourceList.i)
    CurrentFileName.s = StringField(ResourceFileName.s, 1, "|")
    CurrentFileType.s = StringField(ResourceFileName.s, 2, "|")
    CurrentPathName.s = StringField(ResourceFileName.s, 3, "|")
    AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #AtTheEndOfTheList, CurrentFileName.s + #LF$ +  CurrentFileType   + #LF$  + CurrentPathName.s)
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Could not read the old resource list file")


Procedure SaveResourceFileList()
  ; Ask the user for a new filename
  NewResourceListFile.s = SaveFileRequester("New resource file", Program\ResourceListDirectory.s + "Default resources list.pbrsc", "Resource list | *.pbrsc", 0)
  ; Check which extension it was and add it
  If GetExtensionPart(NewResourceListFile.s) <> "pbrsc"
    ExtensionPart.s = ".pbrsc"
  If NewResourceListFile.s <> #EmptyString
    NumberOfItemsInList.i = CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList)
    If NumberOfItemsInList.i <> #NoListItems
      ; Create the new file with full path and correct extension
      NewResourceList.i = CreateFile(#PB_Any, NewResourceListFile.s + ExtensionPart.s)
      If NewResourceList.i <> #NoFileHandle
        For ProcessItems.i = NumberOfItemsInList.i -1 To 0 Step -1
          CurrentFileName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ProcessItems.i, 0)
          CurrentFileType.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ProcessItems.i, 1)
          CurrentPathName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ProcessItems.i, 2)
          WriteStringN(NewResourceList.i, CurrentFileName.s  + "|"  + CurrentFileType.s  + "|" + CurrentPathName.s)
        Next ProcessItems.i
        SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Could not create the new resource list file")
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Nothing in the list to save, we won't bother creating a file")
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "User didn't choose a file so we should just stop right now")


Procedure SetNewResourceFileList()
  ; Ask the user for a new filename
  NewResourceFileName.s = SaveFileRequester("New resources file list to save to", Program\ResourceListDirectory.s, "Resource file | *.pbrsc", 1)
  ; Get the correct extension for the filename if the user forgot
  CorrectExtension.i = SelectedFilePattern()
  ; Check which extension it was and add it
  Select  CorrectExtension.i
    Case 0
      If GetExtensionPart(NewResourceFileName.s) <> "pbrsc"
        ExtensionPart.s = ".pbrsc"
  If NewResourceFileName.s <> #EmptyString
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, GetFilePart(NewResourceFileName.s  + ExtensionPart.s))
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar,           GetFilePart(NewResourceFileName.s  + ExtensionPart.s) + " set")
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "User didn't choose a file so we should just stop right now")


Procedure DragToResourceFileList()
  CurrentLine.i   = GetGadgetState(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree)
  If CurrentLine.i <> #NoCurrentLine
    ResourceName.s      = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, CurrentLine.i, #NameColumn)
    ResourceType.s      = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, CurrentLine.i, #TypeColumn)
    ResourceDirecory.s  = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, CurrentLine.i, #DirectoryColumn)
    If ResourceName.s <> #EmptyString
      DragText(ResourceName.s + "|" + ResourceType.s  + "|" + ResourceDirecory.s, #PB_Drag_Copy)

Procedure DropOnResourceFileList(DragType.s)
  Select DragType.s
    Case "Text"
      CurrentResource.s = EventDropText()  
      If CurrentResource.s
        CurrentResourceName.s       = StringField(CurrentResource.s, 1, "|")
        CurrentResourceType.s       = StringField(CurrentResource.s, 2, "|")
        CurrentResourceDirectory.s  = StringField(CurrentResource.s, 3, "|")
        ; No text was dropped from the resource file list
    Case "Files"
      CurrentResource.s           = EventDropFiles()
      CurrentResourceName.s       = GetFilePart(CurrentResource.s)
      CurrentResourceType.s       = GetExtensionPart(CurrentResource.s)
      CurrentResourceDirectory.s  = GetPathPart(CurrentResource.s)
  ResourceListItems.i = CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList)
  ErrorFlag.i = #False
  For ResourceListLoop.i = 0 To ResourceListItems.i - 1
    CurrentResourceItem.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ResourceListLoop.i, #NameColumn)
    If LCase(CurrentResourceItem.s) = LCase(CurrentResourceName.s)
      ErrorFlag.i = #True
  Next  ResourceListLoop.i
  If ErrorFlag.i = #False
    AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #AtTheEndOfTheList, CurrentResourceName.s + #LF$ + CurrentResourceType.s + #LF$ + CurrentResourceDirectory)
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Error: "  + CurrentResourceDirectory.s  + CurrentResourceName.s + " is already in the resource list")


Procedure SetFileTreeAllowedType()
  Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes  = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes)
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, Program\SelectedTreeDirectory  + Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes)
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Showing: "  + Program\SelectedTreeDirectory  + Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes)


Procedure AddSingleFileToFileList()
  CurrentLine.i       = GetGadgetState(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree)
  CurrentResourceName.s       = GetFilePart(GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, CurrentLine.i, 0))
  CurrentResourceType.s       = GetExtensionPart(CurrentResourceName.s)
  CurrentResourceDirectory.s  = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree)
  NumberOfItems.i     = CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList)
  If NumberOfItems.i  <>  0
    For CompareLoop.i = 0 To NumberOfItems.i - 1
      CompareFileName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, CompareLoop.i, 0)
      CompareFileType.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, CompareLoop.i, 1)
      ComparePathName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, CompareLoop.i, 2)
      If ComparePathName.s  + CompareFileName.s = CurrentResourceDirectory.s  + CurrentResourceName.s
        ErrorFlag.i = #True
    Next CompareLoop.i
  If ErrorFlag.i = #False
    AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #AtTheEndOfTheList, CurrentResourceName.s + #LF$ + CurrentResourceType.s + #LF$ + CurrentResourceDirectory)
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Error: "  + CurrentResourceDirectory.s  + CurrentResourceName.s + " is already in the resource list")

; Main Loop

If Window_RashadBin()
  Program\QuitValue = #False
  ; SetGadgetAttribute(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, #PB_Explorer_DisplayMode, #PB_Explorer_LargeIcon)
  ; SetGadgetAttribute(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #PB_ListIcon_DisplayMode, #PB_ListIcon_LargeIcon)
  ; Enable resource adding by drag and drop
  EnableGadgetDrop(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #PB_Drop_Text, #PB_Drag_Copy)
  EnableGadgetDrop(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #PB_Drop_Files, #PB_Drag_Copy)
  SplitterGadget(#ExplorerListSplitter, 440, 5, 635, 645, #Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, #Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #PB_Splitter_Separator)
  SetGadgetState(#ExplorerListSplitter, 450)
  GadgetToolTip(#ExplorerListSplitter,  "Pull me up or down to show more of either pane.")
  SetGadgetState(#Gadget_RashadBin_sColumnsPerLine, 5)
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.*")
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.Png")
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.Jpg")
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.Tif")
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.Bmp")
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.Tga")
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.Ico")
  SetGadgetState(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, 0)
  Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes)
  Program\SelectedTreeDirectory = Program\CurrentDirectory  + "Images\_Other\"
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree, Program\CurrentDirectory  + "Images\_Other\")
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, "Default resources list.pbrsc")
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile,     "Default datasection.pbi")
  PostEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, #Window_RashadBin, #Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree, #PB_EventType_Change)
    EventID  = WaitWindowEvent()
    MenuID   = EventMenu()
    GadgetID = EventGadget()
    WindowID = EventWindow()
    Select EventID
      Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
        Select WindowID
          Case #Window_RashadBin                      : Program\QuitValue = #True
        ; Drag and drop items between locations
      Case #PB_Event_GadgetDrop
        Select EventDropType()
          Case #PB_Drop_Text
            Select GadgetID
              Case #Gadget_RashadBin_FileList         : DropOnResourceFilelist("Text")
          Case #PB_Drop_Files
            Select GadgetID
              Case #Gadget_RashadBin_FileList         : DropOnResourceFilelist("Files")
      Case #PB_Event_Gadget
        Select GadgetID
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree
            Select EventType()
              Case #PB_EventType_LeftClick            : ShowFilesFromDirectoryTree()
              Case #PB_EventType_Change               : ShowFilesFromDirectoryTree()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree
            Select EventType()
              Case #PB_EventType_LeftDoubleClick      : AddSingleFileToFileList()
              Case #PB_EventType_RightDoubleClick     : ; ChangeResourceFileListView()
              Case #PB_EventType_DragStart            : DragToResourceFileList()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_FileList
            Select EventType()
              Case #PB_EventType_LeftDoubleClick      : DeleteFromResourceFileList()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bNewdatafile         : SetNewDatasectionFile()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bSavedatafile        : SaveToCurrentDatasectionFile()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bClearcurrentlist    : ClearResourceFileList()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bLoadlistfromfile    : LoadResourceFileList()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bWritelisttofile     : SaveResourceFileList()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bNewResourceFile     : SetNewResourceFileList()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bExithisprogram      : Program\QuitValue = #True
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_sColumnsPerLine      : AdjustSpinGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_sColumnsPerLine)
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes    : SetFileTreeAllowedType()
  Until Program\QuitValue
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Re: RashadBin

Post by spikey »

Something I have noticed about this, and a couple of your other programs too in the past... You've assumed a particular shape/resolution of display on the part of the user. In my case this is a fatal error - all the controls that appear at the bottom of the form are inaccessible to me, they drop off the bottom edge of the display. If I really wanted to use it, and didn't have access to the source code, this would be a serious problem!
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Re: RashadBin

Post by Fangbeast »

You've assumed a particular shape/resolution of display on the part of the user.
True Spikey. Because of my eyesight, my monitor is set to 1440 x 900 and I shape mosy apps for this res. I'm even having trouble with some things on this.
In my case this is a fatal error - all the controls that appear at the bottom of the form are inaccessible to me, they drop off the bottom edge of the display.
Oh bugger, damn, poop. What's a good way to redesign things to cope with this? Assuming that I understand how to do it.
If I really wanted to use it, and didn't have access to the source code, this would be a serious problem!
And that's why bozo here always gives out source code!
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Re: RashadBin

Post by Fangbeast »

Okay, this section has finally been finished. It now writes the quad data out to the user chosen datasection include file or the default one.

Replace the poriginal "Procedure SaveToCurrentDatasectionFile()" procedure in the first post with this one.

Still lots of cleanup to do. The original logic and program for rashad's code is in the forum somewhere and we should all thank him for it.

Does anyone know of a way to 'sanitise' label names for use in a datasecion? I didn't know that the '-' character wad illegal (and probably others as well)

Code: Select all


Procedure SaveToCurrentDatasectionFile()
  CurrentDataSectionFileName.s = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile)
  If CurrentDataSectionFileName.s <> #EmptyString                                                   : Debug "Data section file name:  " + CurrentDataSectionFileName.s
    ; Create the new file with full path and correct extension
    CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i = CreateFile(#PB_Any, Program\SavedIncludesDirectory.s + CurrentDataSectionFileName.s)
    If CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i <> #NoFileHandle                                              : Debug "Data section file handle:  "  + Str(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i)
      ; This is where RASHAD's magic file write code will go
      NumberOfFiles.i           = CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList)                      : Debug "Number of files to process:  " + Str(NumberOfFiles.i)
      NumberOfColumnsToWrite.i  = Val(GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sColumnsPerLine))             : Debug "Number of columns to write:  " + Str(NumberOfColumnsToWrite.i)
      If NumberOfFiles.i <> 0
        WriteStringN(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i, "DataSection")                                 : Debug "DataSection heading written"
        WriteStringN(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i, #EmptyString)                                  : Debug "Blank string written"
        For StartHexing.i = NumberOfFiles.i - 1 To 0  Step -1                                      : Debug "Writing file: " + Str(StartHexing.i)  + " of: "  + Str(NumberOfFiles.i)
          CurrentFileName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, StartHexing.i, 0)       : Debug CurrentFileName.s
          CurrentFileType.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, StartHexing.i, 1)       : Debug CurrentFileType.s
          CurrentPathName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, StartHexing.i, 2)       : Debug CurrentPathName.s
          WriteStringN(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i, CurrentFileName.s + ":")
          CurrentDataFile.i = ReadFile(#PB_Any, CurrentPathName.s + CurrentFileName.s)              : Debug CurrentPathName.s + CurrentFileName.s
          If CurrentDataFile.i  <> #NoFileHandle
              For ProcessColumn.i = 1 To NumberOfColumnsToWrite.i
                For ItemsPerColumn.i = 1 To 8
                  If Eof(CurrentDataFile.i)
                    ReturnValue.s = RSet(Hex(ReadByte(CurrentDataFile.i), #PB_Byte), 2, "0") + ReturnValue.s
                Next ItemsPerColumn.i
                If ProcessColumn.i = NumberOfColumnsToWrite.i
                  RowText.s = RowText.s  + "$" + ReturnValue.s
                ElseIf Eof(CurrentDataFile.i)
                  RowText.s = RowText.s + "$" + ReturnValue.s
                  RowText.s = RowText.s  + "$" + ReturnValue.s + ", "
                ReturnValue.s = #EmptyString
              Next ProcessColumn.i
              WriteStringN(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i, "   Data.q " + RowText.s)
              RowText.s      = #EmptyString
              ReturnValue.s  = #EmptyString
            Until Eof(CurrentDataFile.i)
            WriteStringN(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i, CurrentFileName.s + "_End:")               : Debug "End of current resource write reached""
            WriteStringN(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i, #EmptyString)                              : Debug "Blank string written after end of resource write"
            SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Could not open the data file to read from")
        Next StartHexing.i
        SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "No resource files in the list to be processed")
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, GetFilePart(CurrentDataSectionFileName.s) + " saved to: " + Program\SavedIncludesDirectory.s)
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Could not create the new datasection file")
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "User didn't specify a datasection include file file so we should just stop right now")
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Re: RashadBin

Post by Fangbeast »

Added some resource and file counters, better layout, load default resource list on start, save current resource list on exit.

More to do but getting a bit big to keep posting as is I think.
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Re: RashadBin

Post by spikey »

Fangbeast wrote:What's a good way to redesign things to cope with this? Assuming that I understand how to do it.
It would only actually be an issue if you were only distributing binaries commercially, I only mentioned it because you seemed to be looking for feedback on the form design rather than the program function.

ExamineDesktops(), DesktopHeight() and DesktopWidth() will tell you the actual dimensions of the users desktop(s) at any moment in time.

You've a few choices depending on how responsive you'd like the interface to be.

1) Respond to #PB_Event_SizeWindow in the event loop via WaitWindowEvent(). This method has a bit of a discontinuity in that the form layout won't update until the resize ends. There's nothing wrong with this but some people think it looks a bit ugly as the form doesn't respond whilst the window size is changing.

2) Respond to #PB_Event_SizeWindow via BindEvent(). This looks a bit smoother than the first, because it doesn't experience the discontinuity in quite the same way.

One of these would be the method which complies most closely to the Microsoft Windows Application Design Guidelines.

3) Set the form size to take advantage of the actual desktop dimensions when the application first starts up to layout the form and ignore it thereafter.

You'd need a similar amount of code changes regardless of which method you chose.
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Re: RashadBin

Post by Fangbeast »

I experimented with layout many years ago but it involved horrible mathematics so I didn't pursue it.

As I understand it, resize does just that and nothing else and as you said, it doesn't preserve the layout.

I just saw a feature in Vivaldi web browser that allowed you to zoom the entire interface in and out. Is that what true DPI rescaling does or something else?

In any case, I don't really know how to do that. I am willing to learn to make it easier for people to use my junk tough.
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Re: RashadBin

Post by RASHAD »

Hi Fang
I am so pleased to see you active as usual again
How can I help you with this thread?
Egypt my love
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Re: RashadBin

Post by Fangbeast »

Hi Fang
Hello master RASHAD!!
I am so pleased to see you active as usual again
Don't know if I am very active but as the ribs heal, my brain is kicking in again.
How can I help you with this thread?
As you might have seen, I grabbed your beatiful code of a few years ago (Writing data to hex blocks in a datasection) and put my own gui on it because I needed a few extra things. And of course, it is called RashadBin after you!!

But Spikey rightly said that with my layouts, they don't work on other monitor resolutions and I don't know how to cope with that.

Everything is laid out for my monitor resolution and bad eyesight.

I have another update to issue tonight before I ask anything to be helped with though.
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Re: RashadBin

Post by RASHAD »

Fang can you answer this
Why every time I see Tom Hanks I remember you ?
Are you close to him in any way?
Egypt my love
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Re: RashadBin

Post by Fangbeast »

Why every time I see Tom Hanks I remember you ?
Yikes!!!! I am nothing like him, don't know him, don't want to know!!

I am uglier than the backside of a sheep's left testicle (and not rich)

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Re: RashadBin

Post by Fangbeast »

This is the updated version of the first post with much needed additions and fixes.

Code: Select all

Define EventID, MenuID, GadgetID, WindowID

; Window Constants

Enumeration 1

#WindowIndex = #PB_Compiler_EnumerationValue

; Gadget Constants

Enumeration 1
  ; Window_RashadBin

#GadgetIndex = #PB_Compiler_EnumerationValue

Procedure.i Window_RashadBin()
  If OpenWindow(#Window_RashadBin, 63, 93, 1080, 770, "Rashad's binary file to DataSection", #PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered|#PB_Window_Invisible)
      ExplorerTreeGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree, 5, 5, 430, 645, "", #PB_Explorer_BorderLess|#PB_Explorer_AlwaysShowSelection|#PB_Explorer_NoFiles|#PB_Explorer_NoDriveRequester|#PB_Explorer_NoMyDocuments|#PB_Explorer_AutoSort)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree, "Arial", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree, "Resource directory tree. No files are shown")
      ExplorerListGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, 440, 5, 635, 425, "", #PB_Explorer_BorderLess|#PB_Explorer_AlwaysShowSelection|#PB_Explorer_MultiSelect|#PB_Explorer_FullRowSelect|#PB_Explorer_NoFolders|#PB_Explorer_NoParentFolder|#PB_Explorer_NoDirectoryChange|#PB_Explorer_NoDriveRequester|#PB_Explorer_NoMyDocuments|#PB_Explorer_AutoSort)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, "Arial", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, "Directory resource list. Only selected files are shown")
      ListIconGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, 440, 435, 635, 215, "Name", 631, #PB_ListIcon_MultiSelect|#PB_ListIcon_FullRowSelect|#PB_ListIcon_AlwaysShowSelection)
        AddGadgetColumn(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, 1, "Type", 0)
        AddGadgetColumn(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, 2, "Directory", 0)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, "Arial", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, "The list of currently selected resource fiels for saving and writing")
      ContainerGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_cControl, 5, 655, 1070, 85, #PB_Container_BorderLess)
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewdatafile, 5, 5, 100, 34, "New data file", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewdatafile, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewdatafile, "Arial", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewdatafile, "Create a new datasection include file from the current list of resources")
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bSavedatafile, 5, 40, 100, 34, "Save data file", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bSavedatafile, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bSavedatafile, "Arial", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bSavedatafile, "Create a new datasection include file from the current list of resources")
      FrameGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator1, 110, 5, 5, 70, "", #PB_Frame_Double)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator1, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator1, "Arial", 10, 0))
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewResourceFile, 120, 5, 100, 34, "New list", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewResourceFile, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewResourceFile, "Arial", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bNewResourceFile, "Create a new datasection include file from the current list of resources")
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bWritelisttofile, 120, 40, 100, 34, "Save list", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bWritelisttofile, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bWritelisttofile, "Arial", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bWritelisttofile, "Write the current list of selected resources to disk for later")
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bLoadlistfromfile, 220, 5, 100, 34, "Load list", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bLoadlistfromfile, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bLoadlistfromfile, "Arial", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bLoadlistfromfile, "Load a previous list of resources to add to")
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bClearcurrentlist, 220, 40, 100, 34, "Clear list", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bClearcurrentlist, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bClearcurrentlist, "Arial", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bClearcurrentlist, "Clear the current list of resources")
      FrameGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator2, 325, 5, 5, 70, "", #PB_Frame_Double)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator2, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator2, "Arial", 10, 0))
      SpinGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_sColumnsPerLine, 336, 25, 90, 25, 0, 100, #PB_Spin_ReadOnly|#PB_Spin_Numeric)
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_sColumnsPerLine, "The number of columns of hexadecimal data allowed per line")
      ComboBoxGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, 435, 25, 150, 25)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, "Arial", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, "What resouce file type to display in the file list")
      TextGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_lColumns, 335, 55, 250, 15, " No of columns           Allowed fIletypes")
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_lColumns, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_lColumns, "Arial", 10, 0))
      FrameGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator3, 590, 5, 5, 70, "", #PB_Frame_Double)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator3, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator3, "Arial", 10, 0))
      StringGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, 598, 21, 349, 23, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetColor(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $C0C0C0)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, "Arial", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, "The name of the currently in-use list of resources")
      StringGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile, 598, 51, 350, 23, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetColor(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $C0C0C0)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile, "Arial", 10, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile, "The name of the currently in-use data section file")
      FrameGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator4, 955, 5, 5, 70, "", #PB_Frame_Double)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator4, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_fSeparator4, "Arial", 10, 0))
      ButtonGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_bExithisprogram, 965, 5, 100, 74, "Exit", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bExithisprogram, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_bExithisprogram, "Arial", 26, 0))
        GadgetToolTip(#Gadget_RashadBin_bExithisprogram, "Exit this program immediatey.")
      StringGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, 5, 745, 780, 20, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Arial", 10, 0))
      StringGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_sFIles, 795, 745, 135, 20, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sFIles, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sFIles, "Arial", 10, 0))
      StringGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_sResources, 940, 745, 135, 20, "", #PB_String_ReadOnly|#PB_String_BorderLess)
        SetGadgetFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sResources, LoadFont(#Gadget_RashadBin_sResources, "Arial", 10, 0))
      HideWindow(#Window_RashadBin, 0)
    ProcedureReturn WindowID(#Window_RashadBin)

; Generic modules

Declare   AdjustSpinGadget(Gadget.i)                                                                  ; 
Declare.s MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(Directory.s)                                                    ; 

; Custom modules

Declare   AddSingleFileToFileList()                                                                   ; 
Declare   RemoveGadgetBorders(GadgetConstant.i)                                                       ; 
Declare   SaveLastUsedFileSemaphore()                                                                 ; 
Declare   SetFileTreeAllowedType()                                                                    ; 
Declare   ShowFilesFromDirectoryTree()                                                                ; 
Declare   SortListIconEntries()                                                                       ; 

; Handling datasection files

Declare   SetNewDataSectionFile()                                                                     ; 
Declare   Savetocurrentdatasectionfile()                                                              ; 

; Handling directory list files

; Handling resource list files

Declare   ClearResourceFileList()                                                                     ; 
Declare   DeleteFromResourceFileList()                                                                ; 
Declare   LoadResourceFileList(Mode.s)                                                                ; 
Declare   SaveResourceFileList(Mode.s)                                                                ; 
Declare   SetNewResourceFileList()                                                                    ; 

; Drag and drop handlers

Declare   DragToResourceFileList()                                                                    ; 
Declare   DropOnResourceFileList(DragType.s)                                                          ; 

; Need a unicode aware version of the API directory creator for database directory, temporary directory and maybe others

Import "shell32.lib"                                                                                 ; Import 32 bit shell library
  SHCreateDirectory(*hwnd, pszPath.p-unicode)                                                         ; Grab the function that you want
EndImport                                                                                            ; End function import


UseJPEG2000ImageDecoder()                                                                             ; 
UseJPEGImageDecoder()                                                                                 ; 
UsePNGImageDecoder()                                                                                  ; 
UseTGAImageDecoder()                                                                                  ; 
UseTIFFImageDecoder()                                                                                 ; 


#AtTheEndOfTheList = -1                                                                               ; 
#EmptyString       = ""                                                                               ; 
#NoFileHandle      = 0                                                                                ; 
#NotFileEnd        = 0                                                                                ; 
#NoCurrentLine     = -1                                                                               ; 
#NoListItems       = 0                                                                                ; 


#NameColumn       = 0                                                                                 ; 
#TypeColumn       = 1                                                                                 ; 
#DirectoryColumn  = 2                                                                                 ; 

; My personal constants

#Author                         = "Fandangles, "                                                      ; Author's name
#CopyRight                      = "Who, me??? "                                                       ; Copyright holder
#Basename                       = "RashadBIN"                                                         ; Base name for initialisation file and database
#Version                        = "v0.00."                                                            ; Program version
#Program                        = #Basename + #Version                                                ; Copyright string
#SystrayNote                    = "Hello, " + #Program + " is hiding here"                            ; System tray note


Structure ProgramData
  QuitValue.i                                                                                        ; Program quit flag
  Currentdirectory.s                                                                                 ; Current directory string
  CurrentDataSectionFile.i                                                                           ; Currently open datasection file handle
  CurrentDataSectionFileName.s                                                                       ; Currently open datasection file name
  ConfigDirectory.s                                                                                  ; Configuration files
  SelectedTreeDirectory.s                                                                            ; Last selected tree directory
  SelectedTreeFileTypes.s                                                                            ; File types to display
  SavedIncludesDirectory.s                                                                           ; All generated datasection files
  ResourceListDirectory.s                                                                            ; Saved lists of resource files


Global Program.ProgramData                                                                          ; 


Program\CurrentDirectory          = GetCurrentDirectory()                                            ; 

Program\SavedIncludesDirectory.s  = Program\CurrentDirectory  + "Store\Datasections\"                ; 
Program\ResourceListDirectory.s   = Program\CurrentDirectory  + "Store\Resourcelists\"               ; 

Program\ConfigDirectory.s         = Program\CurrentDirectory  + "Store\Configuration\"               ; Configuration files

; Create your program directories

MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(Program\SavedIncludesDirectory)                                          ; All generated datasection files
MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(Program\ResourceListDirectory)                                           ; Saved lists of resource files 
MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(Program\ConfigDirectory.s)                                               ; Configuration files

; Gadget enumerations

Enumeration #GadgetIndex
  #ExplorerListSplitter                                                                              ;   

; Generic modules

; Reusable spingadget control adjuster

Procedure AdjustSpinGadget(Gadget.i)
  SetGadgetText(Gadget.i, Str(GetGadgetState(Gadget.i)))

; Need a unicode aware version of the API directory creator

Procedure.s MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(Directory.s)
  Protected Message.s
  ErrorCode.i = SHCreateDirectory(#Null, Directory.s)
  Select ErrorCode.i
    Case #ERROR_SUCCESS               : Message.s = "Directory created"                            ; ResultCode = 0
    Case #ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME          : Message.s = "Bad directory path"                           ; ResultCode = 161
    Case #ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE  : Message.s = "Directory path too long"                      ; ResultCode = 206
    Case #ERROR_FILE_EXISTS           : Message.s = "Directory already exists"                     ; ResultCode = 80
    Case #ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS        : Message.s = "Directory already exists"                     ; ResultCode = 183
   ;Case #ERROR_CANCELLED             : Message.s = "User cancelled creation"                       ; ResultCode = ??. Not defined in compiler residents
  ProcedureReturn Message.s
  ; Debug MakeSureDirectoryPathExists("c:\1\2\3\4\5\6")

; Custom modules


Procedure AddSingleFileToFileList()
  CurrentLine.i       = GetGadgetState(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree)
  CurrentResourceName.s       = GetFilePart(GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, CurrentLine.i, 0))
  CurrentResourceType.s       = GetExtensionPart(CurrentResourceName.s)
  CurrentResourceDirectory.s  = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree)
  NumberOfItems.i     = CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList)
  If NumberOfItems.i  <>  0
    For CompareLoop.i = 0 To NumberOfItems.i - 1
      CompareFileName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, CompareLoop.i, 0)
      CompareFileType.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, CompareLoop.i, 1)
      ComparePathName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, CompareLoop.i, 2)
      If ComparePathName.s  + CompareFileName.s = CurrentResourceDirectory.s  + CurrentResourceName.s
        ErrorFlag.i = #True
    Next CompareLoop.i
  If ErrorFlag.i = #False
    AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #AtTheEndOfTheList, CurrentResourceName.s + #LF$ + CurrentResourceType.s + #LF$ + CurrentResourceDirectory)
    TheLastLineInTheList.i = Str(CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList))
    SendMessage_(GadgetID(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList), #LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, TheLastLineInTheList.i, #False)
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sResources, TheLastLineInTheList.i  + " Resources")
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Error: "  + CurrentResourceDirectory.s  + CurrentResourceName.s + " is already in the resource list")

; Remove borders from various gadgets

Procedure RemoveBorders(GadgetConstant.i)
  ; Get the gadget type from the passed gadget constant
  GadgetType.i = GadgetType(GadgetConstant.i)
  ; Select the gadget type
  Select GadgetType.i
    ; Do the below if it is a ListIconGadget
    Case  #PB_GadgetType_ListIcon
      ; Remove borders from ListIconGadgets
      OldStyle.i  = GetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), #GWL_EXSTYLE)
      NewStyle.i  = OldStyle.i & ( ~ #WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)
      SetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), #GWL_EXSTYLE, NewStyle.i)
      SetWindowPos_(GadgetID(GadgetConstant.i), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, #SWP_SHOWWINDOW | #SWP_NOSIZE | #SWP_NOMOVE | #SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
      ; No more control types
  ; Nothing else to do here


Procedure SaveLastUsedFileSemaphore()
  CurrentResourceList.s = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist)
  LastUsedResourceFileHandle.i = CreateFile(#PB_Any, Program\ConfigDirectory.s + "LastUsedResourceFile.sem")
  If LastUsedResourceFileHandle.i <> #NoFileHandle
    WriteStringN(LastUsedResourceFileHandle.i, Program\ResourceListDirectory.s  + CurrentResourceList.s)
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "LastUsedResourceFile.sem file could not be created")


Procedure SetFileTreeAllowedType()
  Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes  = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes)
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, Program\SelectedTreeDirectory  + Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes)
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Showing: "  + Program\SelectedTreeDirectory  + Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes)
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sFiles, Str(CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree))  + " Files")

; Show tree spec files in the file list

Procedure ShowFilesFromDirectoryTree()
  Program\SelectedTreeDirectory = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree)
  Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes  = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes)
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, Program\SelectedTreeDirectory + Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes)
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Showing: "  + Program\SelectedTreeDirectory  + Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes)
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sFiles, Str(CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree))  + " Files")

; Sort ListIconGadget as you need it. Based on Reg Venaglia's routine.

Procedure SortListIconEntries()
  Structure ResourceData
  ; Get number items in ListIcon
  NumberOfItems.i = CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList)
  ; Get number items in ListIcon
  If NumberOfItems.i  <> #NoListItems
    ; Get number items in ListIcon
    NewList Resource.ResourceData()
    ; Place each item text into the list. Must start at Zero
    For LoopCounter.i = 0 To NumberOfItems.i - 1
      Resource()\CurrentResourceName      = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, LoopCounter.i, 0)
      Resource()\CurrentResourceType      = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, LoopCounter.i, 1)
      Resource()\CurrentResourceDirectory = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, LoopCounter.i, 2)
    Next LoopCounter 
    ; Sort the Array in ascending order
    SortStructuredList(Resource(), #PB_Sort_Ascending, OffsetOf(ResourceData\CurrentResourceName), #PB_String)
    ; Now replace ListIcon Items from the sorted Array
    ForEach Resource()
      SetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ListIndex(Resource()), Resource()\CurrentResourceName,      0)
      SetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ListIndex(Resource()), Resource()\CurrentResourceType,      1)
      SetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ListIndex(Resource()), Resource()\CurrentResourceDirectory, 2)
    Next Resource()

; Handling datasection files

Procedure SaveToCurrentDatasectionFile()
  CurrentDataSectionFileName.s = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile)
  If CurrentDataSectionFileName.s <> #EmptyString                                                   : Debug "Data section file name:  " + CurrentDataSectionFileName.s
    ; Create the new file with full path and correct extension
    CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i = CreateFile(#PB_Any, Program\SavedIncludesDirectory.s + CurrentDataSectionFileName.s)
    If CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i <> #NoFileHandle                                              : Debug "Data section file handle:  "  + Str(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i)
      ; This is where RASHAD's magic file write code will go
      NumberOfFiles.i           = CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList)                      : Debug "Number of files to process:  " + Str(NumberOfFiles.i)
      NumberOfColumnsToWrite.i  = Val(GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sColumnsPerLine))             : Debug "Number of columns to write:  " + Str(NumberOfColumnsToWrite.i)
      If NumberOfFiles.i <> 0
        WriteStringN(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i, "DataSection")                                 : Debug "DataSection heading written"
        WriteStringN(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i, #EmptyString)                                  : Debug "Blank string written"
        For StartHexing.i = NumberOfFiles.i - 1 To 0  Step -1                                      : Debug "Writing file: " + Str(StartHexing.i)  + " of: "  + Str(NumberOfFiles.i)
          CurrentFileName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, StartHexing.i, 0)       : Debug CurrentFileName.s
          CurrentFileType.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, StartHexing.i, 1)       : Debug CurrentFileType.s
          CurrentPathName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, StartHexing.i, 2)       : Debug CurrentPathName.s
          WriteStringN(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i, CurrentFileName.s + ":")
          CurrentDataFile.i = ReadFile(#PB_Any, CurrentPathName.s + CurrentFileName.s)              : Debug CurrentPathName.s + CurrentFileName.s
          If CurrentDataFile.i  <> #NoFileHandle
              For ProcessColumn.i = 1 To NumberOfColumnsToWrite.i
                For ItemsPerColumn.i = 1 To 8
                  If Eof(CurrentDataFile.i)
                    ReturnValue.s = RSet(Hex(ReadByte(CurrentDataFile.i), #PB_Byte), 2, "0") + ReturnValue.s
                Next ItemsPerColumn.i
                If ProcessColumn.i = NumberOfColumnsToWrite.i
                  RowText.s = RowText.s  + "$" + ReturnValue.s
                ElseIf Eof(CurrentDataFile.i)
                  RowText.s = RowText.s + "$" + ReturnValue.s
                  RowText.s = RowText.s  + "$" + ReturnValue.s + ", "
                ReturnValue.s = #EmptyString
              Next ProcessColumn.i
              WriteStringN(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i, "   Data.q " + RowText.s)
              RowText.s      = #EmptyString
              ReturnValue.s  = #EmptyString
            Until Eof(CurrentDataFile.i)
            WriteStringN(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i, CurrentFileName.s + "_End:")               : Debug "End of current resource write reached"
            WriteStringN(CurrentDataSectionFileHandle.i, #EmptyString)                              : Debug "Blank string written after end of resource write"
            SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Could not open the data file to read from")
        Next StartHexing.i
        SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "No resource files in the list to be processed")
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, GetFilePart(CurrentDataSectionFileName.s) + " saved to: " + Program\SavedIncludesDirectory.s)
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Could not create the new datasection file")
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "User didn't specify a datasection include file file so we should just stop right now")


Procedure SetNewDatasectionFile()
  ; Ask the user for a new filename
  NewDataSectionFileName.s = SaveFileRequester("New Purebasic Datasection include file to write to", Program\SavedIncludesDirectory.s, "Include file | *.pbi", 1)
  ; Get the correct extension for the filename if the user forgot
  CorrectExtension.i = SelectedFilePattern()
  ; Check which extension it was and add it
  Select  CorrectExtension.i
    Case 0
      If GetExtensionPart(NewDataSectionFileName.s) <> "pbi"
        ExtensionPart.s = ".pbi"
  If NewDataSectionFileName.s <> #EmptyString
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile, GetFilePart(NewDataSectionFileName.s  + ExtensionPart.s))
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar,       GetFilePart(NewDataSectionFileName.s  + ExtensionPart.s) + " set")
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "User didn't choose a file so we should just stop right now")

; Handling directory list files

; Handling resource list files

Procedure ClearResourceFileList()
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Resources cleared. Add new ones or load an old list.")


Procedure DeleteFromResourceFileList()
  CurrentLine.i = GetGadgetState(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList)
  If CurrentLine.i <> #NoCurrentLine
    RemoveGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, CurrentLine.i)
    TheLastLineInTheList.i = Str(CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList))
    SendMessage_(GadgetID(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList), #LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, TheLastLineInTheList.i, #False)
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sResources, TheLastLineInTheList.i  + " Resources")
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "There is no current line, nothing to delete.")


Procedure LoadResourceFileList(Mode.s)
  ; Ask the user for a new filename
  If Mode.s = "New"
    OldResourceListFile.s = OpenFileRequester("New resource file", Program\ResourceListDirectory.s, "Resource list | *.pbrsc", 0)
    If FileSize(Program\ConfigDirectory.s + "LastUsedResourceFile.sem") > 1 ; Not directory Or file
      ConfigFileHandle.i = ReadFile(#PB_Any, Program\ConfigDirectory.s + "LastUsedResourceFile.sem")
      If ConfigFileHandle.i <> #NoFileHandle
        OldResourceListFile.s = ReadString(ConfigFileHandle.i)
        ; No old config file found
      OldResourceListFile.s =  Program\ResourceListDirectory.s + "Default resources list.pbrsc"
      ; Load default resource file as last used config source does not exist.
  ; Read the old file with full path and correct extension
  OldResourceList.i = ReadFile(#PB_Any, OldResourceListFile.s)
  If OldResourceList.i <> #NoFileHandle
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, GetFilePart(OldResourceListFile.s))
    While Eof(OldResourceList.i) = #NotFileEnd
      ResourceFileName.s = ReadString(OldResourceList.i)
      CurrentFileName.s = StringField(ResourceFileName.s, 1, "|") ; : Debug CurrentFileName.s
      CurrentFileType.s = StringField(ResourceFileName.s, 2, "|") ; : Debug CurrentFileType.s
      CurrentPathName.s = StringField(ResourceFileName.s, 3, "|") ; : Debug CurrentPathName.s
      AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #AtTheEndOfTheList, CurrentFileName.s + #LF$ +  CurrentFileType   + #LF$  + CurrentPathName.s)
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sResources, Str(CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList))  + " Resources")
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Could not read the old resource list file")


Procedure SaveResourceFileList(Mode.s)
  ; Ask the user for a new filename
  If Mode.s = "New"
    NewResourceListFile.s = SaveFileRequester("New resource file", Program\ResourceListDirectory.s + "Default resources list.pbrsc", "Resource list | *.pbrsc", 0)
    NewResourceListFile.s = Program\ResourceListDirectory.s + "Default resources list.pbrsc"
  ; Check which extension it was and add it
  If GetExtensionPart(NewResourceListFile.s) <> "pbrsc"
    ExtensionPart.s = ".pbrsc"
  If NewResourceListFile.s <> #EmptyString
    NumberOfItemsInList.i = CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList)
    If NumberOfItemsInList.i <> #NoListItems
      ; Create the new file with full path and correct extension
      NewResourceList.i = CreateFile(#PB_Any, NewResourceListFile.s + ExtensionPart.s)
      If NewResourceList.i <> #NoFileHandle
        For ProcessItems.i = NumberOfItemsInList.i -1 To 0 Step -1
          CurrentFileName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ProcessItems.i, 0)
          CurrentFileType.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ProcessItems.i, 1)
          CurrentPathName.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ProcessItems.i, 2)
          WriteStringN(NewResourceList.i, CurrentFileName.s  + "|"  + CurrentFileType.s  + "|" + CurrentPathName.s)
        Next ProcessItems.i
        SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Could not create the new resource list file")
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Nothing in the list to save, we won't bother creating a file")
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "User didn't choose a file so we should just stop right now")


Procedure SetNewResourceFileList()
  ; Ask the user for a new filename
  NewResourceFileName.s = SaveFileRequester("New resources file list to save to", Program\ResourceListDirectory.s, "Resource file | *.pbrsc", 1)
  ; Get the correct extension for the filename if the user forgot
  CorrectExtension.i = SelectedFilePattern()
  ; Check which extension it was and add it
  Select  CorrectExtension.i
    Case 0
      If GetExtensionPart(NewResourceFileName.s) <> "pbrsc"
        ExtensionPart.s = ".pbrsc"
  If NewResourceFileName.s <> #EmptyString
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, GetFilePart(NewResourceFileName.s  + ExtensionPart.s))
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar,           GetFilePart(NewResourceFileName.s  + ExtensionPart.s) + " set")
    SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "User didn't choose a file so we should just stop right now")

; Drag and drop handlers

Procedure DragToResourceFileList()
  NumberOfItems.i = CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree)
  For FileGatherLoop.i = NumberOfItems.i  -1 To 0 Step -1
    If GetGadgetItemState(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, FileGatherLoop.i) & #PB_Explorer_Selected
      ResourceName.s      = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, FileGatherLoop.i, #NameColumn)       + "|"
      ResourceType.s      = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, FileGatherLoop.i, #TypeColumn)       + "|"
      ResourceDirectory.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, FileGatherLoop.i, #DirectoryColumn)  + #LF$
      OutPutString.s + ResourceName.s + ResourceType.s  + ResourceDirectory.s
  Next FileGatherLoop.i
  If OutPutString.s
    DragText(OutPutString.s, #PB_Drag_Copy)


Procedure DropOnResourceFileList(DragType.s)
  Macro DisplayDroppedItems(CurrentResourceName, CurrentResourceType, CurrentResourceDirectory)
    ResourceListItems.i = CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList)
    ErrorFlag.i = #False
    For ResourceListLoop.i = 0 To ResourceListItems.i - 1
      CurrentResourceItem.s = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, ResourceListLoop.i, #NameColumn)
      If LCase(CurrentResourceItem.s) = LCase(CurrentResourceName.s)
        ErrorFlag.i = #True
    Next  ResourceListLoop.i
    If ErrorFlag.i = #False
      AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #AtTheEndOfTheList, CurrentResourceName.s + #LF$ + CurrentResourceType.s + #LF$ + CurrentResourceDirectory)
      TheLastLineInTheList.i = Str(CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList))
      SendMessage_(GadgetID(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList), #LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, TheLastLineInTheList.i, #False)
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sResources, TheLastLineInTheList.i  + " Resources")
      SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sStatusbar, "Error: "  + CurrentResourceDirectory.s  + CurrentResourceName.s + " is already in the resource list")
  Select DragType.s
    Case "Text"
      CurrentResource.s = EventDropText()  
      If CurrentResource.s
        NumberOfItems = CountString(CurrentResource.s, #LF$)
        For ProcessLoop.i = 1 To NumberOfItems
          CurrentResourceString.s     = StringField(CurrentResource.s, ProcessLoop.i, #LF$)
          CurrentResourceName.s       = StringField(CurrentResourceString.s, 1, "|")
          CurrentResourceType.s       = StringField(CurrentResourceString.s, 2, "|")
          CurrentResourceDirectory.s  = StringField(CurrentResourceString.s, 3, "|")
          DisplayDroppedItems(CurrentResourceName, CurrentResourceType, CurrentResourceDirectory)
        Next ProcessLoop
        ; No text was dropped from the resource file list
    Case "Files"
      CurrentResource.s           = EventDropFiles()
      If CurrentResource.s
        NumberOfItems = CountString(CurrentResource.s, #LF$)
        For ProcessLoop.i = 1 To NumberOfItems
          CurrentResourceString.s     = StringField(CurrentResource.s, ProcessLoop.i, #LF$)
          CurrentResourceName.s       = GetFilePart(StringField(CurrentResourceString.s, 1, "|"))
          CurrentResourceType.s       = GetExtensionPart(StringField(CurrentResourceString.s, 2, "|"))
          CurrentResourceDirectory.s  = GetPathPart(StringField(CurrentResourceString.s, 3, "|"))
          DisplayDroppedItems(CurrentResourceName, CurrentResourceType, CurrentResourceDirectory)
        Next ProcessLoop
        ; No text was dropped from the resource file list

; Main Loop

If Window_RashadBin()

  Program\QuitValue = #False
  ; SetGadgetAttribute(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, #PB_Explorer_DisplayMode, #PB_Explorer_LargeIcon)
  ; SetGadgetAttribute(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #PB_ListIcon_DisplayMode, #PB_ListIcon_LargeIcon)
  ; Enable resource adding by drag and drop
  EnableGadgetDrop(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #PB_Drop_Text, #PB_Drag_Copy)
  EnableGadgetDrop(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #PB_Drop_Files, #PB_Drag_Copy)
  SplitterGadget(#ExplorerListSplitter, 440, 5, 635, 645, #Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree, #Gadget_RashadBin_FileList, #PB_Splitter_Separator)
  SetGadgetState(#ExplorerListSplitter, 450)
  GadgetToolTip(#ExplorerListSplitter,  "Pull me up or down to show more of either pane.")
  SetGadgetState(#Gadget_RashadBin_sColumnsPerLine, 5)
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.*")
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.Png")
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.Jpg")
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.Tif")
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.Bmp")
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.Tga")
  AddGadgetItem(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, #AtTheEndOfTheList, "*.Ico")
  SetGadgetState(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes, 0)
  Program\SelectedTreeFileTypes = GetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes)
  Program\SelectedTreeDirectory = Program\CurrentDirectory  + "Images\_Other\"
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree, Program\CurrentDirectory  + "Images\_Other\")
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentresourcelist, "Default resources list.pbrsc")
  SetGadgetText(#Gadget_RashadBin_sCurrentdatafile,     "Default datasection.pbi")
  PostEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, #Window_RashadBin, #Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree, #PB_EventType_Change)
    EventID  = WaitWindowEvent()
    MenuID   = EventMenu()
    GadgetID = EventGadget()
    WindowID = EventWindow()
    Select EventID
      Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
        Select WindowID
          Case #Window_RashadBin                      : Program\QuitValue = #True
        ; Drag and drop items between locations
      Case #PB_Event_GadgetDrop
        Select EventDropType()
          Case #PB_Drop_Text
            Select GadgetID
              Case #Gadget_RashadBin_FileList         : DropOnResourceFilelist("Text")
          Case #PB_Drop_Files
            Select GadgetID
              Case #Gadget_RashadBin_FileList         : DropOnResourceFilelist("Files")
      Case #PB_Event_Gadget
        Select GadgetID
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_DirectoryTree
            Select EventType()
              Case #PB_EventType_LeftClick            : ShowFilesFromDirectoryTree()
              Case #PB_EventType_Change               : ShowFilesFromDirectoryTree()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_FileTree
            Select EventType()
              Case #PB_EventType_LeftDoubleClick      : AddSingleFileToFileList()
              Case #PB_EventType_RightDoubleClick     : ; ChangeResourceFileListView()
              Case #PB_EventType_DragStart            : DragToResourceFileList()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_FileList
            Select EventType()
              Case #PB_EventType_LeftDoubleClick      : DeleteFromResourceFileList()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bNewdatafile         : SetNewDatasectionFile()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bSavedatafile        : SaveToCurrentDatasectionFile()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bClearcurrentlist    : ClearResourceFileList()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bLoadlistfromfile    : LoadResourceFileList("New")
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bWritelisttofile     : SaveResourceFileList("New")
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bNewResourceFile     : SetNewResourceFileList()
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_bExithisprogram      : Program\QuitValue = #True
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_sColumnsPerLine      : AdjustSpinGadget(#Gadget_RashadBin_sColumnsPerLine)
          Case #Gadget_RashadBin_cAllowedfiletypes    : SetFileTreeAllowedType()
  Until Program\QuitValue
Amateur Radio, D-STAR/VK3HAF
Posts: 162
Joined: Mon May 10, 2010 4:02 pm

Re: RashadBin

Post by kvitaliy »

Everywhere a similar error:

TheLastLineInTheList.i = Str(CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList))
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PureBasic Protozoa
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Re: RashadBin

Post by Fangbeast »

kvitaliy wrote:Everywhere a similar error:

TheLastLineInTheList.i = Str(CountGadgetItems(#Gadget_RashadBin_FileList))
And what is the error????


I fixed my copy:):)
Amateur Radio, D-STAR/VK3HAF
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PureBasic Protozoa
PureBasic Protozoa
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Re: RashadBin

Post by Fangbeast »

Where is a really EASY place to sare the project on. I am not going to constantly cu, copy, paste and format all the files into one big one. Too much waste of time.
Amateur Radio, D-STAR/VK3HAF
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