Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

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Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by Sicro »

Unlike the very nice ASM code of wilbert (Thread), no complicated ASM code was used, so the codes should be easy to understand, changeable and extensible.

https://github.com/SicroAtGit/PureBasic ... Mac%5D.pbi
The code already exists for a while in the German forum.
The MacOS support I have now restored.

The following codes use only the PB-Date library and extend the date range anyway:
https://github.com/SicroAtGit/PureBasic ... dTimeA.pbi
https://github.com/SicroAtGit/PureBasic ... /DateX.pbi

It would be nice if you would test the codes with different time zones.

Let's extend the existing codes to create a date module that works fully functional and error-free under all OS, instead of writing a new code again and again.
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by walbus »

Here on GMT+2 it works on all OS
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by wilbert »

Sicro wrote:It would be nice if you would test the codes with different time zones.
To me dates prior to 1970 are just as important as beyond 2038.
I think all OS should support at least 01.01.1601 00:00:00 as the earliest date.
Therefore I recommend to use CFCalendarDecomposeAbsoluteTime for MacOS.

I would also suggest a procedure that takes two date values for input and outputs how many years, months, days etc. the two dates are apart.
For a module where multiple people contribute, I would also appreciate it if it can be commented in English. I understand some of your comments but not all of it.
Sicro wrote:Let's extend the existing codes to create a date module that works fully functional and error-free under all OS, instead of writing a new code again and again.
MacOS by the way internally uses the calendar api from the open source library "International Components for Unicode".
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by wilbert »

Here's an example of how your procedures can look on MacOS with support for a bigger date range and also working on x86.
It contains an init procedure to initialize a few global values that would be private to the module.

Code: Select all

ImportC ""
  CFCalendarAddComponents(calendar, *at, options, componentDesc.p-ascii, value)
  CFCalendarComposeAbsoluteTime(calendar, *at, componentDesc.p-ascii, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
  CFCalendarCreateWithIdentifier(allocator, identifier)
  CFCalendarDecomposeAbsoluteTime(calendar, at.d, componentDesc.p-ascii, *component)
  CFCalendarSetTimeZone(calendar, tz)
  CFTimeZoneCreateWithTimeIntervalFromGMT(allocator, ti.d)
  CFTimeZoneGetSecondsFromGMT.d(tz, at.d)

Global.i GregorianGMT, TimeZone

Procedure Date64Init(); Init global variables GregorianGMT and TimeZone
  Protected *kCFGregorianCalendar.Integer = dlsym_(#RTLD_DEFAULT, "kCFGregorianCalendar")
  TimeZone = CFTimeZoneCreateWithTimeIntervalFromGMT(0, 0)
  GregorianGMT = CFCalendarCreateWithIdentifier(0, *kCFGregorianCalendar\i)
  CFCalendarSetTimeZone(GregorianGMT, TimeZone)
  TimeZone = CFTimeZoneCopyDefault()

Procedure.q Date64(Year.i=-1, Month.i=1, Day.i=1, Hour.i=0, Minute.i=0, Second.i=0)
  Protected at.d
  If Year > -1
    CFCalendarComposeAbsoluteTime(GregorianGMT, @at, "yMdHms", Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second)
    at = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent_()
    at + CFTimeZoneGetSecondsFromGMT(TimeZone, at)
  ProcedureReturn at + 978307200

Macro Mac_ReturnDatePart(Type)
  Protected.i DatePart
  CFCalendarDecomposeAbsoluteTime(GregorianGMT, Date - 978307200, Type, @DatePart)
  CompilerIf Type = "E"
    ProcedureReturn DatePart - 1
    ProcedureReturn DatePart

Procedure.i Year64(Date.q)

Procedure.i Month64(Date.q)

Procedure.i Day64(Date.q)

Procedure.i Hour64(Date.q)

Procedure.i Minute64(Date.q)

Procedure.i Second64(Date.q)

Procedure.i DayOfWeek64(Date.q)

Procedure.i DayOfYear64(Date.q)

Procedure.q AddDate64(Date.q, Type.i, Value.i)
  Protected at.d = Date - 978307200
  Select Type
    Case #PB_Date_Year:   CFCalendarAddComponents(GregorianGMT, @at, 0, "y", Value)
    Case #PB_Date_Month:  CFCalendarAddComponents(GregorianGMT, @at, 0, "M", Value)
    Case #PB_Date_Week:   CFCalendarAddComponents(GregorianGMT, @at, 0, "d", Value * 7)
    Case #PB_Date_Day:    CFCalendarAddComponents(GregorianGMT, @at, 0, "d", Value)
    Case #PB_Date_Hour:   CFCalendarAddComponents(GregorianGMT, @at, 0, "H", Value)
    Case #PB_Date_Minute: CFCalendarAddComponents(GregorianGMT, @at, 0, "m", Value)
    Case #PB_Date_Second: CFCalendarAddComponents(GregorianGMT, @at, 0, "s", Value)
  ProcedureReturn at + 978307200 

; Test

Date.q = Date64(1510,2)
Date = AddDate64(Date, #PB_Date_Month, -1)

Debug "Year: " + Str(Year64(Date))
Debug "Month: " + Str(Month64(Date))
Debug "Day: " + Str(Day64(Date))
Debug "Hour: " + Str(Hour64(Date))
Debug "Minute: " + Str(Minute64(Date))
Debug "Second: " + Str(Second64(Date))
Debug "Day of year: " + Str(DayOfYear64(Date))
Debug "Day of week: " + Str(DayOfWeek64(Date))
The same but now using the ICU library (the library could be compiled for Windows and Linux as well).

Code: Select all

#UCAL_YEAR          =  1
#UCAL_MONTH         =  2
#UCAL_MINUTE        = 12
#UCAL_SECOND        = 13

ImportC "-licucore"
  ucal_add(*cal, field, amount.l, *status.Long) 
  ucal_clone(*cal, *status.Long) 
  ucal_get.l(*cal, field, *status.Long)
  ucal_getMillis.d(*cal, *status.Long)
  ucal_open(*zoneID, len.l, *locale, type, *status.Long)
  ucal_setDateTime(*cal, year.l, month.l, date.l, hour.l, minute.l, second.l, *status.Long) 
  ucal_setMillis(*cal, dateTime.d, *status.Long)

Global *cal_GMT, *cal_local

Procedure Date64Init()
  Protected status.l, GMT.q = $47004D0054; 'GMT'
  *cal_GMT = ucal_open(@GMT, -1, #Null, #UCAL_GREGORIAN, @status); Gregorian GMT
  *cal_local = ucal_open(#Null, 0, #Null, #UCAL_GREGORIAN, @status); Gregorian local


Procedure.q Date64(Year.i=$7fffffff, Month.i=1, Day.i=1, Hour.i=0, Minute.i=0, Second.i=0)
  Protected *cal, status.l, at.d
  If Year <> $7fffffff
    *cal = ucal_clone(*cal_GMT, @status)
    ucal_setDateTime(*cal, Year, Month - 1, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, @status)
    at = ucal_getMillis(*cal, @status)
    *cal = ucal_clone(*cal_local, @status)
    at = ucal_getNow()
    ucal_setMillis(*cal, at, @status)
    at + ucal_get(*cal, #UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET, @status)
    at + ucal_get(*cal, #UCAL_DST_OFFSET, @status)
  ProcedureReturn at * 1e-3

Macro Mac_ReturnDatePart(Type)
  Protected *cal, status.l, datepart.i
  *cal = ucal_clone(*cal_GMT, @status)
  ucal_setMillis(*cal, Date * 1e3, @status)
  CompilerIf Type = #UCAL_MONTH
    datepart = ucal_get(*cal, Type, @status) + 1
  CompilerElseIf Type = #UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK
    datepart = ucal_get(*cal, Type, @status) - 1
    datepart = ucal_get(*cal, Type, @status)
  ProcedureReturn datepart

Procedure.i Year64(Date.q)

Procedure.i Month64(Date.q)

Procedure.i Day64(Date.q)

Procedure.i Hour64(Date.q)

Procedure.i Minute64(Date.q)

Procedure.i Second64(Date.q)

Procedure.i DayOfWeek64(Date.q)

Procedure.i DayOfYear64(Date.q)

Procedure.q AddDate64(Date.q, Type.i, Value.i)
  Protected *cal, status.l, at.d
  *cal = ucal_clone(*cal_GMT, @status)
  ucal_setMillis(*cal, Date * 1e3, @status)
  Select Type
    Case #PB_Date_Year:   ucal_add(*cal, #UCAL_YEAR, Value, @status)
    Case #PB_Date_Month:  ucal_add(*cal, #UCAL_MONTH, Value, @status)
    Case #PB_Date_Week:   ucal_add(*cal, #UCAL_DAY_OF_MONTH, Value * 7, @status)
    Case #PB_Date_Day:    ucal_add(*cal, #UCAL_DAY_OF_MONTH, Value, @status)
    Case #PB_Date_Hour:   ucal_add(*cal, #UCAL_HOUR_OF_DAY, Value, @status)
    Case #PB_Date_Minute: ucal_add(*cal, #UCAL_MINUTE, Value, @status)
    Case #PB_Date_Second: ucal_add(*cal, #UCAL_SECOND, Value, @status)
  at = ucal_getMillis(*cal, @status)
  ProcedureReturn at * 1e-3

; Test

Date.q = Date64(1510,2)
Date = AddDate64(Date, #PB_Date_Month, -1)

Debug "Year: " + Str(Year64(Date))
Debug "Month: " + Str(Month64(Date))
Debug "Day: " + Str(Day64(Date))
Debug "Hour: " + Str(Hour64(Date))
Debug "Minute: " + Str(Minute64(Date))
Debug "Second: " + Str(Second64(Date))
Debug "Day of year: " + Str(DayOfYear64(Date))
Debug "Day of week: " + Str(DayOfWeek64(Date))
Last edited by wilbert on Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by Sicro »

Very many thanks, wilbert! Very nice! :D
wilbert wrote:Therefore I recommend to use CFCalendarDecomposeAbsoluteTime for MacOS.
Done :)

The "ICU" library looks very good, but it has too many functions that has nothing to do with date functions. Thus it is to overload for our purposes.

wilbert wrote:I would also suggest a procedure that takes two date values for input and outputs how many years, months, days etc. the two dates are apart.

Code: Select all

a = Date64::Date64(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
b = Date64::Date64(2017, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0)

Debug "Difference:"
Debug ""
x = b - a
Debug "In seconds: " + Str(x)
Debug "In minutes: " + Str(x / 60)
Debug "In hours:   " + Str(x / 60 / 60)
Debug "In days:    " + Str(x / 60 / 60 / 24)
Debug "In weeks:   " + Str(x / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7)

wilbert wrote:For a module where multiple people contribute, I would also appreciate it if it can be commented in English. I understand some of your comments but not all of it.
Done :)

What are the date limits for "CFCalendarDecomposeAbsoluteTime"?

The current version of Date64 is temporarily available here:
https://github.com/SicroAtGit/PureBasic ... Mac%5D.pbi
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by wilbert »

Sicro wrote:The "ICU" library looks very good, but it has too many functions that has nothing to do with date functions. Thus it is to overload for our purposes.
You are probably right. For MacOS it won't be a problem since the dynamic library is already included in the OS.
Sicro wrote:What are the date limits for "CFCalendarDecomposeAbsoluteTime"?
I believe in it's current form from January 1 of the year 1 AD until about 5.8 million years AD.
The ICU version from about 5.8 million years BC until about 5.8 million years AD.
The question of course is how useful it is to have years with over 4 digits because it would be hard to format them in a string.
Additional benefits of the ICU version are that on MacOS it generates smaller executables and the code is threadsafe.
The CFCalendar based code could also be made threadsafe by creating and releasing a calendar object inside each procedure instead of a global object but that would make it much slower.
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by Sicro »

I have now read the documentation about the date functions of the library "icu" a bit.

wilbert wrote:
Sicro wrote:The "ICU" library looks very good, but it has too many functions that has nothing to do with date functions. Thus it is to overload for our purposes.
You are probably right. For MacOS it won't be a problem since the dynamic library is already included in the OS.
In the package manager of my Linux operating system, the library "icu" is also displayed as already installed. I do not know whether the library was installed from the very beginning or was installed later by installing a program.

However, this does not work under Linux:

Code: Select all

ImportC "-licucore"
Presumably it has a different name.

If it would also work under Linux, only the implementation for Windows would be missing. For the Windows support, we would have to compile the library "icu" to a DLL, which is reduced in the functional scope and contains at best only the date functions.

I find a strong disadvantage with the library "icu" that it does not take the time zone information from the operating system, but has its own sources for this information:
"Updating the Time Zone Data"
The bibliothek must therefore always be renewed when the time zone information changes. For the API date functions of the operating system, this information is automatically updated via the system update.

wilbert wrote:The ICU version from about 5.8 million years BC until about 5.8 million years AD.
Source: http://userguide.icu-project.org/dateti ... ltimescale

wilbert wrote:The question of course is how useful it is to have years with over 4 digits because it would be hard to format them in a string.
I find it very important that the date range supported by our date module is the same under each operating system.

wilbert wrote:Additional benefits of the ICU version are that on MacOS it generates smaller executables and the code is threadsafe.
The CFCalendar based code could also be made threadsafe by creating and releasing a calendar object inside each procedure instead of a global object but that would make it much slower.
Ok, this is now an argument that puts the library "icu" back in the forefront. The thread-safe use I find also very important.

In the thread of the German Forum, the forum member "Lord" has pointed out to me that there are different introduction times of the gegorian calendar in some countries. In addition, there are some time jumps during the calendar change.
Many date functions (for example, those of sqlite or the operating systems) do not take the differences and time jumps into account.
Gregorian Calendar
Historically, most western countries used the Julian calendar until the 16th to 20th century, depending on the country. They then switched to the Gregorian calendar. The GregorianCalendar class mirrors this behavior by defining a cut-over date. Before this date, the Julian calendar algorithms are used. After it, the Gregorian calendar algorithms are used. By default, the cut-over date is set to October 4, 1582 C.E., which reflects the time when countries first began adopting the Gregorian calendar. The GregorianCalendar class does not attempt historical accuracy beyond this behavior, and does not vary its cut-over date by locale. However, users can modify the cut-over date by using the setGregorianChange() method.
Source: http://userguide.icu-project.org/datetime/calendar

I have created a correction function for these time jumps for our module:
http://www.purebasic.fr/german/viewtopi ... 10#p341910
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by wilbert »

Sicro wrote:If it would also work under Linux, only the implementation for Windows would be missing. For the Windows support, we would have to compile the library "icu" to a DLL, which is reduced in the functional scope and contains at best only the date functions.
I found some precompiled dlls that might be useful to test with but the function names all have _58 added to them as far as I can tell.
https://www.npcglib.org/~stathis/downlo ... -vs2013.7z
Sicro wrote:
wilbert wrote:The ICU version from about 5.8 million years BC until about 5.8 million years AD.
Source: http://userguide.icu-project.org/dateti ... ltimescale
You need to look at the ICU4C UDate type :wink:
Sicro wrote:In the thread of the German Forum, the forum member "Lord" has pointed out to me that there are different introduction times of the gegorian calendar in some countries. In addition, there are some time jumps during the calendar change.
The year 1582 indeed seems to have a different length. :shock:
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by wilbert »

Inspired by this post from Mesa http://www.purebasic.fr/english/viewtop ... 12&t=49665 I came up with this

Code: Select all

Procedure.q Date64(Year.i=$7fffffff, Month.i=1, Day.i=1, Hour.i=0, Minute.i=0, Second.i=0)
  If Year = $7fffffff
    ProcedureReturn Date()
    While Month<3 : Year-1 : Month+12 : Wend
    While Month>14 : Year+1 : Month-12 : Wend
    If Day>-141418 : Year/100 : Day-Year+(Year>>2)+2 : EndIf
    ProcedureReturn Day*86400+Hour*3600+Minute*60+Second
It's Julian/Gregorian hybrid with a fixed cutover date of Oct 4/15, 1582.
It should be accurate up to a few million years.
It's fast, cross platform, no ASM and no API. :)
Last edited by wilbert on Thu Aug 10, 2017 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by Lord »

wilbert wrote:...

Code: Select all

It's Julian/Gregorian hybrid with a fixed cutover date of Oct 4/15, 1582.
It should be accurate up to a few million years.
It's fast, cross platform, no ASM and no API. :)
That is not a good idea. The transition from Julian to Gregorian is depending on the location.
In parts of northern europe the cutover date is Feb 19/28 1700.
In Greece in the year 1923, in China in 1949 ....
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by wilbert »

Lord wrote:That is not a good idea. The transition from Julian to Gregorian is depending on the location.
In parts of northern europe the cutover date is Feb 19/28 1700.
In Greece in the year 1923, in China in 1949 ....
Fortunately we all are entitled to our own opinions. :wink:
To me a transition depending on location seems like a bad idea.
If I store a date inside a program that something happened here on for example July 2nd, 1901 and someone in Greece gets presented a different date, things get very confusing. To me consistency is the most important thing.
I've seen the link Sicro quoted to the German forum with a function handling local cutover dates but if I'm not mistaken, such a table is only useful if you are programming the entire date system yourself.
If you combine it for example with the internal date system of Linux, you can skip a few days based on location but the leap days before that date are still wrong so the system still doesn't present the right local dates. :?
An alternative could be to use the ISO 8601 proleptic Gregorian calendar system which makes things a lot easier.
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by Lord »

wilbert wrote:
Lord wrote:...
Fortunately we all are entitled to our own opinions.
That's true.
I made my statement and leave you your opinion.
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by wilbert »

Lord wrote:That's true.
I made my statement and leave you your opinion.
Well, you did get me thinking and reading some more :wink:
From what I understand, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Python all use a proleptic Gregorian calendar.
It would make sense to use the same.
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by Lord »

wilbert wrote:...
From what I understand, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Python all use a proleptic Gregorian calendar.
It would make sense to use the same.
So, if all are doing the same error, it is wise to make the same?
Why not doing it better and avoid possible problems?

But, as I said, it's just my opinion.
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Re: Extended Date [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Post by Sicro »

There are a few other projects that I want to finish first. Before I can deal with this issue again.
But I think now and then about how best to handle the time calculations.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5wpm-gesOY :lol:
It is very complex :(
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