Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by nicolaus »


first of all i must say that this one is very nice and mutch better that the native PB date library!
I miss only the ParseDate() function as ParseDate64().
I will be nice if you can add this as well.

Thanks and br,
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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by wilbert »

nicolaus wrote:I miss only the ParseDate() function as ParseDate64().
I will be nice if you can add this as well.
I could probably add something similar to ParseDate.
If you need to parse timestamps in the format of yyyymmddhhmmss it would be faster to create a custom procedure for that.

Maybe this helps ... 35&t=66420
Last edited by wilbert on Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Michael Vogel
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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by Michael Vogel »

Maybe a function 'DaysInMonth' could be added which does something like the following...

Code: Select all

Procedure.i MonthLen(date)

	ProcedureReturn Day(Date(Year(date),Month(date),1,0,0,0)-86400)


For i=1 To 12
	Debug MonthLen(Date(2016,i,i,0,0,0))
Next i
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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by wilbert »

Michael Vogel wrote:Maybe a function 'DaysInMonth' could be added
This should work.

Code: Select all

Procedure DaysInMonth(DateQ.q)
  Protected I.DateQInfo : DateQInfo(@I, DateQ)
  If I\month < 8
    If I\month = 2
      ProcedureReturn 28 + IsLeapYear(I\year)
      ProcedureReturn 30 + I\month & 1  
    ProcedureReturn 31 - I\month & 1 
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Michael Vogel
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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by Michael Vogel »

wilbert wrote: This should work.

Code: Select all

Procedure DaysInMonth(DateQ.q)
	Protected I.DateQInfo : DateQInfo(@I, DateQ)
	If I\month = 2
		ProcedureReturn 28 + IsLeapYear(I\year)
		ProcedureReturn (30 + I\month & 1) ! (I\month>>3)

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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by wilbert »

Michael Vogel wrote:

Code: Select all

Procedure DaysInMonth(DateQ.q)
	Protected I.DateQInfo : DateQInfo(@I, DateQ)
	If I\month = 2
		ProcedureReturn 28 + IsLeapYear(I\year)
		ProcedureReturn (30 + I\month & 1) ! (I\month>>3)

I thought about something like this but assumed it would be slower.
After comparing your code with the existing one, there was no significant difference so I updated the code with your modification since it's a bit shorter.
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Michael Vogel
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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by Michael Vogel »

wilbert wrote:I thought about something like this but assumed it would be slower.
If you want to speed it up a little bit, you can swap the if-then-else structure - but if someone wants to know the days in february more often, it will be slower again...

The following code was just for testing - and yes, no one should test with the debugger active (feel free to make your own tests) 8)

Code: Select all

Procedure TakesAWhile()
	ProcedureReturn Random(1)
Procedure DaysInMonth(month.i)

	If month-2
		ProcedureReturn (30 + month & 1) ! (month>>3)
		ProcedureReturn 28 + TakesAWhile()


For i=0 To 999999
	For m=1 To 12
	Next m
Next i
Debug ti
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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by walbus »

Great and very usefull Work !
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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by davido »

I have noticed that some of the functions, one such is WeekISO(), are not Declared but appear to work perfectly, if Declared.
Are these simply omissions or is there some subtle reason why I should not use them?
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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by wilbert »

davido wrote:Are these simply omissions or is there some subtle reason why I should not use them?
The conversion to a module was not posted by me.
I see the procedures aren't declared but there's no reason not to use them.
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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by Mesa »

To Wilbert: What do you think of this dll made in asm, here
; Calendar functions library written with FASM assembler.
; Abilities:
; * works with dates from the interval of 11 million years:
; - from 1 Jan 5843880 BCE to 3 Aug 5915100 for the Julian calendar,
; - from 30 Dec 5844001 BCE to 17 Jan 5915222 for the Gregorian calendar,
; * convenient conversions between Julian and Gregorian calendars for dates
; from supported time interval,
; * calculation of the day of the week for the given date,
; * calculation of the number of the day in the year,
; * determining if the given year is leap in chosen calendar,
; * calculation of the "absolute" day number for the given date (it could be
; used to calculation of the distance between two dates).
; (C) Mikołaj Hajduk, 16.06.2008.
Few years ago, i made a translation for pb5.31 x86, here: ... 12&t=15015

For achive, i put under, the original code from Mikołaj Hajduk.

Code: Select all

; Calendar functions library written with FASM assembler.
; Abilities:
;	* works with dates from the interval of 11 million years:
;		- from 1 Jan 5843880 BCE to 3 Aug 5915100 for the Julian calendar,
;		- from 30 Dec 5844001 BCE to 17 Jan 5915222 for the Gregorian calendar,
;	* convenient conversions between Julian and Gregorian calendars for dates
;	  from supported time interval,
;	* calculation of the day of the week for the given date,
;	* calculation of the number of the day in the year,
;	* determining if the given year is leap in chosen calendar,
;	* calculation of the "absolute" day number for the given date (it could be
;	  used to calculation of the distance between two dates).	  
; (C) Mikołaj Hajduk, 16.06.2008.
format PE GUI 4.0 DLL
entry DllEntryPoint

include ''

; Definitions of the used constants.
C1	= 365			; Number of days in a normal year.

C4	= 4*C1 + 1		; Number of days in the 4-year cycle (base cycle of the Julian
				; calendar).
C100	= 25*C4 - 1		; Number of days in a "normal" century in the Gregorian calendar
				; (i.e. century ending with a normal, 365-day, year).

C400	= 4*C100 + 1		; Number of days in the complete 400-year cycle of the Gregorian
				; calendar. 

k	= 30

J	= 194796		; The constants J and G are equal to the numbers of the complete years
G	= 194800		; of the Julian and Gregorian calendars respectively contained in the 
				; time interval given by "Great Cycle" T.

section '.data' data readable writeable

; Table containing lengths of months of a normal year (first 12 elements) and a leap year 
; (next 12 elements).
MonthLen	db 31,  28,  31,  30,  31,  30,  31,  31,  30,  31,  30,  31
		db 31,  29,  31,  30,  31,  30,  31,  31,  30,  31,  30,  31

; Table containing values of the function 'DaySum' for every pair (month number, leap year flag).
DaySum		dw  0,  31,  59,  90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334
		dw  0,  31,  60,  91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335

section '.code' code readable executable

proc	DllEntryPoint, hinstDLL, fdwReason, lpvReserved
	mov	eax, TRUE

; This function calculates the day of the week for the given date. Each day of the week is identified by number:
; 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday, 3 - Wednesday, 4 - Thursday, 5 - Friday, 6 - Saturday.
; Parameters:
;	Y - year,
;	M - month,
;	D - day,
;	Gregorian - chosen calendar (0 - Julian, 1 - Gregorian).
; Returned values:
;	* 0, 1, ..., 6 if the date is valid,
;	* -1 for the invalid parameters.
proc	DayOfWeek, Y, M, D, Gregorian

	push	ebx edx

	stdcall DateToAbsDayNum, [Y], [M], [D], [Gregorian]		; eax := N
	test	eax, eax
	jz	.Error

	mov	ebx, 7							;
	xor	edx, edx						;
	add	eax, 5							; edx := (eax + 5) mod 7 = (N + 5) mod 7
	adc	edx, edx						;
	div	ebx							;

	xchg	eax, edx						; eax := edx
	jmp	.End

		mov	eax, -1

	pop	edx ebx


; DWORD IsLeapYear(DWORD Y, DWORD Gregorian)
; This function determines if the given year is leap in the chosen calendar.
; Parameters:
;	Y - year,
;	Gregorian - chosen calendar (0 - Julian, 1 - Gregorian).
; Returned values:
;	* 1 if the year Y is leap, 0 - in opposite case,
;	* -1 for the invalid parameters.
proc	IsLeapYear, Y, Gregorian

	push	ebx edx

		test	[Gregorian], -2					; 0 <= Gregorian <= 1
		jnz	.Error						;

		mov	eax, [Y]					; eax := Y
		test	eax, eax
		jz	.Error
		jns	.CheckCalendar
									; eax < 0 (Y < 0)
		inc	eax						; eax := eax + 1
		neg	eax						; eax := -eax = -(Y + 1) = -Y - 1 =
									;      = |Y| - [Y < 0] = Y'

		cmp	[Gregorian], 0
		je	.mod4

		xor	edx, edx					; eax := E(eax / 100) = E(Y' / 100)
		mov	ebx, 100					; edx := eax mod 100 = Y' mod 100
		div	ebx						; 

		test	edx, edx
		jz	.mod4

		mov	eax, edx					; eax := edx = Y' mod 100
									; {(Y' mod 100) mod 4 = Y' mod 4} 

		shr	eax, 1						; eax := E(eax / 2); CF := eax mod 2
		jc	.Result						; 

		shr	eax, 1						; eax := E(eax / 2); CF := eax mod 2
		jmp	.Result						;

		mov	eax, -1
		jmp	.End

		setnc	al						; eax := not CF
		movzx	eax, al						;


	pop	edx ebx


; This function calculates the ordinal number of the day in the year.
; Parameters:
;	M - month,
;	D - day,
;	LeapYearFlag - flag determining if the year is leap (0 - normal year, 1 - leap year).
; Returned values:
;	* 1, 2, ..., 365 for the normal year, 1, 2, ..., 366 for the leap year,
;	* -1 for the invalid parameters.
proc	MDToDayNum, M, D, LeapYearFlag

	push	ebx edx

		test	[LeapYearFlag], -2				; 0 <= LeapYearFlag <= 1
		jnz	.Error						;

		cmp	[M], 1						;
		jb	.Error						; 1 <= M <= 12
		cmp	[M], 12						;
		ja	.Error						;

		cmp	[D], 1						; D >= 1
		jb	.Error						;

		mov	ebx, [LeapYearFlag]				; ebx := LeapYearFlag
		lea	ebx, [ebx + 2*ebx]				; ebx := 3*ebx = 3*LeapYearFlag
		shl	ebx, 2						; ebx := 4*ebx = 12*LeapYearFlag

		mov	edx, [M]					; eax := MonthLen[M - 1 + 12*LeapYearFlag]
		movzx	eax, [MonthLen - 1 + ebx + edx]			;

		cmp	[D], eax					; D <= MonthLen[M - 1 + 12*LeapYearFlag]
		ja	.Error						;

		shl	ebx, 1						; ebx := 2*ebx = 24*LeapYearFlag
		movzx	eax, [DaySum - 2 + ebx + 2*edx]			; eax := DaySum(M, LeapYearFlag)
		add	eax, [D]					; eax := eax + D = DaySum(M, LeapYearFlag) + D 
		jmp	.End

		mov	eax, -1


	pop	edx ebx


; This function converts the ordinal number of the day in the year to the adequate month and day numbers. 
; The result strongly depends on the flag determining if the year is leap.
; Parameters:
;	n - number of the day in the year,
;	LeapYearFlag - flag determining if the year is leap (0 - normal year, 1 - leap year),
;	M - pointer to variable where the calculated month number will be stored,
;	D - pointer to variable where the calculated day number will be stored. 
; Returned values:
;	* 0 for the valid parameters (n, LeapYearFlag),
;	* -1 in opposite case.
proc	DayNumToMD, n, LeapYearFlag, M, D

	push	ebx ecx edx

		test	[LeapYearFlag], -2				; 0 <= LeapYearFlag <= 1
		jnz	.Error

		cmp	[n], 1						; n >= 1
		jb	.Error						;

		mov	eax, 365					;
		add	eax, [LeapYearFlag]				; eax := 365 + LeapYearFlag
		cmp	[n], eax					; n <= eax
		ja	.Error						;

		mov	ebx, [LeapYearFlag]				; ebx := LeapYearFlag
		lea	ebx, [ebx + 2*ebx]				; ebx := 3*ebx = 3*LeapYearFlag
		shl	ebx, 3						; ebx := 8*ebx = 24*LeapYearFlag

		mov	ecx, 12						;
		.Loop:							; ecx := max{i; 1 <= i <= 12, DaySum(i, LeapYearFlag) < n} = m
			movzx	edx, [DaySum - 2 + ebx + 2*ecx]		;
			cmp	[n], edx				; edx := DaySum(m, LeapYearFlag)
			ja	.LoopEnd				;
			loop	.Loop					;

			mov	eax, [M]				; M := ecx = m
			mov	[eax], ecx				;

			mov	ecx, [n]				; ecx := n
			sub	ecx, edx				; ecx := ecx - edx = n - DaySum(m, LeapYearFlag)

			mov	eax, [D]				; D := ecx
			mov	[eax], ecx				;

			xor	eax, eax

			jmp	.End

		mov	eax, -1


	pop	edx ecx ebx


; This function calculates the absolute day number for the given date.
; Parameters:
;	Y - year,
;	M - month,
;	D - day,
;	Gregorian - chosen calendar (0 - Julian, 1 - Gregorian).
; Returned values:
;	* 1, 2, ..., 2^32-1 for the valid date in the chosen calendar,
;	* 0 for the invalid parameters.
proc	DateToAbsDayNum, Y, M, D, Gregorian

	push	ebx ecx edx

	test	[Gregorian], -2						; 0 <= Gregorian <= 1
	jnz	.Error							;

	stdcall	IsLeapYear, [Y], [Gregorian]				;
	cmp	eax, -1							; eax := IsLeapYear(Y, Gregorian)
	je	.Error							;

									; Y <> 0

	mov	ebx, eax						; ebx := eax

	stdcall	MDToDayNum, [M], [D], ebx				;
	cmp	eax, -1							; eax := MDToDayNum(M, D, ebx) = n
	je	.Error							;

	mov	ecx, [Y]						;
	cmp	ecx, 0							; ecx := Y
	jg	.CalculateDayNum					;

	inc	ecx							; Y < 0
									; ecx := ecx + 1 = Y + 1 = Y + [Y < 0]

		add	ecx, k*J					; 
		cmp	[Gregorian], 0					; ecx := ecx + kJ + k(G-J)[Gregorian = 1] =
		je	.Yprim0						;      = Y + [Y < 0] + kJ + k(G-J)[Gregorian = 1] = Y'
		add	ecx, k*(G-J)					; 

		cmp	ecx, 0						;
		jne	.YprimPositive					; Y' = 0
		sub	eax, 364					; eax := eax - 364 = n - 364
		jmp	.End						;

	.YprimPositive:							; Y' > 0
		dec	ecx						; ecx := ecx - 1 = Y' - 1
		mov	ebx, eax					; ebx := eax = n

		mov	eax, 365					; eax := 365
		mul	ecx						; eax := 365 * ecx = 365(Y' - 1)
		shr	ecx, 2						; ecx := E(ecx / 4) = E((Y' - 1) / 4)
		add	eax, ecx					; eax := eax + ecx = 365(Y' - 1) + E((Y' - 1) / 4)
		add	eax, ebx					; eax := eax + ebx = eax + n =
									;      = 365(Y' - 1) + E((Y' - 1) / 4) + n

		cmp	[Gregorian], 0
		jz	.End

		push	eax						; X := eax

		xor	edx, edx					;
		mov	eax, ecx					; eax := ecx = E((Y' - 1) / 4)
		mov	ebx, 25						;
		div	ebx						; eax := E(eax / 25) = E(E((Y' - 1) / 4) / 25) =
									;      = E((Y' - 1) / 100)

		mov	ecx, eax					; ecx := eax = E((Y' - 1) / 100)
		pop	eax						; eax := X = 365(Y' - 1) + E((Y' - 1) / 4) + n

		sub	eax, ecx					; eax := eax - ecx = 365(Y' - 1) + E((Y' - 1) / 4) + n -
									;                    - E((Y' - 1) / 100)

		shr	ecx, 2						; ecx : = E(ecx / 4) = E(E((Y' - 1) / 100) / 4) =
									;       = E((Y' - 1) / 400)

		add	eax, ecx					; eax := eax + ecx = 365(Y' - 1) + E((Y' - 1) / 4) + n -
									;                    - E((Y' - 1) / 100) + E((Y' - 1) / 400)

		add	eax, 2						; eax := eax + 2 = 365(Y' - 1) + E((Y' - 1) / 4) + n -
									;                  - E((Y' - 1) / 100) + E((Y' - 1) / 400) + 2 =
									;                = N

		jmp	.End

		xor	eax, eax


	pop	edx ecx ebx


; This function converts the absolute day number N = 1, 2, ..., 2^32-1 to the adequate date (for the chosen calendar).
; Parameters:
;	N - absolute day number,
;	Gregorian - chosen calendar (0 - Julian, 1 - Gregorian),
;	Y - pointer to variable where the calculated year number will be stored,
;	M - pointer to variable where the calculated month number will be stored,
;	D - pointer to variable where the calculated day number will be stored.
; Returned values:
;	* 0 for the valid parameters (N, Gregorian),
;	* -1 in opposite case.
proc	AbsDayNumToDate, N, Gregorian, Y, M, D

	push	ebx ecx edx

	cmp	[N], 0							; N <> 0
	je	.Error							;

	test	[Gregorian], -2						; 0 <= Gregorian <= 1
	jnz	.Error							;

	xor	ecx, ecx						; ecx := 0
	mov	eax, [N]						; eax := N - 1
	dec	eax							;

	cmp	[Gregorian], 0
	je	.Julian

		cmp	eax, 1
		ja	.NextDays

									; 0 <= eax <= 1 (1 <= N <= 2)

		mov	ebx, [M]					; M := 12
		mov	dword [ebx], 12					;

		add	eax, 30						; eax := eax + 30 = N - 1 + 30 = N + 29 

		mov	ebx, [D]					; D := eax = N + 29
		mov	[ebx], eax					;

		mov	ecx, -k*G - 1					; ecx := -kG - 1

		jmp	.ReturnY

	.NextDays:							; eax > 1 (N > 2)

		sub	eax, 2						; eax := eax - 2 = N - 1 - 2 = N - 3

		xor	edx, edx					;
		mov	ebx, C400					; eax := E(eax / C400) = E((N - 3) / C400)
		div	ebx						; edx := eax mod C400 = (N - 3) mod C400

		lea	eax, [eax + 4*eax]				; eax := 5*eax = 5*E((N - 3) / C400)
		lea	eax, [eax + 4*eax]				; eax := 5*eax = 5*(5*E((N - 3) / C400)) =
									;              = 25*E((N - 3) / C400)

		shl	eax, 4						; eax := 16*eax = 16*(25*E((N - 3) / C400)) =
									;               = 400*E((N - 3) / C400)

		xchg	ecx, eax					; ecx := eax = 400*E((N - 3) / C400)

		xchg	eax, edx					; eax := edx = (N - 3) mod C400

		.Centuries:						;
			cmp	eax, C100				;
			jb	.Julian					;
			add	ecx, 100				;
			sub	eax, C100				;
			cmp	eax, C100				; (eax, ecx) := P(eax, ecx) = 
			jb	.Julian					;             = P((N - 3) mod C400, 400*E((N - 3) / C400)) =
									;             = (N100, Y100)
			add	ecx, 100				;
			sub	eax, C100				;
			cmp	eax, C100				;
			jb	.Julian					;
			add	ecx, 100				;
			sub	eax, C100				;

									;                             /
									;                             |  (N - 1, 0)                                 ; Gregorian = 0
									; (N100, Y100) = (eax, ecx) = <
									;                             |  P((N - 3) mod C400, 400*E((N - 3) / C400)) ; Gregorian = 1
									;                             \

		xor	edx, edx					;
		mov	ebx, C4						; eax := E(eax / C4) = E(N100 / C4)
		div	ebx						; edx := eax mod C4 = N100 mod C4

		shl	eax, 2						; eax := 4*eax = 4*E(N100 / C4)

		add	ecx, eax					; ecx := ecx + eax = Y100 + 4*E(N100 / C4)

		.Years:							;
			inc	ecx					;
			cmp	edx, C1					;
			jb	.MD					;
			sub	edx, C1					;
			inc	ecx					; (edx, ecx) := Q(edx, ecx) =
			cmp	edx, C1					;             = Q(N100 mod C4, Y100 + 4*E(N100 / C4)) =
			jb	.MD					;             = (N', Y*)
			sub	edx, C1					;
			inc	ecx					;
			cmp	edx, C1					;
			jb	.MD					;
			sub	edx, C1					;
			inc	ecx					;

		inc	edx						; edx := edx + 1 = N' + 1

		stdcall	IsLeapYear, ecx, [Gregorian]			; eax := IsLeapYear(ecx, Gregorian) =
									;      = IsLeapYear(Y*, Gregorian)

		stdcall	DayNumToMD, edx, eax, [M], [D]			; eax := DayNumToMD(edx, eax, M, D) =
									;      = DayNumToMD(N' + 1, IsLeapYear(Y*, Gregorian), M, D)

		cmp	[Gregorian], 0
		je	.JulianYears

		.GregorianYears:					;
			sub	ecx, k*(G - J)				;
									; ecx := ecx - kJ - k(G - J)[Gregorian = 1] =
		.JulianYears:						;      = Y* - kJ - k(G - J)[Gregorian = 1] = 
			sub	ecx, k*J				;      = Y'

			cmp	ecx, 0
			jg	.ReturnY
									; ecx <= 0 (Y' <= 0)

			dec	ecx					; ecx := ecx - 1 = Y' - 1 = Y' - [Y' <= 0]

			mov	eax, [Y]				; Y := ecx
			mov	[eax], ecx				;

		xor	eax, eax
		jmp	.End

		mov	eax, -1


	pop	edx ecx ebx


; DWORD GregorianToJulian(DWORD Yg, DWORD Mg, DWORD Dg, DWORD* Yj, DWORD* Mj, DWORD* Dj)
; This function converts the Gregorian date to the adequate Julian date.
; Parameters:
;	Yg - year of the Gregorian date,
;	Mg - month of the Gregorian date,
;	Dg - day of the Gregorian date,
;	Yj - pointer to variable where the calculated year number of the Julian date will be stored,
;	Mj - pointer to variable where the calculated month number of the Julian date will be stored,
;	Dj - pointer to variable where the calculated day number of the Julian date will be stored.
; Returned values:
;	* 0 for the valid Gregorian date,
;	* -1 in opposite case.
proc	GregorianToJulian, Yg, Mg, Dg, Yj, Mj, Dj

		stdcall DateToAbsDayNum, [Yg], [Mg], [Dg], 1
		test	eax, eax
		jz	.Error

		stdcall AbsDayNumToDate, eax, 0, [Yj], [Mj], [Dj]
		jmp	.End

		mov	eax, -1



; DWORD JulianToGregorian(DWORD Yj, DWORD Mj, DWORD Dj, DWORD* Yg, DWORD* Mg, DWORD* Dg)
; This function converts the Julian date to the adequate Gregorian date.
; Parameters:
;	Yj - year of the Julian date,
;	Mj - month of the Julian date,
;	Dj - day of the Julian date,
;	Yg - pointer to variable where the calculated year number of the Gregorian date will be stored,
;	Mg - pointer to variable where the calculated month number of the Gregorian date will be stored,
;	Dg - pointer to variable where the calculated day number of the Gregorian date will be stored.
; Returned values:
;	* 0 for the valid Julian date,
;	* -1 in opposite case.
proc	JulianToGregorian, Yj, Mj, Dj, Yg, Mg, Dg

		stdcall DateToAbsDayNum, [Yj], [Mj], [Dj], 0
		test	eax, eax
		jz	.Error

		stdcall AbsDayNumToDate, eax, 1, [Yg], [Mg], [Dg]
		jmp	.End

		mov	eax, -1



section '.edata' export data readable

	export	'Calendar.dll',\
		AbsDayNumToDate,	'AbsDayNumToDate',\
		DateToAbsDayNum,	'DateToAbsDayNum',\
		DayNumToMD,		'DayNumToMD',\
		DayOfWeek,		'DayOfWeek',\
		GregorianToJulian,	'GregorianToJulian',\
		IsLeapYear,		'IsLeapYear',\
		JulianToGregorian,	'JulianToGregorian',\
		MDToDayNum,		'MDToDayNum'

section '.reloc' fixups data discardable
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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by wilbert »

Mesa wrote:To Wilbert: What do you think of this dll made in asm, here
It's a bit hard for me to understand the code :shock:
At the moment I don't know what is best, all PureBasic code, asm or a lookup table.
Usually I prefer asm for the speed but it is harder to understand the code.
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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by davido »

Thank you. :D

Code: Select all

; By wilbert

DeclareModule QDate
Structure DateQInfo
  yday.w    ; offset 0    : days since Jan 1 [1-366]
  year.w    ; offset 2    : year [1600-9999]   
  month.b   ; offset 4    : months [1-12]
  day.b     ; offset 5    : day of the month [1-31]
  hour.b    ; offset 6    : hours [0-23]
  min.b     ; offset 7    : minutes [0-59]
  sec.b     ; offset 8    : seconds [0-59]
  wday.b    ; offset 9    : days since Sunday [0-6]

Structure DateQ_CharArray

  Declare.q DateQ(year, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0)
  Declare DateQInfo(*Info.DateQInfo, DateQ.q)
  Declare IsLeapYear(Year) 
  Declare YearQ(DateQ.q) 
  Declare MonthQ(DateQ.q) 
  Declare DayQ(DateQ.q)
  Declare HourQ(DateQ.q)
  Declare MinuteQ(DateQ.q)
  Declare SecondQ(DateQ.q)
  Declare DayOfWeekQ(DateQ.q)
  Declare DayOfYearQ(DateQ.q)
  Declare.q AddDateQ(DateQ.q, Type, Value)
  Declare WeekISO(DateQ.q)

Module QDate
; Please don't blame me for using ASM. I know it can easily be done without but that's just the fun part For me  :wink: 
; You can use these procedures If you need To support dates prior To 1970 Or If you need the speed As they same To be faster compared To the built in routines.
; Dates have To be between 1582/10/15 (-12219292800) And 9999/12/31 (253402300799)
; Supported procedures :
; DateQ(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
; DateQInfo(*Info.DateQInfo, DateQ.q)
; AddDateQ(DateQ.q, Type, Value)
; DayFromYMW(Year, Month, Weekday, n)
; DayOfWeekQ(DateQ.q)
; DayOfYearQ(DateQ.q)
; DayQ(DateQ.q)
; FormatDateQ(Mask$, DateQ.q)
; HourQ(DateQ.q)
; IsLeapYear(Year)
; MinuteQ(DateQ.q)
; MonthQ(DateQ.q)
; SecondQ(DateQ.q)
; WeekISO(DateQ.q)
; YearQ(DateQ.q)

; *** DateQ.pbi   v 1.03 2013/08/18 ***

; *** Structures ***

; *** Create lookup tables (about 65 KiB) ***

Global Dim DateQ_LUT.l(16384)
Global Dim DateQ_LUT2.w(2024)

Procedure DateQ_LUT_Init()
  Protected.i y, y_, d, d_, w, m
  While y < 16384
    d = y >> 2 : y_ = d / 25 : d - y_ : y_ >> 2 : d + y_
    y + 1
    y_ = d - d_ : w + 1 + y_ : d_ = d
    If w > 6 : w - 7 : EndIf
    DateQ_LUT(y - 1) |  y_ << 4
    DateQ_LUT(y) = (d + y * 365 + 1) << 8 | w << 5
  y = 0 : y_ = 512
  For m = 1 To 12
    If m = 2
      For d = 1 To 28
        w = m | d << 8
        DateQ_LUT2(y) = w : y + 1
        DateQ_LUT2(y_) = w : y_ + 1
      DateQ_LUT2(y_) = 2 | 29 << 8 : y_ + 1
      d_ = 30 + (m & 1) ! (m >> 3)
      For d = 1 To d_
        w = m | d << 8
        DateQ_LUT2(y) = w : y + 1
        DateQ_LUT2(y_) = w : y_ + 1


; *** ASM procedures ***

Procedure.q DateQ(year, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0)
  !mov ecx, [p.v_year]
  !and ecx, 16383
  CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64
    !mov rdx, [qdate.a_DateQ_LUT]
    !mov eax, [rdx + rcx * 4]
    !mov rcx, [p.v_month]
    !or rcx, rax
    !and rcx, 31
    !lea rdx, [dateq_oday_table]
    !movsx rcx, word [rdx + rcx * 2]
    !shr rax, 8
    !add rax, rcx
    !add rax, [p.v_day]
    !sub rax, 0xafaa9
    !imul rax, 86400
    !mov rcx, [p.v_hour]
    !lea rcx, [rcx + rcx * 4]; *5
    !lea rcx, [rcx + rcx * 2]; *3
    !sal rcx, 2; *4
    !add rcx, [p.v_min]
    !lea rcx, [rcx + rcx * 4]; *5
    !lea rcx, [rcx + rcx * 2]; *3
    !sal rcx, 2; *4
    !add rcx, [p.v_sec]
    !add rax, rcx
    !mov edx, [qdate.a_DateQ_LUT]
    !mov eax, [edx + ecx * 4]
    !mov ecx, [p.v_month]
    !or ecx, eax
    !and ecx, 31
    !movsx ecx, word [dateq_oday_table + ecx * 2]
    !shr eax, 8
    !add eax, ecx
    !add eax, [p.v_day]
    !sub eax, 0xafaa9
    !mov ecx, 86400
    !imul ecx
    !mov ecx, [p.v_hour]
    !lea ecx, [ecx + ecx * 4]; *5
    !lea ecx, [ecx + ecx * 2]; *3
    !sal ecx, 2; *4
    !add ecx, [p.v_min]
    !lea ecx, [ecx + ecx * 4]; *5
    !lea ecx, [ecx + ecx * 2]; *3
    !sal ecx, 2; *4
    !add ecx, [p.v_sec]
    !add eax, ecx
    !adc edx, 0
    !sar ecx, 31
    !add edx, ecx
  !dw -31,0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365,396,-61  ; normal year
  !dw -31,0,31,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335,366,397,-61  ; leap year

Procedure DateQInfo(*Info.DateQInfo, DateQ.q)
  !mov eax, [p.v_DateQ]
  !mov edx, [p.v_DateQ + 4]
  ; split into date and time
  !add eax, 0x79747c00
  !adc edx, 0xe
  !and edx, 0x7f
  !mov ecx, 86400
  !div ecx
  CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64
    !mov r8, [p.p_Info]
    !mov r9, rax
    ; process the time part
    !mov eax, edx
    !xor edx, edx
    !mov ecx, 60
    !div ecx
    !mov [r8 + 8], dl
    !div cl
    !mov [r8 + 6], ax
    ; process the date part
    !mov rax, r9
    ; guess the year
    !mov ecx, 0xb36d83
    !mul ecx
    !and rdx, 16383
    ; correct it if wrong
    !mov rcx, [qdate.a_DateQ_LUT]
    !mov eax, [rcx + rdx * 4 + 4]
    !shr rax, 8
    !cmp r9, rax
    !adc rdx, 0
    !mov [r8 + 2], dx; year
    !mov eax, [rcx + rdx * 4]
    ; get the other info    
    !movzx rcx, al
    !shr rax, 8
    !sub r9, rax
    !and r9, 511
    !lea rdx, [r9 + 1]
    !mov [r8], dx; yday
    !mov rdx, rcx
    !shl rdx, 5
    !and rdx, 512
    !or rdx, r9
    !mov rax, [qdate.a_DateQ_LUT2]
    !mov dx, [rax + rdx * 2]
    !mov [r8 + 4], dx; day and month
    !mov rax, r9
    !shr rcx, 5
    !add rax, rcx
    !mov cl, 7
    !div cl
    !mov al, ah
    !mov [r8 + 9], al; wday
    !mov ecx, [p.p_Info]
    !push edi
    !push ebx
    !mov edi, ecx
    !mov ebx, eax
    ; process the time part
    !mov eax, edx
    !xor edx, edx
    !mov ecx, 60
    !div ecx
    !mov [edi + 8], dl
    !div cl
    !mov [edi + 6], ax
    ; process the date part
    !mov eax, ebx
    ; guess the year
    !mov ecx, 0xb36d83
    !mul ecx
    !and edx, 16383
    ; correct it if wrong
    !mov ecx, [qdate.a_DateQ_LUT]
    !mov eax, [ecx + edx * 4 + 4]
    !shr eax, 8
    !cmp ebx, eax
    !adc edx, 0
    !mov [edi + 2], dx; year
    !mov eax, [ecx + edx * 4]
    ; get the other info    
    !movzx ecx, al
    !shr eax, 8
    !sub ebx, eax
    !and ebx, 511
    !lea edx, [ebx + 1]
    !mov [edi], dx; yday
    !mov edx, ecx
    !shl edx, 5
    !and edx, 512
    !or edx, ebx
    !mov eax, [qdate.a_DateQ_LUT2]
    !mov dx, [eax + edx * 2]
    !mov [edi + 4], dx; day and month
    !mov eax, ebx
    !shr ecx, 5
    !add eax, ecx
    !mov cl, 7
    !div cl
    !mov [edi + 9], ah; wday
    !pop ebx
    !pop edi

; *** Non ASM procedures ***

Procedure IsLeapYear(Year)
  ProcedureReturn DateQ_LUT(Year) >> 4 & 1

Procedure YearQ(DateQ.q)
  Protected I.DateQInfo : DateQInfo(@I, DateQ) : ProcedureReturn I\year

Procedure MonthQ(DateQ.q)
  Protected I.DateQInfo : DateQInfo(@I, DateQ) : ProcedureReturn I\month

Procedure DayQ(DateQ.q)
  Protected I.DateQInfo : DateQInfo(@I, DateQ) : ProcedureReturn I\day

Procedure HourQ(DateQ.q)
  Protected I.DateQInfo : DateQInfo(@I, DateQ) : ProcedureReturn I\hour

Procedure MinuteQ(DateQ.q)
  Protected I.DateQInfo : DateQInfo(@I, DateQ) : ProcedureReturn I\min

Procedure SecondQ(DateQ.q)
  Protected I.DateQInfo : DateQInfo(@I, DateQ) : ProcedureReturn I\sec

Procedure DayOfWeekQ(DateQ.q)
  Protected I.DateQInfo : DateQInfo(@I, DateQ) : ProcedureReturn I\wday

Procedure DayOfYearQ(DateQ.q)
  Protected I.DateQInfo : DateQInfo(@I, DateQ) : ProcedureReturn I\yday

Procedure.q AddDateQ(DateQ.q, Type, Value)
  Protected I.DateQInfo, D.q
  Select Type
    Case #PB_Date_Year
      DateQInfo(@I, DateQ) : I\year + Value
      If I\month = 2 And I\yday = 60
        If IsLeapYear(I\year) = 0 : I\day = 28 : EndIf  
      DateQ = DateQ(I\year, I\month, I\day, I\hour, I\min, I\sec)
    Case #PB_Date_Month
      DateQInfo(@I, DateQ) : I\month + Value
      While I\month < 1 : I\year - 1 : I\month + 12 : Wend 
      While I\month > 12 : I\year + 1 : I\month - 12 : Wend 
      DateQ = DateQ(I\year, I\month, I\day, I\hour, I\min, I\sec)
      D = DateQ(I\year, I\month + 1, 0, I\hour, I\min, I\sec)
      If DateQ > D : DateQ = D : EndIf
    Case #PB_Date_Week : DateQ + Value * 604800
    Case #PB_Date_Day : DateQ + Value * 86400
    Case #PB_Date_Hour : DateQ + Value * 3600
    Case #PB_Date_Minute : DateQ + Value * 60
    Case #PB_Date_Second : DateQ + Value
  ProcedureReturn DateQ

Procedure FormatDateQ_Set(*addr.DateQ_CharArray, value, size = 2)
  While size
    size - 1 : *addr\c[size] = $30 | value % 10 : value / 10 

Procedure.s FormatDateQ(Mask$, DateQ.q)
  Protected *a.DateQ_CharArray = @Mask$ 
  Protected.i r, w, l, I.DateQInfo, c1.c, c2.c, c.c = *a\c[0]
  DateQInfo(@I, DateQ)
  While c
    If c = 37; %
      c1 = *a\c[r + 1]
      If c1
        c1 | 32 : c2 = *a\c[r + 2] | 32
        If c1 = c2
          Select c1
            Case 121; yy
              l = 2 : c1 = *a\c[r + 3]
              If c1
                c1 | 32 : c2 = *a\c[r + 4] | 32
                If c1 = 121 And c2 = 121 : l = 4 : EndIf
              FormatDateQ_Set(@*a\c[w], I\year, l) : w + l : r + l + 1
            Case 109; mm
              FormatDateQ_Set(@*a\c[w], I\month) : w + 2 : r + 3
            Case 100; dd
              FormatDateQ_Set(@*a\c[w], I\day) : w + 2 : r + 3
            Case 104; hh
              FormatDateQ_Set(@*a\c[w], I\hour) : w + 2 : r + 3
            Case 105; ii
              FormatDateQ_Set(@*a\c[w], I\min) : w + 2 : r + 3
            Case 115; ss
              FormatDateQ_Set(@*a\c[w], I\sec) : w + 2 : r + 3
              *a\c[w] = c : w + 1 : r + 1
      *a\c[w] = c : w + 1 : r + 1
    c = *a\c[r]
  *a\c[w] = 0
  ProcedureReturn Mask$

Procedure WeekISO(DateQ.q)
  Protected.i week1_prev, week1_this, week1_next, y = YearQ(DateQ)
  Protected.i d = DateQ / 86400 + $afaa8
  week1_prev = DateQ_LUT(y - 1)
  week1_prev = (week1_prev >> 8) + 3 - (week1_prev >> 5 & 7 + 2) % 7
  week1_this = DateQ_LUT(y)
  week1_this = (week1_this >> 8) + 3 - (week1_this >> 5 & 7 + 2) % 7
  week1_next = DateQ_LUT(y + 1)
  week1_next = (week1_next >> 8) + 3 - (week1_next >> 5 & 7 + 2) % 7
  If d < week1_this
    ProcedureReturn (d - week1_prev) / 7 + 1
  ElseIf d >= week1_next
    ProcedureReturn 1
    ProcedureReturn (d - week1_this) / 7 + 1

Procedure DayFromYMW(Year, Month, Weekday, n = 1)
  Protected I.DateQInfo, D.q = DateQ(Year, Month)
  DateQInfo(@I, D)
  D = DateQ(I\year, I\month, I\day + (Weekday - I\wday + 7) % 7 + n * 7 - 7)
  DateQInfo(@I, D)
  If I\month = Month
    ProcedureReturn I\day
    ProcedureReturn -1

Debug QDate::Date())

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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by BarryG »

This Date module is great, but it doesn't compile with the C backend because it uses ASM. Is there an alternative Date module that doesn't use ASM so I can compile my app with the C backend? Thanks!
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Re: Some date functions supporting also dates prior to 1970

Post by mk-soft »

Attention: Uses UTC as a basis

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